in SPD when infopath is used to customize the task init. form the names are picked which are not at all helpful. IS there a way to rename these from either Infopath or Sharepoint or SPD?
You can customize the name of the form that is submitted.
To do this goto Tools -> Data Connections.
If you have a dataconnection already set up for form submission then you can modify that one otherwise set up a new one.
I will assume that you need to set up an new sharepoint document library data connection that you will submit to.
In Tools-> Data Connections
click the Add button
Create a new connection to Submit Data
select To a document library on a sharepoint site.
this next page should have the Document library and the File name that you want to specify.
If however you want the ability to set the filename based on data in the form then at the end of the file name textbox there is a button with Fx as the text (infopath function expression) Click on this button.
it will bring up a Insert Formula dialog box. It is here that you can specify that name of the form based on some criteria with in the form.
Please am working on a project using blazor webassembly that i want to submit a user's form and the form has more than one file upload fields with other input fields too. How do i process this form? I want the user to fill out this form, select all files and submit at once.
Are you using the InputFile component?
Then use can add the multiple attribute to the component to allow the user to upload multiple files as once.
Regarding submission of such a form you can create a model for holding the form data and then use HttpClient to send this to the backend.
This blog post seems to describe what you are trying to do.
We are using VMware clarity wizard to render wizard pages dynamically and we need to have custom logic to access the current page id/step id of the wizard for validation and other functionalities.
When trying to access page of the wizard, using pagesCollectionService and navService, we are getting the id's correctly for the first time e.g clr-wizard-page-0, clr-wizard-page-1 etc.
But the Problem is on click of cancel/submit from the wizard, the wizard id's are not getting reset, that is when we again open the same wizard the wizard page id's are in continuation to the previous id's
e.g :clr-wizard-page-4, clr-wizard-page-5 etc.
Is there a way by which we can access the page of the wizard by using any other property.
Note: Wizard pages are dynamically rendered using json
Attaching image : page id's that come up when we open the wizard for second time
enter image description here
Adding more information,
Please find the stackblitz link for more details:
Here we are rendering wizard pages, driven by config
For every wizard page we are displaying angular dynamic forms, where config contains all the information for the form fields .
Since is being called inside a for loop, we need to have a function where on click of next/back or on click of step of the wizard we should be able to validate the current form fields and store the current form fields value.
I have added (clrWizardCurrentPageChanged)="resetFormValidity()" and on every page change i am trying to retrieve the page id using, but the id's are not getting reset and when i access the multiple times, i am getting incremental id's : clr-wizard-page-4, clr-wizard-page-5 etc.
We are using the below versions :
"#clr/angular": "0.11.30",
"#clr/icons": "0.11.30",
"#clr/ui": "0.11.30",
Is there any other way where i can determine which page it is currently, so that i can compare that with config and continue with validation and form submission.
The Wizard has a property called currentPage which will tell you the current page. The public methods of the Wizard are at under the Wizard Deep Dive section, which might replace the need to inject and use the internal services which aren't meant to be used directly in applications (from what I understood in your message, an isolated demo would help greatly).
#ViewChild() wizard: ClrWizard;
get currentPage() {
return this.wizard.currentPage;
anyone out there knows if it's possible to add items to a SP list from a hyperlink?
I would like to have user clicking on a hyperlink that will create and save an item in the list.
something like:[something to save] will load the new list item with 'Title' already filled in... but how to I save without having to press the Save button?
I am looking at users receiving an email and being able to record their 'like' or 'unlike' by having them to press a hyperlink....
It's conceptually wrong and unsafe. GET request (clicking the link it's a GET, not POST) must be idempotent and must be read only action.
But if you really want to do this - you must add webpart to page, wich will create item relying on url parameters. It may be custom web part with server code or just Content Editor Web Part with javascript code using CSOM (if you on 2010 or 2013 SharePoint).
I'm new in and am running a VB web application in a visual database program called IronSpeed designer. I'm primarily using IronSpeed in this case for its login/role security features.
I have a basic two page setup for this app. The user logs in then is taken to AccountEntry.aspx, they enter data into textboxes and select some dropdown values that are linked to a sql database, then they click "submit" to move to Results.aspx. On Results.aspx, the user can change data and then generate several types of reports (PDF, Excel, etc).
I'm used to setting up ASP controls inside ASPContent areas, and in these areas if a user performs a browser back click the previously entered data will still be on the page for potential user modification.
However in this web app, IronSpeed is setting up the page and asp controls inside an asp update panel. It appears inside an asp update panel, cached values can't be seen on a browser back click. In this case, it's important that the orginally entered values still be there for the user experience if the user advances to Results.aspx then clicks browser back to modify a value on AccountEntry.aspx.
If I have to I'll setup Session Variables and disable browser clicking, but that is last resort. Is there any way to save cached data inside an asp update panel and have it there for a browser back click?
The best you can do is creating a class, filling it with your form data and
store it in browser session.
Public Class Navigation
Property Data1 as string
Property Data2 as string
Property ComboValue as string
Property WhateverDesiredValue as string
End Class
Save the user data into the class and keep it in Session.
Dim myNavitadionClass as new PreviousNavigation With { .Data1="" 'Assign values }
Session("PreviousNavigation") = myNavitadionClass
'Submit the form.
Then when you came again to the form you check the page_load event.
If Not Session("PreviousNavigation") is Nothing Then
Dim myClass as Navigation = Ctype(Session("PreviousNavigation"),Navigation)
End If
And then you can fill the form exactly as it was.
I have an application that I am writing in ASP.NET MVC 2 following the Nerd Dinner tutorial. I am very much a beginner and was looking for examples/tutorials I could follow that would enable me to learn how to code the following scenario:
A user has the option to select an option from a dropdown.
If the option is not there then they can enter a new option and add it to the database and list in the dropdown.
I would like this to be done without the user leaving the page and what they have entered so far.
I am using a simple Entity Framework 4.0 model which I have built a repository on top of so I have methods I can call to save the filled in user information.
If the entry already exists in the database then I would like to offer the user the chance to either select that entry or to continue adding the entry they request because it can be a list of names and of course you can have more than one person with the same name.
I have implemeted this and it follows the following workflow:
1) Provide a button next to the select list to add items
2) Populate the drop-downlist when the page loads
3) When the add button is clicked, implement the UI as you like, we use a jquery dialog box.
4) Post the value to a view (via jQuery Ajax) The view should return a JsonResult
5) Check to see if the item exists, get existing id if exists or add and get new id
6) Returns a JsonResult that contains the new list and the id
7) In the reply to the ajax post, repopulate the select list using jquery and select the item.