Can I use cairoDevice in R under Windows? - r

Currently, on my R 2.10.1 installation on Windows XP,
returns False. Loading the package cairoDevice fails with the message "LoadLibrary failure" however the shared library "C:/Programme/R/R-2.10.1/library/cairoDevice/libs/cairoDevice.dll" is there. Any ideas how I can make cairo work on windows?

The capabilities refers to the R binary and its compile-time options.
The add-on package could or should still work. You may need to install the Gtk2 libraries this depends upon. This is the same for other packages using RGtk2 such as, say, Rattle. See eg this message by Brian Ripley.


Problem in loading mailR package in R version 3.6.1

Since I've developed my R into 3.6.1, mailR package is not working anymore getting this error: there is no package called ‘R.utils’.
Installing this package does not work either. Is there any way to fix it?
The package mailR depends on rJava package.
"It’s a wrapper around Apache Commons Email, an email library built on top of the Java Mail API. Due to this, mailR has a dependency on the rJava package, a low-level interface to Java VM.", source.
Therefore, you need to install the package rJava in order to use mailR, and you need to have Java Runtime Environment on your operating system in order for rJava to work properly. I recommend using either Oracle's or OpenJDK.
After you have these installed, you need to include both libraries:
Note that you might run into an error that says Error in library(mailR) : there is no package called ‘mailR’ even though you have it installed. In this case, restart your PC, run R Studio again and then include the library, and there should be no issues.

Can homebrew R and "standard" R for MacOS from CRAN coexist?

I am running R 3.6.1 on a Mac Mini running Sierra and a MacBook Pro running El Capitan. I normally get all the R packages that I need from CRAN or github and use them without issues, but I am trying to install and use an R package (NicheMapR) that requires a fortran compiler and this is giving me issues. Even after installing gfortran, the R package still does not work (the fortran code seems to be compiled but the package installation fails). The package developer suggested that installing R via homebrew might solve the problem. On the contrary, my hunch is that it would lead to a world of pain, to quote Walter from the Big Lebowski. My questions are:
What is the advantage of a homebrew version of R for MacOSX over the "regular" version installed from CRAN?
Can the two versions coexist?
Is the homebrew version going to affect the regular one?
Finally: is homebrew going to help or will it simply open a whole
new can of worms?
Many thanks in advance.
Yes, installing from homebrew is a recipe for pain. It's specifically recommended against by the official CRAN binary maintainer see his remarks from March 2016 on r-sig-mac.
Regarding your questions, this can be summarized as:
What is the advantage of a homebrew version of R for MacOSX over the "regular" version installed from CRAN?
Positives: Select your own BLAS and easily work with geospatial tools.
Downsides: Always needing to compile each R package.
Can the two versions coexist?
Yes. The homebrew version installs into a different directory. But, watch out for library collision (see next question). However, you will have to deal with symbolic linking regarding what version of R is accessible from the console and you will also need to look into using RSwitch to switch between R versions.
Is the homebrew version going to affect the regular one?
Yes, if the library paths overlap. There will be problems regarding package installation and loading. Make sure to setup different library paths. To do so, please look at the .libPaths() documentation.
Finally: is homebrew going to help or will it simply open a whole new can of worms?
Yes and no. Unless you know what you're doing, opt for the CRAN version of R and its assorted goodies.

Can we install a `.zip` R package under linux?

I have found an old R package with a .zip extension on my PC.
I would like to run it, but I do not have the tar.gz that was used to
create it and I use linux. What are my options?
Few, essentially.
A .zip package for R is almost surely a binary built for Windows so you need to find a suitable Windows computer -- or emulator -- to use it.
So, this can be done this way:
install wine (wine is not an emulator),
install R for Windows, which you download manually from CRAN
install the zip package using the usual commands (install.packages("",source=NULL)). You will probably get error messages for the dependencies, but incrementally installing those, it should work.

Unix-only package error in R

I'm trying to build the R package bigmemory for Windows 8 x64. However, when running R CMD INSTALL --build bigmemory_4.4.3.tar.gz, I receive the error ERROR: Unix-only package. I do not know why this is happening, but my guess is that it has something to do with the configure file of the package. I'm using R 3.0.1, 64 bit.
See this link, Windows support has been suspended. It's not your R-version, if you want to make use of it you'll have to use cygwin or install a Linux partition. You can also try the package ff.
The bigmemory NEWS, says "Windows support is temporarily suspended due to issues with the Boost headers." for the most current version of bigmemory.
The package you mention in the comments doesn't depend on a specific version of bigmemory, so you could try to build one of the older versions of bigmemory from the archive.

R: can rpm files be used with Windows for possibly outdated R packages?

I was trying to run code that required the R packages ‘pkgDepTools’ and ‘Rgraphviz’. I received error messages saying that neither package is available for R version 2.15.0.
A Google search turned up the following webpage RPM Pbone that seems to have the packages:
However, the files have an *.rpm extension rather than the *.tar.gz or *.zip extensions I am used to.
I am using Windows 7 and R version 2.15.0. Can I install an R package from an *.rpm file?
From Wikipedia *.rpm seems like maybe it is more for Linux:
Regarding other possible solutions, I have found several earlier posts here with similar questions about installing R packages that are not available for the most recent version of R:
Bivariate Poisson Regression in R?
Package ‘GeneR’ is not available
R Venn Diagram package Venerable unavailable - alternative package?
I have installed the latest version of Rtools and the package 'devtools'. Although I know nothing about them.
There is an archived version of 'Rgraphviz' here:
but I cannot locate an archived version of 'pkgDepTools'.
If I can install the packages on a Windows machine using the above *.rpm files could someone please provide instructions?
If I must use Rtools to build them I might ask more questions because the instructions at the link below are challenging for me:
To be completely transparent I am hoping someone might build them for me, if that is possible. Although I recognize the experience and knowledge gained from doing it myself would probably pay off in the long run.
Thank you for any advice.
pkgDepTools and Rgraphviz are BioConductor R packages not ones hosted on CRAN. Unless you configure your R to download packages from those repos, R will report that they are not available; it can only install from repos it has been configured to install from.
To install those BioConductor packages a lite installation method is provided:
biocLite(c("pkgDepTools", "Rgraphviz"))
Further details are provided on the Install page of the BioConductor website
In general you can't use rpm packages on Windows; rpm's are the equivalent of a binary package for Linux. Any C/C++/Fortran/etc code will have been compiled for Linux not Windows. If a package really isn't available for your version of R then check if there is a reason stated on CRAN (usually Windows binaries take a few days longer to produce or there may be requirements for software not available on the CRAN Windows build machines). You can try the WinBuilder service run by Uwe Ligges to build Windows Binaries of packages for you, but if the package was on CRAN and now isn't that suggests it no longer works with current R and can not be built.
In general try a wider search for packages; the first hit in my Google search results under the search string "pkgDepTools" is the Bioconductor page for the package which includes a link to the Windows binary and instructions on how to install the package from within R.
I think this merits an answer rather than a comment.
A gentleman at Bioconductor helped me get Rgraphviz installed. The primary problem was that the version of Rgraphviz I had downloaded only seems to work with the 32-bit version of R and I was running a 64-bit version of R. I was able to install Rgraphviz in the 32-bit version of R.
I had also made an error or two in the PATH statement during some of my attempts to install Rgraphviz. However, the post above in my second comment provides the instructions for installation.
You just, it seems, cannot install the normal download version of Rgraphviz in the 64-bit version of R.
I think many of our emails back and forth are now posted on the Bioconductor forum.
I might edit this answer with more detailed instructions in the next 24-hours.
