IE can't handle draggable div with png's? - css

I'm creating a draggable/resizable menu with all the neccesary links to control the website, a CMS-bar kind of. I'm using some png's to create the background, set with some transparency.
It works great in FF, but in IE my png's get transformed after I drag my menu around:
Also, that big empty space? That's a log-out button(div with background-image and a-element), of wich only the :hover status seems to work, and only before dragging ...
Any fixes for this? I thought IE's png problems were gone after IE6(tested this ie IE7/8) ...

I'm not 100% sure, but I assume this is the old "PNGs with alpha transparency in DIVs with alpha transparency" bug that is present in all IEs including 8. See here for more info.
In short, IE has difficulties with alpha transparencies in PNGs when those are in containers that themselves have an opacity different from 1. When you drag the element, its opacity changes, and the bug comes into play.

Convert your draggable image to 8 bit, It works for me..


css padding compatibility firefox 9 chromium 15

I'm using css gradients and padding to simulate buttons around an anchor tag. The problem I am running into is that firefox seems to make the button 3 pixels larger. 1 pixel on top and 2 on bottom. This seems to happen with not only the example i posted but everywhere on the page where i use the padding. I put up and example at In firefox the button top and bottom line up perfectly with the search box, but in chrome as i said its off by 1 pixel on top and 2 on bottom. I am using the w3 transitional(tried strict as well) doctype and a css reset. In the reset all anchor tags are set to padding: 0, so I'm confused as to why this extra padding is being added. Is there a workaround to this or is it just something you have to deal with when working with gecko and webkit browsers?
EDIT: So I logged over to windows and it is appearing the same in both browsers now. I'm assuming it is OS specific problems? Since no where near as many people use linux I'm going to change the padding to make it work, but in the interest of consistency can anyone offer a solution for cross-os cross-browser solutions? I do not own a mac and cannot easily test it there, but if windows/linux can have problems with the same versions of the same browsers is it safe to assume mac could also have issues i am unaware of?
It's not the padding on the anchor tag, it's the size of the text box that is inconsistent. <input> elements always caused such problems for me too, and I always found it extremely tedious to align them together nicely (you haven't yet seen it in IE8, have you?). I think that the easiest cross-browser solution here would be to remove the border from the text box and use a background image instead (or better yet, a background image on the element containing the text box) properly aligned with the button.

Image Sprites and Cross Browser Compatibility Issues

I'm having some trouble with the CSS in my site, both with image sprites and IE compatibility.
Here is a jsfiddle:
The two main problems are:
In IE, the contact links at the bottom are not appearing in the blue bar, but way down and to the right of the rest of the site.
The image sprites for MMA Cage Door and FightNight Nutrition are not working. It appears that the hover image is on constant display, as the non-hovered image is supposed to be much lighter than what we are looking at.
On a side note - For some reason the background image repeating isn't working in the jsfiddle, but I haven't noticed a problem with it outside of that.
Any advice that you all can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
One other thing I am noticing with the sprites. It appears when I hover over an image the first image doesn't disappear, it still remains while the hover image appears on top of it. Is that how it is supposed to work? Because my images are semi-transparent, this is something I would like to avoid if possible.
Here is a link to the site in action:
Could be a width, margin-left, or even position relative/absolute giving problems here. I have not checked in depth through all css code to see the cause. A fast/dirty fix, obviously loading alternative css or html for IE7, is that setting (in IE7) the UL #social with top:190px and left:100px , it seems to fit ok (or fine tune to the preferred position) .I'd go from here to guess what is causing to act differently.
Seems you already fixed, images seen light when not hovered, darker when hovered. All in IE7.

PNG color issues

I have an image with a background color and I'm putting that in a div with the same background color. For some reason I cant save this image as a PNG and have the image bg color show the same as the bg color in the div across all browsers on all operating systems.
At first it looked fine on Windows/Mac in every browser except IE. So I tried using tweakPNG to remove the color profile and gamma properties and that seemed to fix for IE but now I have the issue in Firefox on Linux for some reason?
Any ideas/insight? Thanks
You didn't specify which version(s) of IE you had problems with, but older versions of IE are known to have bugs and missing features with PNGs.
In particular IE6 doesn't support PNG transparency at all, and IE7 has bugs with it.
There are a number of Javascript-based hacks available to fix this issue in IE. Here's a link to one of them: - but there are a number of others that do the same job.
If you're having a problem with Firefox after running the graphic through tweakPNG, my guess would be that tweakPNG has corrupted the graphic slightly.
My suggestion would be to try going back to the original version of the graphic, and try out the hack I linked above in IE.
You must remove the GAMA filter on your PNG.
This soft make it quickly and easily.
Import your PNG
Right clic on gAMA
Tutorial here

Internet Explorer Drop down border

Is there a way to hide the border of a drop down menu in IE (to make it look flat, blend into the background)? In Firefox it's simple enough to just set the border to 0px, but IE still renders a border even if you set the border to 0px.
This isn't possible in IE. They don't allow styling of the drop-down component of a list, except for the text inside it (ie. red text).
IE actually uses a Windows-level control, not a browser-based one, so it is rather limited.
Edit: When this post was originally made, a stable version of IE8 wasn't released yet. According to comments, IE8 supports border styling. However, even ~2 years after IE8's release, you still shouldn't count on all of your users having IE8+.
I recently saw some tool kits fly the actual dropdown out 5000 pixels, replace it with a custom control, and use javascript to connect the 2 controls.
IE8 supports changing a drop down`s border, but IE6 doesn't.

IE8's rendering of transparent pngs is FUBARed on my site

I just downloaded the IE8 full release so I could test a site I just created.
[Example Deleted]
Focus on the left sidebar background image. It is suppose to be a 1x1 semi-transparent .png image that repeats. IE8 renders it as a gradient!!! It get's even wonkier when you try to scroll your window or mouse-over the sidebar.
I had already tested this site in the normal browsers (IE7, Firefox, and Chrome). It looks exactly as I designed it in these. IE8 is FUBARed though. I tried to set IE8 to "IE7" mode but it still looks crappy. IE 8 in IE7 mode obviously isn't rendering the same way as the real IE7. Not even the "IE7 meta tag" works.
Has anyone else had problems like this? I thought IE8 was supposed to be a an improvement, not a step backwards.
P.S. Please excuse the crappy markup on this page. I used IE's "save entire page" feature.
It may be a rendering error in IE8, or perhaps it's some function to smooth the edges of repeated images that gives you an unexpected result. Either way it's not very surprising that you get problems using such a small image. Do you realize that the browser has to draw the image 190152 times to render the page?
I am using a 10x10 semi transparent png as background for a div in a page, and it renders just fine in IE8.
I fixed the bug and it isn't the gamma issue that is mentioned in that other post. My issue was being caused by the fact that the image is 1x1 pixel in size. I just changed it to 1x2 and it fixed the problem. Weird
[edit] Just saw Guffa's post after i asked this. See his for answer.
I had a similar issue with a site I'm building. The issue only occurred on 50% of the machines with ie8 it was tested on, I was building it for an IT firm so had access to lots of computers. We were able to "fix" the problem by toggling Hardware Acceleration on the problem machines, not that thats really a fix at all.
Thanks for the help on this issue -- what a weird bug.
I was also experiencing the issue on 50% of the computers running IE8 (had access to quite a few machines). When I had a 1x1px semi-transparent png set as a background image on a div with CSS, IE would render this as a funky vertical, transparent gradient.
Changing the source image to a 5x5px png of the same opacity fixed the bug... go IE!
The problem was my original png was
1×1, and for whatever reason IE8 was
not liking trying to tile that and
handle the alpha transparency at the
same time. When I accidentally saved
that image with a much larger copy I
had on my clipboard, 100×100, it ended
up fixing whatever problem Internet
Explorer was having with processing
the png’s transparency.
