flex vs silverlight for student - apache-flex

I am a student of computer science and am interested in learning development of RIAs. So which among silverlight and flex is more suitable for me and y?

Silverlight is the very accessible. You can develop Silverlight applications using free tooling provided by Microsoft in via its "Express" range of tools. Also if you use C# as part of your work you'll be learning a language which has wider uses. ActionScript on the other will teach quite a few aspects of Javascript yet it also has many features that are perculiar to its slant of Javascript and only really useful in the flex context.
However have you considered HTML5 as a platform for RIA? Whilst being embyronic and almost non-existant tooling it may also be a contender for RIA delivery in the furture.

Personally, I think you'd be silly to ignore Silverlight. It's going from strength to strength and is growing a lot faster than Flash. As Anthony rightly points out, businesses that would never have considered Flash are turning to Silverlight for replacing both Web and Desktop apps.

Flex with ActionScript is better than Silverlight. You can find a range of tutorials and application for Flex in the web.
HTML 5 has come, but still you will find a range of browsers not supporting it fully. You may end up frustrated with most of your clients in I.E 6.0
My Bet is
Flex with PHP OR
Flex with JAVA
Could really enhance your programming skills and career growth to a peak.

I would say that flash+flex is much better than html5 (which is too slow for now) and silverlight (which was a big disapointment for me, a big BUM at the launch and that's all)
Check out http://flex.org/ for some nice RIA tools, and maybe that can help you more in taking your decision.


What does a web designer need to migrate to Flex quickly?

What does a web designer need to migrate to Flex quickly?
A: tell me how I can get good fast
B: tell me why it would be unrealistic to learn Flex quickly
I want here both sides of it. Maybe web designers are not qualified, I'd
honestly like to know what it would take.
• Projects I need to complete in Flex
• Tutorials
• Key concepts
• Other technologies in a nutshell (webservices, SOAP, AJAX, HTML5 etc.)
• I code JavaScript (including HTML, CSS, XML, not much AJAX)
• Flash (hand code ActionScript 3.0 in classes, reasonable OPP skills)
• I'm a designer 'no computer science degree'
This Flex reference should include everything needed for beginning Adobe Flash Builder 4
To be honest, the tenor of your post is a bit irritating. Nothing worth doing comes easily or without some level of work. "How can I get good fast?" implies you either don't have time or don't possess patience to do things right. I doubt that's the case, however, and thus here are a few thoughts to your questions/bullet points:
A: tell me how I can get good fast
I don't know what you know, and thus cannot tell you how long it will take you to become a solid Flex developer. If you want to get good, you'll probably need at least some time; if you want to be fast, you can pick Flex up rather quickly, and your application may end up a buggy mess. Depending on your definition of "fast" (and what you already know, of which, as I've said, I'm completely ignorant), you'll probably have to take your pick between the two.
Growth in any area usually comes with experience, instruction from superiors, and learning from ones' mistakes. Getting "good" quickly is a concept which doesn't take these into account.
Your knowledge of Javascript, CSS, and design will certainly help, and I don't want to denigrate your current experience. Seven years of design is outstanding and a great gateway to Flex. Those skills, however, likely came with time and effort, and you should expect the same with most new technologies.
B: tell me why it would be unrealistic to learn Flex quickly
Of course you can learn Flex quickly. I picked it up in a few days, and have spent the last 2 years of my life writing Flex applications full-time. I consider myself well past proficient, and I still have quite a bit to learn. The basics aren't terribly difficult (esp. since you have ActionScript experience). Learning enough to be good, however, creates an explosion of new material to cover. Consider these questions:
Do you know how to architect a web application? Not just assembling a quick and dirty web-page with a few basic controls -- do you know how to build a full-fledged web application which is extensible, scalable, and robust in its communication with a remote data server?
Are you working with established data servers, or do you have to implement your own?
Do you know how to manage large data sets efficiently?
Do you know solid software design/development techniques and principles (DRY, YAGNI, KISS) and how to implement them in your code?
If you can't answer these questions (or answer them negatively), you probably have a way to go. If you can answer them positively, you're at least on the right track. There's still a plethora of things to know about Flex (some listed below), and each one will take some time to pick up.
• Projects I need to complete in Flex
This question is a bit vague. If you're referring to tutorials, you're repeating yourself (see your next bullet point). If you're asking what applications will facilitate writing Flex apps (e.g. FlashBuilder 4), you haven't done enough homework. If you're asking what programs we think you should write, you're asking the wrong people. See my next point...
• Tutorials
There are many tutorials for Flex development. Start with a basic Hello World program and add simple features to the page (e.g. user controls, multiple MXML and ActionScript files, packages, styles, etc.). You said you're a Javascript developer with HTML and CSS: why not attempt to rewrite one of your previous applications in Flex?
We don't know what topics you need to cover because we don't necessarily know what you'll be doing in Flex. If you never plan on performing HTTP requests, you probably don't need to learn this functionality (at least not immediately). If you will never work with server-side notifications to your app, BlazeDS and LiveCycle Data Services might not be important.
• Key concepts
Man, where to start? Data binding, Code behind patterns, MXML vs ActionScript, Flex Skinning, working with XML, MVC frameworks, the list goes on. No list of "key concepts" is going to make you good fast.
• Other technologies in a nutshell
(webservices, SOAP, AJAX, HTML5 etc.)
Here are a few things you might want investigate, depending on your needs:
LiveCycle Data Services
Flex and HTTP
Asynchronous Requests in Flex
Mobile Application Development
My recommendation is to start with the basics, and see what you're up against. Build a "Hello world" app and extend it to include various other features. Then assess what you hope to build with Flex, and how you expect to retrieve data from a back-end server. These two points will help you decide what you'll need to learn next. From there you can research each new topic you're trying to address and how to do it correctly.

Any ideas on how to prepare for the future of Flash/Flex/HTML5 Development?

I've chosen Flex 4 as the most appropriate technology to develop a graphically-rich web application (its not a simple content-driven site), but worried about how the recent negative press (i.e. security issues) may effect end-user's trust and ultimately whether the user-base may drop promptly in response. (I don't care if my app works on iphones or ipads for now)
I think Flash Builder 4 is an great development environment and has minimized development time for me/my team. After some basic testing of graphical animations similar to that used in my app - HTML5 didn't perform as fast, is inconsistent with browsers, and some animations are jagged (I expect browser performance and graphic libraries to improve over time). I also 'personally' dislike programming Javascript as I am very fond of strong-typing to uncover mistakes quickly.
If you develop Rich Internet Apps, how are you responding?
Are you preparing to potentially migrate to HTML5/Javascript? Java? No action?
BTW - I don't want pro/anti-flash arguments - just curious to see how the community is responding.
At the end of the day, Flash/Flex aren't going anywhere. If Flex 4 meets your current needs and you're aware of the limitations (ie can't deploy to iOS devices) then I say go for it. Yes it's true that the topic has become mildly politicized - but if you're offering something your clients need then they'd be silly to refuse to use it on the grounds that they support "HTML 5" - when HTML 5 clearly doesn't offer you the tools you need.
Plenty of awesome stuff is coming down the pipe in Flash, much of which simply can't be done any other way - google UJam for an example. I wouldn't let Steve Jobs scare you away from using the technology that works for your needs.
My company plans to continue with Flash, using FlashBuilder 4 and Java back end. We went with Flex/Flash several years ago to get out of the business of supporting all the different browsers and into the business of being productive and giving our users a rich client-side experience.
HTML5/Javascript have potential, but are nowhere near as robust, powerful, fast, or efficient. The class hierarchy, data typing, and event model alone put ActionScript 3 miles beyond any Javascript. So what if Steve Jobs gives Flash the thumbs down? Time-Warner and other big media companies have said they're going to continue with Flash, so it's only a matter of time before Steve Jobs either relegates Apple to permanent niche status or caves and allows Flash on Apple products. (My guess is for the immediate future he will prefer niche status to admitting he is wrong—look how long he maintained a mouse only needed a single button?—but that's just my opinion.) In any case, Flash will soon be available on a multitude of smart phones, including the Droid, so I am not worried.
Adobe will provide tools to convert to HTML5, but they are already following the HTML5 Path with some introductory tools. Just keep watch on adobe. They know what is going on. They just killed mobile flash so even though they argued with apple over it they finally did the right thing instead of stupidly holding on to it just because... hope that helps
I'm a Flex developer, but I think HTML5 is going to be huge. The full features of HTML5 are years away, and I don't think it's totally going to kill Flash. Flex will hold on to some part of the RIA market because it has a lot more going for than just a de facto standard client plugin -- LCDS/BlazeDS, plays nicely with ColdFusion and Java.
I like Flex for the long run. It'll lose some ground to HTML5, but there are areas where Flex will hold its advantage.
Disclaimer: I am author of Web Atoms JS
Flex/Flash is dead already, as usage of non PC devices is increasing everyday. Except old IE (IE<10) almost all features of Flash are already offered by browsers. File API, AJAX upload with progress bar,Canvas API, Indexed DB, Cross Domain message API & Web Sockets. And CSS3, WebGL with 3D can give flash like graphics.
Regarding Component Library & Binding, HTML5+JS lacks component driven development that flash offers. To bridge this gap, we created framework that gives similar functionality with all components to that of flex. Look at following image & see this blog which outlines similarities between Flex & Web Atoms JS.
Here is link to documentation.

Develop games with pure actionscript or adobe flash cs4 professional

I want to develop a simple race car game.
A user will see his car from above and can use right and left arrow keys to navigate in the track and between other cars.
What is the correct way to develop a game?
Do I use pure actionscript with FlashDevelop or the Eclipse plugin?
Do I use Flex3?
Is it better to use adobe Flash CS4 Professional?
The advanced version will also include 1-on-1 or multiplayer game.
Do you recommend a separate XMPP server to send real time data between players
or is there a flash server suitable for this?
A book about games in flash and links to tutorials will be appreciated.
Man are you on the verge of a brave new world, ha.
Alright, so basically everything that you're mentioning is a viable option. A lot of it is going to come down to personal preference, honestly.
If you are a very visual person and it helps you to see things on the stage as you control them, go with Flash. It's not quite as powerful as Flex when it comes to dealing with data, but allowing you to link up your classes to sprites and movie clips in your library is huge and honestly underrated by a lot of "serious" developers.
If you're going for multiplayer, you might consider looking into Adobe LiveCycle Collaboration Services. It's a hosted solution from Adobe that takes a lot of the work out of setting up a multiuser environment, though it's not free.
Finally, if you can wait a few months, Flash CS5 will allow much tighter integration between FlashBuilder (the upgrade to Flex Builder) and Flash. Basically you'll be able to use both together very easily.
If you want to get started learning this stuff, I strongly recommend Lee Brimelow's excellent site gotoandlearn. The first few on there are AS2 so feel free to skip them, but just watch all of his AS3 examples in order and when you're done you'll be a flash developer.
You can also check out the Adobe Flash/Flex Cookbooks to look up specific questions, or google "Flex in a Week" to learn flex.
Good luck!
In the 'good' old times I used to make small Flash games in Flash IDE with AS2. That was really fast. (Though, code was quite ugly.) Since AS3 is available, I use Flex. If graphics matter, I use Flash IDE and Flex Builder parallel (Build/compile/draw in Flash, code in Flex Builder). Of course, it's not the best, but I just hate how Flash IDE handles code.
For the multiplayer mode, I suggest taking a look at this article: http://www.flashrealtime.com/basics-of-p2p-in-flash/ It uses Adobe's Stratus server to do P2P communication. It's quite easy to setup and use.
Books: http://flashgameu.com/ - basic level, but good for beginning
And of course: http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596526948
My favorite tutorial site: http://active.tutsplus.com/
first of all: there is no correct way to develop games ...
one advice I'd like to give you is: do not use CS4 for developement ... CS4 is a great tool to create graphics and animations, etc., but is terrible for programming ...
if you want to develop a proper game (or any sort of web app), that you don't want to scrap within months, you need to layout an extensible, flexible and robust architecture, which can only be done with rock solid code, and than plug in all you nice graphics and effects (which can be made in CS4 of course) ...
Flex is probably the fastest way to get UIs up and running ... if you are for example creating a strategy game, which requires a lot of forms and overviews etc., then you should use Flex for that, altough ASwing and other frameworks are reasonable alternatives ... I do not like Flex for a number of reasons, but I guess in the end they're all a matter of taste, so it is up to you to decide what you'll use to create all the standard UI your game will need to have ... the more UI to create, the more I'd advise you to use Flex ...
when it comes to servers, most people tend to use Red5 and SmartFox, which both perform quite well, yet in my opinion have quite a lot of unnecessary overhead and impose a lot on your networking engine ... still, you can start with them, and might find out they're just what you need ...
here comes my personal advice: use Haxe ... it allows you to use one language for servers and clients ... also, it is a great language, once you get the hang of it ... I used AS2 and AS3 for a lot of time, but since I finally had the courage to switch to Haxe, I don't want to go back ever again ... although the languages appear to be similar, they are not, so do not expect them to ... once you got your head around it, you'll understand what I mean ... check out ThreadRemotingServer for creating servers easily ... check out haxelib (more info here) to get some helpful stuff ... and don't be shy to post on the mailing list ... Haxe has a great, friendly, helpful and enthusiastic community ... there's also a forum (which is not used so much) and an IRC channel to get support ...
hope this helps ... ;)
I'm only answering this for points. Dude, you have a lot of work to do if you are serious about this (which i doubt, since you don't even now how to use a search engine or wikipedia). Anyway, here you go...

Should I branch out to Flex or Flash?

I'm a C# developer looking to branch out. I want to try either flex or flash. Any recommendations on which to go with and why?
Flex is a framework for Rich Internet Application development. It extends Flash with controls and namespaces for UI, data, etc.
If you want to venture a little out of your comfort zone, experiment with Flex. If you've ever worked with WPF it will feel familiar. If you want to get really wild and crazy, add Flash. You can combine Flash assets with Flex projects to create some visually zingy applications. It's worth experimenting with both to get a feel for what they can do together, which is quite a bit. Flex Builder is a good tool for both Flex and ActionScript projects.
I encourage you to try Silverlight as well, since you already have the C#. Both platforms have lots to offer.
Silverlight! :D
Seriously, if you already know C# and you want to leverage that for rich internet applications, that's your best bet.
That said, if you're wanting a programmer-friendly non-C# way of doing things, I'd recommend Flex over Flash. Flash is..... shudder.
This link might help you in your decision.
I gotta argree with Dr. Dredel. It's really hard (not impossible) to access databases and other server side stuff in flash. I took a flash class in high school, worst 18 weeks of my computer life.
You guys are forgetting that Flash is installed on 98% of all computers, while not even Bill Gates himself knows how many computers Silverlight is installed on. You should keep your audience in mind when deciding on what platform to experiment on. Also, remember that linux does not support Silverlight.
I think a good analogy to your question would be saying "I'm thinking about trying something new, should I learn how to bake or ballroom dance?"
Flash is primarily a client building thing. It has lots of hooks and bells and whistles, but at the end of the day 98% of what you build is sitting on a client and displaying stuff, not running on a server.
flex is, on some level, an alternative to things like JSP.
Commercially there's a lot of need for Flash, while Flex is just catching on. So, that might influence your decision making to some extent.

What features distinguish Flex from DHTML?

I just got started using Adobe Flex SDK. I was very excited because it's the first time I've found a good, free way to create Flash applications. But then I noticed something: Flex doesn't seem to be much about making animations or designs. It seems more like an application to build forms and menus and the like... which I can already do in (D)HTML.
What features does Flex have that make it better than HTML in some cases?
Also, are there any techniques/software programs that would allow me to add the flash/design components that I mentioned earlier?
Flex, like Silverlight, is marketed for the creation of something called RIA = rich internet application. The idea being that (D)HTML isn't really well-suited to create large-scale, well-responding applications on the web. I'm not sure whether this is really (still) true but historically, it fits.
Flex and Silverlight attempt to correct this by providing two things: a different, extensible technology along with a large library and an adapted toolset for the creation of applications. The disadvantage in both cases is the dependency from further (non-free, non-standard) components. The advantage is a potentially much more productive workflow and better performance.
Flex has a cohesive component model, and the basic building blocks were designed to support applications. HTML, on the other hand was designed for displaying text, and the DOM is a sorry excuse for a component model -- and it was most definitely not designed with applications in mind.
There is a plethora of JavaScript libraries that try to implement a workable platform on top of the DOM, and to even out the differences between browsers. While these work fine in many situations most of them don't come near the richness of the Flex component model, or even the more basic Flash API:s.
However impressing libraries like Dojo, YUI and jQuery are, they are limited by the platform, and it is limited indeed. Flex has all the benefits of the Flash Player platform, like vector graphics, remote objects, video support, cross-domain loading, sockets, font embedding, etc. but also a very good component model, data binding and skinning capabilities, to name but a few. If you're writing rich internet applications Flex is as rich as it gets.
Flex is a layer on top of Flash, and was designed from the ground up for building applications. As such it has very powerful capabilities when it comes to interface construction and data manipulation. If you are interested in movies and animation sticking with Flash is more appropriate.
The advantages of Flex over DHTML (AJAX) include:
- Faster prototyping
- Better cross-browser support
- Better support for data management
- More "serious"
Disadvantages include:
- Stuck with a single vendor
- Requires the Flash plugin
You can do audio and video in Flex/Flash vs DHTML.
Some more details and comparisons are in this The Top 10 Things You Should Know About Flex article.
If you're interested in leveraging the graphics potential of Flex, why not go check out Degrafa which is an open source graphing and general graphics api. It's pretty cool, very well documented, and quote - "Adobe has asked if the Degrafa team would consider helping directly contribute to the Flex Graphics open source effort." - which they are!
It's not just all about charts and graphs.
Just a quick clarification - to be clear, Flex is built on top of Flash. What that means is that anything you can do in Flash, you can do in Flex when it comes to programming. Flex Builder does not come with any tools that let you make animations with timelines or vector art or anything like that, but all of those elements are still usable provided you have the tools to make them elsewhere.
Flex is really about bridging Actionscript 3 as a language and Flash as a runtime into an environment where application programmers can feel truly comfortable with it.
As stated above, "Better cross-browser support." That's probably the biggest factor right now for me.
A few more...
It's a lot easier to get "pixel perfect" designs in place.
It's really easy to integrate Flash content into Flex. Which makes it easier to work with designers.
Actionscript is better than Javascript (go ahead and flame me!)
There aren't any really good alternatives to buying the Flash product for making timeline based animations.
The bad sides:
Sometimes, html is just plain easier / more powerful
Make sure to pick the right tool for the right job. Sometimes DHTML, sometimes Flex, sometimes Flash, and many times a combination of those.
What you're talking about is Flash versus Javascript. Flex is Flash, DHTML is Javascript.
Flex allows for rapid prototyping, an alternate IDE for building Flash .swf s, and fits nicely into Air - Javascript only runs in browsers, includes less animation support by default (although there are plenty of well-established libraries that provide that functionality) and doesn't require a plugin to work.
Also with Flex you don't have to deal with JSON, XMLHttpRequest, compatibility issues and the likes... Everything works like magic.
Unless you need a lot of animations, HTML will feel more lightweight than Flex.
No "loading" screen.
On OS X performance of Flex is abysmal. Even DHTML animations are faster! (see GUIMark).
HTML has wider compatibility than Flex. It may not be as easy as writing for single implementation from single vendor, but OTOH you're not limited to that single implementation:
No problems with iPhone or 64-bit Linux.
With graceful degradation basic functionality might even be accessible from Lynx or BlackBerry browser.
HTML is better integrated with the browser and OS:
Form elements can have native look'n'feel.
Text has preferred type of anti-aliasing, no problems with ClearType.
Keyboard shortcuts, context menus and text selection work as expected.
Browser extensions can improve DHTML apps, but Flex is impenetrable.
Accessibility tools have better support for HTML.
