Images do not display consistently between VS and debugging version -

I have a GridView with three Button columns that are set up with images. When I select my path for the image, using the GUI tool that VS provides, the resulting path is something like ~/Images/myicon.png and the image displays fine (sometimes) in the VS Design mode. But the images do not display on the running version of the website (using Firefox) because the image locations resolve to ../Images/myicon.png. I can manually change it to Images/myicon.png and it works fine on the website but then not in VS.
How do I get them to behave the same way? These file paths are driving me nuts!

I would use paths that work in FireFox. Forget trying to get things to display in design mode, in VS 2005. Design mode is 2005 is really horrible.
Honestly, design mode can not be relied upon for styling, anyhow, in any version. It can come close now in VS 2010, but ultimately, it will never be as good as displaying the markup in a browser.


Previewing Changes in Bigcommerce Mobile Template

Hopefully someone can help me out with this. I've been tasked with giving a mobile template an overhaul on a site that uses BigCommerce.
Does anyone know of an IDE or a windows based browser that would allow me to preview the changes that I make on the fly, preferably via Dreamweaver CC but this isn't a necessity.
Basically I want to completely revamp the homepage so that instead of having a mundane and dreary menu that take up the entire page, I'd like to change it so that I have responsive windows 8 like tiles that one could use to navigate the site.
Since BigCommerce is a paid service you are limited to what is available. You cannot simply download the site and run it on your localhost. I worked on one of those sites before, the best work around I found what to edit in google chrome's inspect element and console "F12" - this way you can make changes directly to the site to see how they render. But keep in mind, F12 is after chrome builds the page and will not match the actual code all the time.

ASP.NET Mobile site not working on Windows Phone 8.0

So I’m drinking the Kool Aid and trying to create a responsive ASP.NET website using VS 2013 and Bootstrap, and I’ve hit a problem I don’t understand and don’t know how to deal with.
The site seems to be coming along pretty well, and all the Bootstrap stuff appears to be working properly when I view the site in a web browser and in the various Windows Phone emulators. The problem is that the site does not behave properly when I view it on my actual, physical, Windows Phone.
My phone is running Windows Phone 8.0, and the emulators claim to be emulating WP 8.1. I’m assuming that this would explain the difference in behavior, but I’m not sure and I don’t really know how to figure this out.
To simplify the problem, I created a blank ASP.NET Web Application in VS, and copied enough stuff from Site.Master into Site.Mobile.Master so as to create a Bootstrap navbar. I then uploaded the whole thing to Azure so as to be able to view it online.
Apparently I cannot post images up here nor can I post more than two links, so describing what's going on is a little bit of a challenge.
I’ve shared a folder on OneDrive that contains the two screen shots and Site.Master and Site.Mobile.Master from the project. I haven’t modified any other files. The folder’s address is .
In this folder, you'll see "Emulator Screen Shot.jpg" which is what the page I created looks like in the 8.1 emulator. You'll notice that the top navigation bar is pretty much what one would expect from a Bootstrap site.
You'll also see "Phone Screen Shot.jpg" which is what the same website looks like on my mobile device. Note that the top navigation is a mess.
If you want to look at it on your own device, the address is
So, my questions are,
1) What’s going on here? Is the browser in WP 8.0 not capable of rendering this stuff properly? Or am I doing something incorrectly that’s causing it not to work?
2) More importantly, how am I supposed to fix this? Given how simple this example is, I’m having a tough time believing I’m the only person in the world to be having this problem, but I can’t find any discussions of this issue online.
The website works fine on my Kindle. Unfortunately I don’t have an iPhone to test on, so I don’t know what it looks like on an actual iPhone.
I was hoping to finish this and get it deployed in the next couple of weeks, and it would sure be nice if it worked properly on existing Windows Phones.
Thanks in advance for any help.
This looks like it is working exactly as it should. You are most likely using an emulator with a small screen resolution. The default emulator uses an 480x800 screen resolution. Your device has a resolution width of 768x1280 (value obtained from your screenshot. You can change bootstraps logic to not have a min/max width of 767/768 with some css. I've gone as far as just changing my local copy of bootstrap.css by doing a find/replace. You can also create a new css file that overrides certain values. You'll want to load that css file after the main bootstrap css.
A handy way to test screen resolution is with Chrome. Hit F12 to open the debugging tools and as you change the size of chrome, it will display the resolution of the page in the top right corner.
This is a well-known bug on Internet Explorer 10 for WIndows Phone 8.
Since you're using ASP.NET you have the chance to fix it server side once on your master page.
var style = new StringBuilder(
"<style type=\"text/css\">" +
"#-webkit-viewport{width:device-width}" +
"#-moz-viewport{width:device-width}" +
"#-ms-viewport{width:device-width}" +
"#-o-viewport{width:device-width}" +
var browserCapabilities = Page.Request.Browser;
if (String.Compare(browserCapabilities.Browser, "IEMobile", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 &&
browserCapabilities.MajorVersion == 10 && browserCapabilities.MinorVersionString == "0")
var placeholder = new Literal {Text = style.ToString()};
Here's the whole article to fix the windows phone bug.

Adobe Air Browser

Im trying to implement a mini browser in adobe air. The browser should work in the same ways as a mobile phone browser, i.e. fit the width of the website to a certain width(specified within the html component) and leave the height to be scrollable.
I have managed to do a mini browser by using the scaleX,scaleY properties of the mx:HTML component however these make the websites look unreadable.
I have also tried setting the css3 zoom property, and that works fine, but it only zooms out certain elements, therefore messing up the site layout.
My question is: Is there a way to make a mini web browser which shows the full content of the website?
Thanks for your help
Air browser cannot be scaled without have an horrible look (no anti-aliasing).
A few years later but here is what I ended up doing:
The requirement was to show the full website that person B was looking at so that person A could guide them through the site. Due to all the limitations of the Adobe AIR Browser we ended up using IECapt ( within an external process to capture the screenshot and send it back to AIR.
This is all well and good, but IECapt is quite out of date as well so recently we have started to look at the using Chromium ( as an ANE within our application and with that we can alter the zoom and dimensions of the page while still being able to keep it up-to-date.

Printing Web Page Fails in IE7, IE8

This may sound like a SuperUser issue, but I wrote the page in question and I'm wondering if there is something I can do to fix the problem....
I have a page in production that simlply displays data in a bunch of tables. Our employees basically go to this page to print a form with our clients information filled in for them. Today for a specific client the page is not printing. I've tried printing using IE 7 and 8 as well as Chrome on Windows XP and Windows 7. This client's data is by no means make the page longer or contain more data that others clients.
Does NOT print using IE8 or IE7 on WinXP and Windows 7.
DOES print with Chrome.
The page to print is displayed fine as a far as the actual web page goes... it scrolls, there are no errors and and nothing seems to be wrong with the page.
When using IE to print, the document just spools with out actually printing out...I end up canceling the document from the printers window.
When viewing print preview the first page is displayed, but when we try to go to the second page in the print preview IE locks up.
This does not happen for every client, but when it does happen it can be reproduced.
The page is pretty long and has client info that is keeping me from just copy and pasting the markup for you guys. I am hopeing that some one else has experienced a similiar issue in IE and has some advice.
NOTE: The users are not allowed to use other browsers, so save the IE flamming please.
Hmmm, very hard to tell without markup.
Just to throw some ideas:
Are you using anything difficult on the pages, like Flash or Java?
Custom fonts / cufon?
Huge downscaled images?
opacity or IE specific crazy filter CSS rules?
A huge structure that IE doesn't manage to break up into pages, e.g. a giant table with position: absolute ?
If you use images, try turning off the images. Try turning off CSS.
A few things to try when debugging:
Switch everything over to a standard font and font size (e.g. Arial 12px).
Eliminate all CSS and JavaScript, and if that fixes it then you can narrow down from there by taking out chunk by chunk until it starts working.
If that doesn't work, try cutting down the content significantly to see if it will show up.

Strange Flex Sizing in IE on Server2003

I have a modified version of a flex calendar found Here, and though it looks alright on most computers I've seen, there is a problem on two of the three servers here. Because of the way Citrix is setup here, I need to have it functional on all of the servers.
When it loads, everything is stretched out vertically, and the numbers are missing on the date boxes. If you mouse-over the flex buttons, they jump to the right size, but there is still rendering errors.
The modifications I made had no effect, because the servers give the same results on both my version and the demo version hosted online. As far as I can tell, the servers are identical (IE version, Flash version, etc.)
How can I get it to display normally?
Initial View
After Mouseover
Usual Demo
Demo in bad server
Edit: On the server that renders it improperly, Firefox renders it fine, but Firefox cannot be used for other (unchangeable) reasons.
From the images it appears this is how the SWF appears in the Browser of each server - one good and one bad. Not how the SWF appears in any browser while being hosted from each server.
Sense it is the browser display that is not working correctly I would assume it is a rendering problem with the browser and not the server.
1.) The problem could come from JavaScript being disabled in one of the browsers and the view being taken from the embed tag. Check to ensure that it looks the same with JavaScript both on and off.
2.) The height being 100% could also be messing it up in the browser. Try setting the height to a specific value (800px) and see if that corrects the problem.
3.) Make sure that the browsers are the same. Is one IE 7 and one IE 8? If they are the same, check the version number to ensure that all updates are the same for each.
4.) View the site from another computer that is connected to the server.
Number 1 and 2 would be my best guess as a way to troubleshoot.
