qt - In QGraphicsScene how to catch a particular item - qt

I have so many things in my QGraphicsScene. The situation is I am creating a chessboard, and is using Graphics scene. So the QGraphicsScene is having so many QGraphicsPixmapItems. Now In this how can I get the King.
In this QGraphicsScene, I am adding QGraphicsPixmapItems which are nothing but coins(board,king,queen,soldiers,etc). Now if I want to move a particular coin say King, then How can I get it. There are some methods like using iterators. But is there any way to find a particular QGraphicsPixmapItem by it's name.

When you say you need to get the King, how do you make the difference in your program between the white King and the black one ?
If you need to get a Pawn, how do you know which one ? Anyone ? The first one you can find in your items ?
I haven't thought a lot about it, but maybe what you can do is using a QMap. The key would be a enumeration of the different pieces and the value would be a pointer to the relevant QGraphicsItem. Something like this :
enum Piece_e {
QMap<Piece_e, QGraphicsPixmapItem*> WhitePiecesItems;
QMap<Piece_e, QGraphicsPixmapItem*> BlackPiecesItems;
When you are creating your scene and instanciating your pieces, you'll fill the map :
WhitePiecesItem[KING] = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap("whiteking_pic"));
WhitePiecesItem[PAWN1] = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap("whitepawn_pic"));
BlackPiecesItem[QUEEN] = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap("whitequeen_pic"));
BlackPiecesItem[PAWN1] = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap("whitepawn_pic"));
When you need to find the object corresponding to the white king, you could do something like this :
QGraphicsPixmapItem* pItem = WhitePiecesItem[KING];


how to add QSpinBox to a QTableWidget?

I have a QTableWidget and an object of class product called p.
I wanna add items to this table.
I tried the code below but no use.
void MainWindow:: add_to_basket (product p){
QLineEdit *qle=new QLineEdit();
QLineEdit *qle1=new QLineEdit();
QSpinBox *qsb=new QSpinBox();
what should I do?
QTableWidget should have defined rowCount and columnCount properties. It can be done either via QTableWidget constructor (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtablewidget.html#QTableWidget-1) or via appropriate methods (setRowCounts and setColumnCounts). If it is done already, that's great.
insertRow inserts an empty row into the table at given position. ui->tableWidget->insertRow(1) would insert a new row at position 1 only if you have previously defined rowCount and columnCount (see point 1).
It depends what is your idea here - if you would like to have at least 4 columns (please note that we are counting from 0 and the QSpinBox is attempted to be put into third column) and insert new product always at first row, your code with point 1 fullfilled will be work fine. But, if your idea is to add a new row each time new product is added, you should rather call ui->tableWidget->insertRow(tableWidget->rowCount()) and use that value to address appropriate row.
You may also want to have a look here for example how to setup QTableWidget: https://wiki.qt.io/How_to_Use_QTableWidget

How to tell if an object has been touch by the player in gml code

Hey am going to give an example of what am trying to do imagine that i have 5 circle sprites and in my gml code i want to do something like this if cirlce_1 was touch then you can touch circle_2 and if circle_2 was touch then you can touch cirlce_3. Please who can help me with this, willing to give a reward via paypal.
Touch events in Game Maker are treated as mouse events. If you want the circles to only allow the player to touch them in order, you can assign each one to have a number and make them all the same object. Take a look at this:
Script to create circles
counter = 0;
lastball = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){//Make that third part "i += 1" if using a version before Studio
c = instance_create(floor(random(room_width)), floor(random(room_height)), objCircle);
c.myNum = lastball;
c.radius = 16;//Or whatever radius you want
The for statement here automatically generates circles around the room, but if you want manual control, try this:
c = instance_create(argument0, argument1, objCircle);
c.myNum = lastball;
c.radius = 16;
This will create a new circle wherever you want and will automatically increment lastball as well every time it's called. For instance, you could say newCircle(16, 27);.
In the step code for objCircle
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left) && point_distance(x, y, mouse_x, mouse_y) < radius && counter == myNum){
counter++;//Or counter += 1 in versions before Studio
//Insert whatever circles do when clicked here
The circles can be made to do anything when clicked. Since they're all the same object, perhaps you could use a switch statement so each one does something different depending on its number.
Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.

2D Game colision response

So I am writing a game, but I have come to the part where i need to do some collision response, and I have been stumped. I have an algorithm that finds the objects collision angle, and collision depth meaning how much the two objects over lap. I understand what i want to do and that is to find a perpendicular vector to the collision angle and push back the object that is colliding by it's collision depth, but I just can't seem to write it correctly.
Here is the code I'm working with for the time being.
var collision:Object = collisions[i];
var angle:Number = collision.angle;
var overlap:Number = collision.overlapping.length;
var moveX = Math.cos(angle) * overlap;
var moveY = Math.sin(angle) * overlap;
obj2.x -= moveX;
obj2.y += moveY;
basically I just want the object that is colliding with the wall to stop when it hits it.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
I worked on elastic collision with flash as3 once.I tried to fix overlap a lot of.But i could'nt solved it completely.They did not overlapping normally but if you forced enought, they overlapping.
if you want look at my work, i uploaded my codes.You can download and look at my code.
And if you solve this problem completely, please tell me solution.
swf(with friction, it's more problem) : http://nafiz.in/collision/carpisma.swf
swf(without friction, it's little problem than first.) : http://nafiz.in/collision/carpisma_surtunmesiz.swf
q : add a ball at mouse location.
w, a,s,d : controll #1 ball.
Click with mouse without relase and move mouse and relase. You selected balls.
When you press space, selected balls will go mouse location.
Cods : http://nafiz.in/collision/collision.rar
i hope you solve.
So after a few hours of tweaking the code, I came up with the solution that works well. here is my new code:
public function Colisions(obj1,obj2) {
var collisions:Array=MyCollision.checkCollisions();
for (var i = 0; i < collisions.length; i++) {
var collision:Object=collisions[i];
var angle:Number=collision.angle;
var overlap:Number=collision.overlapping.length;
// finds the amount in x and y coordinates to move the ball back, and it devides overlap by 20 so that the ball does not jump as much.
var moveX=Math.cos(angle)*(overlap/20);
var moveY=Math.sin(angle)*(overlap/20);
// sets the ball to it's original location before the colision.
just as a side note I am using CDK which stands for the collision detection toolkit as the algorithm that finds the collisions and the info associated with the collisions.

Sizing a spark list

I'm using spark Lists and PopupAnchors to build a drop down menu system, but I'm having trouble getting it to size reliably - the list always seems to want to take up 5 itemRenderers worth of space, but some of the menus I need to implement can be 3 or less items long. How can I have the list dynamically size to the number of elements in it, and no larger?
This is a fun one. You need to set the property on the VerticalLayout of the spark list.
Try this snippet:
(yourSparkList.layout as VerticalLayout).requestedRowCount = yourDataProvider.length;
This assumes you've got a list named yourSparkList and a dataprovider called yourDataProvider which is populating the list.
If your lists get long, you should set a MAXIMUM constant like so:
public static const MAXIMUM:int = 5;
if(yourDataProvider.length <= MAXIMUM){
(yourSparkList.layout as VerticalLayout).requestedRowCount = yourDataProvider.length;
(yourSparkList.layout as VerticalLayout).requestedRowCount = MAXIMUM;
BTW, there's also a requestedMaxRowCount and a requestedMinRowCount property.

TreeNode.Remove doesn't work !

I have a strange problem. Let's look at that code:
TreeNode tn = TreeView1.FindNode("2009/08/12 (1)"); //OK, the Node is found
Now, I need to delete that node:
(e.g. (I know that I don't need to use TreeView1.FindNode() method, but i = -1))
TreeNode tn1 = TreeView1.FindNode(tn.ValuePath);
int i = TreeView1.Nodes.IndexOf(tn1);
The problem is, the codes above doesn't work, I mean, the node isn't removed, why ?
The TreeView looks like that:
alt text http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/230/71970321.png
It seems that the TreeView control in .net only allows to remove First Level Nodes, so if the node you are trying to delete is not this kind of node, you need to delete it trough its parent, using something like this:
Dim Padre As TreeNode = TreeView1.SelectedNode.Parent
If (Padre Is Nothing) Then
End If
Hope it helps!
Are you sure that you've selected the node properly? If TreeView1.Nodes.IndexOf(tn1) is returning -1, this indicates the node can't be found.
