Weird problem: IE8 user can't authenticate with web service -

I have an app. It has a page that requires authentication. The authenticated user can view the page because he/she is authenticated. The page makes a jQuery Ajax call to a WCF service. The WCF service checks that the user is authenticated via HttpContext. I have a user that is using WinXP and IE8. This user can authenticate to the page, but when the Ajax call is made from the page to the wb service, the user recieves my "session not authenticated" message on the page, generated by the service and displayed on the page. When I use the same OS/browser combo, the page and service work just fine, as expected; no errors.
What option in this user's IE settings would cause this behavior?

It turns out that I was just being stupid and was violating the "same origin principle". My service was at and my user was probably on a page at The service would fail because the domains didn't match completely. So, I setup some re-write rules on the server so that no matter what variant of the domain that was requested by the browser, it would always re-write to Then, I simply set the the service call to the that domain (or in this case, just used window.location.hostname), and all problems were resolved. Big "D'oh" moment.


Integrating SSO with an Application with Native Authentication

I have been tasked with integrating single-sign-on for an existing application, so I've been working on a couple of demos. The first one was the standard demo for Spring Security and I got that working. Now I'm trying to do a proof-of-concept demo where I created a toy version of the application in question with only two screens: one for login, and one to display some information about the user that logged in. I want to integrate SSO with this application so that the user has two ways to be authenticated: either by entering credentials directly in the login screen or by a SSO SAML request...
So I copied over SAML libraries and configurations from the standard SSO demo into my proof-of-concept application, and I seem to have SSO working, albeit a bit too well, in that I'm no longer able to get to my login screen, i.e., I still want that to be the default behaviour for someone entering the base URL for the application. How do I have to configure my application to achieve this?
The way I solved the problem was by changing the Spring Security configuration so that instead of using the generic /** to require SSO authentication for most pages of the application, it nows only requires such authentication for a single HTML page, sso.htm. This "page" is really translated by the application as a request to a controller that handles the application-specific processing for an SSO request. The initial page for the application, redirect.jsp, now contains some logic to pick which page a user should be redirected to, based on whether he or she got to that page directly (i.e., by typing in the default URL for the application) or via a SAML message from a trusted identity provider.
Note: For this to work, the initial page cannot be designated in the Spring Security configuration as either a secured or unsecured page. If it were secured, then this page could only be accessed after an SSO authentication, so a user would be thwarted from doing a non-SSO login. If unsecured, then the security context would not be accessible from that page, so the page logic would be unable to determine if the user in question has SAML credentials and an SSO authentication request for the application could never be fulfilled.
Once the user has been authenticated, either by credentials entered in the login screen or by an SSO request, from that point on, the application's continuing authentication of that user to view its pages is the same, i.e., no further SSO authentication is done. But when the user logs off from the application (or is logged off due to a session timeout), a check is made then to see if SSO authentication was done for this user. If so, then in addition to being logged out from the application, a local SSO logout is also done for the user, i.e., the SSO authentication session for the application is terminated, but the user remains logged in with his or her identity provider. So such a user could log back into the application in question, either directly via the application's login screen or by having the identity provider issue a new SAML message.
Hope this helps someone else...

login from external site using ASHX handler

I have an ASP.NET site which requires a login to get access to the rest of the site. Login information is stored in database and accessed through a service.
The business have asked to be able to login from an external site. I added a Generic Handler (.ashx) to my project which takes username & password input, verifies the credentials, and then if they are valid stores the credentials in the session using IRequiredSessionState interface. It then gives a URL of the entry point to the application to the client.
The client (a plain old HTML page using jquery to .post()) then takes the response and redirects to this URL.
Well, this seems to work great and exactly what I needed. I figured that I could avoid having to generate a token and pass it around in the querystring by doing this, since the handler and site both share the same session. But the problem now is when I tried a test by putting the Login HTML page on a co-workers computer (eg external to hosting in my application) - it doesn't work. The session is added correctly in the ASHX handler, but in the Page_Load of the entry point, that session value is gone..
Is it possible to do what I am doing? Why is session forgot immediately like this? I would think it would be the same as logging in from the log-in page and redirecting from there (it's the same application & the same session..)

ASP.NET adding Authentication to Report Handler

I've got a Active Reports Handler configured on my website so that i can open the Report directly over a link e.g.
The problem now of course is that there is no authentication so that everyone can call this link.
How can I add authentication check to this handler?
I am using Forms authentication, preferably I'd like to also check if the user is in a certain role, but would be happy with IsAuthenticated check - so that the user at least has to be logged in to see the report.
I tried to build a "reverse proxy" route handler (I'm using MVC) that returns the response from the report URL only if the user is authenticated. But this doesn't solve the problem since the "original" URL is still exposed.
Any Ideas?
You can still use the ASP.NET authorization control, meaning you can limit access to that location in the web.config file

Redirect to Web Service WebMethod from ASP.NET Website

I have a website created with ASP.NET and a web service, both using FormsAuthentication (which validates the user's credentials against Active Directory - LDAP).
When I call an action method of this web service for the first time I am redirected to the site's web page that actually logs the users into the system. When I'm logged in I will be redirected to the web service (ReturnUrl), but I'm guessing something gets lost in the way, because I'm getting an InvalidOperationException (in the client), containing the .asmx definition.
This happens on the first call only, the next calls work fine (since I'm going to the right place).
What am I missing here?
How should I redirect from the web site to the web service? Can this be done?
Thanks in advance.
Your web service call is doing a Post, then redirecting via a Get request after authentication. The default response from an ASMX is the .wsdl definition. You can't do web service authentication like this programmatically.
If you are using Active Directory, why not use Windows Authentication and suppress the login?

ASP.NET/IIS: Windows Authentication, setting max attempts and redirecting

We have an internal web app running on IIS6 and we use the integrated windows authentication for domain users to login to the app before they can use it.
What we would like to do is redirect the user to an error page if they fail to login to the domain 3 times.
Where should i be looking to configure this? My first thought was in IIS, but i don't see anything in the config there that relates to what i'm looking to do.
How are the users authenticating? If they are using IE then domain authentication should be automatic (ie. the server does an NTLM challenge to the browser which is handled automatically by IE if the web server is in the intranet zone). In this case it would not be possible to fail to log in if the user is a member of the domain.
If you are using a login form which then then verifies the credentials against the domain controller, then you can implement a custom solution which counts the invalid logins and does a Response.Redirect to an error page.
Without knowing more about the setup it is difficult to answer more fully...
Personally, I'd make this database driven. assuming the user enters the username credentials correctly but fails to enter the correct password. When they do login correctly, set their FailLoginCount to 0, and eachtime they fail, increase it by one.
Once it reaches 3, redirect them to your desired page and possible "lock" their account.
