ASP.NET AJAX Validation Controls -

I use the ASP.NET validation controls in an ASP.NET web forms environment. Is the better approach to keep all of the validation rules server-side, such as using AJAX to validate a field, without posting the whole page back.
I found one control called ValidatorCallout ( ) but was trying to figure out if there was a better approach.

You should always perform Server side validation, regardless of whether you do any client side validation. This is because there are many ways around clientside validation, such as switching js off or sending a custom built request that doesn't use your page.
It is a good goal to use the same validation rules on both client and server. xVal is a good option for this.
A really good example of this is how I hacked a certain Airline website for our trip to Dubai. When I was trying to select a special meal for my daughter, who is under two years old, there was no "child" option in the select list. Apparently, child meals are only available if you are older than 2. There was a child option for my older daughter. So I opened Firebug, added the option, selected it and submitted the form. It was accepted.
On the flight two child meals turned up as ordered.
Damn! Come to think of it, I should have changed it to First Class! Not on the ball, Mr Dyson!


Validation in a WebForms application

I'm working on a WebForms application that consists of a number of pages and each page contains a form which the user fills out. Each form corresponds to a part of an entity meaning that the data from one page/form populates a part of the entity's fields or its child entities' fields.
As an example: a Person's name and birth data is filled out on first page, health status on second page, family information on third page etc.
The data should of course be valid before continuing to the next page. My customer doesn't want to deal with jQuery or Javascript so this is ruled out. What is "best practice" for implementing validation in this case?
Entity Framework 4 is being used and most of the GUI controls are implemented in HTML and not by WebForms controls.
If you're using custom HTML for your inputs, then you're probably going to have to use some custom code for your validation. In your server-side form handler you can validate the inputs and render the page back to the user if something was invalid. The input checking could be as simple as:
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FormCollection["someRequiredInput"])
You can iterate through all of your inputs, check them according to business logic, and perhaps build a list of errors. Then after the input checking, if the list of errors isn't empty, render the page back to the user with the errors added to a placeholder of some kind. If the list is empty, continue processing the form post.
Even if JavaScript wasn't ruled out, you'd still want to perform server-side validation. Never assume that the client-side code worked as intended or was even executed at all. Client-side validation isn't a security measure, it's just a better user experience. Server-side validation is the only real validation.
(So you may still be able to add client-side validation for that added UX touch, and if the client does indeed disallow JavaScript then they wouldn't see that and would just use the server-side validation instead. This is sometimes referred to as "graceful degradation" where you design a web application to still fully function, albeit with slightly less UX goodness, when the user disables client-side technologies.)
My customer don't want to deal with jQuery och[sic] Javascript so this is ruled out.
Good. Javascript is the wrong place to enforce validation. Any validation you do with javascript is merely a performance optimization. The only acceptable place to truly validate data is on the server.
That out of the way, .Net includes some handy Validation controls you can use. One of those controls is a CustomValidator, that is very easy to override and provide your own server-side code to enforce whatever rules you want. If you're using webforms, these controls are an obvious choice.
Since you have a multi-paged approach, you may also want to look into the Wizard control.

Preventing against HTML change in Firebug

Let's assume I have a profile page where DropDown is shown and 1 Admin user can change role of different user.
2 - Admin
3 - Member
Assume that 1 is for SuperAdmin. If we have a DropDownList in Asp.Net and bind it to datasource in code behind and then mysteriously try to change values in DropDownList and then submit the form we get exception due to EventValidation. However in Asp.Net MVC if we edit it would definitely because it embraces the web. Is there anything I could do to prevent this kind of cross cutting things in my web applications?
One of thing I could is to check when the form is posted to see if value posted is either 2 or 3 and if not display some message like "Are you trying to hack". Are there any better alternatives?
The solution you mentioned (checking on server) IS the correct solution to prevent such hacks on web sites of any kind.
Using firebug is not the only option to "cheat" javascript based validation. It can also be done with any basic sniffer tools, such as fiddler, which can help a potential hacker to analyze the posted data to ur site, change it in a whatever way he wishes, and then to post it again, using the browser or his own networking tool.
I usually use both the validations (script and server side) in all the scenarios, while the client side validation's main purpose, in my opinion, is to prevent postbacks to server (which will annoy a normal user) when i can already tell on the client side, hes doing something wrong.
Such validations, however, can never be secure enough to guarrante the data is to be automaticlly trusted on server, as its too easy to modify javascript/ posted data, to override them.
Following the resposne of UnhandleException:
In MVC specificly, you can use the Data Annotation attributes, to make the mvc engine render client side and server side validation for u
This tutorial explains how do use the attributes validation in ur mvc apps
Do not rely on client side validation. Build a validator for each input. Place the set of validators on the server-side of your application. If there are validators on the client-side, make sure the same validators are implemented on the server-side as well.
Here inputs means URL-based parameters, Form-based parameters, Hidden fields, Cookies ets.

ASP.Net Web Parts, personalization, and javascript

I have some personalized properties on an ASP.Net Web Part that I would like to set via Ajax (for example, the size to which the user has expanded the WebPart using the jQuery Resizable plugin.)
I've read this question and answer, but I don't think it will work. Personalized properties are instance properties. (If they were static, they couldn't be user-scoped, could they?) A WebMethod, which must be static, can't access them.
You might be thinking that I could just use a hidden field and send my values back that way, but that assumes that a postback is done at least once after the values are set. In this case I can't guarantee that: the page in question displays a lot of data but doesn't take any user input other than for configuration.
I seem to recall that some Ajax techniques involve remotely instantiating a page on the server and going through at least part of the page life cycle, but the last time I messed with that was 2006 and I never could get it to work very well. I have the impression that modern Ajax techniques, even for ASP.Net, work in other ways.
So, does anybody have an idea of how this could be managed?
Thanks very much,
Ann L.
Webmethods only have to be static when they are page-based. Create a webservice in your project and stick non-static webmethods in there. You can even enable session state.

A big dilemma - ASP.NET and jQuery

I have a wizard style interface where I need to collect data from users. I've been asked by my managers that the information is to be collected in a step by step type process.
I've decided to have a page.aspx with each step of the process as a separate user control. step1.ascx step2.ascx etc...
The way it works now, is that when the initial GET request comes in, I render the entire page (which sits inside of a master page) and step1.ascx. When then next POST request comes in for step 2 (using query string step=2), I render only step2.ascx to the browser by overriding the Render(HtmlTextWriter) method and use jQuery html() method to replace the contents of a div.
The problem with this whole approach, besides being hacky (in my opinion) is that it's impossible to update viewstate as this is usually handled server side.
My workaround is to store the contents of step1.ascx into temporary session storage so if the user decides to click the Back button to go back one step, I can spit out the values that were stored for it previously.
I feel I'm putting on my techy hat on here in wanting to try the latest Javascript craze as jQuery with .NET has taken a lot of hack like approaches and reverse engineering to get right. Would it be easier to simply use an updatepanel and be done with it or is there a site with a comprehensive resource of using jQuery to do everything in ASP.NET?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Another approach, that might be easier to work with, is to load the entire form with the initial GET request, and then hide all sections except the first one. You then use jQuery to hide and show different parts of the form, and when the final section is shown the entire form is posted in one POST to the server. That way you can handle the input on the server just as if the data entry was done in one step by the user, and still get the step-by-step expreience on the client side.
You could just place all your user controls one after another and turn on the visibility of the current step's control and turn on other controls when appropriate . No need to mess with overriding Render(). This way the user controls' viewstate will be managed by the server. and you can focus on any step validation logic.
Using an UpdatePanel to contain the steps would give the ajax experience and still be able to provide validation on each step. If you are OK with validating multiple steps at once, Tomas Lycken's suggestion (hide/show with JQuery), would give a fast step by step experience.
Did you look into using the ASP.NET Wizard control? It's a bit of a challenge to customize the UI, but otherwise it's worked well for me in similar scenarios.

Continuously update an ASP.NET page using AJAX

I have an ASP.NET page that is interacting with a business class. I want to continuously update controls on my page based on user entered values, e.g. update totals. The calculations are embedded in business logic but they're simple enough to reproduce elsewhere. I've thought of three ways to accomplish this:
Dynamically update the page using JavaScript. I don't want to do this because I don't want to risk floating point math problems where the values on the page don't match the values calculated by the business class (those properties are decimals).
Clear calculated fields on changes and force the user to click a re-calculate button. This is a poor user experience and wiring up JavaScript to ASP.NET controls is tedious.
Use an AJAX UpdatePanel, set data entry controls to autopostback, and handle the "changed" event for the control, e.g. TextChanged for TextBox.
The third method seems cleanest to me, provides a nice user experience, and allows me to interact directly with my business class that I've stored in session state.
My question is: Is this a good idea and/or a common practice? Are there better ways to accomplish this?
I haven't done ASP.NET work for a few years and I have a prejudice against autopostback[1]. I've looked at the size of the request and it's currently negligible at 1.5kB. The site will be low use but we may have a small number of users with dial-up connections.
And ASP.NET in general but times are tough.
Personally, I think UpdatePanel is too heavy. You could use jQuery along with an ASP.NET Web service function that outputs JSON.
You're correct in thinking the third option is your best. This is the kind of thing that AJAX is made for. Go for it.
