Custom formatter - drupal

I need to create a new custom formatter(using the module custom formatter) to replace some template code. So, for some fields, When I add a new custom formatter(field type: text) I need to print the title and the body. I tried to use $node->title but it doesn't work...
How can I do this? Probably using elements? And if
Thanks in advance,

Field formatters relate to the field that they are used for, it it's impossible to answer your question without know what field you are using (and it's contents).
To debug this, you could use the devel module and a bit of code. If you in your formatter write.
this will give you a pretty printed list of all variables you have available. That should help you inspect and figure out how you get to what you need.

Custom formatters get's passed $element, if you do a dpm of $element (dpm($element) - If you have the Devel module installed) you will see the entire array, and notive that the $node object is passed as $element['#node'].
So with that said, to get to the node title you would use $element['#node']->title.
Please also not that it does say this on the help text of the custom formatters UI.


How to loop a "Multiple String" from a ProductBO object in an ISML-Template?

How can I loop a Multiple String from a ProductBO object? What is the best way to do this?
As long as you know the name of the attribute you may use the following method on ProductBO from within an ISML:
public AttributeValue getAttributeValue(String aName);
The storefront app comes with a convenient albeit not extremely flexible module that is able to display AV-s. It works for multiple attributes too. The name of the module is ISCustomAttribute.
Sample usage:
attributeseparator=", ">
The best would be if you use this module. You may see it in action. Custom ProductBO attributes are printed on the product details page in the storefront as the next image shows (#see DetailsTab.isml):
If this does not fit, you will have to retrieve the attribs as something iterable. The way I think fits best is to use the BO extension BusinessObjectAttributes. You will be able retrieve a BusinessObjectAttribute by name from it and loop through its value.
<isloop iterator="BusinessObjectAttribute:Value" alias="AValue" counter="counter">
<!--- Do something gorgeous here --->

How do I make a node title translatable?

I'd like to translate each node title as a string (using i18n). I'm trying this function in my theme template:
function theme_process_page(&$variables) {
$variables['title'] = t($variables['title']);
Yet when I refresh strings, none of my node titles are on the list. Is there something I'm missing?
And to clarify the function name is using my theme name, not the word "theme".
Title is my usual solution for this (I use Entity Translation, it works fine with Title module).
This module replaces node titles by a regular translatable text field. You can choose wich content type titles must be replaced (on the "Manage Field" forms, you'll find a "replace" link in the title row). Pretty useful.
Good luck
You should never use t() to translate user-supplied or variable strings. See the documentation on the function.
That said, there are some solutions, one is to use the built-in language support for entity fields. Following that you should be able to do something like this in a field hook (in a module, not in your template):
$langcode = $field_info['translatable'] ? $content_langcode : LANGUAGE_NONE;
$entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'] = t("Salut!");

RssDisplay Extension / Simple Pie

I'm just a little desperate.
I installed the RSS Display extension.
Everything works fine, but I have just a little understanding problem.
I pull myself with fluid the Author for the current feed.
<feed:item.get value="author"/>
Than i look whats inside.
<f:debug><feed:item.get value="author"/></f:debug>
Thats the result.
SimplePie_Author prototype object
name => 'Name Name' (12 chars)
link => NULL
email => NULL
So what i need it's to get the name of the author.
Unfortunately i am not able to get the value.
I am really new in Fluid, Typo3.
Hopefully someone can help me.
One way to do this, is to create a fluid variable author and assign the author object to it. Then you can access the name using {}.
To create a variable, you could use the ViewHelper <f:alias>, like this:
<f:alias map="{author: '{feed:item.get(value: \'author\')}'}">
Another way would be to use the extension "vhs", which provides many tools for use with fluid. One of these tools is the ViewHelper <v:variable.set>, which could be used like this:
<v:variable.set name="author" value="{feed:item.get(value: 'author\'}"/>
This has the advantage that you don't need to use the variable within the tags of the ViewHelper.
There are other ways to reach the same goal, without defining variables, but this seems to be the easiest one to me.

How to get a excerpt content of a node?

I am having a node reference.How can i get its excerpt content?
For getting title or body we use:-
print $entry->title;
print $entry->body;
How i can get the excerpt of that node.(i am using excerpt module)
For the stock teaser, it would be $entry->teaser but your best bet is to use
drupal_set_message(print_r($entry, true))
and look through the key=>value pairs.
For a better looking array, install the Devel module and use
The teaser of a node is contained in $entry->teaser; if the field is not initialized, then the function node_teaser() is the function used to build the teaser.
If the module is saving a custom value as excerpt, you should verify which is the property used from the module (I would check $entry->excerpt, though).
I would suggest you to install Devel, which has some debug functions, including dsm() that allows to inspect any PHP value, and also adds a tab "Devel" for each node.
Can you var_dump $entry? Does it have more data?

How to read the filter variable in a php code block in views 2?

I'm trying to create an img link manually with php in the header field of a view, in drupal 6. I need to read the value of one of the filters, but can't find the right variable to read. I thought I could print_r($view->filters) but it didn't give me anything, and I eventually found out that isset($view) is false.
Am I looking the wrong way?
The context I'm writing in is the header field of the view, with php code as input format. Do I have to "enable" the $view variable for reading in this context somehow?
OK I found it, it was really easy:
$pa_view = views_get_current_view();
$pa_nr = $pa_view->display['default']->display_options['filters']['field_nummer_value']['value']['value'];
