NSTableView get rid blank space separating columns - nstableview

I have an NSTableView with 4 columns. I also have a custom background color for each row. The only problem is I have these ugly white spaces where the gridlines would go in both the horizontal and vertical axis. I have both unchecked in IB, but they still show up. How can I get rid of the vertical ones and change the color and size of the horizontal ones?
Here's what I see:
alt text http://img815.imageshack.us/img815/9030/homex.png

To get rid of vertical spaces but keep the horizontal ones:
[yourTableView setIntercellSpacing:NSMakeSize(0.0, 2.0)];
See Apple documentation for more details.

You'll need to override drawClipInRect to draw your own grid. The article I linked to modifies it so it only draws vertical gridlines. You'll have to modify it to only draw horizontal ones instead, but the basic strategy is the same: By overriding it, you can make it not draw vertical lines by simply not including the code for it.


Line separators in AvalonEdit

I'm using the AvalonEdit control to show data where each line is its own entity, and the lines often wrap. Wrapping allows me to show all the data on the screen at a time, but it can be confusing for users to differentiate between lines and wrapped lines.
Does anyone know if any of the following are possible (ordered by my preference)?
Give the lines a larger seperator size than wrapped lines.
Color the separator space between lines, but not between wrapped lines.
Alternate background colors per line.
Thanks for your help.

Unwanted overlapping text in watch glance

In my watch glance I have selected the following layout in IB:
For some unknown reason the two top labels want to overlap...sometimes. Like this:
My understanding is that it shouldn't be possible to overlap labels using watchkit. Any idea of how to solve this problem?
I have often found that when labels are not in a Group container, the layout can be unpredictable. I would recommend placing the two top labels in a Group and then make the first Vertical Position Top and the second Vertical Position Bottom. Also be sure to set both labels to use "size to fit content."

How to make grids covered by figures?

I am new to RRDtool. I generated a graph with grid(--grid-dash 1:0), a LINE(LINE1:rt#4e9a06) and I also have the area between the line and the x-axis coloured (AREA:rt#4e9a06 ). I notice the grid still shows up in the colored-area. I am wondering if there is any way to cover the grid with the colored-area.
Also, I am also wondering if there is any good-looking rrdtool samples/examples available online? Thanks.
I have no way of testing this currently, but here's what the documentation says (emphasis mine) :
[-c|--color COLORTAG#rrggbb[aa]]
Override the default colors for the standard elements of the graph.
The COLORTAG is one of BACK background, CANVAS for the background of
the actual graph, SHADEA for the left and top border, SHADEB for the
right and bottom border, GRID, MGRID for the major grid, FONT for the
color of the font, AXIS for the axis of the graph, FRAME for the line
around the color spots, and finally ARROW for the arrow head pointing
up and forward. Each color is composed out of three hexadecimal
numbers specifying its rgb color component (00 is off, FF is maximum)
of red, green and blue. Optionally you may add another hexadecimal
number specifying the transparency (FF is solid). You may set this
option several times to alter multiple defaults.
What about making an almost transparent grid with arguments like these (note the extra 7F parameter which translates to 127 in decimal):
-c MGRID#<hex triplet>7F -c GRID#<hex triplet>7F
It should still be visible in the background but be invisible (or barely noticeable) once any graph covers it.
Note that this answer from the developer of RRDTool says that the grid is always painted after the graph, so in the end you'll always have it in the foreground, your only solution is to either totally disable it or tinker with color/transparency parameters to make it invisible when covered by the graphed data.

Javafx chart show more empty space

I am customizing the javafx charts a bit adding valuelabels etc above bars and sliding out certain parts of piecharts. The problem is some of the extras come outside of the visual area.
Is there a simple way to get piecharts to become smaller (but the chart component itself retain its size so that there is more empty space surround the pie?
The same issue with barcharts. I need more empty space above my vertical bars, and more empty space to the right of my horizontal bars.
All data in the table has Number(mostly BigDeicmal) for its value and String for its key and series.

Flex - Placement of Legend for a chart

I would like to be able to specify the placement of a legend for a linechart. Currently, it continues to appear to the right of the chart. I have tried playing with the width/height of the chart to no avail... Putting the legend before the linechart in the mxml causes it to appear to the left. I can't seem to get it appear at the bottom though. I can't seem to find any good examples for this. They don't seem to specify anything but the legend usually shows up below the chart, I can't seem to do it. Optionally, it would be okay to somehow minimize the legend..
what container are your line chart and legend in? its sounds like you are using either an HBox or an application with the layout="horizontal". To move the legend below use either a VBox or application layout of vertical. Or you can use a canvas and use constraints (left, right, top, bottom) or x and y coordinates
