Is this an F# quotations bug? - reflection

let rec x = (fun() -> x + "abc") ()
The sample code with the recursive value above produces the following F# compiler error:
error FS0432: [<ReflectedDefinition>] terms cannot contain uses of the prefix splice operator '%'
I can't see any slicing operator usage in the code above, looks like a bug... :)
Looks like this is the problem with the quotation via ReflectedDefinitionAttribute only, normal quotation works well:
let quotation =
<# let rec x = (fun() -> x + "abc") () in x #>
produces expected result with the hidden Lazy.create and Lazy.force usages:
val quotation : Quotations.Expr<string> =
([(x, Lambda (unitVar,
(Lambda (unitVar0,
Call (None,
String op_Addition[String,String,String](String, String),
[Call (None,
String Force[String](Lazy`1[System.String]), // `
[x]), Value ("abc")])),
Value (<null>)))),
(x, Call (None, Lazy`1[String] Create[String](FSharpFunc`2[Unit,String]), [x])),
(x, Call (None, String Force[String](Lazy`1[String]), [x]))], x) // `
So the question is: is this an F# compiler bug or not?

I'd think that this may be caused by the treatment of recursive values in F#. As a workaround, you can turn the recursive reference into a parameter:
let foo x = (fun() -> x + "abc") ()
// To construct the recursive value, you'd write:
let rec x = foo x
The last line is of course invalid (just like your original code), because you're creating an immediate recursive reference, but it should give you the idea - in reality, you'd probably enclose x in a lambda function.
EDIT Originally, I thought that the problem may be as below, but I'm not sure now (see comments).
It looks more like a (probably known) limitation to me than an unexpected bug. There is an important difference between the two versions of the code you wrote - in the first case, you're binding a public value (visible to .NET) named x while in the second case, x is just a symbol used only in the quotation.
The quotation that would have to be stored in the meta-data of the assembly would look like this:
let rec x = <# (fun() -> %x + "abc") () #>
The body is quoted, but x is not a quoted symbol, so it needs to be spliced into the quotation (that is, it will be evaluated and the result will be used in its place). Note that this code will fail, because you're declaring a recursive value with immediate reference - x needs to be evaluated as part of its definition, so this won't work.
However, I think that % cannot appear in ReflectedDefinition quotations (that is, you cannot store the above in meta-data), because it involves some runtime aspects - you'd need to evaluate x when loading the meta-data.


Ocaml - global vs local variable

I wanted to create a global variable called result that uses 5 string concatenations to create a string containing 9 times the string start, separated by commas.
I have two pieces of code, only the second one declares a global variable.
For some reason it's not registering easily in my brain... Is it just that i used a let in so result in the first piece of code is a local variable? Is there a more detailed explanation for this?
let start = "ab";;
let result = start ^ "," in
let result = result ^ result in
let result = result ^ result in
let result = result ^ result in
let result = result ^ start in
- : string = "ab,ab,ab,ab,ab,ab,ab,ab,ab"
let result =
let result = start ^ "," in
let result = result ^ result in
let result = result ^ result in
let result = result ^ result in
let result = result ^ start in
val result : string = "ab,ab,ab,ab,ab,ab,ab,ab,ab"
Let me to be a little bit boring person. There are no local and global variables in OCaml. This concept came from languages with different scoping rules. Also, the word "variable" itself should be taken with care. Its meaning was perverted by C-like languages. The original, mathematical, meaning of this word corresponds to a name of some mathematical object, that is used inside a formula, that represent a range of such values. In C-like languages, a variable is confused with the memory cell, that can change in time. So, to avoid the confusion let's use a more accurate terminology. Let's use word name instead of variable. Since, variables... sorry names are not memory cells, there is nothing to create. When you're using one of the let syntaxes, you're actually creating a binding, i.e., an association between a name and a value. The let <name> = <expr-1> in <expr-2> binds a value of the in the scope of the <expr-2> expression. The let <name> = <expr-1> in <expr-2> is by itself is also an expression, so, for example <expr-2> can also contain let ... in ... constructs inside, e.g.,
let a = 1 in
let b = a + 1 in
let c = b + 1 in
a + b + c
I especially, indented the code in non-idiomatic way to highlight the syntactic structure of the expression. OCaml also allows to use a name, that is already bound in the scope. The new binding will hide the existing one (that is not allowed in C, for example), e.g.,
let a = a + 1 in
let a = a + 1 in
let a = a + 1 in
a + a + a
Finally, the top-level (aka module level) let-binding (called definition in OCaml parlance), has the syntax: let <name> = <expr>, note that there is no in here. The definition binds the <name> to a result of the evaluation of <expr> in the lexical scope that extends form the point of definition to the end of the enclosing module. When you're implementing a module, you must use let <name> = <expr> to bind your code to names (you may omit name by using _). It is a little bit different from the interactive toplevel (interactive ocaml program), that actually accepts an expression, and evaluates it. For example,
let result = start ^ "," in
let result = result ^ result in
let result = result ^ result in
let result = result ^ result in
let result = result ^ start in
Is not a valid OCaml program (something that can be put into an ml file and compiled). Because it is an expression, not a module definition.
Is it just that i used a let in so result in the first piece of code is a local variable?
Pretty much. The syntax to define a global variable is let variable = expression without an in. The syntax to define a local variable is let variable = expression in expression which will define variable local to the expression after the in.
When you have let ... in, you're declaring a local variable. When you have just let by itself (at the top level of a module), you're declaring a global name of the module. (That is, a name that can be exported from the module.)
Your first example consists entirely of let ... in. So there is no top-level name declared.
Your second example has one let by itself, followed by several occurrences of let ... in. So it declares a top-level name result.

Julia: non-destructively update immutable type variable

Let's say there is a type
immutable Foo
x :: Int64
y :: Float64
and there is a variable foo = Foo(1,2.0). I want to construct a new variable bar using foo as a prototype with field y = 3.0 (or, alternatively non-destructively update foo producing a new Foo object). In ML languages (Haskell, OCaml, F#) and a few others (e.g. Clojure) there is an idiom that in pseudo-code would look like
bar = {foo with y = 3.0}
Is there something like this in Julia?
This is tricky. In Clojure this would work with a data structure, a dynamically typed immutable map, so we simply call the appropriate method to add/change a key. But when working with types we'll have to do some reflection to generate an appropriate new constructor for the type. Moreover, unlike Haskell or the various MLs, Julia isn't statically typed, so one does not simply look at an expression like {foo with y = 1} and work out what code should be generated to implement it.
Actually, we can build a Clojure-esque solution to this; since Julia provides enough reflection and dynamism that we can treat the type as a sort of immutable map. We can use fieldnames to get the list of "keys" in order (like [:x, :y]) and we can then use getfield(foo, :x) to get field values dynamically:
immutable Foo
x = Foo(1,2,3)
with_slow(x, p) =
typeof(x)(((f == p.first ? p.second : getfield(x, f)) for f in fieldnames(x))...)
with_slow(x, ps...) = reduce(with_slow, x, ps)
with_slow(x, :y => 4, :z => 6) == Foo(1,4,6)
However, there's a reason this is called with_slow. Because of the reflection it's going to be nowhere near as fast as a handwritten function like withy(foo::Foo, y) = Foo(foo.x, y, foo.z). If Foo is parametised (e.g. Foo{T} with y::T) then Julia will be able to infer that withy(foo, 1.) returns a Foo{Float64}, but won't be able to infer with_slow at all. As we know, this kills the crab performance.
The only way to make this as fast as ML and co is to generate code effectively equivalent to the handwritten version. As it happens, we can pull off that version as well!
# Fields
type Field{K} end
Base.convert{K}(::Type{Symbol}, ::Field{K}) = K
Base.convert(::Type{Field}, s::Symbol) = Field{s}()
macro f_str(s)
:(Field{$(Expr(:quote, symbol(s)))}())
typealias FieldPair{F<:Field, T} Pair{F, T}
# Immutable `with`
for nargs = 1:5
args = [symbol("p$i") for i = 1:nargs]
#eval with(x, $([:($p::FieldPair) for p = args]...), p::FieldPair) =
with(with(x, $(args...)), p)
#generated function with{F, T}(x, p::Pair{Field{F}, T})
:($($([name == F ? :(p.second) : :(x.$name)
for name in fieldnames(x)]...)))
The first section is a hack to produce a symbol-like object, f"foo", whose value is known within the type system. The generated function is like a macro that takes types as opposed to expressions; because it has access to Foo and the field names it can generate essentially the hand-optimised version of this code. You can also check that Julia is able to properly infer the output type, if you parametrise Foo:
#code_typed with(x, f"y" => 4., f"z" => "hello") # => ...::Foo{Int,Float64,String}
(The for nargs line is essentially a manually-unrolled reduce which enables this.)
Finally, lest I be accused of giving slightly crazy advice, I want to warn that this isn't all that idiomatic in Julia. While I can't give very specific advice without knowing your use case, it's generally best to have fields with a manageable (small) set of fields and a small set of functions which do the basic manipulation of those fields; you can build on those functions to create the final public API. If what you want is really an immutable dict, you're much better off just using a specialised data structure for that.
There is also setindex (without the ! at the end) implemented in the FixedSizeArrays.jl package, which does this in an efficient way.

Erlang: How to create a function that returns a string containing the date in YYMMDD format?

I am trying to learn Erlang and I am working on the practice problems Erlang has on the site. One of them is:
Write the function time:swedish_date() which returns a string containing the date in swedish YYMMDD format:
My function:
swedish_date() ->
[YYYY,MM,DD] = tuple_to_list(date()),
string:substr((integer_to_list(YYYY, 3,4)++pad_string(integer_to_list(MM))++pad_string(integer_to_list(DD)).
pad_string(String) ->
length(String) == 1 -> '0' ++ String;
true -> String
I'm getting the following errors when compiled.
demo.erl:6: syntax error before: '.'
demo.erl:2: function swedish_date/0 undefined
demo.erl:9: Warning: function pad_string/1 is unused
How do I fix this?
After fixing your compilation errors, you're still facing runtime errors. Since you're trying to learn Erlang, it's instructive to look at your approach and see if it can be improved, and fix those runtime errors along the way.
First let's look at swedish_date/0:
swedish_date() ->
[YYYY,MM,DD] = tuple_to_list(date()),
Why convert the list to a tuple? Since you use the list elements individually and never use the list as a whole, the conversion serves no purpose. You can instead just pattern-match the returned tuple:
{YYYY,MM,DD} = date(),
Next, you're calling string:substr/1, which doesn't exist:
string:substr((integer_to_list(YYYY,3,4) ++
pad_string(integer_to_list(MM)) ++
The string:substr/2,3 functions both take a starting position, and the 3-arity version also takes a length. You don't need either, and can avoid string:substr entirely and instead just return the assembled string:
integer_to_list(YYYY,3,4) ++
pad_string(integer_to_list(MM)) ++
Whoops, this is still not right: there is no such function integer_to_list/3, so just replace that first call with integer_to_list/1:
integer_to_list(YYYY) ++
pad_string(integer_to_list(MM)) ++
Next, let's look at pad_string/1:
pad_string(String) ->
length(String) == 1 -> '0' ++ String;
true -> String
There's a runtime error here because '0' is an atom and you're attempting to append String, which is a list, to it. The error looks like this:
** exception error: bad argument
in operator ++/2
called as '0' ++ "8"
Instead of just fixing that directly, let's consider what pad_string/1 does: it adds a leading 0 character if the string is a single digit. Instead of using if to check for this condition — if isn't used that often in Erlang code — use pattern matching:
pad_string([D]) ->
pad_string(S) ->
The first clause matches a single-element list, and returns a new list with the element D preceded with $0, which is the character constant for the character 0. The second clause matches all other arguments and just returns whatever is passed in.
Here's the full version with all changes:
swedish_date() ->
{YYYY,MM,DD} = date(),
integer_to_list(YYYY) ++
pad_string(integer_to_list(MM)) ++
pad_string([D]) ->
pad_string(S) ->
But a simpler approach would be to use the io_lib:format/2 function to just format the desired string directly:
swedish_date() ->
io_lib:format("~w~2..0w~2..0w", tuple_to_list(date())).
First, note that we're back to calling tuple_to_list(date()). This is because the second argument for io_lib:format/2 must be a list. Its first argument is a format string, which in our case says to expect three arguments, formatting each as an Erlang term, and formatting the 2nd and 3rd arguments with a width of 2 and 0-padded.
But there's still one more step to address, because if we run the io_lib:format/2 version we get:
1> demo:swedish_date().
Whoa, what's that? It's simply a deep list, where each element of the list is itself a list. To get the format we want, we can flatten that list:
swedish_date() ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w~2..0w~2..0w", tuple_to_list(date()))).
Executing this version gives us what we want:
2> demo:swedish_date().
Find the final full version of the code below.
swedish_date() ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w~2..0w~2..0w", tuple_to_list(date()))).
UPDATE: #Pascal comments that the year should be printed as 2 digits rather than 4. We can achieve this by passing the date list through a list comprehension:
swedish_date() ->
DateVals = [D rem 100 || D <- tuple_to_list(date())],
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w~2..0w~2..0w", DateVals)).
This applies the rem remainder operator to each of the list elements returned by tuple_to_list(date()). The operation is needless for month and day but I think it's cleaner than extracting the year and processing it individually. The result:
3> demo:swedish_date().
There are a few issues here:
You are missing a parenthesis at the end of line 6.
You are trying to call integer_to_list/3 when Erlang only defines integer_to_list/1,2.
This will work:
swedish_date() ->
[YYYY,MM,DD] = tuple_to_list(date()),
integer_to_list(YYYY) ++
pad_string(integer_to_list(MM)) ++
pad_string(String) ->
length(String) == 1 -> '0' ++ String;
true -> String
In addition to the parenthesis error on line 6, you also have an error on line 10 where yo use the form '0' instead of "0", so you define an atom rather than a string.
I understand you are doing this for educational purpose, but I encourage you to dig into erlang libraries, it is something you will have to do. For a common problem like this, it already exists function that help you:
swedish_date() ->
{YYYY,MM,DD} = date(), % not useful to transform into list
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~2.10.0B~2.10.0B~2.10.0B",[YYYY rem 100,MM,DD])).
% ~X.Y.ZB means: uses format integer in base Y, print X characters, uses Z for padding

Recursive objects in F#?

This snippet of F# code
let rec reformat = new EventHandler(fun _ _ ->
b.TextChanged.RemoveHandler reformat
b |> ScrollParser.rewrite_contents_of_rtb
b.TextChanged.AddHandler reformat
b.TextChanged.AddHandler reformat
results in the following warning:
traynote.fs(62,41): warning FS0040: This and other recursive references to the object(s) being defined will be checked for initialization-soundness at runtime through the use of a delayed reference. This is because you are defining one or more recursive objects, rather than recursive functions. This warning may be suppressed by using '#nowarn "40"' or '--nowarn:40'.
Is there a way in which the code can be rewritten to avoid this warning? Or is there no kosher way of having recursive objects in F#?
Your code is a perfectly fine way to construct a recursive object. The compiler emits a warning, because it cannot guarantee that the reference won't be accessed before it is initialized (which would cause a runtime error). However, if you know that EventHandler does not call the provided lambda function during the construction (it does not), then you can safely ignore the warning.
To give an example where the warning actually shows a problem, you can try the following code:
type Evil(f) =
let n = f()
member x.N = n + 1
let rec e = Evil(fun () ->
printfn "%d" (e:Evil).N; 1)
The Evil class takes a function in a constructor and calls it during the construction. As a result, the recursive reference in the lambda function tries to access e before it is set to a value (and you'll get a runtime error). However, especially when working with event handlers, this is not an issue (and you get the warnning when you're using recursive objects correctly).
If you want to get rid of the warning, you can rewrite the code using explicit ref values and using null, but then you'll be in the same danger of a runtime error, just without the warning and with uglier code:
let foo (evt:IEvent<_, _>) =
let eh = ref null
eh := new EventHandler(fun _ _ ->
evt.RemoveHandler(!eh) )

OCaml: Does storing some values to be used later introduce "side effects"?

For a homework assignment, we've been instructed to complete a task without introducing any "side-effects". I've looked up "side-effects" on Wikipedia, and though I get that in theory it means "modifies a state or has an observable interaction with calling functions", I'm having trouble figuring out specifics.
For example, would creating a value that holds a non-compile time result be introducing side effects?
Say I had (might not be syntactically perfect):
val myList = (someFunction x y);;
if List.exists ((=) 7) myList then true else false;;
Would this introduce side-effects? I guess maybe I'm confused on what "modifies a state" means in the definition of side-effects.
No; a side-effect refers to e.g. mutating a ref cell with the assignment operator :=, or other things where the value referred to by a name changes over time. In this case, myList is an immutable value that never changes during the program, thus it is effect-free.
See also
A good way to think about it is "have I changed anything which any later code (including running this same function again later) could ever possibly see other than the value I'm returning?" If so, that's a side effect. If not, then you can know that there isn't one.
So, something like:
let inc_nosf v = v+1
has no side effects because it just returns a new value which is one more than an integer v. So if you run the following code in the ocaml toplevel, you get the corresponding results:
# let x = 5;;
val x : int = 5
# inc_nosf x;;
- : int = 6
# x;;
- : int = 5
As you can see, the value of x didn't change. So, since we didn't save the return value, then nothing really got incremented. Our function itself only modifies the return value, not x itself. So to save it into x, we'd have to do:
# let x = inc_nosf x;;
val x : int = 6
# x;;
- : int = 6
Since the inc_nosf function has no side effects (that is, it only communicates with the outside world using its return value, not by making any other changes).
But something like:
let inc_sf r = r := !r+1
has side effects because it changes the value stored in the reference represented by r. So if you run similar code in the top level, you get this, instead:
# let y = ref 5;;
val y : int ref = {contents = 5}
# inc_sf y;;
- : unit = ()
# y;;
- : int ref = {contents = 6}
So, in this case, even though we still don't save the return value, it got incremented anyway. That means there must have been changes to something other than the return value. In this case, that change was the assignment using := which changed the stored value of the ref.
As a good rule of thumb, in Ocaml, if you avoid using refs, records, classes, strings, arrays, and hash tables, then you will avoid any risk of side effects. Although you can safely use string literals as long as you avoid modifying the string in place using functions like String.set or String.fill. Basically, any function which can modify a data type in place will cause a side effect.
