Multiple Prices for a product in ubercart? - drupal

My product is a book. Each books will be sold in 3 formats.
1) Print
2) Online
3) Print + Online
All the three prices for each book will be different.
If i add the book as different product. I have to add all the content like Index, Author details etc. 3 times for each book.
Is there any way where i can allow admin to add 3 prices for each product and user can select any one of the price?
Thanks & Regards,

Kevin is right, but there is a problem relating to the purely hardcopy version.
You have to attach a "Feature" to the product, which is the digital asset, so that when they buy they get access to the download. I believe this is for the whole product.
So, if you're wrapping them all in one product you can only offer: Online or Online and Print.
But really there is no reason to just get the print version since it doesn't cost you anything to throw in the online version.

No, you do not need to create 3 different products, unless the SKU is different.
You can add Attributes for this product, lets call it 'Format'. You can then add 3 options to that attribute, Print, Online, Print + Online. Then when you edit the product, you can adjust the pricing for those options (ex. Print +$10).
The cost is added to the base price of the product. So, you could make the book $0, and let these options drive the cost. Example Print $35, Online $25, Print and Online $40.
There are a couple of ways you could solve this but this is how I would probably do it.

You can use a default general pattern for all products while building attributes and later for each product you can override it by editing the product.
For each product you can vary the range.

You can actually set the digital portion to be attribute dependent.
Create an attribute called "Format" and give it your three options (Print, Online, Print and Online) with the appropriate price settings for each.
Add this attribute to your product.
You should see an "adjustments" subtab on the edit page for the product now, and here you can adjust the SKU depending on the Format that is selected.
On the Features tab, you can then specify the adjusted SKU's for the digital download (you may need to add the download feature twice, once for each SKU that should have it)


Multi Store with Subdomains

I want to create multiple online shops for selling merchandise products for companies. The products are basically identical but should be personalized in dependence of the company I am building the shop for. Because I do not want to build a new shop every time a new company joins the program I am looking for something like that: : One shop with the underlying product database and checkout system - not showing any products, just as a parent structure : A slightly personalized shop where only a selection of the product catalogue is available : A slightly personalized shop where a different selection of the product catalogue is available
Do you get it?
Does anybody know a tool for that?
Thanks in advance!
I already looked into WooCommerce, Shopify and even WiX. As far as I understood what I am looking for is not supported.
Since your example is based off of subdomains, you can choose to assign a Shopify store to each subdomain. Each store feeds from your inventory and accounting, giving your customers the illusion of a custom experience. Or you can just simplify your life, have one store, and assign your customers to view collections specific to them. That is the smart move. You may not like that, but it would work a peach for you. You just tag customers to see their specific collections, of products specific to those collections. Simple.
I can also think of a dozen other ways to pull this off with Shopify, but that is me, not you. For an opinion question like this, SO is not the right place to ask these kinds of questions, but I answered anyway. Your mileage may vary of course.

Woocommerce USP ( Unique Selling Propositions ) alternative

there's this great plugin that you can put selling points to all products on the store but the problem is that you can't specify categories or products to show it it just shows the same ones everywhere. I tried finding an alternative - even a paid version and i can't. Does anyone know of alternatives or can you tell me how to modify it to specify categories at least?
It's not working as I would like to, and as i have seen online many people have the same issue, you can't specify products or categories that you can post the information on

WooCommerce Download Variations dependent on Gravity Forms (WooCommerce Add-on) user input

I have the following 3 plugins installed and configured:
Gravity Forms
WooCommerce Gravity Forms Add-On
This combination has already solved many of my problems (variable pricing dependent on user input via multiple options), but there is one issue that I can't seem to directly overcome, and that's providing a customer with a different set of Downloadable files dependent on their customized input.
It seems that the purpose of the Gravity Forms add-on is to eliminate the requirement of administering variations based on potentially hundreds of combinations of WooCommerce defined attributes, which makes a lot of sense and is a big time saver, but it doesn't seem to address variations that extend beyond price; like Downloadable files.
For instance, given my rough sample below:
Product options, sample (this is a basic variable product, some might be much more complex):
Product Option A
Product Option B
Options Dependent on Product A:
Product-A Option Z
Product-A Option Y
Product-A Option X
Options Dependent on Product B:
Product-B Option Z
Product-B Option Y
Product-B Option X
These combinations all yield a different price, which Gravity Forms can cover, but these combinations should also provide a customer with a different combination of PDF downloads (ie: Product Option A.pdf + Product-A Option Y.pdf at $XXX.XX, or Product Option B.pdf + Product-B Option Z.pdf at $XX.XX).
Is there a way to pass a hidden var or shortcode from the Gravity Forms user input that can be defined as an attribute to then set the Downloadable file variations in WooCommerce?
I'm really pulling my hair out here because on one hand this could be handled exclusively using WooCommerce, but the number of variations could be in the hundreds, yet Gravity Forms seems not to have the capacity to send WooCommerce a means of defining much else than calculated price :(
Perhaps I am thinking about this the wrong way and should be using another method. If someone can offer a solution of some form, I would very much appreciate it!

Writing the correct formula for SugarCRM

I am trying to automatically populate a field through a calculated field.
Just a quick background we distribute equipment with serials numbers. This equipment is sometimes returned. So some customers have multiple products each with different status of returned, shipped and installed.
I would like to transfer this serial number to a field on the contact through a calculated field only if the status is installed or shipped.
I have tried:
I need this for reporting reasons and would be greatly appreciated if you could help.
You need a combination of ifElse and equal and related and or
As an example, the following Sugar Logic formula can be placed on a Contact record and will populate the field with the related account's name if the related account is of the type "Reseller." If the Account is of some other account_type then the field takes the value of "nope!"
If you wanted to add another condition, or allow for another acceptable Account Type, build in an or
When you're writing lengthy Sugar Logic like this, I find it helpful to start writing it out with indentation using a text editor:
In some versions of Sugar I've had to remove the extra spacing but it seems like in at least the editor actually allows and preservers the formatting, which is a pleasant surprise.

How to have a product with different price options

I want all my product to have multiple prices.
for example:
I'm selling windows. every window has a normal type, ultra thin type and a strong type.
some windows doesn't have a strong type,
every type has its own price.
The user can select the type from a dropbox.
Is there a simple way to do that?
I used ubercart's product attributes. I made a list that the buyer must select from.
Yes there is an easy way, use the drupal commerce module.
