CSS - Colorizing Grayscale Image - css

In CSS, is there a standard way to colorize or apply a tint to a grayscale image?
I would like to create a grayscale image to show focus over an element, and allow the color of the focus to be configurable by colorizing the grayscale image.

You could change the alpha and have a solid background color behind it.

If you use a gradient with alpha-channel you can use absolute-positioning and put it on-top of your image. If you can't make a gradient with an alpha-channel then you can adjust the opacity of the overlay using CSS, but the effect isn't as good.
I used this for an mouseover area-selection for a map and it worked quite well.


CSS fade background image to

Is it possible to fade the bottom of a background image to transparent? Would I specify background-image and linear-gradient to achieve this?
Not exactly in the way you describe, but you can consider some possibilities to reach the same effect:
Edit the image so that the transparency gradient is part of the image. If the gradient will always be the same and we are talking about a single image, you should do this
Instead of fading the image over the background, put the 'background' color over the image and set a linear gradient on that (in another div or 2nd background in the same container)
You can check out fading css clipping masks, see the Harry Potter example at https://css-tricks.com/clipping-masking-css/ but I am not sure about browser support.
It is also possible to create the fading clipping mask inside an SVG (so the SVG contains a link to the image file and has a clipping mask) I would guess this is more widely supported than the above option

CSS: Image transparency key

I was wondering if this is possible in pure CSS. Suppose you have an image with white background. Is there a CSS property that removes the specified color from an image and make it transparent?
No Alireza, that's not possible with css I'm afraid.

Circular background behind a transparent png image

I have a div that contains a background image of size 64x64. I would like to give this div a circular shadow or radial background when the user hover's over the div with the mouse.
If I simply give the div a box shadow, the shadow is cast around in a square shape. If I make the div have a radius, then I will need to make my div bigger than 64x64 so that it doesn't crop?
Have a look at at the following example that illustrates what I am trying to describe:
The 4th example (shown in link above) in particular doesn't suit what I am after because:
it's size is much larger than my 64x64 image
the image looks to have a circular border now, which is not what I want; I am after a circular shadow or background behind it
It will probably just be easier and more effective and more efficient to add a nice radial shadow to an image sprite and change the location of the background image on hover.
The simplest solution would be to add an appropriate background-color, but that would only work when you need an offset of 0 0, like your example.
The more general case would be to create a pseudo-element and apply the shadow and background color to that. I can describe this in more detail if the first idea doesn't apply to your case.

Change Color of PNG Image on hover?

I added these icons http://grab.by/9HYW to my site and wanted to change the color on hover...what is the best solution?
The icons are in png format and would like to change on hover to their blue colors...thanks in advance.
You should generate new blue images with your editor (the one that you've created the first icons), then you use css hover.
You can use a css sprite (arguably the cleanest and most cross-browser comparable way) in which you basically have both the regular and hover state in one image and change the background-position of the div on hover. (xpixelz links should help you.)
If the images are actually printed on the page, you can use javascript to swipe the image with the hover state on hover.
I'm not sure how they are displayed on the page, but if they are on a solid colored background, you could make a png of the negative space and place it inside a div of the exact width and height of the image then just change the background color of the div on hover, since the actual logo is transparent you would see the background color of the parent div.
as you may opt for CSS sprites
google for "css sprites generator" if you need a quick way ;)
If you are using flat png icons then you can use jFlat jquery plugin. Remember it only supports for HTML5 supported browsers
source : http://flaticon.sodhanalibrary.com/jFlat.html

Cross-browser blurred background?

I want to make a menu with semi-transparent blurred background.
At the moment, I've only found a solution for IE: filter: blur(strength=50);.
How can I do this cross-browser, without using images?
There is no blur property in CSS, and filters are an IE-only feature. You'll have to use images.
The only way around this is to use a second, blurred version of the image and apply that as the background. You'll need to set up a common background position to line them up, e.g. using position: fixed or calculating the offset position from the top left corner of your menu.
