Hosting Mercurial on IIS7 - iis-7

Note, this might perhaps be best suited on, but since it is about hosting a programmer source code repository, I am not entirely sure. I'm posting here first, trusting that it'll be migrated if necessary.
I'm attempting to host clones of my Mercurial repositories on my own server (I have the main repo somewhere else), and I'm attempting to set up Mercurial under IIS.
I followed the guide here, but I get an error message.
Solved: See bottom of this question for details.
The error message is:
mercurial.error.RepoError: repository /path/to/repo/or/config not found
Here's what I did.
I installed Mercurial 1.5.2
I created c:\inetpub\hg
I downloaded the hg source as per the instructions of the webpage, and copied the hgweb.cgi file into c:\inetpub\hg (note, the webpage says hgwebdir.cgi, but this particular file does not exist, hgweb.cgi does, however, can this be the source of the problem?)
I added a hgweb.config, with the following contents:
repo1 = C:/hg/**
style = monoblue
I created c:\hg, created a sub-directory test, and created a repository inside it
I installed python 2.6.5, latest 2.6 version from the website (the webpage mentions I need to install the correct version or I'll get a specific error message, since I don't get an error message that looks remotely like the one mentioned, I assume that 2.6.5 is not the problem)
I added a new virtual host, pointing it to c:\inetpub\hg
For this host, I added a script mapping under the Handler Mappings section, mapping *.cgi to c:\python26\python.exe -u %s %s as per the instructions on the website.
I then tested it by navigating to, but I get an error message.
To make it easier to test, I dropped to a command prompt, navigated to c:\inetpub\hg, and executed the following command (error message is part of the text below):
C:\inetpub\hg>c:\python26\python.exe -u hgweb.cgi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hgweb.cgi", line 16, in <module>
application = hgweb(config)
File "mercurial\hgweb\__init__.pyc", line 12, in hgweb
File "mercurial\hgweb\hgweb_mod.pyc", line 30, in __init__
File "mercurial\hg.pyc", line 82, in repository
File "mercurial\localrepo.pyc", line 2221, in instance
File "mercurial\localrepo.pyc", line 62, in __init__
mercurial.error.RepoError: repository /path/to/repo/or/config not found
Does anyone know what I need to look at in order to fix this?
Edit: Ok, I think I managed to get one step closer to the solution, but I'm still stumped.
I realized the .cgi file is a python script file, and not something compile, so I opened it for editing, and these lines was sitting in it:
# Path to repo or hgweb config to serve (see 'hg help hgweb')
config = "/path/to/repo/or/config"
So this was my source for the specific error message.
If I change the line to this:
config = "c:\\hg\\test"
Then I can navigate the empty repository through the Mercurial web interface.
However, I want to host multiple repositories, and seeing as the line says that I can also link to a hgweb config file, I tried this:
config = "c:\\inetpub\\hg\\hgweb.config"
But then I get the following error message:
mercurial.error.Abort: c:\inetpub\hg\hgweb.config: not a Mercurial bundle file
Exception ImportError: 'No module named shutil' in <bound method bundlerepository.__del__
of <mercurial.bundlerepo.bundlerepository object at 0x0260A110>> ignored
Nothing I've tried for the config variable seems to work:
config = "hgweb.config"
config = "c:\\hg\\hgweb.config"
various other variations I don't remember.
So, still stumped, pointers anyone?
Hopefully this question will give others some information if they're stumped as I was.

I ended up having to edit the hgweb.cgi file:
from: from mercurial.hgweb import hgweb, wsgicgi
application = hgweb(config)
to: from mercurial.hgweb import hgweb, hgwebdir, wsgicgi
application = hgwebdir(config)
Note the added hgwebdir parts there. Here's my hgweb.config file, located in the same directory as hgweb.cgi file:
C:/hg/ = C:/hg/
style = gitweb
This now serves my repositories successfully.


How do I use JARs stored in Artifactory in spark submits?

I am trying to configure the spark-submits to use JARs that are stored in artifactory.
I've tried a few ways to do this
Attempt 1: Changing the --jars parameter to point to the https end point
Result 1: 401 Error. Credentials are being passed like so: https://username:password#jfrog-endpoint. The link was tested using wget and it authenticates and downloads the JAR fine.
Attempt 2: Using a combination of --packages --repositories
Result 2: URL doesn't resolve to the right location of the jar
Attempt 3:Using combination of --packages and modified ivysettings.xml (containing repo and artifact pattern)
ivy settings
Result 3: URL resolves correctly but still results in "Not Found"
After some research it looks like the error might say "Not Found" and the it looks like it has "tried" the repo, it could still very well be a 401 error.
Any ideas would be helpful! Links i've explored:
Can i do spark-submit application jar directly from maven/jfrog artifactory
spark resolve external packages behind corporate artifactory
How to pass jar file (from Artifactory) in dcos spark run?
You can use, however you need to specify port.
I discovered this using Artifactory's "set me up" tool for package type Ivy. If you look in the resolver url it specifies the port.

Openstack placement-status upgrade check giving not initialized error

I am trying to install openstack Wallaby on Ubuntu 20.04. I already installed Keystone and Glance and they work as expected. But after I installed Placement and tried to verify it using 'placement-status upgrade check' I constantly get the same error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oslo_upgradecheck/", line 196, in run
return conf.command.action_fn()
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oslo_upgradecheck/", line 104, in check
result = func_name(self, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oslo_upgradecheck/", line 41, in check_policy_json
policy_path = conf.find_file(conf.oslo_policy.policy_file)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oslo_config/", line 2543, in find_file
raise NotInitializedError()
oslo_config.cfg.NotInitializedError: call expression on parser has not been invoked
Is this normal at this stage or am I doing something wrong here?
I already checked the database connections (user and password work and database is made). And I also checked the username, password and url options in keystone_authtoken in placement.conf but I can't find what's wrong.
I also encountered this problem with Wallaby on Ubuntu 20.04. I solved it with installing Placement from PyPI instead of Ubuntu package manager so far. You should consider how implement starting Placement automatically if you install Placement from this instruction.
Install and configure Placement from PyPI
I had the same problem so changed to Victoria, same issue. Digging about in the docs though I found the issue. The command that populate the database looks similar for Keystone, Glance and Placement but for placement the command should be 'su -s /bin/sh -c "placement-manage db sync" placement'. Notice that for placement it is 'db sync' not 'db_sync' as it is for the others. I created scripts, well actuall am using ansible and just cut and pasted between them and my guess is you have done the same. Basically as it does not run the database is empty hence the error.

Building PhantomJS 2.0 on Windows results in a strange error

I am trying to build PhantomJS 2.0 on Windows from the c:\fastio\phantomjs\phantomjs directory. For some reason, the build process fails after a while, with 2 errors (see error message below):
1) It tries to access "C:fastiophantomjsphantomjssrcqtqtbasebinmoc.exe". Obviously, the backslash characters between directory names are somehow getting stripped away deep in the build process - possibly a mismatch between Windows-style "\" and Linux-style "/" (but this is only a guess).
2) There's another error, "Failed to read names from file: C:/fastio/phantomjs/phantomjs/src/qt/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore/mathml/".
If I remove sh.exe from the PATH, the build still gets to this point, and only error #2 appears, leading me to think that error #2 is the real problem here.
Here is the full error message (as far as I can tell this is happening while building WebKit):
sh: C:fastiophantomjsphantomjssrcqtqtbasebinmoc.exe: command not found
Failed to read names from file: C:/fastio/phantomjs/phantomjs/src/qt/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore/mathml/ at C:/fastio/phantomjs/phantomjs/src/qt/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore/dom/ line 315.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Users\Eugene\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_c2ba306e536fdf878271f7fe636a147ff37326ad\bin\perl.EXE' : return code '0x7f'
(By the way, I saw this question but I'm already past the issues described there, my error is happening later in the build process.)
How can I make this work?
Full logs below:
Console output:
QT build log file build_qt_4-285-20-0859.log:
WebKit build log file build_webkit_4-285-20_0859.log:
PhantomJS build log file build_phantomjs_4-285-20_0859.log:
Looks like I found the solution myself, here were my steps:
Remove as much as possible from the PATH leaving only the entries critical to the build process
Most importantly, remove all GitHub's git directories from the PATH
Install GIT separately (not from GitHub but from, add its cmd directory only (not its bin directory) to the PATH
Install ActivePerl separately, add it to the PATH
It's moving past the error I asked about with the steps above (still not sure if it will finish the build successfully, it's taking a while).

Symfony 2 Missing File Error When They're Not

I got my Symfony 2.3 project working through app.php in development. I then did a complete copy to my shared host sever (goDaddy). So far, all I get are blank pages. I've been working my way through the errors. My lastest execution generates 100+ errors in the php log of this type:
[09-Jul-2013 12:52:56 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(/Volumes/Data RAID/htdocs/Symfony/src/Zetcho/AmColAnBundle/Resources/views/User/userSubNav.html.twig) [<a href='function.file-get-contents'>function.file-get-contents</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/.../Symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Templating/Storage/FileStorage.php on line 32
Then I get one of theses
[09-Jul-2013 12:52:56 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(/Volumes/Data RAID/htdocs/Symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/TwigBundle/Resources/views/Exception/exception_full.html.twig) [<a href='function.file-get-contents'>function.file-get-contents</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/.../Symfony/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Loader/Filesystem.php on line 127
The ellipses are mine. I verified that the file that both files were was at the locations specified and that I could read it. The permissions on the files are 644. Could this be a permission problem? If so, what should they be set to?
Update: I set the permissions to 755 and got the same errors.
Update 2: I just noticed that the error is giving my development server directory path. Now I just have to figure out where to change it.
Update 3: It appears to be the cache. There is not command access to a goDaddy shared server that I know of so I just deleted all the files in app/cache/prod. I now get my html, but no css. I use Assetic for images and css. I get the images.
Update 4: When I clicked on a link, the next page used the css file. When I went back to the first page, it used it as well. As I check out the pages, some of the images are missing. Could this be because the cache wasn't rebuilt correctly or completely?
Update 5: Fixed the last problem with missing images. There was a case mismatch between the reference and the image. I think I'm good now.

Use qjson in my Qt symbain app

I'm using Qt to develop a Symbian app.
I downloaded qjson from the link. I followed the instructions in that link and yes, I have the qjson.sis file. Now I need to use it in my app. When I tried, I got this error.
Launch failed: Command answer [command error], 1 values(s) to request: 'C|101|Processes|start|""|"MyProject.exe"|[""]|[]|true'
{"Code":-46,Format="Failed to create the process (verify that the executable and all required DLLs have been transferred) (permission denied)"}
Error: 'Failed to create the process (verify that the executable and all required DLLs have been transferred) (permission denied)' Code: -46
And when I press the launch icon, it shows, "Unable to execute file for security reasons".
Then I install the qjson.sis in my mobile and then tried to install my app, I got this error.
:-1: error: Installation failed: 'Failed to overwrite file owned by another package: c:\sys\bin\qjson.dll in ' Code: 131073; see for descriptions of the error codes
In my .pro file I have this.
symbian: {
addFiles.sources = qjson.dll
addFiles.path = /sys/bin
DEPLOYMENT += addFiles
symbian: {
LIBS += -lqjson
Any ideas...?
Ok, I've just resolved a similar issue: it seems that your current build of QJson's library has different UID3 than the previous one that you installed on the phone.
Each .SIS file that is installed on the device has an identifier. The phone OS tracks which file was installed by which packacge, and if some new package wants to overwrite an existing file, the OS checks whether the new package has the same 'identity' than the previous owner of the file to be overwritten.
If the identity does not match, this error pops up.
There are number of reasons why this could have happened. For example, you could have simply changed the UID3 of the QJson before the build. Or, maybe you have forgot to set the library's UID3? Check the "' in the QJson project and go to the half of the file, you'd see lines:
TARGET.CAPABILITY = ReadDeviceData WriteDeviceData
If there's #, then you have forgot to set it and the build process assumed, well, letssay 'a random value'. So, now, set it to something, ie. TARGET.UID3 = 0xE0123456. Remember to correct that once you are ready to publish the application.
If a package with broken UID3 gets onto your phone and is blocking something - simply: uninstall it. Go to Settings/Installations/Installed, then find "qjson" and uninstall it. Afterwards, next installtion of qjson should succeed with no problems.
