Resizing columns in adobe flex AdvancedDataGrid - apache-flex

I'm using an AdvancedDataGrid without the header row (AdvancedDataGrid.showHeaders="false"), my AdvancedDataGrid has 2 columns, where the first one will show a hierarchical data (tree).
The tree may be very long and very deep or may contain a long string in the node label so the user will not be able to see the whole vale of the tree node, I want to be able to resize the column using the vertical separator of the gris (the one displayed/separates between columns) or to be able to define a horizontal scroll bar only for the first column!
How can I accomplish this?!....Any idea ?!

Try to set the Advanced Datagrid tag's attribute 'wordWrap="true"'.


How to wrap and stack items in QML, into rows and columns

I have a series of buttons that I want to appear in columns at the bottom of my QML page. The number of columns across should depend on the width of the window, as the window width increases I want more columns to be added. (And fewer rows as a result as components are pulled up to the previous line)
This is sort of like a Flow component, but I want the items to appear in columns, evenly spaced across the page, in rows and columns (columns centered vertically, at the bottom of the page). Sort of like GridLayout.
I can't figure out what QML component(s) to use to achieve this.
I think what you're looking for is a GridView. See the layout documentation.
I'm not positive, but based on your description I think you would just need to set the flow property to GridView.FlowTopToBottom.

How can i split my mainwindow into 5 areas with QT-Layouts

I want to make a GUI with QT Creator 4.9.1 ,my aim is to split my mainwindow into 5 areas(no multiple window), my question is how can i realize that, or better what is the best Layout solution for that?
I have allready tried to set a datagrid and add inside that grid 5 frames, the problem is that the first frame has the size of my whole datagrid and i can't resize it.
My next try was to add 5 different datagrid on my GUI but i can't set the size of the datagrid's in QT like wpf or forms.
My last try and my current solution is without any layout, i add 5 fame's inside my mainwindow but that isn't a good solution.
Inside visual studio i realize that with datagrids i create for every menu one grid and change the visibility when the user need a other (area 2).
friendly wishes sniffi
The suggestion to using dock windows may be a good one to investigate, particularly if you need to allow the user to resize or move things around. However, to get the layout you want with just layouts, the trick is to use multiple layouts.
Create a vertical layout for the left-hand side and add the four widgets to it. Create a horizontal layout and add the vertical layout in the first column and your tall, fifth widget to the second column. Apply the layout to your main windows, and that should give you roughly what you're looking for.
You'll almost certainly need to play with the row stretches on the vertical layout to get the proportions you want, and with the column stretches on the horizontal layout.
The alternate would be to create a grid layout where the widget on the right side spans four rows, but I think you'll be happier with the mix of the two layouts.

Is possible to do a flex layout with Qt?

I want to make something like a gridlayout but the layout must decide how many elements can be fitted in a row, and when the row is full continue with the next row.
QtGridLayout also fixes the columns width.
I want to something like this (this pictures was manually organised in Horizontals and verticals grids)
When the image size changes one of the buttons goes to first row.
((In this compositions both images looks with the same size, but actually second one is wider than first one).
Some one answer this question but remove it, so the credits are for my unknown friend.
Qt have an example named Flow Layout Example for a widget based form and another for Graphics View widget.

How to overlapping report items in BIRT?

For some reason I need to overlap 2 report elements in BIRT. For example I need to put 2 labels one on top of another. Is this possible in BIRT? I am using BIRT 4.3. Normally when we place elements in report designer each item is occupying one full row. Some times i need to overlap elements and sometimes i need to place elements side by side. side by side can be achieved with Grid but I am not sure how to overlap report items? Please help and thanks in advance.
You can put two labels in the same cell of a graph or table, then define when to "hide element" with the "Visibility" property.
In order to have both display at the same time, you can use a grid to define where the top label will go, then add the back label as an image using the background (advanced property)

Flex Advanced data grid:column visibility

I am new to Flex and was wondering, when we use an advanced data grid, only when we click on the parent element the children details get populated in the corresponding columns, right?..SO now i have made the empty columns invisible(at design) now how do i make them visible at run time when the parent element is expanded..similarly once the columns are visible, how can i make them invisible again when the parent element is closed.
Please help me out
I think the event you want to listen for is "itemOpen" then the function you want will be something like:
MyADG.columns[invisible column index].visible=true;
