ASP.NET MVC or WebForms? -

I'm very new to web development, have many years background on the desktop, but nothing on web, only html. I want to make a simple dynamic webpage for a product I've been working on by myself, but I don't know which of the two, MVC or WebForms, would be easier for me.
The lessons at didn't help me much, I took the "first step" tutorials for both MVC and WebForms, but I still don't see any significant difference.
What I ask for is an examplanation for a person, who's not professional at web development, or better yet, for a desktop programmer.

If you're used to the desktop, and WinForms or WPF in particular, go with webforms to more easily grok what's going on. The server controls will appear to keep their state, and it'll more a more natural progression. You'll find that the server controls do a lot of work for you, and you should be able to spin up an application using the knowledge from the WinForms world.

If you're used with desktop programming paradigms winforms should be a lot easier to learn.
If you want to go more into web-programming "as it should be" I'd personally advice you to learn MVC (anyway this is my personal opinion ;) ).

If it's a quick application with limited pages, take a look at webmatrix, that might get you up and running quickly. I'd also recommend you going for webforms if you're from a desktop environment as this was developed to mimic the event driven approach and tries to abstract the stateless form of the web.

It depends what tools you have at your disposal
The latest Visual studio has great templates and scaffolding wizards for MVC, the guts of your site will be created for you so you can focus on your product.
The world is moving away from web forms to MVC
- so the experience will also have more value on your resume (if that means anything to you)
Webmatrix or wordpress are also good options if it’s more web ‘site’ than a web ‘application’.


learning web app development with

I have been doing windows applications using c#.
But recently our management has planned to make some of the projects to be web based.
We thought of using with c#.
Can anybody guide me on effectively learning
pls provide some useful links for sample projects.
Thanks in advance.
Web Forms would be a quicker route if your used to desktop development (over microsoft MVC). MVC3 is my preference but takes a bit longer to get used to if your not familiar with it. MVC3 gives you more control over your code and in my oppinion is less bloated.
May be worth looking into the MVC pattern if you go down this route.
Loads of videos to get you started here:
They have a couple of example applications you can work through:
Web Forms: Contoso University App
MVC: MVC3 Starter App
as simple as this:
I'd recommend to start with ASP.Net MVC even you'll find it a bit complex in the beginning , Here you can find a lot of tutorials and books
you can also take a look at the MVC Music Store , it is a complete project to learn ASP.Net MVC by example.
I would steer clear of WebForms - even though it may seem a more natural fit coming from your WinForms background, you will run into issues later on. Given that you're going to have to learn a new platform anyway, makes sense to learn MVC and get off on the right foot (note that there are alternative MVC frameworks to ASP.NET MVC such as Fubu but these are probably riskier options in your situation).
PluralSight do some good online training courses, though you do need to pay for them.

What are some tips for someone transitioning to SharePoint 2010 from ASP.NET?

I have mostly worked with ASP.NET WebForms and more recently MVC. I am now starting the long journey of moving over to SharePoint 2010 development and would love to learn from your experiences.
I ran across a great article last night for people like me making the move: I think one of the best tips I read is not to think of SharePoint in terms of pages, but resources. If you're plugging in static web pages, rather than reusable webparts, you're not doing it the "SharePoint way".
What advice/tips do you have for the developer transitioning from the ASP.NET Web Application world to SharePoint Development?
Brush up on your WebForms knowledge, your MVC skills probably won't matter much
Learn the CAML schema like the back of your hand
Put in requests for x64 hardware sooner rather than later.
It may be useful to start with videos at Microsoft SharePoint Developer Center
It was my start point :)

ASP.NET: Web Development Choices

I have been learning to develop websites using ASP.NET MVC 2 for work... and previous to this, I had never developed within an .NET environment before. Since I jumped right into using MVC, I honestly have no idea how else to develop websites with ASP.NET.
I've heard about "WebForms" here and there, but don't really get the difference. But, beyond that, what other means of web development is there with ASP.NET?
It's all very backwards, I know... but if you can just humor me and perhaps list the different ways of utilizing C# to develop great web applications, that would be extremely useful.
ASP.NET is the platform for developing .NET web applications.
Sitting on top of that platform is two technologies to choose from:
ASP.NET Web Forms
Web Forms uses WinForms-style development - drag/drop, event handlers, page lifecycle, statefulness with ViewState - all things evil in my opinion.
MVC as you know has no page lifecycle, no event handlers, no server controls (you can, but not recommended/required), no ViewState.
Don't really know what else i can say without going into too much detail.
Both technologies will be continued to be supported/enhanced.
But since your already versed in ASP.NET MVC - i seen no benefit in learning Web Forms. It would be a step back if anything.
As for this statement:
just humor me and perhaps list the different ways of utilizing C# to develop great web applications
That's a bit too broad/subjective.
What is "great"? Well performing? Looks good? Maintainable? All of the above?
No doubt - MVC will do a better job at most things than Web Forms.
Only feasible choice for a Web Forms app might be a intranet application where tons of complex grids/controls are required, and things like SEO/AJAX is not required.
Everything else should be done in MVC IMO.

ASP.NET MVC Experiences/Success Stories [2010]

At the moment we're evaluating whether it's worth it to start using ASP.NET MVC in combination with Visual Studio 2010.
I've been searching the web for experiences developers have had with working with ASP.NET MVC. I can't seem to find any. So I decided to post a question here.
Are there any people out there that have used ASP.NET-MVC for serious development? What are the experiences so far? Does ASP.NET-MVC help or hinder projects? Do you deliver your project on time? Does ASP.NET-MVC save you time or does it make you go over time and over budget?
And then the big question: Now that you've been working with ASP.NET MVC for a while, do you wish you had chosen an alternative? If that's the case, which alternative?
StackOverflow itself is an ASP.NET MVC site and I would say it is pretty successful.
I think it depends more on the people doing the actual implementation of the site than on the technology used how 'successful' the end result will be (successful in the broadest sense: on time, within budget, happy end users, ...). mvc is a better then webform some reason are here
the logic code in MVC is maintainable and clean.
he provide a better performance then webform
provide a pretty url for SEO and user-friendly.
full control on mockup [without using server-side control].
if you want to see there are many example of MVC project. is one of them.
I am a big fan of ASP.NET MVC (especially with the great improvements done in MVC3). I have worked on two big sites built entirely in MVC2 SempToshiba Brazil and Cyrela Brasil. These projects have been quite sucessful. They were delivered on time, saved time and our clients were very happy. Lastly, no, I would not have chosen an alternative. A side note, the Cyrela project was actually a re-do of a ASP.NET Web Forms site that had various downsides.
On the other hand, I have seen a large project done in MVC 2 by inexperience programmers, and it is one the worse projects I have ever seen. So, over all, ASP.NET MVC has some major advantages, but if the team is inexperienced in ASP.NET MVC you will get poor results.
On another note, this post has some great ASP.NET MVC 3 material. MVC VS WebForms?

I am starting a new project in VB /.Net Framework 2.0 for a company corporate website with data driven forms. So should I go further with MVC or Asp.Net web forms and WHY ??? We are not ready for Ajax now but later.
And also we have DevExpress components.
Actually I see ASP.NET MVC as next generation in that it is an evolution - trying to be a better programming environment, as software development for web apps asks for something more testable.
It is a huge beast. Decide based on features whether you need it. MVC has less documentation and is a lot harder to master thanks to a less RAD approach, but it seems that once you are in, it will be quite a better experience. If you have a web application (like then it may be a good approach.
DevExpress components - have fun... throwing them away. Like most ASP.NET components they will not work or only work very partially. Totally different approach.e
ASP.Net MVC is not "next generation" ASP.Net. It's an alternative approach to design that can be more beneficial depending on the kind of project you're working with. Without more information about the particular type of project you're working on no one can give you any informed recommendations.
