CSS Shift Downward - css

Can anyone tell me what is going on with this widget: http://davidbeckblog.com/notify/? The relevant CSS is mostly at the bottom of style.css.
Basically, the widget has 3 sections. On the left is the button, the middle is the text box, and the right is a spot for a progress indicator. When I add in the text box and the progress indicator, everything gets pushed down.

Those are inline elements and the vertical align is baseline by default I believe. Set the vertical align on all 3 spans to top, and then it looks like you need to specify margin-top:-3px on span.status and maybe apply 1px top margin to the notify me span.
Alternatively you could have floated all 3 with a clearing element.

This seems to fix it:
.notify-me input, .notify-me span {
vertical-align: top;
.notify-me input {
margin-top: 0.4ex;
(Try to avoid, fixed-pixel margins/padding, as these will more quickly bust when the user changes font sizes.)


CSS floating multiple elments in a row

I have a panel div with a title bar div. In the title bar, I may have several different icons on the right side (to be determined at runtime). I'm trying to construct the CSS so the icons will always stack as far to the right as possible, and also have it that the title text doesn't run over the icons (ie, it'll wrap around to a new line if necessary). I just haven't been able to get it right. For my icons, I have <img class="icon" ...> where
.icon {
display: block;
float: right;
padding-left: 4px;
The icons appear fine on their own. But when I try to add the actual title is when things get wonky. I can't seem to get the title to take up the remaining space to the left correctly. The div (or span, which I've tried) will either be completely below or above the icons. Or sometimes, it'll force the icons to stacked vertically on the right, depending on the length of the title.
So in essence, what I'm looking for is one or more small fix-sized elements stacked horizontally to the upper right, and a longer element to take up the remaining space to the left, and this last element may end up taking more space vertically depending on if there's any text wrapping.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Adding the following rule to the css of the element you have your text in might help:
white-space: nowrap;
I think I got it working.
Basically, I had the title text within a div (also tried span). But if I didn't put it within anything (ie, it's part of the main title div), everything seems to work.

CSS Hollow out a div?

I have a 3 elements stacked on top of each other. The top element is the overlay content. The second element is a background border image. The bottom element is a background.
What I want to do is hollow out the middle element, so that I can see through the top element into the bottom element, but leave the border of the middle element surrounding the top element.
As you can see the middle element is blocking the view to the bottom element.
Edit: I did try using border-image but it wouldn't render correctly for me with border-radius.
Edit2: is it possible to get the desired effect with border-image? Kudos to anyone who can make it look not terrible with border-image.
Edit3: Some progress based on Zuul's answer:
Setup a new element, with a class, e.g., .apple and place it over all other existent elements with the same image as the bottom one:
See your JS Bin Example Altered!
div.apple {
margin: 100px;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
background: url(http://www.ipadwallpapersonly.com/images/wallpapers/1gk0rv4ng.jpg) center center;
Having the image centred and by give a correct margin value, it simulates the "hollow" effect at the div.middle.
See the result preview:
If the elements dimensions aren't the same, the use of CSS position helps keepping everything into the proper place:
An example here!
You can't really do that with the current state of CSS. Maybe just put the bottom element on top of the middle one, and work?
As per egasimus, you can't really do that with CSS.
Try something like this though, with four divs creating the 'window'.

How to stop DIV element from getting pushed down in table?

Any clue how to stop a DIV element from getting pushed down in a table?
Here's the page: http://www.panabee.com/domain-name-generator/healthy%20food
As you can see, the "Variations" DIV element in the left-hand side is pushed down unnaturally. It should be top aligned with the "Ask for help..." image, but for some reason the presence of the image pushes down the Variations" DIV element. If I replace the image with a little text, the top boxes in the two columns are again top aligned.
Any clues?
P.S. Feel free to offer feedback/suggestions on the site, too! Thanks all.
you need to add to your css vertical-align:top; for #main_box
add vertical-align: top; for #main_box. Because you have the reset, the td takes vertical-align: baseline; and override the "valign=top" in html.
The anchor a tag in your right side bar (inside the ask_for_help div) has a vertical-align of baseline. Remove that and you will be good to go.
you need to add to your css vertical-align:top; for #main_box

CSS sliding-door buttons center alignment

I need help to align CSS buttons. I tried many different variations and I just cannot center my button the way I want.
Firstly, have a look at this url: http://www.front-end-developer.net/cssbuttons/example.htm
I'm using 2 images to form a button (this could be done on 1 image, but in this case we've got two). Everything works as expected as long as we apply float:left or float:right to the parent div element, to 'limit' width of the div and close it as soon as the content of the div ends. You can remove float:left from the button to see what I mean.
But what about center positioned buttons? I cannot add float:left/right because I want align it in the middle.
In theory, I could set
margin:0 auto;
And I will get what you can see on this picture:
(source: front-end-developer.net)
But I don't know the length of the text inside. Having different translations my button can be very short, or 5 times that long.
I also tried to use <span> instead of <div>, but unfortunately nested inline elements don't respect their padding correctly...
And yes, I must use <a> inside, so buttons can be accessed by web crawlers.
I'm really stuck on this one.
.button {display:inline-block;}
Seems to do the trick.
inline-block browser-support: http://www.quirksmode.org/css/display.html
More about how to work around the browser issues related to inline-block:

CSS float causing background image to appear incorrectly

I'm using a background image to add a custom bullet to list items in my content. In the content there are also images floated left. When an image and a list item are next to each other, the bullet appears where it would do if the image wasn't there, but the text wraps around the image.
Here is an example:
is there a way to make the bullet appear where is should (i.e. next to the text)?
In Firebug / Firefox (you'll have to check other browsers) I solved your problem adding a:
li {
Don't know why exactly, but that magical line solves lots of problems around floated stuff :-)
Edit: Solution if you can change the html slightly
If you have any control over the html, you could perhaps use paragraph tags instead of list items:
p.list_item {
background: transparent url(/++resource++stylesheets/images/bullet.gif) no-repeat scroll left 0.45em;
padding-left: 11px;
However, that would kind of change the semantic meaning of the list items...
This is an old topic... but thought I would add how I usually do this in case someone stumbles in here via a search...
If I have an image on the left, and plan to have graphic bulleted unordered list (UL) to the right of it, I place the image statement inside DIV tags, and add a float:left style to that DIV.
Then, I wrap my UL tags inside a DIV, and give that DIV a float:left style as well, causing it to appear to the right of the first DIV.
If I have additional text that I would like to resume UNDER my UL, then I give the second DIV a width that equals the total width of the page/column minus the graphic width - basically, to account for all of the space to the right of the image. That will force continuing text to flow directly under the UL DIV, and if the UL is shorter than the graphic, the text will flow to the right of the graphic and then under the graphic as expected.
If the UL extends lower than the graphic, then the text will just start under the image, as expected.
If you want the text to simply start UNDER the left graphic regardless of the height of the UL, then you could just apply a clear:both style to the ensuing , i.e.
In general this approach works so long as the UL isn't too much taller than the left image, because obviously in this scenario, the list itself isn't going to wrap under the image, leaving whitespace - so to make a long list look right may require some purposeful image sizing, or stacking a couple of images in the first DIV, or whatever other solution you might have.
If you really want to get whacky, I've had a few times where I've used the two DIV method described above, but setting the first DIV to position:relative, and placing the second DIV containing the UL INSIDE the first, with a position:absolute and of course top:??px and right:??px, set of course to absolutely position my UL to the right of the image. It takes the right kind of layout to use this method, obviously...
OK that's all I had to say, hope this makes sense & good luck to whomever!
Try wrapping your list items in a <p> tag, and then give that tag a left margin.
Why do you have div.fig width set to 0 in the html?
<div class="fig" style="width: 0px;"><img src="/images/43_Fescue.jpg" float="0"/></div>
Remove that and the list will float around the image.
Well, it's not the best fix from a stylistic point of view, but floating the images right avoids this problem. Thanks for everyones suggestions
If you want the whole ul to NOT float under the image try adding overflow:hidden to the ul
