I have a date filter that I have exposed on my view. I want to make the interface more user friendly and tighten up the look of it. Instead of selecting a date I would like to select from the following options.
The last day
The last week
The last year
This would then filter on the date field. Is this possible? How would you go about doing this?
The proper way to do it is to alter the form in a custom module using hook_form_alter:
function YOURMODULE_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'views_exposed_form') {
$view = &$form_state['view'];
$display = &$form_state['display'];
if ($view->name == 'YOURVIEWNAME' && $display->id == 'YOURDISPLAYID') {
//Alter $form here, use dpm($form) to inspect it.
$form is an array describing the form, using Drupal Form API. You can inspect this array using dpm from the Devel module.
It is possbile, but you will need to write your own module for that.
That module would use the method called "Form Alter" to change the form. Try starting here http://drupal.org/node/157253
I need to filter an "Entity Reference View" autocomplete widget by passing arguments from a "Reference Field" in my content type.
I researched on this and found that PHP Code type Contextual Filter is the most suggested way to achieving this but as PHP Code has now been removed from Drupal 8 Core, what are the alternatives to this common use case? (an earlier suggestion to use PHP Code: Drupal 7: how to filter view content (with entity reference field) based on current page content)
While editing the reference field, it seems that only hard-coded values be mentioned in "View arguments" field and there is no dynamical way of achieving this (e.g. from URL/query string etc).
It's hacky, but you can use a hook_form_alter. Here's an example passing the current NID as an argument:
* Implements hook_form_alter().
function MYMODULE_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id)
if ($form_id == 'node_NODETYPE_edit_form') {
$node = $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity();
$form['field_MY_REF_FIELD']['widget'][0]['target_id']['#selection_settings']['view']['arguments'][0] = $node->id();
For example.com/path?id=55
For example.com/path/55
For example.com/path/alias
What I am trying to do is to enable/disable revision according to the selected taxonomy term in the content type that I have created i.e. when a user add the content the user can select the taxonomy term field(may be a select field) according to the selected option I want to enable/disable the revision. How can I do this?
Turn off the create new revision setting for the content type.
Then in hook_form_alter add a new submission handler before the main one:
function YOUR_MODULE_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
//drupal_set_message("Form ID is : " . $form_id);
switch($form_id) {
case 'CONTENT_TYPE_node_form':
$form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'revision_control_node_form_submit';
$form['actions']['submit']['#submit'] = array_reverse($form['actions']['submit']['#submit']); // reverse array to put our submit handler first
Then in the new submit handler check if the taxonomy term has the correct value to save a new revision. I've not tried this next bit but according to this page putting
$node->revision = 1;
before node save will create a new revision.
node_save is called in node_form_submit and the node object is built in node_form_submit_build_node.
Looking at the other attributes like vid that belong to $form_state I would say an good educated guess would be to put $form_state->revision = 1; and see if that comes out as a property of the node after node_form_submit_build_node.
So you final new submit handler will look something like:
function revision_control_node_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
if($form_state['values']['your_taxonomy_field'] == 'your_value') {
$form_state->revision = 1;
Now I've not actually tried any of this but even if it doesn't work I'm sure you will be on the right track... Good luck!
I have an entity reference field using Autocomplete widget type. I´d like to change the widget type to 'select list' for adding new node, and keep autocomplete when editing.
Have been two days I´m working on this. I didn´t found any solution.
One way I've done this is using hook_form_alter. Create a custom module (if you don't have one already (let's call it mymodule for now) and add the function:
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
In there you can check the id to see which form is being processed, it should be something along the lines of mytype_node_form but you can also inspect it fairly easily by executing something like drupal_set_message(print_r($form_id, true)); in the function.
You can check to see if you're adding or updating by checking $form_state['node']->nid. After that you can modify the form by doing something like the following:
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
// check to see if this is our form and it is a new node form (doesn't have an id yet)
if ($form_id == 'mytype_node_form' && !isset($form_state['node']->nid)) {
$form['field_coordinators']['und']['#type'] = 'select';
That's just a start mind you, you'll likely have to change or even remove other properties but you can look into these settings by setting the field to use a select list and inspecting the structure of $form, again.
So I have this field named field_movie_cast_count this is a field of a content named movie so what I want is that whenever the movie is updated (like I add another cast member) the field_movie_cast_count field would be updated too. I have successfully done it using this code:
function count_cast_nodeapi(&$node, $op) {
$id = $node->nid;
if($op == 'update' && $node->type == 'movie') {
$q = db_query("update content_type_movie set field_movie_cast_count_value = '$count' WHERE nid = '$id'");
Now, my boss told me that I should not use query. So, how do I achieve this by not using a database query?
is it not possible to just set field_movie_cast_count[]['value']=$count? i tried this code it doesnt work. lol
OR SHOULD I REPHRASE THE QUESTION is there any other way of displaying the count cast? aside from my way? cause maybe i did not understand my boss right.
hook_nodeapi() has a presave operation which is invoked just before the node (and field data) is committed to the database. The definition of the operation is:
The node passed validation and is about to be saved. Modules may use this to make changes to the node before it is saved to the database.
You can use it to update a field value, without resorting to hitting the database manually (which will be overwritten anyway) like so:
function MYMODULE_nodeapi(&$node, $op) {
if ($op == 'presave' && $node->type == 'movie') {
$node->field_movie_cast_count[0]['value'] = count($node->field_movie_cast);
When you get a node, how do you load the previous version (revision)?
I know how loading a revision but not how getting the previous revision number ($node->vid is the current revision).
Supposing that you have a node object $node, you can use the following code to get the previous revision.
$previous_vid = db_result(
db_query('SELECT MAX(vid) AS vid FROM {node_revisions} WHERE vid < %d AND nid = %d', $node->vid, $node->nid)
Once you have the previous revision, you can load the new node object with node_load(array('nid' => $node-nid, 'vid' => $previous_vid)).
The code should check if db_result() returns FALSE, in the case there isn't a previous revision.
To note that the field vid is global for each node; it doesn't contain the same value for different nodes.
Thanks all.
I found also an other solution:
$revisions = node_revision_list($node);
if ($preview_key = key($revisions)) {
$preview_revision = $revisions[$preview_key];
$old_node = node_load($node->nid, $preview_revision->vid);
But if you have a lot of revision you get a big array.
If I understand what you're trying to do; you want to get the preview of the node after someone submits changes?
The preview button has its own submit handler, node_form_build_preview(). There, it creates a new node object using the data in $form_state and runs node_preview(), which returns the markup for the preview.
If you want to capture that preview when the user clicks the preview button, you'll need to use hook_form_alter to add another submit handler to the preview button:
$['form']['buttons']['preview']['#submit'][] = 'mymodule_custom_preview';
where mymodule_custom_preview is the name of your custom submit function. Take a look at node_form_build_preview() for guidance, but your submit function is going to look something like this:
function mymodule_custom_preview($form, &$form_state) {
$node = node_form_submit_build_node($form, $form_state);
$preview = node_preview($node);
Also take a look at node_form(), which gives you an idea of how the node form is structured. When you're all done, you're going to have code in your module that looks something like this:
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if (strstr($form_id, '_node_form') !== FALSE) {
$['form']['buttons']['preview']['#submit'][] = 'mymodule_custom_preview';
function mymodule_custom_preview($form, &$form_state) {
$node = node_form_submit_build_node($form, $form_state);
$preview = node_preview($node);
// Do what you will with $preview.