AppFabric Error when disable Security for sessionState Provider -

I'm completely stuck with this version product.
I'm running in a domain environment but for the specific application i'm using I want to disable security to reduce the workload on the servers when accessing the cache.
I've got a bunch of web servers with an existing application using SQL sessions state, and the idea was to roll out AppFabric and use the session state provider and a fast solution to speed things up. Currently have a single separate server running appFabric Host.
All Servers are on the same domain.
I've got AppFabric Running using this mode on the host
Set-CacheClusterSecurity -ProtectionLevel EncryptAndSign -SecurityMode Transport
Local App Pool on the web servers is using NETWORK SERVICE account, and i've grantedthe machine accounts permissions and it all works fine.
But then on the server i set this
Set-CacheClusterSecurity -ProtectionLevel None -SecurityMode None
(Stopping and Starting the cluster).
Then after that I get this error.
ErrorCode:SubStatus:There is a temporary failure. Please retry later. (One or more specified Cache servers are unavailable, which could be caused by busy network or servers. Ensure that security permission has been granted for this client account on the cluster and that the AppFabric Caching Service is allowed through the firewall on all cache hosts. Retry later.)
My assumption is that the client (session state provider), is set by default to use security and need to be set not too, but can't find any doco on how to change this, or i could be barking up the wrong tree.
Any help would be appreciated.

You can configure the client security setup in your web.config by adding a securityProperties element under the dataCacheClient element e.g.
<securityProperties mode="None" protectionLevel="None" />
There's a complete reference for the client configuration settings here.


Azure Cloud Services vs VMs for Existing Asp.Net website

I have seen variations of this question but couldn't find any that dealt with our particular scenario.
We have an existing website that links to a SQL Server database.
The database has clr user-defined types, hence it can only be hosted in Azure VM since Cloud Services don't support said types.
We initially wanted to use a vm for the database and cloud service for the front-end, but then some issues arose:
We use StateServer for storing State, but Azure doesn't support that. We would need to configure either Table storage, SQL Databases, or a Worker role dedicated to State management (a new worker role is an added cost). Table storage wouldn't be ideal due to performance. The other 2 options are preferable but they introduce cost or app-reconfiguration disadvantages.
We use SimpleMembership for user management. We would need to migrate the membership tables from our vm instance sql server to Azure's SQL Databases. This is an inconvenience as we want to keep all our tables in the same database, and splitting up the 2 may require making some code changes.
We are looking for a quick solution to have this app live as soon as possible, and at manageable cost. We are desperately trying to avoid re-factoring our code just to accommodate hosting part of the app in Azure Cloud services.
Should we just go the VM route for hosting everything?
Is there any cost benefit in leveraging a VM instance (for sql server) and a Cloud Service instance (for the front-end)?
It seems to me every added "background process" to a Cloud Service will require a new worker role. For example, if we wanted to enable smtp for email services, this would require a new role, and hence more cost. Is this correct?
To run SQL Server with CLR etc, you'll need to run SQL Server in a Virtual Machine.
For the web tier, there are advantages to Cloud Services (web roles), as they are stateless - very easy to scale out/in without worrying about OS setup. And app setup is done through startup scripts upon bootup. If you can host your session content appropriately, the stateless model will be simpler to scale and maintain. However: If you have any type of complex installations to perform that take a while (or manual intervention), then a Virtual Machine may indeed be the better route, since you can build the VM out, and then create a master image from that VM. You'll still have OS and app maintenance issues to contend with, just as you would in an on-premises environment.
Let me correct you on your 3rd bullet regarding background processes. A cloud service's web role (or worker role) instances are merely Windows Server VM's with some scaffolding code for startup and process monitoring. You don't need a separate role for each. Feel free to run your entire app on a single web role and scale out; you'll just be scaling at a very coarse-grain level.
Some things to consider...
If you want to be cheap, you can have your web/worker role share the same code on a single machine by adding the RoleEntryPoint. Here is a post that actually shows how to do what you are trying to do with sending email:
Session management is painfully slow in SQL Azure DB, I would use the Azure Cache if you is fast.
SQL Server with VMs is going to cause problems for you, because you will also need to create a virtual network between that and any cloud services. This is really stupid, but if you deploy a cloud service AND a VM they communicate over the PUBLIC LOAD BALANCER causing a potential security concern and network latency. So, first you need to virtual network them (that is an extra cost)..then you also need to host a DNS server to address the SQL Server VM. Yes this is really stupid, unless you are OK with your web/worker roles communicating with your SQL Server over the internet :)
EDIT: changed "public internet" to "public load balancer" (and noted latency)
EDIT: The above information is 100% correct contrary to the comment by David below. Please read the guidance from Microsoft here:
DIRECTLY FROM MICROSOFT GUIDANCE speaking about cross Cloud Service communication (VM->web/worker roles):
"We recommend that you implement the first option as the connection process would not need to go through the public Internet. Therefore, it would provide a better network performance."
As of today (8/29/2013) Azure VMs and Worker/Web Roles are deployed into DIFFERENT "Cloud Services". Therefore communication between them needs to be secured via a Virtual Network that exposes private IP addresses between the instances.
To follow up on David's point below, that about adding an ACL. You are still sending packets over the internet using TDS (SQL Server protocol). That can be encrypted, but no sane architect/enterprise governance/security governance would "allow" this scenario to happen in a production environment.

Is NLB a good way to keep a website available while deploying new code?

I want to be able to deploy a new version of my website without loosing client session state or causing any downtime. The way I'm thinking of accomplishing this is by creating a Windows Network Load Balancing server so that clients can reach it via a single url such as It would then redirect traffic to one of two other sites ( or I'll set the NLB's affinity to Single, and disable site B so that all sessions are are directed to site A. When I need to deploy a new version of the website, I'll deploy to site B, enable site B, and disable site A. So, everybody that was on site A can stay there (using version 1) until they log off. All new sessions will connect to site B and run version 2. The next time I deploy, I'll do the reverse.
I've never used NLB. Is this appropriate? Is there a simpler, easier way?
How does NLB know when a request from client X already has a session on A or B? Ie. when they log off the website, and try to login again, will the nlb send them to the same site they were on before?
There are quite a few considerations here
Firstly, rather than juggling the affinity on your NLB, you will probably be better storing your ASP.NET Sessions in StateServer or SQL based Session management to allow web clients (or web service clients) to access your site without 'sticky' affinity. Once you've set up the StateServer or created the SQL Session DB, it should be a simple change to your app's web config.
NLB itself works great for keeping your site up while you upgrade your site. You will typically drainstop a server in the cluster before reinstalling your app to it, test it, and then bring it back into the NLB cluster, before repeating the process with the next server etc.
AFAIK, NLB Single Affinity works at TCP/IP level and is does not interrogate ASP.NET sessions. Basically any connection from the same client IP to the same server IP:Port combination will be directed to the same server. Also AFAIK, both servers will be sharing the NLB IP (In addition to any existing IP's they have).
Since it seems your site uses SSL, it seems that unless you have affinity, that the SSL session keys will need to be renegotiated on each request, which could have performance implications.

WCF service hosted on IIS and client website on IIS

Here's the desired setup:
Service with wsHttpBinding is on IIS 6 on Machine 1 behind the firewall.
Client is front end website on IIS 6 on Machine 2 on a DMZ.
We are currently able to authenticate the client using Windows authentication, but with impersonation
<identity impersonate="true" userName="OurCompany\Me" password="Blahblahblah" />
since the website would use the "ASPNET" as username, which is not in the domain.
We now want to move away from this method, because of safety issue; we don't want to expose this kind of info on the DMZ.
Is there any way to get authenticated properly without using
the impersonate on the client
If we changed so that we use
certificate authentication, would it
affect service operations that
require impersonations (needed
impersonations for file access on
the network for example)?
This has been resolved now, and I think it'd be constructive to share the solutions.
In terms of my original question - whether it's able to do impersonation without setting it explicitly in the config or in the front end code. As mentioned by the above, the App Pool method does work, but only when both the client and server are on the same domain.
Since the web site client being situated in the DMZ has no access of the local network at all, meaning we are unable to impersonate any network user (this is a flaw in my original question, saying the impersonation works - it was actually not working).
So the only way to go was using certificate. Since this is internal communications, I have generated a test certificate on each of the server / client sides with the makecert. Using peer trust certificate authentications, I am able to get the communication working between the client and the server. This will ensure that no Windows / network user account information is presented in the DMZ zone.

Asp.Net Login Control very slow initial connection to Non-Trusted AD Domain

ASP.NET Login control is very slow making the initial connection to AD when authenticating to a different domain than the domain the web server is a member of. Problem occurs for the IIS server and when using with the Visual Studio's built in web server.
It takes about 30 seconds the first time when attempting to use the control to connect against another domain. There is no trust relationship bewteen the web server's domain and the other domains (attempted connecting to several different domains). Subsequent connections execute quickly until the connection times out.
Using Systernals Process Monitor to troubleshoot, there are two OpenQuery operations right before the delay to "C:\WINDOWS\asembly\GAC_MSIL\System.DirectoryServices\\Netapi32.dll with a result NAME NOT FOUND" and right after the 30 second delay the TCP Send and TCP Recieves indicate communication begins with the AD server.
Things we have tried:
Impersonating an administrator on the web server in the web.config;
Granting permissions to the CryptoKeys to the NetworkService and ASPNET;
Specifying by IP instead of DNS name;
Multiple variations of specifying the name and ldap server with domains and OU's;
Local host entries;
Looked for ports being blocked (SYN_SENT) with netstat -an.
Nslookup resolves all the domains and systems involved correectly.
TraceRt shows the Correct routes
Any Idea or hints are greately appreicated.
we finaly fixed it with
To turn off all attmepts to connetc on the secure port and only use 389.
We also had to specify the Connection username like "ad/bob" instead of just "bob" after the connetionProtection change.
I had the same issue. Following this advice seems to have sorted it.
We had a custom user running as the app pool user, giving the user read access to this directory 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys' Sorts the issue.
If you have the .NET 2.0 SP1 installed
just add the following to the
machine.config (of course all sites
will not check verisign any longer)
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>

Windows authentication problems using

I have an application that should access data from two SQL Servers. One of the SQL Servers is present on the same machine as IIS (let us call it SQLSERVER1) whereas the other SQL server is present on another machine (SQLSERVER2).
The connection strings are trusted for both the SQL servers. Impersonation has been set to true in my web.config file. I am using Windows authentication in both IIS and web.config.
When I try to access data from SQLSERVER2, I get login failed for user(null) error. The user through which I have logged in through Windows exists as a SQL server account in SQLSERVER2.
What could be the possible reason?
NOTE: This is a newbie question IMHO.
NOTE: The IIS used is 6.0 (Windows 2003). It is not set to IIS 5.0 isolation mode.
EDIT:The user getting impersonated is a domain user
I also want to state that I get this error message when I access it as a client of the server where IIS is running. In other words, let me say I am working on machine A, the IIS and SQLSERVER1 are on machine B, and SQLSERVER2 is on machine C.
I do not get this error message when I am working on machine B. This is stumping me more.
This is absolutely a delegation problem. As one person pointed out, you need to make sure Kereberos authentication is being used. The old style NTLM isn't going to cut it. Here's more on Kerberos vs. NTLM.
In a nutshell, if you have a webserver and a database and you want the webserver to impersonate the user when making database requests (so that you can set up permissions on the database directly on a per-user or user-group basis) you're performing a double-hop. Credentials must past first from the user's computer to the webserver and again to the database. As you can imagine, the database has to trust the webserver to "do no evil" or this could be an extremely dangerous security hole. As a result, you have to set up what is called in the Windows Server world "delegation"...
Microsoft has a good article about all this here. Further, you can look over an article like this to get an idea of how to set it all up. We've run into this frequently, and it can be a pain at first, especially since as a developer you're probably not in control of the servers directly (especially production ones) and you'll have to spend a lot of time with the server guys down the hall.
You're probably running into this problem because non-Kerberos based impersonation (NTLM) is only valid on the local machine (the webserver). If you want to be able to use those credentials to access another machine, you're going to need to make sure you're using Kerberos.
Try this:
Your authentication to the webserver is not passed through to the sql server. The web server is authenticating to the SQL Server using the account that your application pool is running under.
You should check that the machine account for SQLSERVER1 has trusted for delegation enabled. Otherwise SQLSERVER2 won't trust the impersonation running on SQLSERVER1. This is in addition to confirming that Kerberos is used to set up the impersonation in the first place. This also assumes that the servers and the users are all members of the same domain.
BTW, are sure you want to do things this way, you end up creating a lot more connections because they end up being unique to a user?
Have you tried to access the database on server2 using SQL SErver administrator from Server1 and made a successful connection?
If not then this could be because by default SQL Server installs itself with tcp turned off by default.
You will need to make sure that this is turned on for server2 to allow server1 to connect.
server1 has no problems connecting due to the fact it can use the shared memory connection.
