Error messages in ASP.NET with jQuery UI -

I've been using my own Error reporting module which was combination of simple c# and jQueryUI Dialog. Problem is that once error or success occurs i do write it's value to session. It does work pretty good on pages with Responce.Redirect on error but not on pages where i catch an error and then return to same form.
My question is why does session which added pre-postback fails to load in pages where i have return statement on some condition.
And if there another way to save errors and success message except in session ? Maybe global variables or something like that ...
this is Error class
public static string getMessage()
HttpContext c = HttpContext.Current;
string messageType = "";
if (c.Session["errorMessage"] != null)
messageType = "errorMessage";
else if (c.Session["successMessage"] != null)
messageType = "successMessage";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageType))
string[] messageBody = c.Session[messageType].ToString().Split('|');
StringBuilder userMessageSb = new StringBuilder();
userMessageSb.Append(string.Format("<div id=\"{0}\" title=\"{1}\">{2}</div>", messageType, messageBody[0], messageBody[1]));
// fix so message will not re-appear
messageType = userMessageSb.ToString();
return messageType;
public static void setSuccess(string successMessage)
HttpContext.Current.Session["successMessage"] = setMessage("success", successMessage);
public static void setError(string errorMessage)
HttpContext.Current.Session["errorMessage"] = setMessage("error", errorMessage);
private static string setMessage(string messageTitle, string messageBody)
return string.Format("{0}|{1}", messageTitle, messageBody);
i set message like this prior to redirect or return
Errors.setError(my error is");
i get error on bottom of my masterpage like this
<%= Errors.getMessage() %>
and this is JS
$(function () {
if ($("#errorMessage").length != 0) {
modal: true,
height: 300,
width: 400,
buttons: {
Ok: function () {
if ($("#successMessage").length != 0) {
modal: true,
height: 300,
width: 400,
buttons: {
Ok: function () {

There is a possibility that <%= Errors.getMessage() %> executes before you call Errors.setError(my error is") in case when you are not redirecting.
Hope below answer helps.
Create a property in your master page code behind
public string MessagePlaceholder
get { return messagePlaceholder.InnerHtml; }
set { messagePlaceholder.InnerHtml = value; }
Replace <%= Errors.getMessage() %> with a div place holder like below
<div id="messagePlaceholder" runat="server"></div>
And here is your setError method
public static void setError(string errorMessage, bool redirecting)
HttpContext.Current.Session["errorMessage"] = setMessage("error", errorMessage);
if (!redirecting)
((HttpContext.Current.Handler as System.Web.UI.Page).Master as YourMasterPageType).MessagePlaceholder = getMessage();
Sorry I forgot this
In Page_Load event of your master page
messagePlaceholder.InnerHtml = Errors.getMessage();


session modify from webmethod

is it possible to modify a session from a webmethod, well the complete description is,
I have a button that client side triggered to add data from textboxes into one new row inside a session
The session declared as
public List<Some_Business_Object_Here> A_Session
return (List<Some_Business_Object_Here>)Session["Session_Name_Here"];
Session["Session_Name_Here"] = value;
and The WebMethod
public static string InsertItemDt(List<string> dataIns)
BOResponse objRes = new BOResponse();
SomeFormHere form = new SomeFormHere();
Some_Business_Object_Here objDet = new Some_Business_Object_Here();
objDet.Data1 = dataIns[0];
objDet.Data2 = Convert.ToInt32(dataIns[1]);
objDet.Data3 = Convert.ToDecimal(dataIns[2]);
objRes = form.A_Processing_Method(objDet, ListItemDetail);
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(objRes);
and if the method processing to add a new row after some validation
is it possible to do it with this kind of method?
Edit: BOResponse is object for validation, containing only error code and catch error message
so the method be like
Private BOResponse A_Processing_Method (Some_Business_Object_Here obj)
(Some Validation Here...)
if (!validation)
MsgCode = 10;
MsgDesc = "Some Custom Error Text Here"
catch (Exception err)
MsgCode = 20;
MsgDesc = err.Message;
nevermind, seems it's working this way

How can I use the ContextKeys property for the AjaxFileUpload control?

I started looking at the AjaxFileUpload control, specifically the ContextKeys property. However, I do not understand how to use it.
The documentation says of AjaxFileUpload that the ContextKeys is used to pass information to the server when a file is uploaded. But no examples are provided. Are there any examples online that I could look at?
Though such functionality not implemented (I believe it was planned but by some reasons was postponed), nothing protect you from implement it yourself. To do this you need to download AjaxControlToolkit source code and tweak it for your needs.
There will be a lot of points so you may to prepare a cup of coffee before :)
I'll show changes with name of file that must being changed.
Server/AjaxControlToolkit/AjaxFileUpload/AjaxFileUpload.cs file
First of all, add ContextKeys property to the AjaxFileUploadEventArgs.cs file (it located in same folder):
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the context keys.
/// </summary>
public string ContextKeys
After that open the AjaxFileUpload class code and change the OnPreRender method. Here is a part of this method with custom modifications:
var eventArgs = new AjaxFileUploadEventArgs(guid, AjaxFileUploadState.Success,
"Success", uploadedFile.FileName,
uploadedFile.ContentLength, uploadedFile.ContentType,
eventArgs.ContextKeys = this.Page.Request.Form["contextKeys"];
That's all changes in server code we need. Now we need to modify the Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload client class (file AjaxFileUpload.pre.js )
Firstly let's modify _html5UploadFile method as below:
_html5UploadFile: function (fileItem) {
this._guid = Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload.utils.generateGuid();
var uploadableFile = fileItem.get_fileInputElement();
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append("Filedata", uploadableFile.file);
if (this.contextKeys) {
if (typeof this.contextKeys !== "string") {
this.contextKeys = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(this.contextKeys);
fd.append("contextKeys", this.contextKeys);
$common.setVisible(this._progressBar, true);
this._setStatusMessage(String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.AjaxFileUpload_UploadingHtml5File,, Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload.utils.sizeToString(uploadableFile.file.size)));
var url = this._postBackUrl;
if (url.indexOf("?") != -1)
url += "&";
url += "?";
this._webRequest = new Sys.Net.WebRequest();
this._executor = new Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor();
this._webRequest.set_url(url + 'contextkey=' + this._contextKey + '&guid=' + this._guid);
this._webRequest.add_completed(this.bind(this._html5OnRequestCompleted, this));
//this._executor.add_load(this.bind(this._html5OnComplete, this));
this._executor.add_progress(this.bind(this._html5OnProgress, this));
this._executor.add_uploadAbort(this.bind(this._html5OnAbort, this));
this._executor.add_error(this.bind(this._html5OnError, this));
As you can see above, we adding contextKeys to form data, posted with Ajax request.
The we need to modify the _uploadInputElement method:
_uploadInputElement: function (fileItem) {
var inputElement = fileItem.get_fileInputElement();
var uploader = this;
uploader._guid = Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload.utils.generateGuid();
setTimeout(function () {
uploader._setStatusMessage(String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.AjaxFileUpload_UploadingInputFile, Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload.utils.getFileName(inputElement.value)));
}, 0);
var url = uploader._postBackUrl;
if (url.indexOf("?") != -1)
url += "&";
url += "?";
if (this.contextKeys) {
if (typeof this.contextKeys !== "string") {
this.contextKeys = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(this.contextKeys);
var contextKeysInput = document.createElement("input");
contextKeysInput.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
contextKeysInput.setAttribute("name", "contextKeys");
contextKeysInput.setAttribute("value", this.contextKeys);
uploader._vForm.action = url + 'contextkey=' + this._contextKey + '&guid=' + this._guid; = uploader._iframeName;
setTimeout(function () {
uploader._waitTimer = setTimeout(function () { uploader._wait() }, 100);
}, 0);
After all these changes you can set ContextKeys property in code-behind and get it value from AjaxFileUploadEventArgs argument of the UploadComplete event as below:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack && !AjaxFileUpload1.IsInFileUploadPostBack)
AjaxFileUpload1.ContextKeys = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "1", "First" }, { "2", "Second" } });
protected void AjaxFileUpload1_OnUploadComplete(object sender, AjaxFileUploadEventArgs file)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.ContextKeys))
var contextKeys = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(file.ContextKeys);
Also, if you'll implement OnClientUploadStarted client-side event as proposed here link, you may pass to server your contextKeys from client:
function uploadStarted(sender, args) {
sender.contextKeys = { "first": "1", "second": "2" };

Scriptcontrol - bind client & server properties

Is it possible to bind properties on the client and server side in Scriptcontrol, so when I set property in javascript, change will be visible also in code behind and when I set property in code behind, change will be visible in javascript?
I can't get it work like above - it is set initially, when I set property where scriptcontrol is declared, but when I change it later it is still the same as before...
EDIT: I try to do a ProgressBar for long postbacks in our ASP.NET application. I have tried many options but none works for me... I want to set progress value in code behind and has it updated in view during long task postback.
Code for ScriptControl:
public class ProgressBar : ScriptControl
private const string ProgressBarType = "ProgressBarNamespace.ProgressBar";
public int Value { get; set; }
public int Maximum { get; set; }
protected override IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor> GetScriptDescriptors()
this.Value = 100;
this.Maximum = 90;
var descriptor = new ScriptControlDescriptor(ProgressBarType, this.ClientID);
descriptor.AddProperty("value", this.Value);
descriptor.AddProperty("maximum", this.Maximum);
yield return descriptor;
protected override IEnumerable<ScriptReference> GetScriptReferences()
yield return new ScriptReference("ProgressBar.cs.js");
ProgressBarNamespace.ProgressBar = function(element) {
ProgressBarNamespace.ProgressBar.initializeBase(this, [element]);
this._value = 0;
this._maximum = 100;
ProgressBarNamespace.ProgressBar.prototype = {
initialize: function () {
ProgressBarNamespace.ProgressBar.callBaseMethod(this, "initialize");
this._element.Value = this._value;
this._element.Maximum = this._maximum; = function () {
dispose: function () {
ProgressBarNamespace.ProgressBar.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose");
get_value: function () {
return this._value;
set_value: function (value) {
if (this._value !== value) {
this._value = value;
get_maximum: function () {
return this._maximum;
set_maximum: function (value) {
if (this._maximum !== value) {
this._maximum = value;
ProgressBarNamespace.ProgressBar.registerClass("ProgressBarNamespace.ProgressBar", Sys.UI.Control);
if (typeof (Sys) !== "undefined") Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();
I'll appreciate any way to implement this progress bar...
Personally, I do this often using hidden fields.
Bear in mind that hidden fields are not secure and may have other downfalls, since they don't actually hide their value, just simply do not display it.
ASPX Markup
<asp:HiddenField ID="hiddenRequest" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" />
ASPX.CS Code behind
public string HiddenRequest
hiddenRequest.Value = value;
return hiddenRequest.Value;
Page JAVASCRIPT (with jQuery)
This way, I can access the same field using one variable as such, accessed both from client side and server side.

ASP.NET custom controls - custom property doesn't hold the assigned value on postaback

I have a custom asp-net control that inherits from another one and its works as expected, though the properties are only set properly if i code them in the markup directly, so for instance if i need set a property at runtime that is some dynamic value, this value is never set or somehow lost.
Here's the markup code:
<!--related form-->
<fw:advancedformdisplay id="formDisp" runat="server" captchaenabled="true" EmailEnabled="true" EnableViewState="true" captchaprivatekey="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" captchapublickey="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" captchatheme="white" SourceType="MenuItem" SourceMainId="Auto">
This is the code of the control:
[DefaultProperty("CaptchaEnabled"),ToolboxData("<{0}:AdvancedFormDisplay runat=server></{0}:AdvancedFormDisplay>"), Description("This is an enhanced FormDisplay control that inlcudes Googles Captcha control is enabled")]
public class AdvancedFormDisplay :SiteBuilder.WebControls.FormDisplay
bool _CaptchaEnabled = false, sendEmail = false;
string captchaErrorMessage = "The verification code entered is not valid. Please try again!";
RecaptchaControl captchaControl = null;
string captchaPrivateKey = "", captchaPublicKey = "", captchaTheme = "clean";
string originalFormHtml = string.Empty;
string afterText = string.Empty, beforeText = string.Empty;
Literal litHtmlForm = null;
string captchaErrorClass = "errorCaptcha";
public string EmailBeforeText
get { return beforeText; }
set { beforeText = value; }
public string EmailAfterText
get { return afterText; }
set { afterText = value; }
public string CaptchaErrorClass
get { return captchaErrorClass; }
set { captchaErrorClass = value; }
public bool CaptchaEnabled
get { return _CaptchaEnabled; }
set { _CaptchaEnabled = value; }
public bool EmailEnabled
get { return sendEmail; }
set { sendEmail = value; }
public string CaptchaErrorMessage
get { return captchaErrorMessage; }
set { captchaErrorMessage = value; }
/// <summary>
/// red,white,blackglass,clean
/// </summary>
public string CaptchaTheme
get { return captchaTheme; }
set { captchaTheme = value; }
public string CaptchaPrivateKey
get { return captchaPrivateKey; }
set { captchaPrivateKey = value; }
public string CaptchaPublicKey
get { return captchaPublicKey; }
set { captchaPublicKey = value; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
public override void OnSaved(FormDisplayEventArgs e)
//If captcha control is enabled we need to adda bit of code to redirect form properly
if (CaptchaEnabled && e.Redirect && !e.SendMail)
//Do Stuff
//Send email
public override void OnSaving(FormDisplayEventArgs e)
if (CaptchaEnabled)
//Validate and do stuff
And then in my page that is using control, created by markup code, in the Page_Load() i try to assign some values to some properties and and the values aren't set properly, meaning that if i have set for isntance, the property EmailBeforeText = "somthing" this value will not be assigned..
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//2: Get the language of menuitem - Based on current culture setting (for by dropdownbox - change logic)
currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString();
// Redirect if domain does not match rootnode.
DomainChecker.CheckURL(this.Request, this.Response, currentCulture);
if (footerArticle != null)
footerArticle.SourceMenuId = Digimaker.Config.Custom.Get("FooterID_" + currentCulture).ToString();
currentCulture = "en-GB";
if( footerArticle != null )
footerArticle.SourceMenuId = Digimaker.Config.Custom.Get("FooterID_" + currentCulture).ToString();
Any ideas what i'm missing here?
Thanks a lot for your reading!
short answer: use viewstate to persist your custom values!
Understanding ASP.NET ViewState whitepaper (see example with NavigateUrl)
edit: as reading the white-paper is obviously a really hard thing:
Each control is responsible for storing its own state, which is
accomplished by adding its changed state to its ViewState property.
The ViewState property is defined in the System.Web.UI.Control class,
meaning that all ASP.NET server controls have this property available.
(When talking about view state in general I'll use lower case letters
with a space between view and state; when discussing the ViewState
property, I'll use the correct casing and code-formatted text.)
If you examine the simple properties of any ASP.NET server control
you'll see that the properties read and write directly to the view
state. (You can view the decompiled source code for a .NET assembly by
using a tool like Reflector.) For example, consider the HyperLink Web
control's NavigateUrl property. The code for this property looks like
public string NavigateUrl
string text = (string) ViewState["NavigateUrl"];
if (text != null)
return text;
return string.Empty;
ViewState["NavigateUrl"] = value;
As this code sample illustrates, whenever a control's property is
read, the control's ViewState is consulted. If there is not an entry
in the ViewState, then the default value for the property is returned.
When the property is assigned, the assigned value is written directly
to the ViewState.

Ext.Net Fileupload and Routing

I am using Ext.Net library along with routing.
The following page
is routed as
I am using Ext.Net FileUpload control.
The following code (on a direct event)
produces the following exception
System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): The file
'/administrator/en/dashboarddefault.aspx' does not exist. at
Ext.Net.HandlerMethods.GetHandlerMethods(HttpContext context, String
requestPath) at Ext.Net.HandlerMethods.GetHandlerMethods(HttpContext
context, String requestPath) at
Ext.Net.DirectRequestModule.ProcessRequest(HttpApplication app,
HttpRequest request)
with Status Code: 200, Status Text: OK.
If I do the same thing from
There is no problem.
Please help.
Try to use Generic handlers.
upload.ashx :
<%# WebHandler Language="C#" Class="upload" %>
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
public class upload : IHttpHandler {
public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
HttpPostedFile postedFile = context.Request.Files[0];
byte[] b = new byte[postedFile.ContentLength];
postedFile.InputStream.Read(b, 0, postedFile.ContentLength);
File.WriteAllBytes(Path.GetTempPath() + postedFile.FileName, b);
context.Response.Write((new JavaScriptSerializer()).Serialize(new { success = true }));
catch (Exception ex)
context.Response.Write((new JavaScriptSerializer()).Serialize(new { success = false, error = ex.Message }));
public bool IsReusable {
get {
return false;
js code (you can adapt him to Ext.Net or use CustomConfig), put this code to form items array:
xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
listeners: {
change: function () {
var fp = this.findParentByType('panel');
if (fp.getForm().isValid()) {
url: 'Handlers/upload.ashx',
success: function (me, o) {
if (o.result.success) {
// some code
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', o.result.error);
