Where do I put my CSS, how do I link to it from the master page? - css

I have installed SharePoint 2010 on a single machine in farm mode pointing to a db on another server. I would like to start dabbling into branding the site by doing something that I initially thought to be trivially straightforward, link to a custom CSS from a SharePoint 2010 master page.
I have uploaded a custom css (Let's call it custom.css) using SharePoint designer in the Site Assets. What syntax do I need to put to link to it? I have tried the following:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="custom.css" After="corev4.css" runat="server"/>
But the server cannot find the CSS file. I receive the following error:
Cannot make a cache safe URL for "1033/styles/custom.css", file not found. Please verify that the file exists under the layouts directory.
I've assumed I need to use SharePoint:CssRegistration - Is my assumption correct?
So what is it exactly that I need to put in the name tag to link to a css uploaded via SharePoint designer?
Am I even on the right track or would you suggest an alternative way of putting this together?

I would use Alternate CSS first. But other options are:
If you put the CSS file in Style Library, you can do this:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="<% $SPUrl:~SiteCollection/Style Library/custom.css%>" runat="server"/>
Put the CSS on the server as 14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\STYLES\custom\custom.css and then you can do this:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="custom/custom.css" runat="server"/>
Putting the file into its own directory is considered best practice so that it does not interfere with updates to out of the box files.


CSS and image paths not working

Paths defined within master files are not working on a new server. They worked fine on production server and development machine. Here is an example of the file:
Unless I put full URL with the virtual name, the paths don't work.
I can also include resolved URL within ASP>NET code tags but I don't want to change all those paths they are probably hundreds of them. so if the head office folder is in the same folder as master file it should just be able to reference like:
It seems the references within the master files and aspx files seems to work fine by adding ~ and runat = server. but images references within the CSS files are not working unless I include the full path.
I know I've answered this before, but this has been known issue forever in VS.
Simple way to do this correctly is to drag the CSS file from Solution Explorer window to head section of master page in code view.
For other links on your site, make sure to include the runat="server" attribute and resolve your links like this (with "~" operator):
<img src="~/images/sample.jpg" runat="server" />

Understanding a url that references a CSS file in a SharePoint master page

For SharePoint, this is the entry you could put into your master page to link to a CSS file.
name="<% $SPUrl:~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/dir/file.css %>"
Could someone please break down the pieces of this url? I don't understand the following parts of it and how they work together:
<% - I do know this means less than
$SPUrl:~sitecollection/ - Is this some kind of variable? What's ~ for?
%> - I do know this means greater than
CssRegistration is just one of the many ways of referencing CSS files in
lower than (<) and greater than (>) obvious, and ~ refers to the root of the current web application.
CssRegistration is particularly interesting because you can use After to make sure your CSS is loaded after another CSS such as core.css
The real relevant parameter is name, which in this tag can be used with SPURL, which in turn can be used with sitecollection or site, to refer to the current sitecollection root, or just the current site/web.
Note that SPURL is only available on SharePoint Server, not Foundation.
To support Foundation you can use ProjectProperty, which takes Url or SiteUrl.
So to wrap up, SPUrl is a token available in SharePoint that we can use to specify a resource from a specific location, relative to the current page, web, site and others.

Sharepoint MasterPages/Templates customization

I am pretty new to Sharepoint.
I need to customize some Sharepoint Masterpages (the background color, the font type and a few other css requeriments).
Considering I have available the following files: v4.master, default.master and two more pages which are content pages of default.master, plus the COREv4.css file.
I know I should create a copy of one of those master pages (I am not sure which tho) and customize it changing the CSS linked to it). The following questions come in regards of this:
1) The custom CSS file should be a modified copy of the COREv4.CSS or just another CSS file with the desired styles?
2) How do I create/link the customized CSS file for the modified page via Site Settings?. How/Where should I save the new file?.
3) As for the copy of v4.master, How do I load it to "replace" the original one for the site?.
4) The system is built upon Sharepoint 2010. That ensures that the page to have the modified CSS would be a v4.master copy only?.
Thank you for the insight as always.
I managed to solve the problem getting a general idea with the pdf manual provided, your suggestions and some extra steps I will describe briefly:
1) To place my custom css file I put it in the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\3082\STYLES
2) I opened the site to be customized with Sharepoint Designer 2010.
3) I clicked on the option Main Pages/Master Pages, and selected the page to be v4.master page, copied and pasted it. Then I renamed it right clicking on it, selecting "Rename" and typed the new name, after doing that I right clicked one more and selected "Set page as main default page".
4) To edit the contents of the page I right clicked once more and selected the option "Edit content in advanced mode", right before the head tag ended I copied and pasted:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="customname.css" runat="server" After="core4.css"/>
Note that "customname.css" is my css file. Then I clicked on the floppy disk icon on the upper left side of the screen to save.
5) After doing that I used Chrome HTML/CSS Analyzer, inspecting the original (and now copied) master page to browse on the zones that needed customization in order to identify the class names/ids/element types that managed the styles to be changed. Once identified I only added to them the properties that required change, EG:
//Webparts Alternate Highlighted Rows
div#ctl00_MSO_ContentDiv table.ms-viewlsts tbody
tr.ms-alternatingstrong{ background-color:#F7FAF4 }
table.ms-listviewtable.ms-basictable tbody
tr.ms-alternatingstrong.ms-itmhover{ background-color:#F7FAF4 }
I mostly did this by myself by trial and error with Chrome Analyzer but I also helped the task using the Chart found here (http://sharepointexperience.com/csschart/csschart.html), tho at some point going thru it turned a bit tricky and I decided to do it by myself as I mentioned. In the process I repeatedly added more styles to the custom file and then overwrote it on the server location to refresh the page/pages to see how it was looking, this till the end of the process.
Thanks for your help, I hope this serves as a guide for anyone that needs it. If you have questions let me know.
You can create a new master page from the scratch or modify the existing one.
Please have a look at this link it may help you to get answers of your questions
It's not advised to modify files of SharePoint.
Better to create new master page file, specify all CSS and script you want inside and install this with feature.
What version of SharePoint do you have? SharePoint 2010 Server or Foundation? Cause with server version you can brand your master page in a cool way:
see this link
Microsoft has a good introductory article on how you can/should do this.

Sharepoint: How to remove default core.css reference?

I don't have a real need to omit the default core.css reference from my HTML pages but I would like to know so I can feel comfortable that I have full control. Thanks
There are many ways to achieve this.
The problem is, once you remove the core.css file you are talking about 6 thousand lines of places that will not appear with a presentation anymore. What I do when we are limited to theme-only visual customization I create a theme that will address any new CSS needs and also replace the elements in the core.css file (themes are loaded AFTER this file, so if you have duplicated declarations in both files, the theme's one will prevail, without using the !important mini-hacks).
Keep in mind that SharePoint in editing mode just doesn't work without this file, you have to use different approaches when you are, for example, talking about an internet-facing site with 100% anonymous users vs an intranet-like portal with everyone creating and editing content on the go.
With all the warnings given, you can go to your masterpage and remove the core.css tag making it invisible:
<SharePoint:CssLink runat="server" Visible="false"/>
Depending on your type of sharepoint site (WSS vs MOSS + Publishing Features) the masterpages may work differently based on configuration, by default (WSS or MOSS without Publishing Features or any change on the matter) your masterpage will open on all the link that do not contain /_layouts/ in the url.
/Default.aspx => Masterpage
/DocumentLibrary/Forms/Allitems.aspx => MasterPage
/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx (Show all site content) => no custom
This is Microsoft's way to stop you from breaking even more (system pages) with the masterpages, but you can be extreme and use HttpModules or editing the 12/Template/Layouts/LCID folder (affecting the entire web front-end)
Usual scenarios:
Anonymous sites with no core.css when the user is anonymous and normal load when credentials are given (loading speed)
Themes used to let users create their mini-sites and use the branded templates or other sharepoint themes
Masterpages to customize what most of the users usually see, forcing your branding throught the child webs (new websites in non-MOSS Publishing wont inherit the masterpage)
Everything-under-the-masterpage with HttpModules or /12/ modifications (very rinky and complicated)
Note: It's not recommended to customize files from the Site Definition when you can avoid doing so.
When using Mickel's advice, make a copy of the Default.master, rename it to something like Custom.master and apply changes to that file. Then right click your custom master page and select "Set as default master page."
This is all done from within SharePoint Designer btw
Simply add your own custom CSS style sheet via Central Admin - this will be applied last, after Core.css so you can override anything you wish. You do not want to remove it! :-)

Theme Image URL Rebasing asp.net

I am implementing themes to enable an existing website to be rebranded (logos, colors, images etc.) depending on the requesting URL. I understand how to do that and have got the skins working fine except for some exceptions related to the URLs of images.
Specifically I have a control property that it is not feasible to skin. Prior to implementing themes it looked like this:
<DisplayImageChecked Url="~/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" />
Obviously that will not work with themes. So after much trial and error and reading I am trying to implement it like this:
<DisplayImageChecked Url="~/AppThemes/<%= Page.Theme %>/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" />
However that does not work. The generated html looks like:
<img src="AppThemes/%3C%25=%20Page.Theme%20%25%3E/Images/BobIcon-Green.png"/>
Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
Use the binding syntax inside a databound control (watch the single vs double quotes):
<DisplayImageChecked Url='<%# "~/AppThemes/" + Page.Theme + "/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" %>' />
Is there a reason that you can't just dump the images in the same folder as the theme? If you put an image say for example: "image.gif" into the theme folder, then you can simply refer to it directly in your skin.
This will resolve just fine when you apply this skin on a control in your page. Also much easier than trying to do the dynamic URL thing.
You may also use "Images/BobIcon-Green.png" as Url. ASP will take care of resolving the Url to the directory within your theme.
Here's the right way to go about your task:
Adorn your property with the UrlProperty attribute, this will tell ASP.NET to automatically translate your partial URL into the proper url.
Using "~/AppThemes/" + Page.Theme + "/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" will do the trick, but it's NOT the preferred way because you need to do all the work yourself and it's always good practice to leave all the work to ASP
