Trouble with getting a sort to work within a view with views_bonus_pack - drupal

This is my first time using Views in Drupal and am finding that no matter what I do, I can't seem to get my output to sort on any field at all.
I'm using the views_bonus_pack to create xml output, but not sure if that matters.
I've tried the post date field, the node Id field, the node title field, and... the output is always the same.
Any ideas?
[Update, here are screenshots of what I'm working with]
And, here's the resulting XML
Thanks to anyone who can help.

The sort criteria are listed to the right side.
Views screenshot
If you changed the sort criteria trying to get differently sorted data without to obtain any difference, then there are just two possibilities:
The sort criteria are not used for feeds; it's rather improbable.
The style plugin module has an issue, and it's not working as it should.

If Views Bonus Pack is implementing a style, each style has its own settings that change the output produced by the style. When you click on the wheel close the style name, you would see some settings fields for that purpose.
Views style
Views style settings


How do i combine multiple fields from a view into one hyperlink?

Im sorta stuck on an issue. I have one view where i am displaying 5 fields under an image. These fields are all clickable links or I have explicitly declared them as links.The problem:
I need to combine each field/link into one link. I tried the "Combine Filter" but when i try to combine 3 of the 5 fields i have exposed. the whole view disappears from the preview screen in the View screen.
Is there's something that i could do leveraging drupal or should i use jquery/JavaScript to tackle this?
It would be helpful if you said how you wanted combine them, so I will assume it is similar to the same way I often do.
Views has two checkboxes that you will want to use for this. 1 is the Exclude from Display at the top of the field setting, and 2 is the Rewrite Results > Rewrite the output of this field.
Assuming one field is the the path, two are taxonomy or something, one is the words you want for the link, etc... Either pick the one that links directly where you want it, set it as the last field of the five, and exclude it. Or it does not really matter what order, and just exclude the first four fields of the five. What Exclude does is tell the view to fetch the value, make the token available for you, and not impact the display.
Then in the fifth field you use that Rewrite option. A textbox will appear and below it is the list of available tokens to use. Then you construct the one link that you want composed of the five fields:
`<a href="[field_path]" class="[field_taxononmy] custom" title="[field_example]" >[field_taxonomy] [field_words]</a>`
As they say in the #drupal-support irc, more details will get you a better answer.

Drupal 7 Views Module - Can not add wrapper in view “content: title” field

I am setting up a blog. I have developed several views to sort out the various types of articles “business, design, news, etc.” On the article page and in the teaser however I would like to stye the “content: title” field. As seen in the example below.
In the research I have done it sounds as though you can accomplish this by creating a wrapper class in the “style settings” options in that titles configuration menu.
Here is where I am having difficulty. When I select “Customize field and label wrapper HTML” for instance nothing happens. I am not able to the field where I should be able to enter my custom wrapper class. I have tried hitting “apply” then going back, I have applying the section and then saving the changes to the view, and I have tried applying saving and flushing the cache but with no result.
Is there a configuration some where that is preventing me from applying this option? Or am I doing something wrong. It is frustrating to no end any advice would be much appreciated thanks.
To add a wrapper in views "content:title" this is the most easiest way -
Just go to Title fields rewrite section.
you can wrap an element using Style Settings of that specific field. just click a field and there you can see the options. wrap label / field in your desired element.

how to find property and element of a $form in drupal

I just started to work with Drupal modules. I have seen in some codes that some elements and properties (if I called them correctly, # for property) are assign to the $form. I have been googling but I couldn't find any useful document that shows this variable (again if I called it correctly) what kind of properties and elements has and in which tables it store?
and how can I debug them ?
i.e. $account_form=&$form;
I have check profile.module but it didn't help me!
If you have a php debuger in your editor you can use it to find out what variables you have. On the other hand you can use print_r($form); and that will show you the array(hint in browser user CTRL+U to see the source, you'll find that in the source the form array looks nicer), or you can use var_dump().
If you want to create the form, and you want to know what options do you have, there is the Drupal Form Api( ).

Customizing Search in Orchard

Is there any option to completely control a Search module with a Summary view? I am struggling to get there. I have the following settings so far:
In admin I created an Index called PublicSearch with a number of fields.
I am getting a search result which is a mixture of two content parts - Question and Expert
I have a Part view to be used in search result for Experts called ExpertSummary.cshtml. The view only contains the following elements now:
#model dynamic
<p>Expert Summary</p>
When the search result is coming I only expect the "Expert Summary" to be visible in Expert region of the Search but I am getting an additional "body" section (truncated to X characters). It seems to me because "body" is selected as a field when I created the Index it is coming up.
Each Expert record has an image of expert which is coming up in the search result and When I take out <Place Fields_MediaPicker="Content:1" /> from it disappears, which is fine.
But I want this summary to be completely controllable in ExpertSummary.cshtml - like a two column layout where the left col will hold the expert image and the right one will hold a brief description along with some other info - but everything would be in the View - should not come from Orchard search module as defaults.
In short I want Orchard's Index and Search modules to be functional and working like it is now but the layout and information I want to control completely using custom HTML in Parts/ExpertSummary.cshtml view.
Is this at all possible? If yes, how?
Please suggest. I am completely lost my way in Orchard framework!
I'm not completely sure I understand your question... Orchards search returns a Summary view by default. So you need to control the layout of your summary. Use shape tracing to create a new alternate to change the layout of the summary view. So ExpertSummary won't control the entire layout, it will just control the Expert part. Then use placement to decide what to display.
Also, tagging questions with "orchardcms" will be more useful than "orchardcms-1.7".

Why does a basic Drupal view return no results

I am starting out with views and I wrote an extremely simple view which really just filters if the node is published and if it is of type banner. In preview and when I try to print the view I get no results. When I search through my content and filter by type banner and published, I get 3 results (in /content/node/overview). I must be doing something basic and stupid, any suggestions for how I can figure out what I have done wrong?
I am starting out with views and I wrote an extremely simple view which really just filters if the node is published and if it is of type banner. In preview and when I try to print the view I get no results. When I search through my content and filter by type banner and published, I get 3 results (in /content/node/overview). I must be doing something basic and stupid, any suggestions for how I can figure out what I have done wrong?
Have you tried creating a block view and then seeing if it outputs properly in the block region on the front end?
A few troubleshooting steps based on your screenshot...
Try including the node ID in the fields section to make sure the issue isn't with your CCK fields.
Try a different display type than 'slideshow' to make sure the issue isn't with that (non-standard) display type.
Try taking the preview query and running it directly against your database. Do you get any results or error messages?
