SynchronizationContext and Bookmarks in WF4 - workflow-foundation-4

I am running workflows under and using SynchronizationContext to make the page "wait" for the workflow. Here is how I run the workflow instance under
var workflowApplication = new WorkflowApplication(activity);
SynchronizationContext syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
workflowApplication.Completed = delegate { syncContext.OperationCompleted(); };
workflowApplication.SynchronizationContext = syncContext;
In one of the activities I use a bookmark. Now I want the page processing to continue whenever I call CreateBookmark. I tried calling SynchronizationContext.Current.OperationCompleted() before setting the bookmark but that crushes site when the workflow resumes and completes (I think the workflow instance calls OperationCompleted again when it completes and the error raises)
How can I work with bookmarks under Asp.Net, any ideas?

The Completed Property isn't being called when you persist the workflow with a bookmark, try adding this line after you've set up the completed property:
workflowApplication.PersistableIdle = args => {
return PersistableIdleAction.None;
This should then be called instead of completed, and the ASP.NET code should regain control. Change the PersistableIdleAction enum to whatever is required, I've just picked None for example code.


Blazor Web code after await doesn't execute until the second time

In Blazor Web, I have a method called from a button that does an HttpClient call to an API and then populates a field (Result) on the form. When I call it the first time, nothing happens. When I call it the second time, the field gets populated. Chrome confirms that the API call is made successfully both times. It looks like the code after the await doesn't execute until the 2nd call. What am I doing wrong?
private async void DoAPICall()
VerificationReturnType ReturnData = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<VerificationReturnType>(APIMethod);
Result = String.Format("TrustedCookie: {0}\r\nVerificationCookie: {1}\r\nError: {2}\r\n", ReturnData.TrustedCookie, ReturnData.VerificatonCookie, ReturnData.Error);
Fixed by changing the return type of the DoAPICall from void to Task. Even though the DoAPICall is functionally the event handler for the web form button onclick event and async event handlers usually have to have the void return type, in this (Blazor Web) context, the method must have the Task return type.
Also, (which was my first solution), don't try to call the GetFromJsonAsync method synchronously by appending .Result, like you might when writing a backend C# application. It will compile OK but blow up running in the browser.
Really hope this helps someone else with beginner mistakes - Blazor Web has such potential!

Automatic activity not performing

Created a workflow with basic as below.
Created a calss library, used ProgId, set comvisible true and registerd the assembly in the Tridion server.
This is the way i have tested:
Created a component
Finished the activity from the work list.
Navigated to the "Global Work list" and finished the Reviewer activity by myself by choosing the "Back to Author" step and clicked the "Finish" button.
The item is not moved to the author. but when i finish the activity again from the global work list, the item moved to author.
It seems that my code is not performing the activity because i tried removed the below VB script code and tried with the default automatic script code.
' Script for Automatic Activity Content Manager Workflow
FinishActivity "Automatic Activity Finished"
It behaves the same as above. so i decided my code is not worked. Can any one please help on this?
Below is the VBScript I used in the script box of "Back to Author":
Option Explicit
Dim workflowHandler
Set workflowHandler = CreateObject("CoreComponentWorkflow.WorkflowHandler");
If Not workflowHandler Is Nothing Then
Call workflowHandler.MoveBackToActivity(Cstr(CurrentWorkItem.ID, "Create or Edit Component")
End If
Set workflowHandler = Nothing
Below is the C# Code:
public void MoveBackToActivity(string workitemid, string strActivitytoMove)
Session session = new Session();
WorkItem workitem = new WorkItem(new TcmUri("workitemid"), session);
ActivityInstance currentactivity = workitem.Activity as ActivityInstance;
ProcessInstance procInstance = currentactivity.Process as ProcessInstance;
IEnumerable<ActivityInstance> ieActivities = procInstance.Activities
.Select (s => s)
.Where (w => w.Title.IndexOf(strActivitytoMove) !=-1)
.OrderByDescending(w =>w.StartDate);
if (ieActivities != null && ieActivities.Count<ActivityInstance>() > 0)
ActivityInstance targetactivity = ieActivities.ElementAt(0);
User lastperformuser = targetactivity.Performers.ElementAt(targetactivity.Performers.Count<User>() - 1);
ActivityFinish finish = new ActivityFinish(targetactivity.FinishMessage, lastperformuser, workitem.Session);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Be aware that you are using an API that is NOT supported in Automatic Activities. The only processes where you are allowed to use TOM.NET are Event System handlers and Template Building Blocks as documented here.
Automatic Workflow Activities - if not developed with VBScript - must use the CoreService interface.
The good news is that I know for a fact this works - plenty of people got it to work in many implementations. The bad news (for you) is that the error is in your code. Have you tried debugging/step-by-step through your code yet? You can attach to to the workflow process (cm_wf_svc.exe) and figure out what's wrong with the code much faster than we can.
Here's a really simple snippet to finish an activity with CoreService:
ActivityFinishData activityFinish = new ActivityFinishData
Message = "Automatically Finished from Expiration Workflow Extension"
ActivityInstanceData activityInstance =
client.FinishActivity(activityInstance.Id, activityFinish, readOptions);
BTW - If you intended to use TOM.NET anyway, why did you bother asking which API to use?
Following the Nuno's answer, yes you should change the code to use TOM or Core Services. TOM .Net is not supported because it is using a different thread apartment than the underlying technology we use for workflow (COM).
About the issue I have checked that you are calling the activity like this.
Call workflowHandler.MoveBackToActivity(Cstr(CurrentWorkItem.ID, "Create or Edit Component")
It looks like the activity name is not matching. there are some strange characters between "Edit" and "Component"
I hope this helps.
Automatic activities are executed by the Workflow agent service. An Assigned state may indicate that it's just not being picked up by the service. Is your service running correctly, and are things like queue notifications set up properly?

ASP.NET Async Tasks - how to use WebClient.DownloadStringAsync with Page.RegisterAsyncTask

A common task I have to do for a site I work on is the following:
Download data from some third-party API
Process the data in some fashion
Display the results on the page
I was initially using WebClient.DownloadStringAsync and doing my processing on the result. However I was finding that DownloadStringAsync was not respecting the AsyncTimeout parameter, which I sort of expected once I did a little reading about how this works.
I ended up adapting the code from the example on how to use PageAsyncTask to use DownloadString() there - please note, it's the synchronous version. This is probably okay, because the task is now asynchronous. The tasks now properly time out and I can get the data by PreRender() time - and I can easily genericize this and put it on any page I need this functionality.
However I'm just worried it's not 'clean'. The page isn't notified when the task is done like the DownloadStringAsync method would do - I just have to scoop the results (stored in a field in the class) up at the end in my PreRender event.
Is there any way to get the Webclient's Async methods to work with RegisterPageTask, or is a helper class the best I can do?
Notes: No MVC - this is vanilla 4.0.
If you want an event handler on your Page called when the async task completes, you need only hook one up. To expand on the MSDN "how to" article you linked:
Modify the "SlowTask" class to include an event, like - public event EventHandler Finished;
Call that EventHandler in the "OnEnd" method, like - if (Finished != null)
Finished(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Register an event handler in your page for SlowTask.Finished, like - mytask.Finished += new EventHandler(mytask_Finished);
Regarding ExecuteRegisteredAsyncTasks() being a blocking call, that's based only on my experience. It's not documented explicitly as such in the MSDN -
That said, it wouldn't be all that practical for it be anything BUT a blocking call, given that it doesn't return a WaitHandle or similar. If it didn't block the pipeline, the Page would render and be returned to the client before the async task(s) completed, making it a little difficult to get the results of the task back to the client.

Safe cache-refresh pattern for

I've got quite a lot of code on my site that looks like this;
Item item;
if(Cache["foo"] != null)
item = (Item)Cache["foo"];
item = database.getItemFromDatabase();
Cache.insert(item, "foo", null, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), ...
One such instance of this has a rather expensive getItemFromDatabase method (which is the main reason it's cached). The problem I have is that with every release or restart of the application, the cache is cleared and then an army of users come online and hit the above code, which kills our database server.
What is the typical method of dealing with these sorts of scenarios?
You could hook into the Application OnStart event in the global.asax file and call a method to load the expensive database calls in a seperate thread when the application starts.
It may also be an idea to use a specialised class for accessing these properties using a locking pattern to avoid multiple database calls when the initial value is null.

Quartz.NET trigger not firing

i am using Quartz.NET in my ASP.NET web application. i put the following code in a button click handler to make sure that it executes (for testing purposes):
Quartz.ISchedulerFactory factory = new Quartz.Impl.StdSchedulerFactory();
Quartz.IScheduler scheduler = factory.GetScheduler();
Quartz.JobDetail job = new Quartz.JobDetail("job", null, typeof(BackupJob));
Quartz.Trigger trigger = Quartz.TriggerUtils.MakeDailyTrigger(8, 30); // i edit this each time before compilation (for testing purposes)
trigger.StartTimeUtc = Quartz.TriggerUtils.GetEvenSecondDate(DateTime.UtcNow);
trigger.Name = "trigger";
scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);
here's "BackupJob":
public class BackupJob : IJob
public BackupJob()
public void Execute(JobExecutionContext context)
my question: why is "BackupJobStart()" not firing? i've used similar code before and it worked fine.
EDIT: #Andy White, i would have it in Application_Start in Global.asax. this doesn't work which is why i moved it to a button click handler to narrow down the problem.
Do you have the Quartz.NET logging hooked up? I once had a problem with a job not executing (I forget why), but once I got the Quartz.NET logging going, the problem was obvious.
It's worth a try (if you're not already doing it):
Update: Simply add this to your program.cs to enable console logging:
Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter = new Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter { Level = Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info};
Maybe it's a problem of time.
I've had the same problem as you, and I live in a country which time is UTC + 2. So, when I set the StartTimeUtc to the trigger, I used DateTime.Now, so the trigger didn't have to fire until two hours later, and I thought it has to be fired in the very moment my code started.
Look carefully the time of the trigger's execution and its StartTime
Another possibility is the way you're running the scheduler. I'm not totally sure, but you may run into problems trying to run a scheduling threads in an ASP.NET application. Putting the SchedulerFactory/Scheduler objects in a button click handler doesn't seem like it would give you the desired results.
You may need to create the scheduler at a more "global" level, so that it can run in the "background" of the application. It might also make sense to move any scheduled work into a separate windows service, so that you don't have to maintain the scheduler in the web app.
When you had success in the past, how were you invoking the scheduler?
In my case, there was an issue with IoC - there were some Interfaces that weren't implemented. I could see what was wrong with mine by adding logging:
Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter = new Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter { Level = Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info};
to Program.cs as suggested by Andy White
