newton.method issues - r

Is this method broken in R? I am using it to find roots of the following function:
f(x) = 2.5*exp(-0.5*(2*0.045 - x)) + 2.5*exp(-0.045) + 2.5*exp(-1.5*x) - 100
It is giving an answer of -38.4762403 which is not even close (f(x) = 2.903809e+25 for x=-38.4762403). The answer should be around 0.01-0.1. This function should converge..
Even for a simple function like f(x) = exp(-x) * x, it gives answer as 8.89210984 for which f(x) = 0.001222392 and I set tolerance to 10^-12..
Also, is there a non graphical version of newton method? I looked at nleqslv but have no idea how to use it..
Thanks for your help.

R has a number of root finders, such as uniroot and polyroot. For more complicated problems you can use optimisation functions such as optim, optimize or nlminb. Here is an example of solving this problem with uniroot.
## define the function
f <- function(x){
2.5*exp(-0.5*(2*0.045 - x)) + 2.5*exp(-0.045) + 2.5*exp(-1.5*x) - 100
## plot the function
y <- seq(-20,20,0.1)
plot(y,f(y),ylim = c(-100,100),xlim=c(-20,20))
## find the roots


Find the inverse function in R

Is there a function in R that generates the inverse of a given function?
To be more specific: I have a polynomial of a third order and I need the inverse of it. It's strictly monotonously.
I read a few times that uniroot and/or polyroot can help. But how? Uniroot yields the root of a function and polyroot the zeros of a function. How can I use that for the inverse?
Maybe a dumb question but I don't get it..
Sorry for the late reply, but you could try using this function:
inverse = function(fn, interval = NULL, lower = min(interval), upper = max(interval), ...){
uniroot(f=function(x){fn(x)-y}, lower=lower, upper=upper, ...)$root
I've seen variants of this a few times, but never with Vectorize built in. I put the function above together to hopefully be a little more user friendly, e.g.:
x = 1:10
y = sqrt(x)
sqrt.inv = inverse(sqrt, lower=1, upper=10)
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hope that helps!
The package investr is able to apply an inverse regression.

Returning 'traditional' notations of functions in the context of fourier interpolation

in numerical analysis we students are obligated to implement code in R that given a function f(x) finds its Fourier interpolation tN(x) and computes the interpolation error
$||f(x)-t_{N}(x)||=\int_{0}^{2\pi}$ $|f(x)-t_{N}(x)|^2$
or a variety of different $N$
I first tried to compute the d-coefficients according to this formular:
$d = \frac 1N M y$
with M denoting the DFT matrix and y denoting a series of equidistant function values with
$y_j = f(x_j)$ and
$x_j = e^{\frac{2*pi*i}N*j}$
for $j = 1,..,N-1$.
My goal was to come up with a sum that can be described by:
$t_{N}(x) = \Sigma_{k=0}^{N-1} d_k * e^{i*k*x}$
Which would be easier to later integrate in sort of a subsequently additive notation.
f <- function(x) 3/(6+4*cos(x)) #first function to compare with
g <- function(x) sin(32*x) #second one
xj <- function(x,n) 2*pi*x/n
M <- function(n){
w = exp(-2*pi*1i/n)
m = outer(0:(n-1),0:(n-1))
y <- function(n){
transformFunction <- function(n, f){
d = 1/n * t(M(n)) %*% f(xj(0:(n-1),n))
script <- paste(d[1])
for(i in 2:n)
script <- paste0(script,paste0("+",d[i],"*exp(1i*x*",i,")"))
#trans <- sum(d[1:n] * exp(1i*x*(0:(n-1))))
The main purpose of the transform function was, initially, to return a function - or rather: a mathematical expression - which could then be used in order to declarate my Fourier Interpolation Function. Problem is, based on my fairly limited knowledge, that I cannot integrate functions that still have sums nested in them (which is why I commented the corresponding line in the code).
Out of absolute desperation I then tried to paste each of the summands in form of text subsequently, only to parse them again as an expression.
So the main question that remains is: how do I return mathmatical expressions in a manner that allow me to use them as a function and later on integrate them?
I am sincerely sorry for any misunderstanding or confusion, as well as my seemingly amateurish coding.
Thanks in advance!
A function in R can return any class, so specifically also objects of class function. Hence, you can make trans a function of x and return that.
Since the integrate function requires a vectorized function, we use Vectorize before outputting.
transformFunction <- function(n, f){
d = 1/n * t(M(n)) %*% f(xj(0:(n-1),n))
## Output function
trans <- function(x) sum(d[1:n] * exp(1i*x*(0:(n-1))))
## Vectorize output for the integrate function
To integrate, now simply make a new variable with the output of transformFunction:
myint <- transformFunction(n = 10,f = f)
Test: (integrate can only handle real-valued functions)
integrate(function(x) Re(myint(x)),0,2)$value +
1i*integrate(function(x) Im(myint(x)),0,2)$value
# [1] 1.091337-0.271636i

How extreme values of a functional can be found using R?

I have a functional like this :
(LaTex formula: $v[y]=\int_0^2 (y'^2+23yy'+12y^2+3ye^{2t})dt$)
with given start and end conditions y(0)=-1, y(2)=18.
How can I find extreme values of this functional in R? I realize how it can be done for example in Excel but didn't find appropriate solution in R.
Before trying to solve such a task in a numerical setting, it might be better to lean back and think about it for a moment.
This is a problem typically treated in the mathematical discipline of "variational calculus". A necessary condition for a function y(t) to be an extremum of the functional (ie. the integral) is the so-called Euler-Lagrange equation, see
Calculus of Variations at Wolfram Mathworld.
Applying it to f(t, y, y') as the integrand in your request, I get (please check, I can easily have made a mistake)
y'' - 12*y + 3/2*exp(2*t) = 0
You can go now and find a symbolic solution for this differential equation (with the help of a textbook, or some CAS), or solve it numerically with the help of an R package such as 'deSolve'.
PS: Solving this as an optimization problem based on discretization is possible, but may lead you on a long and stony road. I remember solving the "brachistochrone problem" to a satisfactory accuracy only by applying several hundred variables (not in R).
Here is a numerical solution in R. First the functional:
Now the function that does the actual optimization. The best results I got were using the BFGS optimization method, and parametrizing using dy rather than y:
findMinY<-function(points=100, ## number of points of evaluation
boundary=c(-1,18), ## boundary values
y0=NULL, ## optional initial value
method="Nelder-Mead", ## optimization method
dff=T) ## if TRUE, optimizes based on dy rather than y
if(is.null(y0) || length(y0)!=points)
With 500 points of evaluation, it only takes a few seconds with BFGS:
> system.time(yy<-findMinY(500,method="BFGS"))
Iterations: 90 18
user system elapsed
2.696 0.000 2.703
The resulting function looks like this:
And now a solution that numerically integrates the Euler equation.
As #HansWerner pointed out, this problem boils down to applying the Euler-Lagrange equation to the integrand in OP's question, and then solving that differential equation, either analytically or numerically. In this case the relevant ODE is
y'' - 12*y = 3/2*exp(2*t)
subject to:
y(0) = -1
y(2) = 18
So this is a boundary value problem, best approached using bvpcol(...) in package bvpSolve.
F <- function(t,, pars){
dy <-[2]
d2y <- 12*[1] + 1.5*exp(2*t)
init <- c(-1,NA)
end <- c(18,NA)
t <- seq(0, 2, by = 0.01)
sol <- bvpcol(yini = init, yend = end, x = t, func = F)
y = function(t){ # analytic solution...
b <- sqrt(12)
a <- 1.5/(4-b*b)
u <- exp(2*b)
C1 <- ((18*u + 1) - a*(exp(4)*u-1))/(u*u - 1)
C2 <- -1 - a - C1
return(a*exp(2*t) + C1*exp(b*t) + C2*exp(-b*t))
plot(t,y(t), type="l", xlim=c(0,2),ylim=c(-1,18), col="red", main="Analytical Solution")
plot(sol[,1],sol[,2], type="l", xlim=c(0,2),ylim=c(-1,18), xlab="t", ylab="y(t)", main="Numerical Solution")
It turns out that in this very simple example, there is an analytical solution:
y(t) = a * exp(2*t) + C1 * exp(sqrt(12)*t) + C2 * exp(-sqrt(12)*t)
where a = -3/16 and C1 and C2 are determined to satisfy the boundary conditions. As the plots show, the numerical and analytic solution agree completely, and also agree with the solution provided by #mrip

Solving for the inverse of a function in R

Is there any way for R to solve for the inverse of a given single variable function? The motivation is for me to later tell R to use a vector of values as inputs of the inverse function so that it can spit out the inverse function values.
For instance, I have the function y(x) = x^2, the inverse is y = sqrt(x). Is there a way R can solve for the inverse function?
I looked up uniroot(), but I am not solving for the zero of a function.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
What kind of inverse are you finding? If you're looking for a symbolic inverse (e.g., a function y that is identically equal to sqrt(x)) you're going to have to use a symbolic system. Look at ryacas for an R library to connect with a computer algebra system that can likely compute inverses, Yacas.
Now, if you need only to compute point-wise inverses, you can define your function in terms of uniroot as you've written:
> inverse = function (f, lower = -100, upper = 100) {
function (y) uniroot((function (x) f(x) - y), lower = lower, upper = upper)[1]
> square_inverse = inverse(function (x) x^2, 0.1, 100)
> square_inverse(4)
[1] 1.999976
For a given y and f(x), this will compute x such that f(x) = y, also known as the inverse.
I cannot comment as my reputation is too low.
I am a newbie to R, and it took me a while to understand Mike's code as I was not used to the way functions are defined in his answer.
Below is Mike's code in a longer, but (to me) easier readable notation:
inverse <- function(f, lower, upper){
uniroot(function(x){f(x) - y}, lower = lower, upper = upper, tol=1e-3)[1]
square_inverse <- inverse(function(x){x^2}, 0.1, 100)
I hope it helps others newbies as well.

Computation of numerical integral involving convolution

I have to solve the following convolution related numerical integration problem in R or perhaps computer algebra system like Maxima.
k(.) is the pdf of a standard normal distribution
l(y)=integral[k(z)*k(z+y)dz] (standard convolution)
z and y are scalars
The domain of y is -inf to +inf.
The integral in function l(.) is an indefinite integral. Do I need to add any additional assumption on z to obtain this?
Thank you.
Here is a symbolic solution from Mathematica:
R does not do symbolic integration, just numerical integration. There is the Ryacas package which intefaces with Yacas, a symbolic math program that may help.
See the distr package for possible help with the convolution parts (it will do the convolutions, I just don't know if the result will be integrable symbolicly).
You can numerically integrate the convolutions from distr using the integrate function, but all the parameters need to be specified as numbers not variables.
For the record, here is the same problem solved with Maxima 5.26.0.
(%i2) k(u):=exp(-(1/2)*u^2)/sqrt(2*%pi) $
(%i3) integrate (k(x) * k(y + x), x, minf, inf);
(%o3) %e^-(y^2/4)/(2*sqrt(%pi))
(%i4) l(y) := ''%;
(%o4) l(y):=%e^-(y^2/4)/(2*sqrt(%pi))
(%i5) integrate ((k(y) - l(y))^2, y, minf, inf);
(%o5) ((sqrt(2)+2)*sqrt(3)-2^(5/2))/(4*sqrt(3)*sqrt(%pi))
(%i6) float (%);
(%o6) .02090706601281356
Sorry for the late reply. Leaving this here in case someone finds it by searching.
I try to do something similar in matlab, where I convolute two random (Rayleigh distributed) variables. The result of fz_fun is equal to fy_fun, I don't know why. Maybe some here knows it?
sigma1 = 0.45;
sigma2 = 0.29;
fx_fun =#(x) [0*x(x<0) , (x(x>=0)./sigma1^2).*exp(-0.5*(x(x>=0)./sigma1).^2)];
fy_fun =#(y) [0*y(y<0) , (y(y>=0)./sigma2^2).*exp(-0.5*(y(y>=0)./sigma2).^2)];
% Rayleigh distribution of random var X,Y:
step = 0.1;
x= -2:step:3;
y= -2:step:3;
%% Convolution:
z= y;
fz = zeros(size(y));
for i = 1:length(y)
fz_fun(i) = integral(#(z) fy_fun(y(i)).*fx_fun(z-y(i)),0,Inf); % probability density of random variable z= x+y
