Check whether the_excerpt() function is called in a particular page - wordpress

How to Check whether the_excerpt() function is called in a particular page example in a archive page.
The thing is i want to know whether the_excerpt() function is used to display the content or whether the_content() is used to display the content in archive/category pages.
How to check this. Is there any conditional tag

There is no conditional tag, but there is a filter. If you hook into the 'get_the_excerpt' filter, your function will run. So, as an example:
if(is_archive() || is_category()){
add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'my_custom_excerpt_filter' );
function my_custom_excerpt_filter( $excerpt ){
if( !defined( 'USED_EXCERPT' ) ){
define( 'USED_EXCERPT', true );
Then, to check whether an excerpt was used, any time after the first iteration of the loop, use this:
if(defined('USED_EXCERPT') && USED_EXCERPT){
//If the excerpt was used, this if statement returns true.
This isn't a very elegant or useful way of doing it, but this is how you would do it. If you need to know whether a template will use the excerpt before it loads the template, you'd have to hook this earlier, use fopen() to read through the template file and search for the_excerpt().


Wordpress: Can I use get_post_meta in my Plugin?

So I'm trying to reference custom field values in a plugin I'm building. All I need to do at this stage is grab the values and store them in variables. This is my code to get the custom field value of pageName:
global $wp_query;
$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
$pageName = get_post_meta($postid, 'pageName', true);
So when I try to echo that out, I get nothing. I notice that my plugin runs before the head or anything else, so it's the first code in the source. My hunch is that this is due to timing and the value just isn't there yet. Is there a way to make my plugin, or this chunk of code, wait until the custom field values are there before trying to grab them?
I'm trying to avoid doing anything in the theme files so this can be a stand alone plugin that I can share.
yes, you can get the value of any post meta of the custom post type.
Just make sure that you are receiving the correct post_id in the $postid variable.
If you get the correct id of the post type you can get any meta field
global $post;
if ($post->ID) {
$media_id_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'media_id', true);
Found the solution! I wrapped the whole thing in a function to put it in the footer, which made sure that everything it needed was there.
//----This function is wrapped around the code for my plugin
function dataLayerInject() {
//----This drops my code into the footer
add_action('wp_footer', 'dataLayerInject');

Woocommerce add_to_cart hook empties cart

I'm using the woocommerce_add_to_cart action hook like so:
add_action('woocommerce_add_to_cart', 'display_more_modal', 10, 6);
function display_more_modal( $cart_item_key, $product_id, $quantity, $variation_id, $variation, $cart_item_data ) {
echo "<h1>Test Title here...</h1>";
<h1>More text here</h1>
I have found that if I echo out HTML or output HTML, as illustrated above, it removes all items from the cart, once I go the cart to view what I have added.
Could you some illustrate what I am possibly doing wrong? I have a suspicion that I have to return a value instead of echoing it.
If this is the case, please help as to how I can echo out HTML when a user adds a product to the cart. This HTML will be a popup with related products. Thank you.
I figured that some hooks within Wordpress don't like echoing anything out. I'm not sure how hard & fast this rule is but I remember it generally tends to be bad practice to echo anything out within functions. Instead they should return something. I simply created the product which was created and returned that. In the view file I created an if statement which outputs the html for the modal if a product exists. That seems to have fixed it.

WooCommerce Registration Shortcode - Error messages problems

I am currently creating a widget to display the registration form on a WordPress website that uses WooCommerce. For now, I only have 3 basic fields which are email, password, repeat password. I'm looking forward to add more WooCommerce fields, but want to solve that problem before jumping to the next step.
I'm having some problems with the messages output (wrong password, account already exists, etc).
I searched on the web and there was no shortcode already built for WooCommerce registration, beside their registration page. So I went ahead and created a shortcode, with a template part.
function custom_register_shortcode( $atts, $content ){
global $woocommerce;
$form = load_template_part('framework/views/register-form');
return $form;
add_shortcode( 'register', 'custom_register_shortcode' );
This is a snippet I use to get the template part inside a variable, since the default function would "echo" the content instead of "returning" it.
function load_template_part($template_name, $part_name=null) {
get_template_part($template_name, $part_name);
$var = ob_get_contents();
return $var;
So, the problem is, when I call woocommerce_show_messages or $woocommerce->show_messages(); from my template part, nothing is showing, or if it is, it shows at the top of the page.
I did try to put the calls inside my shortcode function:
function custom_register_shortcode( $atts, $content ){
global $woocommerce;
$form = load_template_part('framework/views/register-form');
return $form;
add_shortcode( 'register', 'custom_register_shortcode' );
Doing so, the message output inside the <head> tag, which is not what I want.
I tried to do the same trick with ob_start(), ob_get_contents() and ob_clean() but nothing would show. The variable would be empty.
I also did try to hook the woocommerce_show_messages to an action as saw in the core:
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_show_messages', 10 );
For something like:
add_action( 'before_registration_form', 'woocommerce_show_messages');
And I added this in my template-part:
<?php do_action('before_registration_form'); ?>
But I still can't manage to get the error messages show inside the box. It would always be inserted in the <head>
I will share final solution when everything is done.
Thanks for your time,
I finally got this working by hooking a custom function to an action which is called in my header.php
I guess hooking functions inside template part does not work as intended.
In header.php, I got this:
And here's the hooked function. Works perfectly.
function theme_show_messages(){
add_action('theme_after_header', 'theme_show_messages');
However, I will look into 'unhooking' the original show message function since it might show twice. Need to test some more ;)
You can also just use the [woocommerce_messages] shortcode in your template where you want it displayed
Replying to a bit of an old question, but you can also try the following:
$message = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_my_account_message', '' );
if ( ! empty( $message ) ) {
wc_add_notice( $message );

How to deactivate past shortcodes in Wordpress

Recently I changed the theme of my site, and I found many of my articles use a shortcode like this
My new theme does not support it and I actually don't need this shortcode to function. I thought I could just write a empty function for the shortcode in function.php, like this
function shortcode_box() {
return "";
add_shortcode('box', 'shortcode_box');
but it's not working.
Do you know any method to deactivate this short code?
So, you want to leave the [box] bits in the posts and/or pages, but have them not do anything? Try a shortcode that passes through the content unchanged:
function shortcode_box( $atts, $content = null ) {
return $content;
add_shortcode( 'box', 'shortcode_box' );
(For enclosing shortcodes, the return value of the function is used to replace the entire shortcode.)
Use remove_shortcode()

Custom post type functions.php if statement on action

I am using developing a child theme for Woothemes' Canvas.
I am trying to use functions.php in the child theme to only use actions on my custom post type.
This code doesn't seem to be working:
add_action( 'woo_post_inside_after', 'my_geo_mashup' );
function my_geo_mashup() {
echo GeoMashup::map();
if ($post->post_type == 'listings') {
//My function
add_action( 'woo_post_inside_before', 'listings_nivo' );
function listings_nivo() {
echo do_shortcode('[nivo source="current-post" ]');
if ($post->post_type == 'listings') {
//My function
So, I'm unsure how to get the above to work properly and only show these items on the custom post type, or only for the custom post type template single-listings.php (as I only want the map and slider to show on the actual post, not on the blog page (archive.php)
Rather than making the entire $post object global, you can just make $post_type global instead. Ex below.
I'm not exactly sure where that function is being loaded, but make sure you hook somewhere within the post. If the action is before, as far as I know and from experience, the post variable will be null.
Just as a test, try running the action in wp_footer Ex. add_action( 'wp_footer', 'listings_nivo' );
See if that yeilds any results.
if echoing var_dump($post) is still null, well, not sure where to go from there.
So you can try running the below, then run the action in the appropriate place if it works:
function listings_nivo() {
echo do_shortcode('[nivo source="current-post" ]');
global $post_type;
// Diagnostic purposes
echo var_dump($post_type);
if ($post_type == 'listings') {
//My function
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'listings_nivo' );
Check your error log or turn wp_debug to true in your wp-config.php file if nothing else to see if anything else is going on.
Best of luck!
Inside your function, try adding global $post;. Then to see what you are getting with $post->post_type echo it out to the screen. As long as this gives you "listings", your code should work. If not, there's probably another issue at play.
