Override jre_lib classes - overriding

What is the best way to override jre_lib classes?
Let's say I need to store all ArrayLists not in RAM but on disk or anywhere else. I wanna write my own ArrayList class to code this functionality and make sure that every instantiations of ArrayList use my class.
I thought about class loading mechanism to change order of classpath, but as I see java checks standard classes first.

use -Xbootclasspath to override the boot classpath


What is the point of #WebInitParam?

#WebInitParam is an annotation that goes at class level.
It defines initialization parameters for the servlet.
I would like to know, what is the difference between doing this and using static variables, and why do it the #WebInitParam way rather than using statics?
What does defining k/v pairs as #WebInitParams allow you to do that you couldn't do if you declared static variables instead?
I have looked and all I can find is a million people saying how to define #WebInitParams. Well yes that's the easy bit. It's what I can do with that that is really what is of interest.
Thanks very much.
From a "raison d'etre" perspective, the annotation exists as a better design and architecture alternative to just peppering a class with static fields. #WebInitParam is a self-documenting approach to the initialization parameters a servlet or filter class needs, available via web.xml as well. It serves this purpose for the end developers as well as the JavaEE platform as a whole.
Think about it this way: in a vanilla project, you have the option of hardcoding a bunch of parameters in the class as static fields, or defining the same parameters in a property file. Which would you pick? Under what circumstances?
From a purely functional angle, apart from the function of using the annotation to override defaults set in web.xml, one other major reason is that you will sometimes need to get a hold of those initialization parameters from another component in your application. Using the annotation essentially increases the visibility of the parameter. In JSF for example, the API allows you to retrieve FacesServlet initialization parameters with:
//get all the parameters
//get a specific parameter
In JSF-2.3 , it gets even more convenient with the following CDI-enabled injection:
#InitParameterMap Map<String,String> servletParameterMap;
Bear in mind that because it's CDI, it means this facility is available throughout the JavaEE platform, not just in web applications/JSF.
It's going to be a hassle to retrieve init parameters if the only mechanism available is a static field in the servlet class - you'll need to obtain an instance of the filter or servlet to get the static fields in it.
Separately, one could make the argument that maybe one should favour context-params over servlet-params because then, you get even more flexibility that isn't tied to any given servlet. That's a separate matter entirely :)

How Can I make Spring-MVC #PropertySources load first, before any other configuration

I have a spring-mvc application that is using java configuration, not xml. There are #Configuration annotations sprinkled through several files. In particular, there is a #PropertySources annotation in one file in a class that implements WebMvcConfigurerAdapter. There are two classes which contain an #Autowired Environment variable. One of these classes is itself a #Configuration class, and I would like it to have access to the fully-loaded Environment at the time it runs.
This isn't happening. When this code executes, the Environment is still null. I've tried reordering the #ComponentScan packages, tried moving the #PropertySources annotation, and nothing has helped me load the property sources in time.
I want this to happen first, before any other configuration.
What must I do to make it so?
UPDATE: After trying many things, including the Order annotation, I find the problem seems to be not so much that the #PropertySources are being loaded too late as that a class I have that is derived from org.springframework.security.web.context.AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer is being loaded too soon. Nothing in my code even references this class but Spring is somehow deciding that this, above all other classes, must be initialized first. No amount of messing around with #Order seems to change this. This in spite of the javadocs, which indicate that the behavior I want is the default:
Subclasses of AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer will register their
filters before any other Filter. This means that you will typically
want to ensure subclasses of AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer are
invoked first. This can be done by ensuring the Order or Ordered of
AbstractDispatcherServletInitializer are sooner than subclasses of
You can use ContextInitializer, catch the moment when Boot prepared its environment and "inject" your property source programmatically as you want.
If you have a ConfigurableApplicationContext then it provides a ConfigurableEnvironment, which contains the propertySources as a list. If you want your PropertySource to rule all above the others than add it as first. If you want to place it to a special position then you can add it before an other, identified by its "name".
public class ConfigInitializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx) {
// rule over all the others:
addFirst(new ResourcePropertySource("file:/etc/conf/your_custom.properties"));
// rule over application.properties but not argument or systemproperties etc
addBefore("applicationConfig: [classpath:/application.properties]",
new ResourcePropertySource("classpath:your_custom.properties"));
// names can be discovered by placing a breakpoint somewhere here and watch
// ctx.getEnvironment().getPropertySources().propertySourceList members,
// each has a name ...
You can bring into play this class by:
registering it in the application.properties :
or from application start :
new SpringApplicationBuilder(YourApplication.class).
initializers(new ConfigInitializer()).
By the way this is a proper way to inject more of your custom properties, like properties coming from a database or a different host etc...
Not that I am an expert in Java config but maybe:
Spring 4 utilizes this feature in its #PropertySource annotation. To
remind you, #PropertySource annotation provides a mechanism for adding
a source of name/value property pairs to Spring's Environment and it
is used in conjunction with #Configuration classes.
Taken from: http://blog.codeleak.pl/2013/11/how-to-propertysource-annotations-in.html
Are you using #PropertySource or #PropertySources?
Have You tried 'order' property for spring bean initialisation?

Best Way to Handle System-Wide QSettings in Multiple Classes

I have multiple classes that all need to access QSettings. It would be nice to have some standardized keys should they not exist. It also needs to be system wide, which requires creating an instance of QSettings. My current implementation is a class that all the other classes include.
int Settings::serverRefreshRate() {
return settings->value("server/refreshRate", 10000 /* default value*/).toInt();
Though this does mean including this class everywhere, which I believe will add overhead.
Would making this class external be a good idea? What about static?
As you're likely to only have one instance of this class, I'd personally make it static and use the singleton design pattern

Should I use a singleton class that inherits from an instantiable class or there's another better pattern?

I've got a class called ArtificialIntelligenceBase from which you can create your own artificial intelligence configuration sending some variables to the constructor or you can make a class that inherits from ArtificialIntelligenceBase and in the constructor of this new class just call the function super() with the parameters of the configurations.
I've also created some examples of artificial intelligences in classes, AIPassive, AIAgressive and AIDefensive. Obviously all of them inherits from ArtificialIntelligenceBase.
The point is that there're only few public functions in the base class. The variables in the base class are read only and the non public functions are protected in case you need to apply some modifications on them when created another pre-defined AI.
You can also create another AI just calling the base class sending some parameters in the constructor like this: new ArtificialIntelligenceBase(param1, param2, param3, param4);
I've tought about make the classes as a singleton because the classes can never change and once setted, their variables never change.
The question is: Is the singleton the best pattern to do this? Because I'm not sure.
PD: You don't need to explain any patter, just mention the name and I'll search for how it works
PPD: I'm developing in AS3. Just in case it helps
In general, singletons are evil. I don't see any reason in your case to use a singleton, either. It sounds like you're using your own version of a factory method pattern (using a constructor somehow?) or maybe a prototype (I don't know AS3 one bit), but if you're looking for other patterns a couple of other ones are abstract factory and builder.
You don't need to use the singleton pattern to limit yourself to using only one instance per type of class, though. It doesn't help avoid redundancy.

Utility class or Common class in asp.net

Do anyone knows about the class which has the common function which we generally use while developing web application. I have no idea what you may call it, it may be the utility class or common function class. Just for reference, this class can have some common function like:
Generate Random number
Get the file path
Get the concatinated string
To check the string null or empty
Find controls
The idea is to have the collection of function which we generally use while developing asp.net application.
No idea what you are really asking, but there already are ready-made methods for the tasks you write in various library classes:
Random.Next() or RNGCryptoServiceProvider.GetBytes()
String.Concat() or simply x + y
Gotta love the intarwebs - An endless stream of people eager to criticize your style while completely failing to address the obvious "toy" question. ;)
Chris, you want to inherit all your individual page classes from a common base class, which itself inherits from Page. That will let you put all your shared functionality in a single place, without needing to duplicate it in every page.
In your example it looks like utility class - it is set of static functions.
But I think that you should group it in few different classes rather than put all methods in one class - you shouldn't mix UI functions(6) with string functions(3,4), IO functions (2) and math(1).
As Mormegil said - those functions exists in framework, but if you want to create your own implementations then I think that for part of your function the best solution is to create extension method.
