web.config, configSource, and "The 'xxx' element is not declared" warning - asp.net

I have broken down the horribly unwieldy web.config file into individual files for some of the sections (e.g. connectionStrings, authentication, pages etc.) using the configSource attribute.
This is working fine, but the individual xml files that hold the section 'snippets' cause warnings in VS.
For example, a file named roleManager.config is used for the role manager section, and looks like this:
<roleManager enabled="false">
However I get a blue squiggle under the roleManager element in VS, and the following warning: The 'roleManager' element is not declared
I guess this is something to do with valid xml and schemas etc. Is there an easy way to fix this? Something I can add to the individual files?
P.S. I have heard that it is bad practice to break the web.config file out like this. But don't really understand why - can anyone illuminate me?

Searching a workaround to this matter using Custom Config Files, I found this solution. Dont know if is the correct one.
The problem is that VS cant find a schema to validate your .config (xml). If you are using "native" configuration elements or when you create your custom .config files you must set to every xml document a schema.
By default (in VS9 for example) all xml files use \Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Xml\Schemas\DotNetConfig.xsd
but you can add more schemas to use.
Before assigning a schema you must create it.
To create a new Schema based on your own custom.config:
open your custom config file
in menubar XML->Create Schema
save it
To assign your schema:
open your custom config file
in properties panel: click on the browse button [..]
set the 'Use' column to your recently created schema
you can assign as many you want. or have one schema for all your different custom .config files
(Sorry, but my English is not so good)

I think that you get the blue squiggles since the schema of your web.config file doesn't declare these custom config sections that you've 'broken out' into individual files.
In investigating this, I see that some of my solutions have the same issue, but the config sections that are provided from microsoft DON'T have the squiggles. eg: we have extracted the appsettings and connectionstrings out into their own files, and they don't get the squiggles, but our custom ones do.
I tried to view the microsoft schema at schemas.microsoft.com/.netconfiguration/v2.0, but I get a 404 when trying to download it.
What I'm trying to say is if you get a copy of the MS schema and alter it to include your external config files, you should be able to get rid of the dreaded squiggles!


Replacing the Ajaxfileupload control in a Windows Forms application

We have a windows forms legacy asp.net site that uses the AjaxFileUpload control to manage file uploads. One of our issues is that we have different file type uploads but these types are distinguished not by the extension, but by an element right before the extnsion, EG: .gh.zip vs. .gy.zip. It seems that if I add one of these, but not the other, to the AllowedFileTypes, it doesn't allow either. Is it possible to piggyback some additional JS validation code to prevent an invalid file name, or would I need to replace the entire module with something else, and if so, what would be the recommendation for something that's going to be the least time-consuming that will offer a reasonable amount of configuratability?
That control is open source - you can download the source and change it if you wish.
However, why would not just specifying zip as allowed file type work?
If I set a allowed extension of zip?
Then all of these work:
.gh.zip ok
.gy.zip ok
.pdf no
However, my markup is this:
<ajaxToolkit:AjaxFileUpload ID="AjaxFileUpload1" runat="server"
OnClientUploadCompleteAll="MyCompleteAll" ChunkSize="16384"
So, above only allows zip files.
if I try to say add a pdf file to above que, then I get this:
So just add allowed extension type = zip
(Edit: do NOT include the "." in this extension)
I not sure why that would not work?
But as noted, you can grab the source - it is open source code now.
However, I suspect perhaps some other issue is going on here?
Or maybe you need "more" complex file extensions parsing?
I mean, you could for the "rare" cases or say some "out liner" cases allow that file up-load, and THEN the post-processing code could reject the file type anyway, right?
However, looking at above, just specify file type = zip, and you should be ok.

How can I change this .NET code to File.Exists?

I am working with a framework written in .NET and I do not know .NET. I just need to change this one line where it checks to see if a variable exists, and I need to change it to instead just check on the server to see if the file itself exists.
Here is what is there now:
#if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.DrawingLink2){
Is this the correct code to change it to check if the file exists instead?
#if (File.Exists(/Portfolio/#(Model.FileNumber)/Images/Large_#(Model.FileNumber)_1.jpg))
You need to map that file, relative to the root of the web application, to the physical file system. You can use HttpServerUtility.MapPath for that. You also need quotes around string literals. The process running the code also needs read access to the directory (very likely the case, just mentioning it to be complete).
#if (File.Exists(HttpServerUtility.MapPath("/Portfolio/#(Model.FileNumber)/Images/Large_#(Model.FileNumber)_1.jpg"))

Does ASP.NET Membership Provide a Way to Access the aspnet_Profile Table

I would like to be able to retrieve a value of one of the concatenated string properties (PropertyNames column) for the logged in user.
I looked through the Membership class but could not find any way so far.
Any idea? And what would be the best approach?
Got it! Using System.Web.Profile.
Found the following link helpful about extracting individual properties.
Also, the app was throwing the following error:
Could not load type 'System.Web.Security.SqlProfileProvider'
A change was needed to be made in the Web.Config file
The following link pointed to the main issue

How to handle I18n when texts are not in .properties files but in the jsp page itself

I'm building a multi-languages application with Spring MVC.
So far I handled the multi-languages system with the Spring class ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource and .properties files. It was easy since texts were very short.
Now, I have to translate the body of the page and I can't rely on .properties files.
I have an Italian version of the page and an english version of the page. My doubt is: how should I handle it?
I thought that after the #Controller return the page name, for example "index", I should have a filter that check the application Locale and then add to the page name a suffix. So, the filter must turn "index" into "it/index" or "en/index".
IS it a good way to solve the issue?
Thank you.
Here's a suggestion with one drawback: I didn't test it with .jsp but .vm. The idea might still work.
As not to break the i18n mechanism put a message key, say parseContent in every language.property file. Now, make a view for every locale and name them, say parse_en_US.vm, parse_de_DE.vm and so on. These files must only contain what you wouldn't want to be in the language.property files.
Example of an entry in messages_en_US.porperties might be parseContent = parse_en_US.vm
An now use #springMessage('parseContent') to get the right view name depending on the present locale. This view you parse as a sub-view and problem solved.
For .vm it looks like this:
#set($view = "#springMessage('parseContent')")
Same number of .vm files, but no need to invent sth new.

Get file upload data from post data in ASP.NET

I am looping through the posted values on a form with a view to doing something with them (so don't have access to the controls themselves). This is the process I have to take on this project so that is why I'm doing it this way.
On the form I will have a file upload box but I am not sure how I would upload the file that has been selected from it as I can't just do Control.SaveAs(). When I return the posted value using Request.Form.Item[i] I get the file name I chose but not the full path like I would expect.
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
If you want to manipulate the uploaded files directly, and not through a FileUploader control, you should use the Request.Files collection and not the Request.Form
File Upload controls only pass the file name and the contents. I'm not sure why you would need a folder name, especially since the folder name would be for the client - I can't expect that this would have any value to you since you want to save the file on the server.
As I am unsure of your goals, I would recommend using Server.MapPath("~/Folder") to find a suitable folder to save your uploaded files to
