Drop Down Box (select) set URL on postback? - asp.net

I have a page with a ASP.NET DropDownBox control (HTML select) that's populated with some dynamic record values. When the user selects a record the entire contents of the page is updated to reflect the selection. If a user clicks a link and leaves the page and tries to go back, it pulls up the default unselected list, and they have to reselect it again. How would be the best way to retain their selection? I currently have the page set so if the url contains PageName.aspx?recordID=5 it will select the correct dropDown option. However I'm not sure how to change the URL's query string based on the selection.

You could throw the recordID into ViewState
ViewState["recordID"] = 5;
instead of carrying the selection in Query String.
You can check for it on page load; if it's not null then set the dropdown control appropriately.


How to update only the part of page

I have several combo boxes and labels. when a user select any item from the combo box, the corresponding value will be retrieved from database and will be shown on the label. I have done these part successfully.
But my query is, when I select any item from the combo box, the whole page posts back to the server (AutoPostBack set to True.)
is it possible to post back only a part of page not the whole page (i.e. only combo box controls may be posted back to server instead of whole page)?
You could use AJAX to achieve that. In ASP.NET there is the UpdatePanel control which might help you.

How to set always default value for first record in list view in aspx page?

I have an aspx page that uses a simple form to perform a search and the results are presented in a listview.
I have added a radio button to one of the columns and have set the value to be the records FlightNo. set always default value for first record in list view.
What I need to do is allow the user to select the row they require from the list view by selecting the radio button.
Use the "GroupName" property of the radio button control to make the dynamic radio buttons work as a group. You can add some client script to select the row on 'click'.

Asp.NET AJAX control update field on form

I have a form with several text fields, a couple of drop down lists, and a custom asp.net control.
The requirement I have is that when the values of certain fields ( some are in the main form, some are inside the control ) the user will be alerted that the settings will not take place unless they also restart the processing and will have the option to reset it. If they exercise this option by pressing on the restart button, we execute an additional restart() method call on the server side on top of everything else.
In order to create this alert system I need to know when these required fields have changed. For the fields in the main form/page I store the original values in hidden fields when the page gets created (possible because the page is static). Then when the submit button is pressed I check the current values against the original values stored. If any of them differ I will alert the user.
For the fields in the custom control, I created a boolean property that indicates whether changes in the fields of interest took place. This control is highly dynamic contains a variable number of lists, some of them with over 100 items that can be selected or deselected. So this boolean property is able to identify if the changes I am looking for took place.
The problem is I need to get the value of this property when the user clicks on Submit, otherwise it will not contain the right value. But at the same time I want to avoid a postback. I do not want the whole page to reload. I want to get that value asynchronously somehow.
Since the whole page is stateless the question is how do I accomplish this? How do I accomplish the call to the property? And after I make the call and I get the result where do I store it so it's accessible from javascript code on the client side.
You can try putting a timer control in your ajax panel. Then on a set interval, you will evaluate the boolean property in your code behind.
Alternatively you can check the hidden field "changed" event using JavaScript or jQuery

Accessing a Dropdown from child window

I have on server control(dropdown) and One button.user can select some values in dropdown and click button.I have to show a pop-up.In this pop-up I have show data based upon value selected in dropdown.How to access a dropdown in codebehind of pop-up screen.I am loading a .aspx in pop-up using javascript.
Why not just pass the selected value of the dropdownlist as a querystring parameter to the popup page?
That's the way i'd do it.
If you dont want to do it that way, you can access the parent window by using window.opener.document.
So something like:
Still i'd recommend passing through as querystring param. Simple and easy.

jQuery UI autocomplete for multiple key/value selections in ASP.NET

How do I handle selection of multiple items with autocomplete? The objects I return from my JSON web service contain an ID and a Label - the ID is the ID of the entity in the database, and the Label is some text to display for the user.
At the moment, when I select an item in the autocomplete dropdown, the value of the item's ID is stored in a hidden field, and the label is displayed. When I remove the label, I clear the ID of the hidden field - this is done by adding an anchor element to the DOM that handles this.
Now, I want to have multiple selections. I want to be able to enter some text, get an autocomplete dropdown, select an item and some other options, then be able to click an 'Add New' button or the likes to be able to select another instance.
For example, I'd type in a person's name and get an autocomplete selection. I'd select a person, and then enter their age, and click 'Add'. The person's id, name, and age will be stored somewhere so that I can retrieve it on the server side when I post back.
I'm not quite sure how to do it? I'm thinking of a hidden field - I assume that many hidden fields of the same name/id turn up on the server side as an array, which I can then use. But I haven't tried this yet in ASP.NET.
How have you gone about this problem?
Well, no suggestions. I did it eventually by, in the autocomplete selection, creating a nicely styled span. It's text contains the label, it contains an anchor element that I bind a click event to that removes the element if necessary, and I use the jQuery data API to store the ID value on the span. This span gets added to a container div, before the textbox that I'm using to autocomplete. I also bind a keyup event to the textbox to check for backspace - when it's pressed and the textfield is empty, then I remove the last autocomplete item. It's a little more complex though, since by the time the keyup event is pressed, the character that was being removed from the textbox has already been removed, so I store the actual value in the keydown event too using the jQuery API and check this in the keyup event.
There is a hidden field on the form, that I keep populated with a comma-separated list of ID values extracted from the span's data. This can be kept in sync when adding/removing items, or only when I post back - it's simplest to just clear it and repopulate it, and is quite efficient as far as I can tell.
When loading the page, the spans and hidden field must be generated.
Hope this helps anyone else looking for a solution.
