How To Configure Fields To Display In Ubercart Product Node - drupal

I have set up ubercart on a site and everything seems ok when adding products and viewing the catalog page however when I click on the product the product view does not include the product image or the price.
I have have enabled all fields in admin/store/settings/products/edit/fields however this does not seem to change anything (SKU etc not displayed either, only description, size options, add to cart button and link to category)
Can anyone suggest why these may not be showing, Am I looking at completely the wrong config screen? Thanks

Check here admin/content/node-type/product/display if the display for the Full node is OK.
Another way will be to create a node-product.tpl.php template and display the fields as you wish (You'll have $node there, etc..).


How to make woocommerce single product page Additional information Tab attributes name Clickable

My question is How to make woocommerce single product page Additional information Tab attributes name Clickable. Please review this screen shot ->
If user click on "Rose" then i want to open Rose attributes page. So URL is SITEURL/?filter_color=rose
So if any one have idea for this solution then please update me.
Ketan Patel.
Don't need any custom code for this. If the attribute is public, WooCommerce will now show a link instead by default.
You can enable archive then attribute link automatically come in additional tab.

How to change display of variable products on Woocommerce archive-product page

I am using the Storefront theme (downloaded a few days ago so newest version) and I want to do something quite simple:
on the archive-product page I want to display the product name of a list of variable products (all shoes) , along with two custom fields that I attached to the product post type.
All goes well with simple products. I can edit that which is shown through my theme-child folder/woocommerce/loop/price.php.
My issue appears as soon as I turn a product into a variable product. When I do that, the custom fields disappear, and all I see beneath the product is a button that says "select option"
I have been looking for hours to find the correct template/hook to fix this but I just cant find it...
I have no idea where to look :( Hope ome

field image didn't appears in my view

I am using Drupal commerce, I have been wanting to create views for recently added products, actually that works (pretty easy) but when I want to add the field image, images didn't appear. I will try to illustrate my steps:
1) create new view, show: content; of: product display; sorted by: newest first.
2) add relationship (content: referenced products) then I required it.
what I did wrong!
thanks for any answer.
You have to add the image field from the referenced product (i.e the image field, using the relationship like "(Referenced Product) Image") in your view. In Drupal Commerce, image fields on products are usually product field and not product display field as they might change across products variations.
If you already add the image field, make sure you choose "Use relationship : Referenced product" in the image field settings, otherwise Views will keep looking for this field on the product display, not on the product itself.

Hide Products from View in Drupal Commerce

I know this may be very basic but I can't seem to figure out a way to hide a product that I've got set up in Drupal Commerce. I'm new to Drupal so thanks for your patience.
In the product's edit screen, I go to 'Status' and choose 'Disabled' which prevents them from being added to carts (instead of Add To Cart, it displays 'Product Not Available' in the store) but it doesn't actually remove it from Product Display in the store. I've set the stock status to 0 on these products and made sure that they are not being displayed as 'Featured' yet they still show up.
Is there a simple setting where I can keep the product in the backend, in case I want to activate it later, but hide it from the store?
Thanks so much for your help.
For clarification, I am using the 'Expressa' theme.
It has been a while since I've worked with Drupal Commerce, but I assume that your product listing is a View.
You should be able to modify your View to filter out the disabled products.

How to assign view block to dynamic taxonomy term page for CCK entries

I created a vocabulary and terms under for work-type. and I created some posts...
Then I created a View Block to list my entries, and assigned to a page... everything fine so far.
I display the work-type at entry details page. and I have a link "click to see other non-profit(assigned work type) works". When I click this link, it lists entries assigned to that particular work-type. thats fine, but it displays title/body/readmorelink :/ I need custom view for this page, like I did View Block for listing all posts...
Can I assign custom created View Block to this taxonomy entry list page? the url changes according to work-type, so how do I assign view to changing-url :/
Appreciate helps!! thanks a lot!
I have a vocabulary (work type), and terms under (corporate, non-profit, etc...)
I have a CCK for "work", and as a field I have select terms of work-type vocabulary.
I have a Custom Views Block to display works in a page (thumb, title, desc, link, etc.).
When I click a work, it goes to particular Work entry details page, I place a link in there "click to see other -term (corporate)- works", etc.
When I click this link, it displays the Work Entries under that particular term. it works fine. but it displays as default look (shown as below), but I need this page same as main works page list (thumb, title, desc, link, etc.) I already have a View for this, but how can assign this View to this dynamic url taxonomy page? I found the module , but cant make it work.
It should be simpler to overwrite term pages with a view, there's already a pre-configured view for this : taxonomy_term (wich is disabled by default)
