customising fileupload control -

Using the file upload control is very easy, i'm trying to squeeze it into my site and the dam thing is very ugly!. Can I not change the browse button to an image of my choosing ?
So far i'm failing to achieve this seemingly simple goal. Any ideas on this one ?

Unfortunately you can't do much with as it's really down to the browser how it is styled and functions. Just try it in Safari & IE to see the difference.
I have seen sites where people have used overlays to make it look different, kind of giving it a mask.
Here's a more thorough discussion on quirks mode about the problem: Styling an input type="file"


Altering the browser's interaction with css and the dom

I am interested in creating a custom browser with a hacked render engine that reinterprets or automatically assigns certain css vaules no matter what the web site.
A simple example would be...
no matter what website you visit the anything with the img tag is rotated 90 degrees.
I am struggling to find any sort of starting point for this small project...any ideas or suggestions on the css/dom issue?
I plan to build out the GUI in visual basic if that makes any difference.
Since you're using Visual Basic, why not use the WebBrowser control and modify the DOM elements within that control? You can manipulate elements from within your code behind.
Sounds like you want to develop a browser plugin / extension.
Chrome extensions are a good place to start.
If you'd like to actually like to monkey with the render engine behind a browser, check out WebKit (what Safari uses) or Gecko (what Firefox uses).

getting started with css in Dreamweaver cs6. Noob issue

I've just recently downloaded dreamweaver cs6. I've been following tutorials online, and I've run into a bit of a snag. I'm almost embarrassed asking this question, because I know I must be missing something obvious, but here it goes:
I'm following a tutorial right now on making a drop-down menu out of pure CSS. After implementing the first few lines of CSS code I was losing all of my sub menus in the drop-down. After pulling my hair out trying to figure out why for the better part of 2 hours, I finally preview in Firefox. (can't believe I didn't try earlier.)
It all seems to work fine in my browser, but I was wondering: Is there a way I can look at it in Dreamweaver? Its really inconvenient popping in and out of my browser everytime I want to check something. Like I said, I'm basically (not really basically, I just am) a complete noob at all things web-design. Thank you for your time.
Dreamweaver is just an IDE and it is not a browser. It doesn't execute :hover events and JavaScripts. You need to preview what you have done using F12 and check it out. :)
Short answer: no. At least, there's no reasonable expectation that you should. The problem with web-design is that the only real way to do things properly is to code by hand and preview it in a browser in another window - this does come as a culture-shock to "designers" who are used to WYSIWYG programs like Photoshop and InDesign, but the web is a completely different media where the underlying markup matters the most and is open to re-interpretation by browsers.
Dreamweaver has historically had good WYSIWYG rendering (thanks to their partnership with Opera years ago) but ultimately it's still not the best way.
I note that Microsoft's "Expression Blend for HTML/JS Applications" (there's a mouthful) does actually have first-class design-time WYSIWYG support because it works directly with an instance of IE, so you can test things like :hover and client scripts at design time - unfortunately it isn't suited to actual "web" sites - just "desktop" HTML, which is a shame.

load html in flex 3.5 and more

I want to load some html page see this in Flex 3.5 or more I followed this tutorial but somehow i think it only works in Flex 2, I even tried by unchecking Generate HTML wrapper file but no luck. Can somebody help me? Thanks
search about iFrame in FLEX application will give you the best result. I have used iFrame but still not get the expected result so i have ignored that thing to implement in my project but might be you can get better result. Best Luck. Have a nice day.
one of the advice from my senior i get is "when you are passing from the firewall you can't get the result in iFrame." so this sentence might be useful to you.
Sorry to dissapoint you, but HTML with Inner Frame and Flex is not a good option.
If you want a wysiwyg html editor, I suggest you to create your own editor, or you can buy one.
And if you need to open a new window of contents, you should open a new window in the HTML way, outside the Flex App.
My experience in IFrames with Flex was with this google code. Some people have modified it and posted it, and you should find in other sites, doing the same thing: It works in some cases, but, for example, will not work if you need to put more complex needs in your App along with IE compatibility.
I used this Guide to make it work. (mostly about adding wmode="opaque" to the html)
Download the flexiframe from this location
Use xmlns:flexiframe="" in your component
and <flexiframe:IFrame id="iFrame" label="Google" source="" width="100%" height="100%" />
That's it.. this worked for me and surprisingly it works on IE, Firefox and chrome
Note: You can also use pdf

Find design Problems (html,css)

i have some ASP.NET pages.
pages does not appear in FireFox4 same IE9.
i want to find my HTML or CSS Design problems.
i hared that this is a tool for finding problems.
but i can't use it because my ASP.NET Page contains some usercontrols.
I am looking for a way to find my design problems(tool , tip , etc).
another note is i am using jQuery UI plugins in my site.
One approach would be to use Chrome Developer Tools / Firebug / IE 8 Developer Tools to take a peek at the HTML being generated to look for any glaring errors. It can also help catch some jQuery issue that might be causing you grief.
Outside of that, HTML Tidy is a nice program that could help diagnose some stuff for you as well.
One thing to realize is that every browser renders a page slightly different, despite the attempts to render them in a "universal" manner. If you're really looking for the small differences, you can check out the SuperPreview tool that comes with Microsoft Expression Web site looks completely different on IE, Firefox, and Chrome; why?

I'm doing css for a website. I send the html and css to a guy, he puts it into The problem is that the transfer didn't end well for my code and it needs some fixing. The problem is that when I look at it in Chrome, or Firefox, or IE8, I get three completely different renderings. I spent a good amount of time trying to fix a drop-down menu that is supposed to appear while hovering over a link. The one he had in place from worked in IE, kinda worked in Firefox, and was completely broken in Chrome (I haven't tested Safari or Opera.) Just getting it to look basically the same in firefox and chrome was a struggle. The html source is showing me two completely different pages as well.
Does anyone have experience with this? I know nothing of, and it seems like the guy is modifying my layout with a wsyiwyg (I found tables used in random places, which I did not put there.) Faced with this, what is my best option? Is this fixable, or am I in over my head?
Many times WYSIWYG programs don't generate code that results in reliable, consistent renderings. However, there are a few things you can do to check your site's consistency.
You can use a program like Adobe BrowserLab (there's a free trial right now) to automatically render your page in multiple browsers side by side
You can use the w3 Validator to make sure that your code is standards compliant. If your code isn't standards compliant, then you will likely have issues across browsers.
Note that you can force to generate XHTML Transitional- or Strict-compliant code (if that's the standard you choose to implement) via the web.config file. Use the directive
<xhtmlConformance mode="Transitional"/>
if you want to enable this behavior.
Was your code rendering fine in those browsers before you sent it off to the .NET guy? If so, the programmer is doing something to muck up your work. ASP .NET won't change the way your code renders... it's simply the Windows equivalent of PHP (simply put).
I would suggest (if you haven't already) testing your code before hand-off to verify proper rendering. Take some screenshots, and if after sending your code to this developer things break, you can point out that it was working until he started messing with your markup. If that ends up being the case, at least you know it wasn't you. If it was, then we have more work to do. :)
Can you provide any samples?
The html source is showing me two completely different pages as well.
That sounds like your guy is doing something wrong there. You can use to do browser-dependant rendering, but it sounds more like his job is to just make the site render what you gave him, and it's usually better to get your html and css right to begin with.
