jQuery and ASP.NET drop down problem - asp.net

I have a drop down in an ASP.NET page. Whenever the value of the drop down changes an ASP.NET AJAX request is made to the server. I also attached a jQuery "change" event handler to that list to execute some code when the value is changed. So, probably two different event handlers are being attached to the same drop down, and it's causing some problems, i.e., sometimes wrong drop down values are sent to the server. I don't know why is this happening but I think attaching two different event handlers to a same drop down may be the reason.
Can anyone tell me what is the problem here? If what I guessed is true, then is there any other way to execute some custom javascript code before asp.net AJAX request is sent ?

Normally the JQuery change() binder respects all previous binds (won't break them). If you want to be sure the methods are called in the correct order, bind ONE master method to the change event, and have that one method call both methods (the qsp and the jquery) in the right order :)


ASP.NET how to pass a reference to a particular control

I'm generally an ASP.NET MVC guy, so the "standard" ASP.NET stuff is a little difficult for me to wrap my brain around. I've tried looking for the answer, but the keywords I'm using seem to be too generic... I get a lot of close answers, but not what I'm actually looking for.
I have a grid that is populated from a data set. One of the fields is a dropdown with 4 possible statuses. When the user selects a status, an event is fired in the codebehind to make the change in the db immediately.
There is a particular status that I need to confirm, because once it's selected, it's irreversible. Figuring out how to have the back end pop up a confirmation box was annoying, but I think I have that part done now.
The problem is, if the user confirms that the status they selected for the dropdown was intended, I need to disable any further changes to that dropdown, either by disabling the control or by removing the row altogether. With this requirement, I imagine I need to pass a reference to the specific control that fired the event back to the script, so that it can pass it through the postback, where I would need to consume it.
I have no idea how to pass a reference to the control (what can be used as a reference?) and I have no idea how to use that reference in the postback.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
;p i was waiting for you to find my post on the issue lol.
but to put it simply, you postback to the page, all members are still available to you if you instantiated something in codebehind. if not, then use FindControl to pull them from DOM. here's the passing values stuff.
as long as you don't kill the lifecycle, you're fine: Passing dropdownlist selected value to another page's dropdown list
and here is the linkspam (full docs): How do I keep TCP/IP socket open in IIS?
probably the articles on session-state and page lifecycle will be of most use.
To prompt the user for confirm add this attribute to dropdownlist.
onchange="return confirm('Confirmation Message');"

Force the ASP.NET page lifecycle to go forward

Ok, so I am working on a custom framework above the .NET framework, and some instructions are not written / called at the good places.
For example, a postback is done on the same page. Then, a Response.redirect occurs right within the page_load; but at this point, the new values of the controls of the page are not yet handled, so they get lost...
Therefore, I wanted to know whether it was possible to force the pagelife_cycle to go forward before the call to response.redirect, so that I can get the right values.
I can't just make that call in another function, because the page I am working on is called by many web applications (about 1-2k), and it would completely change their behaviour, which is not acceptable!
Is that even possible?
See a bit the second image and the Load PostBack Data section. Before the Load event of the page is raised, a textbox is already initialized. You can catch the value by overriding OnPreLoad or by adding a handler at PreLoad event.

Problem with asp.net C# focus, page_load

I'm really new to asp.net and have a couple of issues I'm trying to get fixed. I have some programming experience, but it is not asp.net. However, I've been able to follow the code enough to make other changes in the code to fix other issues.
The first is this:
I'm working with a form that has a calculate amount method that gets called when the user inputs a value in an amount text box. The same method gets called when the next control, number of payments, has a value.
So in the two controls:
Then in the code behind, the textchanged method does:
The problem is after the amount is calculated and returns, the focus seems to get reset and the user has to tab all the way back through the form to the place they were.
The textboxes in question are in a panel that starts out hidden and is made visible conditionally.
My apologies if I have not used the proper .net terminology.
It looks like the same issue may be causing my second problem. When the user types in an amount and then tabs and quickly adds the number of payments, you can see the amount get calculated correctly and very shortly displays the proper total in the total amount text box. However, even though it shows for that short time, the tab order again gets reset as well as the total amount value.
I've looked at different methods to try and fix the focus issue.
In the textchanged method, I tried using something like:
Session["myval"] = "someval";
Then tried to check against that in Page_Load with something like:
if(Session["myval"] != null) {
but it didn't ever work correctly.
I also tried to set a cookie in that same textchanged method using something like this:
Response.Cookies["myval"].Value = "somevalue";
Then tried to check that in Page_Load using something like the previous if block above but using Request.Cookies["myval"] as the source.
Is there a good reference with some really clear code samples I can look at for this type of implementation?
Thank you in advance,
Sounds like you have a postback problem...
Remember that the web is stateless. This means that when you have a web page rendered out in .NET and you attach an event that executes serverside code... it does an HTTP POST back to the server which is effectively a new page request. The Page_Load method will fire again as well as your bound event. So your onTextChanged event is firing a new request back to the server. This is why you see the focus reset and why when you tab quickly, the value seems to disappear magically.
You can do one of several things, you can implement the UpdatePanel in the AjaxControlToolkit
you can use PageMethods and do your validation with javascript and jQuery (or other js library)
see page method info http://www.geekzilla.co.uk/View30F417D1-8E5B-4C03-99EB-379F167F26B6.htm
Hope this helps

How to Prevent PostBack Event Handler from Firing

I have a custom class (ServerSideValidator.vb) that validates user input on server side (it doesn't use any of the .NET built in validators, therefore Page.Validate() is not an option for me). I am calling the Validate() method on page.IsPostback event and the class performs without any problem
My issue is, when validation fails (returns false), I want to stop the postback event handler from firing, but load the page along with all the controls and user-input values in them. If I do, Response.End(), the page comes up blank. I can programmatically instruct the page to go to the previous page (original form before postback), but it loses all user-inputs.
I thought of creating a global boolean variable in the page code behind file and check the value before performing any postback method, but this approach takes away from my plan to provide all functionalities inside the class itself. The page object is being referenced to ServerSideValidator.
Seems like all the postback related properties/variables I come across inside Page class are 'Readonly' and I can't assign value(s) to control/prevent postback event from firing.
Any idiea on how I can accomplish this? Please let me know if you need further details
It's probably easier to post back to the same page every time and do your validation there, specifically on the page load event. If the validation fails, you're already on the correct page and don't have to go to a previous page. If the validation succeeds, then you can redirect to another page if you wish, in which case you probably don't need any data.
Edit: This isn't exactly what you asked for, but I have a feeling it will do what you want while fitting into the existing ASP.NET validation design. See http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=197 and https://web.archive.org/web/20211020145934/https://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/073102-1.aspx
Basically, you create a custom class just like you have now, but inherit from BaseValidator. To follow your design, you can create an enum called ValidationType which has Alphabetic, Alphanumeric, etc. In your custom class, create a property called ValidationType that uses the ValidationType enum. Of course you have to add all the validation logic. Then in your aspx page, you can add your custom validator to the page and set ValidationType="Alphabetic", etc. with full IntelliSense support.
Since you use BaseValidator, all the regular validation techniques will work including Page.Validate(), Page.IsValid, etc. You can even create client-side validation JavaScript if you wish.
Having said this, someone has probably already done most of this for you.

ASP.NET Controls and Update Panels

I am creating a series of client side component controls on the fly that are nested inside a update panel. The first time I create the controls, everything works as desired, however, when i trigger an update on the update panel and it does a partial postback the controls come back with several javascript errors describing how the control is already registered on the page.
I get a series of errors that say something about like:
"Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Two components with the same id "master_ctl40_CCB_PALETTES" can't be added to the application"
Any ideas anyone?
Try these tricks:
On Page_Load put uxFailedControl.ID = DateTime.Now.ToString(); It will ensure your control has unique ID every time page reloads (fully or partially), so theoretically you shouldn't see anymore "same id" errors.
If you display your control in Modal Popup: Every time you hide the popup from the server, remove the control from it's container (Panel, Page, Control, etc.) Use uxModalPopupPanel.Controls.Clear(); or uxModalPopupPanel.Remove(uxFailedControl);
When you are done with debugging set ScriptMode property of your ScriptManager to "Release". It will prevent internal AJAX exceptions to be bubbled up to the browser.
In which event are you adding the components to the update panel? I.e. have you placed them inside the page load event without a postback check or have you placed them inside the update panel load event? etc...
Looks like your client object is being created more than once.
If you want your client side controls to be replaced when the update panel they're in refreshes, they should inherit from Sys.UI.Control, which takes takes an element in its constructor. When that element is replaced by the update panel, the client object will be disposed and then re-created. If you're currently using a ScriptComponentDescriptor on the server side to define the client control instance, you'll want to switch to a ScriptControlDescriptor.
By the sounds of it, your client objects just inherit from Sys.Component, which will hang around until they're manually disposed, which is why you're getting an error about having more than one component with the same ID.
I would advise against using a new ID every post back - this will just keep creating new client objects without ever cleaning up the old ones.
