Is there a weighted.median() function? - r

I'm looking for something similar in form to weighted.mean(). I've found some solutions via search that write out the entire function but would appreciate something a bit more user friendly.

The following packages all have a function to calculate a weighted median: 'aroma.light', 'isotone', 'limma', 'cwhmisc', 'ergm', 'laeken', 'matrixStats, 'PSCBS', and 'bigvis' (on github).
To find them I used the invaluable findFn() in the 'sos' package which is an extension for R's inbuilt help.
findFn('weighted median')
???'weighted median'
as ??? is a shortcut in the same way ?some.function is for help(some.function)

Some experience using the answers from #wkmor1 and #Jaitropmange.
I've checked 3 functions from 3 packages, isotone, laeken, and matrixStats. Only matrixStats works properly. Other two (just as the median(rep(x, times=w) solution) give integer output. As long as I calculated median age of populations, decimal places matter.
Reproducible example. Calculation of the median age of a population
df <- data.frame(age = 0:100,
pop = spline(c(4,7,9,8,7,6,4,3,2,1),n = 101)$y)
# [1] 36
# [1] 36
# [1] 36.164
median(rep(df$age, times=df$pop))
# [1] 35
matrixStats::weightedMedian() is the reliable solution

To calculate the weighted median of a vector x using a same length vector of (integer) weights w:
median(rep(x, times=w))

This is just a simple solution, ready to use almost anywhere.
weighted.median <- function(x, w) {
w <- w[order(x)]
x <- x[order(x)]
prob <- cumsum(w)/sum(w)
ps <- which(abs(prob - .5) == min(abs(prob - .5)))

Really old post but I just came across it and did some testing of the different methods. spatstat::weighted.median() seemed to be about 14 times faster than median(rep(x, times=w)) and its actually noticeable if you want to run the function more than a couple times. Testing was with a relatively large survey, about 15,000 people.

One can also use stats::density to create a weighted PDF, then convert this to a CDF, as elaborated here:
my_wtd_q = function(x, w, prob, n = 4096)
with(density(x, weights = w/sum(w), n = n),
x[which.max(cumsum(y*(x[2L] - x[1L])) >= prob)])
Then my_wtd_q(x, w, .5) will be the weighted median.
One could also be more careful to ensure that the total area under the density is one by re-normalizing.

A way in base to get a weighted median will be to order by the values and build the cumsum of the weights and get the value(s) at sum * 0.5 of the weights.
medianWeighted <- function(x, w, q=.5) {
n <- length(x)
i <- order(x)
w <- cumsum(w[i])
p <- w[n] * q
j <- findInterval(p, w)
Vectorize(function(p,j) if(w[n] <= 0) NA else
if(j < 1) x[i[1]] else
if(j == n) x[i[n]] else
if(w[j] == p) (x[i[j]] + x[i[j+1]]) / 2 else
What will have the following results with simple input data.
medianWeighted(c(10, 40), c(1, 2))
#[1] 40
median(rep(c(10, 40), c(1, 2)))
#[1] 40
medianWeighted(c(10, 40), c(2, 1))
#[1] 10
median(rep(c(10, 40), c(2, 1)))
#[1] 10
medianWeighted(c(10, 40), c(1.5, 2))
#[1] 40
medianWeighted(c(10, 40), c(3, 4))
#[1] 40
median(rep(c(10, 40), c(3, 4)))
#[1] 40
medianWeighted(c(10, 40), c(1.5, 1.5))
#[1] 25
medianWeighted(c(10, 40), c(3, 3))
#[1] 25
median(rep(c(10, 40), c(3, 3)))
#[1] 25
medianWeighted(c(10, 40), c(0, 1))
#[1] 40
medianWeighted(c(10, 40), c(1, 0))
#[1] 10
medianWeighted(c(10, 40), c(0, 0))
#[1] NA
It can also be used for other qantiles
medianWeighted(1:10, 10:1, seq(0, 1, 0.25))
[1] 1 2 4 6 10
Compare with other methods.
#Functions from other Answers
weighted.median <- function(x, w) {
w <- w[order(x)]
x <- x[order(x)]
prob <- cumsum(w)/sum(w)
ps <- which(abs(prob - .5) == min(abs(prob - .5)))
my_wtd_q = function(x, w, prob, n = 4096)
with(density(x, weights = w/sum(w), n = n),
x[which.max(cumsum(y*(x[2L] - x[1L])) >= prob)])
weighted.quantile <- function(x, w, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25),
na.rm = FALSE, names = TRUE) {
if (any(probs > 1) | any(probs < 0)) stop("'probs' outside [0,1]")
if (length(w) == 1) w <- rep(w, length(x))
if (length(w) != length(x)) stop("w must have length 1 or be as long as x")
if (isTRUE(na.rm)) {
w <- x[!]
x <- x[!]
w <- w[order(x)] / sum(w)
x <- x[order(x)]
cum_w <- cumsum(w) - w * (1 - (seq_along(w) - 1) / (length(w) - 1))
res <- approx(x = cum_w, y = x, xout = probs)$y
if (isTRUE(names)) {
res <- setNames(res, paste0(format(100 * probs, digits = 7), "%"))
M <- alist(
medRep = median(rep(DF$x, DF$w)),
isotone = isotone::weighted.median(DF$x, DF$w),
laeken = laeken::weightedMedian(DF$x, DF$w),
spatstat1 = spatstat.geom::weighted.median(DF$x, DF$w, type=1),
spatstat2 = spatstat.geom::weighted.median(DF$x, DF$w, type=2),
spatstat4 = spatstat.geom::weighted.median(DF$x, DF$w, type=4),
survey = survey::svyquantile(~x, survey::svydesign(id=~1, weights=~w, data=DF), 0.5)$x[1],
RAndres = weighted.median(DF$x, DF$w),
matrixStats = matrixStats::weightedMedian(DF$x, DF$w),
MichaelChirico = my_wtd_q(DF$x, DF$w, .5),
Leonardo = weighted.quantile(DF$x, DF$w, .5),
GKi = medianWeighted(DF$x, DF$w)
DF <- data.frame(x=c(10, 40), w=c(1, 2))
sapply(M, eval)
# medRep isotone laeken spatstat1 spatstat2
# 40.00000 40.00000 40.00000 40.00000 25.00000
# spatstat4 survey RAndres matrixStats MichaelChirico
# 17.50000 40.00000 10.00000 30.00000 34.15005
# Leonardo.50% GKi
# 25.00000 40.00000
DF <- data.frame(x=c(10, 40), w=c(1, 1))
sapply(M, eval)
# medRep isotone laeken spatstat1 spatstat2
# 25.00000 25.00000 40.00000 10.00000 10.00000
# spatstat4 survey RAndres matrixStats MichaelChirico
# 10.00000 10.00000 10.00000 25.00000 25.05044
# Leonardo.50% GKi
# 25.00000 25.00000
In those two cases only isotone and GKi give identical results compared to what median(rep(x, w)) returns.

If you're working with the survey package, assuming you've defined your survey design and x is your variable of interest:
svyquantile(~x, mydesign, c(0.5))

I got here looking for weighted quantiles, so I thought I might as well leave for future readers what I ended up with. Naturally, using probs = 0.5 will return the weighted median.
I started with MichaelChirico's answer, which unfortunately was off at the edges. Then I decided to switch from density() to approx(). Finally, I believe I nailed the correction factor to ensure consistency with the default algorithm of the unweighted quantile().
weighted.quantile <- function(x, w, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25),
na.rm = FALSE, names = TRUE) {
if (any(probs > 1) | any(probs < 0)) stop("'probs' outside [0,1]")
if (length(w) == 1) w <- rep(w, length(x))
if (length(w) != length(x)) stop("w must have length 1 or be as long as x")
if (isTRUE(na.rm)) {
w <- x[!]
x <- x[!]
w <- w[order(x)] / sum(w)
x <- x[order(x)]
cum_w <- cumsum(w) - w * (1 - (seq_along(w) - 1) / (length(w) - 1))
res <- approx(x = cum_w, y = x, xout = probs)$y
if (isTRUE(names)) {
res <- setNames(res, paste0(format(100 * probs, digits = 7), "%"))
When weights are uniform, the weighted quantiles are identical to regular unweighted quantiles:
x <- rnorm(100)
stopifnot(stopifnot(identical(weighted.quantile(x, w = 1), quantile(x)))
Example using the same data as in the weighted.mean() man page.
x <- c(3.7, 3.3, 3.5, 2.8)
w <- c(5, 5, 4, 1)/15
weighted.quantile(x, w, 0:4/4, names = FALSE),
c(2.8, 3.33611111111111, 3.46111111111111, 3.58157894736842,
And this is for whoever solely wants the weighted median value:
weighted.median <- function(x, w, ...) {
weighted.quantile(x, w, probs = 0.5, names = FALSE, ...)


Solutions to a system of inequalities in R

Suppose I have the following system of inequalities:
-2x + y <= -3
1.25x + y <= 2.5
y >= -3
I want to find multiple tuples of (x, y) that satisfy the above inequalities.
obj <- numeric(2)
mat <- matrix(c(-2, 1, 1.25, 1, 0, 1), nrow = 3)
dir <- c("<=", "<=", ">=")
rhs <- c(-3, 2.5, -3)
Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = obj, mat = mat, dir = dir, rhs = rhs)
Using the above code only seems to return 1 possible solution tuple (1.5, 0). Is possible to return other solution tuples?
Edit: Based on the comments, I would be interested to learn if there are any functions that could help me find the corner points.
Actually to understand the possible answers for the given question we can try to solve the system of inequalities graphically.
There was a nice answer concerning plotting of inequations in R at stackowerflow. Using the given aproach we can plot the following graph:
fun1 <- function(x) 2*x - 3 # this is the same as -2x + y <= -3
fun2 <- function(x) -1.25*x + 2.5 # 1.25x + y <= 2.5
fun3 <- function(x) -3 # y >= -3
x1 = seq(-1,5, by = 1/16)
mydf = data.frame(x1, y1=fun1(x1), y2=fun2(x1),y3= fun3(x1))
mydf <- transform(mydf, z = pmax(y3,pmin(y1,y2)))
ggplot(mydf, aes(x = x1)) +
geom_line(aes(y = y1), colour = 'blue') +
geom_line(aes(y = y2), colour = 'green') +
geom_line(aes(y = y3), colour = 'red') +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=y3,ymax = z), fill = 'gray60')
All the possible (infinite by number) tuples lie inside the gray triangle.
The vertexes can be found using the following code.
obj <- numeric(2)
mat <- matrix(c(-2, 1.25, 1, 1), nrow = 2)
rhs <- matrix(c(-3, 2.5), nrow = 2)
aPoint <- solve(mat, rhs)
mat <- matrix(c(-2, 0, 1, 1), nrow = 2)
rhs <- matrix(c(-3, -3), nrow = 2)
bPoint <- solve(mat, rhs)
mat <- matrix(c(1.25, 0, 1, 1), nrow = 2)
rhs <- matrix(c(2.5, -3), nrow = 2)
cPoint <- solve(mat, rhs)
Note the order of arguments of matrices.
And you get the coordinates:
> aPoint
[1,] 1.6923077
[2,] 0.3846154
> bPoint
[1,] 0
[2,] -3
> cPoint
[1,] 4.4
[2,] -3.0
All the codes below are with base R only (no need library(Rglpk))
1. Corner Points
If you want to get all the corner points, here is one option
A <- matrix(c(-2, 1.25, 0, 1, 1, -1), nrow = 3)
b <- c(-3, 2.5, 3)
# we use `det` to check if the coefficient matrix is singular. If so, we return `Inf`.
xh <-
combn(nrow(A), 2, function(k) {
if (det(A[k, ]) == 0) {
rep(NA, length(k))
} else {
solve(A[k, ], b[k])
# We filter out the points that satisfy the constraint
corner_points <- t(xh[, colSums(A %*% xh <= b, na.rm = TRUE) == length(b)])
such that
> corner_points
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1.692308 0.3846154
[2,] 0.000000 -3.0000000
[3,] 4.400000 -3.0000000
2. Possible Tuples
If you want to have multiple tuples, e.g., n=10, we can use Monte Carlo simulation (based on the obtained corner_points in the previous step) to select the tuples under the constraints:
xrange <- range(corner_points[, 1])
yrange <- range(corner_points[, 2])
n <- 10
res <- list()
while (length(res) < n) {
px <- runif(1, xrange[1], xrange[2])
py <- runif(1, yrange[1], yrange[2])
if (all(A %*% c(px, py) <= b)) {
res[length(res) + 1] <- list(c(px, py))
and you will see n possible tuples in a list like below
> res
[1] 3.643167 -2.425809
[1] 2.039007 -2.174171
[1] 0.4990635 -2.3363637
[1] 0.6168402 -2.6736421
[1] 3.687389 -2.661733
[1] 3.852258 -2.704395
[1] 1.7571062 0.1067597
[1] 3.668024 -2.771307
[1] 2.108187 -1.365349
[1] 2.106528 -2.134310
First of all, the matrix representing the three equations needs a small correction, because R fills matrices column by column :
-2x + y <= -3
1.25x + y <= 2.5
y >= -3
mat <- matrix(c(-2, 1.25, 0, 1, 1, 1), nrow = 3
# and not : mat <- matrix(c(-2, 1, 1.25, 1, 0, 1), nrow = 3)
To get different tuples, you could modify the objective function :
obj <- numeric(2) results in an objective function 0 * x + 0 * y which is always equal to 0 and can't be maximized : the first valid x,y will be selected.
Optimization on x is achieved by using obj <- c(1,0), resulting in maximization / minimization of 1 * x + 0 * y.
Optimization on y is achieved by using obj <- c(0,1).
#setting the bounds is necessary, otherwise optimization occurs only for x>=0 and y>=0
bounds <- list(lower = list(ind = c(1L, 2L), val = c(-Inf, -Inf)),
upper = list(ind = c(1L, 2L), val = c(Inf, Inf)))
# finding maximum x: obj = c(1,0), max = T
Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = c(10,0), mat = mat, dir = dir, rhs = rhs,bound=bounds, max = T)$solution
# [1] 4.4 -3.0
# finding minimum x: obj = c(1,0), max = F
Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = c(10,0), mat = mat, dir = dir, rhs = rhs,bound=bounds, max = F)$solution
#[1] 0 -3
# finding maximum y: obj = c(0,1), max = T
Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = c(0,1), mat = mat, dir = dir, rhs = rhs,bound=bounds, max = T)$solution
#[1] 1.6923077 0.3846154

Non-linear fitting with nls() is giving me singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates. Why?

This is my first attempt at fitting a non-linear model in R, so please bear with me.
I am trying to understand why nls() is giving me this error:
Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts): singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates
From what I've read from other questions here at SO it could either be because:
my model is discontinuous, or
my model is over-determined, or
bad choice of starting parameter values
So I am calling for help on how to overcome this error. Can I change the model and still use nls(), or do I need to use nls.lm from the minpack.lm package, as I have read elsewhere?
My approach
Here are some details about the model:
the model is a discontinuous function, a kind of staircase type of function (see plot below)
in general, the number of steps in the model can be variable yet they are fixed for a specific fitting event
MWE that shows the problem
Brief explanation of the MWE code
step_fn(x, min = 0, max = 1): function that returns 1 within the interval (min, max] and 0 otherwise; sorry about the name, I realize now it is not really a step function... interval_fn() would be more appropriate I guess.
staircase(x, dx, dy): a summation of step_fn() functions. dx is a vector of widths for the steps, i.e. max - min, and dy is the increment in y for each step.
staircase_formula(n = 1L): generates a formula object that represents the model modeled by the function staircase() (to be used with the nls() function).
please do note that I use the purrr and glue packages in the example below.
step_fn <- function(x, min = 0, max = 1) {
y <- x
y[x > min & x <= max] <- 1
y[x <= min] <- 0
y[x > max] <- 0
staircase <- function(x, dx, dy) {
max <- cumsum(dx)
min <- c(0, max[1:(length(dx)-1)])
step <- cumsum(dy)
purrr::reduce(purrr::pmap(list(min, max, step), ~ ..3 * step_fn(x, min = ..1, max = ..2)), `+`)
staircase_formula <- function(n = 1L) {
i <- seq_len(n)
dx <- sprintf("dx%d", i)
min <-
c('0', purrr::accumulate(dx[-n], .f = ~ paste(.x, .y, sep = " + ")))
max <- purrr::accumulate(dx, .f = ~ paste(.x, .y, sep = " + "))
lhs <- "y"
rhs <-
paste(glue::glue('dy{i} * step_fn(x, min = {min}, max = {max})'),
collapse = " + ")
sc_form <- as.formula(glue::glue("{lhs} ~ {rhs}"))
x <- seq(0, 10, by = 0.01)
y <- staircase(x, c(1,2,2,5), c(2,5,2,1)) + rnorm(length(x), mean = 0, sd = 0.2)
plot(x = x, y = y)
lines(x = x, y = staircase(x, dx = c(1,2,2,5), dy = c(2,5,2,1)), col="red")
my_data <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
my_model <- staircase_formula(4)
params <- list(dx1 = 1, dx2 = 2, dx3 = 2, dx4 = 5,
dy1 = 2, dy2 = 5, dy3 = 2, dy4 = 1)
m <- nls(formula = my_model, start = params, data = my_data)
#> Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts): singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I assume you are given a vector of observations of length len as the ones plotted in your example, and you wish to identify k jumps and k jump sizes. (Or maybe I misunderstood you; but you have not really said what you want to achieve.)
Below I will sketch a solution using Local Search. I start with your example data:
x <- seq(0, 10, by = 0.01)
y <- staircase(x,
c(2,5,2,1)) + rnorm(length(x), mean = 0, sd = 0.2)
A solution is a list of positions and sizes of the jumps. Note that I use vectors to store these data, as it will become cumbersome to define variables when you have 20 jumps, say.
An example (random) solution:
k <- 5 ## number of jumps
len <- length(x)
sol <- list(position = sample(len, size = k),
size = runif(k))
## $position
## [1] 89 236 859 885 730
## $size
## [1] 0.2377453 0.2108495 0.3404345 0.4626004 0.6944078
We need an objective function to compute the quality of the solution. I also define a simple helper function stairs, which is used by the objective function.
The objective function abs_diff computes the average absolute difference between the fitted series (as defined by the solution) and y.
stairs <- function(len, position, size) {
ans <- numeric(len)
ans[position] <- size
abs_diff <- function(sol, y, stairs, ...) {
yy <- stairs(length(y), sol$position, sol$size)
sum(abs(y - yy))/length(y)
Now comes the key component for a Local Search: the neighbourhood function that is used to evolve the solution. The neighbourhood function takes a solution and changes it slightly. Here, it will either pick a position or a size and modify it slightly.
neighbour <- function(sol, len, ...) {
p <- sol$position
s <- sol$size
if (runif(1) > 0.5) {
## either move one of the positions ...
i <-, size = 1)
p[i] <- p[i] + sample(-25:25, size = 1)
p[i] <- min(max(1, p[i]), len)
} else {
## ... or change a jump size
i <-, size = 1)
s[i] <- s[i] + runif(1, min = -s[i], max = 1)
list(position = p, size = s)
An example call: here the new solution has its first jump size changed.
## > sol
## $position
## [1] 89 236 859 885 730
## $size
## [1] 0.2377453 0.2108495 0.3404345 0.4626004 0.6944078
## > neighbour(sol, len)
## $position
## [1] 89 236 859 885 730
## $size
## [1] 0.2127044 0.2108495 0.3404345 0.4626004 0.6944078
I remains to run the Local Search.
library("NMOF") <- LSopt(abs_diff,
list(x0 = sol, nI = 50000, neighbour = neighbour),
stairs = stairs,
len = len,
y = y)
We can plot the solution: the fitted line is shown in blue.
plot(x, y)
lines(x, stairs(len,$xbest$position,$xbest$size),
col = "blue", type = "S")
Try DE instead:
yf= function(params,x){
dx1 = params[1]; dx2 = params[2]; dx3 = params[3]; dx4 = params[4];
dy1 = params[5]; dy2 = params[6]; dy3 = params[7]; dy4 = params[8]
dy1 * step_fn(x, min = 0, max = dx1) + dy2 * step_fn(x, min = dx1,
max = dx1 + dx2) + dy3 * step_fn(x, min = dx1 + dx2, max = dx1 +
dx2 + dx3) + dy4 * step_fn(x, min = dx1 + dx2 + dx3, max = dx1 +
dx2 + dx3 + dx4)
algo1 <- list(printBar = FALSE,
nP = 200L,
nG = 1000L,
F = 0.50,
CR = 0.99,
min = c(0,1,1,4,1,4,1,0),
max = c(2,3,3,6,3,6,3,2))
OF2 <- function(Param, data) { #Param=paramsj data=data2
x <- data$x
y <- data$y
ye <- data$model(Param,x)
aux <- y - ye; aux <- sum(aux^2)
if ( aux <- 1e10
data5 <- list(x = x, y = y, model = yf, ww = 1)
system.time(sol5 <- DEopt(OF = OF2, algo = algo1, data = data5))
lines(data5$x,data5$model(sol5$xbest, data5$x),col=7,lwd=2)
#> sol5$xbest
#[1] 1.106396 12.719182 -9.574088 18.017527 3.366852 8.721374 -19.879474 1.090023
#> OF2(sol5$xbest,data5)
#[1] 1000.424

Split a vector into chunks such that sum of each chunk is approximately constant

I have a large data frame with more than 100 000 records where the values are sorted
For example, consider the following dummy data set
df <- data.frame(values = c(1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,6,7))
I want to create 3 groups of above values (in sequence only) such that the sum of each group is more or less the same
So for the above group, if I decide to divide the sorted df in 3 groups as follows, their sums will be
1. 1 + 1 + 2 +2 + 3 + 4 = 13
2. 5 + 6 = 11
3. 6 + 7 = 13
How can create this optimization in R? any logic?
So, let's use pruning. I think other solutions are giving a good solution, but not the best one.
First, we want to minimize
where S_n is the cumulative sum of the first n elements.
computeD <- function(p, q, S) {
n <- length(S) <- S[n] / 3
if (all(p < q)) {
(S[p] -^2 + (S[q] - S[p] -^2 + (S[n] - S[q] -^2
} else {
stop("You shouldn't be here!")
I think the other solutions optimize over p and q independently, which won't give a global minima (expected for some particular cases).
optiCut <- function(v) {
S <- cumsum(v)
n <- length(v)
S_star <- S[n] / 3
# good starting values
p_star <- which.min((S - S_star)^2)
q_star <- which.min((S - 2*S_star)^2)
print(min <- computeD(p_star, q_star, S))
count <- 0
for (q in 2:(n-1)) {
S3 <- S[n] - S[q] - S_star
if (S3*S3 < min) {
count <- count + 1
D <- computeD(seq_len(q - 1), q, S)
ind = which.min(D);
if (D[ind] < min) {
# Update optimal values
p_star = ind;
q_star = q;
min = D[ind];
c(p_star, q_star, computeD(p_star, q_star, S), count)
This is as fast as the other solutions because it prunes a lot the iterations based on the condition S3*S3 < min. But, it gives the optimal solution, see optiCut(c(1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 10)).
For the solution with K >= 3, I basically reimplemented trees with nested tibbles, that was fun!
optiCut_K <- function(v, K) {
S <- cumsum(v)
n <- length(v)
S_star <- S[n] / K
# good starting values
p_vec_first <- sapply(seq_len(K - 1), function(i) which.min((S - i*S_star)^2))
min_first <- sum((diff(c(0, S[c(p_vec_first, n)])) - S_star)^2)
compute_children <- function(level, ind, val) {
# leaf
if (level == 1) {
val <- val + (S[ind] - S_star)^2
if (val > min_first) {
} else {
P_all <- val + (S[ind] - S[seq_len(ind - 1)] - S_star)^2
inds <- which(P_all < min_first)
if (length(inds) == 0) return(NULL)
node <- tibble::tibble(
level = level - 1,
ind = inds,
val = P_all[inds]
node$children <- purrr::pmap(node, compute_children)
node <- dplyr::filter(node, !purrr::map_lgl(children, is.null))
`if`(nrow(node) == 0, NULL, node)
compute_children(K, n, 0)
This gives you all the solution that are least better than the greedy one:
v <- sort(sample(1:1000, 1e5, replace = TRUE))
test <- optiCut_K(v, 9)
You need to unnest this:
full_unnest <- function(tbl) {
tmp <- try(tidyr::unnest(tbl), silent = TRUE)
`if`(identical(class(tmp), "try-error"), tbl, full_unnest(tmp))
print(test <- full_unnest(test))
And finally, to get the best solution:
test[which.min(test$children), ]
Here is one approach:
splitter <- function(values, N){
inds = c(0, sapply(1:N, function(i) which.min(abs(cumsum(as.numeric(values)) - sum(as.numeric(values))/N*i))))
dif = diff(inds)
re = rep(1:length(dif), times = dif)
return(split(values, re))
how good is it:
# I calculate the mean and sd of the maximal difference of the sums in the
#splits of 100 runs:
#split on 15 parts
z1 =, nrow=1))
values = sort(sample(1:1000, 1000000, replace = T))
z = splitter(values, 15)
z = lapply(z, sum)
z = unlist(z)
z1 = rbind(z1, z)
if (nrow(z1)>101){
z1 = z1[-1,]
mean(apply(z1, 1, function(x) max(x) - min(x)))
[1] 1004.158
sd(apply(z1, 1, function(x) max(x) - min(x)))
[1] 210.6653
#with less splits (4)
z1 =, nrow=1))
values = sort(sample(1:1000, 1000000, replace = T))
z = splitter(values, 4)
z = lapply(z, sum)
z = unlist(z)
z1 = rbind(z1, z)
if (nrow(z1)>101){
z1 = z1[-1,]
mean(apply(z1, 1, function(x) max(x) - min(x)))
sd(apply(z1, 1, function(x) max(x) - min(x)))
values = sort(sample(1:1000, 1000000, replace = T))
sp_27 = splitter(values, 27),
sp_3 = splitter(values, 3),
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
sp_27 897.7346 934.2360 1052.0972 1078.6713 1118.6203 1329.3044 100 b
sp_3 108.3283 116.2223 209.4777 173.0522 291.8669 409.7050 100 a
btw F. Privé is correct this function does not give the globally optimal split. It is greedy which is not a good characteristic for such a problem. It will give splits with sums closer to global sum / n in the initial part of the vector but behaving as so will compromise the splits in the later part of the vector.
Here is a test comparison of the three functions posted so far:
db = function(values, N){
temp = floor(sum(values)/N)
inds = c(0, which(c(0, diff(cumsum(values) %% temp)) < 0)[1:(N-1)], length(values))
dif = diff(inds)
re = rep(1:length(dif), times = dif)
return(split(values, re))
} #had to change it a bit since the posted one would not work - the core
#which calculates the splitting positions is the same
missuse <- function(values, N){
inds = c(0, sapply(1:N, function(i) which.min(abs(cumsum(as.numeric(values)) - sum(as.numeric(values))/N*i))))
dif = diff(inds)
re = rep(1:length(dif), times = dif)
return(split(values, re))
prive = function(v, N){ #added dummy N argument because of the tester function
dummy = N
computeD <- function(p, q, S) {
n <- length(S) <- S[n] / 3
if (all(p < q)) {
(S[p] -^2 + (S[q] - S[p] -^2 + (S[n] - S[q] -^2
} else {
stop("You shouldn't be here!")
optiCut <- function(v, N) {
S <- cumsum(v)
n <- length(v)
S_star <- S[n] / 3
# good starting values
p_star <- which.min((S - S_star)^2)
q_star <- which.min((S - 2*S_star)^2)
print(min <- computeD(p_star, q_star, S))
count <- 0
for (q in 2:(n-1)) {
S3 <- S[n] - S[q] - S_star
if (S3*S3 < min) {
count <- count + 1
D <- computeD(seq_len(q - 1), q, S)
ind = which.min(D);
if (D[ind] < min) {
# Update optimal values
p_star = ind;
q_star = q;
min = D[ind];
c(p_star, q_star, computeD(p_star, q_star, S), count)
z3 = optiCut(v)
inds = c(0, z3[1:2], length(v))
dif = diff(inds)
re = rep(1:length(dif), times = dif)
return(split(v, re))
} #added output to be more in line with the other two
Function for testing:
tester = function(split, seed){
z1 =, nrow=1))
values = sort(sample(1:1000, 1000000, replace = T))
z = split(values, 3)
z = lapply(z, sum)
z = unlist(z)
z1 = rbind(z1, z)
if (nrow(z1)>101){
m = mean(apply(z1, 1, function(x) max(x) - min(x)))
s = sd(apply(z1, 1, function(x) max(x) - min(x)))
return(c("mean" = m, "sd" = s))
} #tests 100 random 1M length vectors with elements drawn from 1:1000
tester(db, 5)
#mean sd
#779.5686 349.5717
tester(missuse, 5)
#mean sd
#481.4804 216.9158
tester(prive, 5)
#mean sd
#451.6765 174.6303
prive is the clear winner - however it takes quite a bit longer than the other 2. and can handle splitting on 3 elements only.
missuse(values, 3),
prive(values, 3),
db(values, 3)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
missuse(values, 3) 100.85978 111.1552 185.8199 120.1707 304.0303 393.4031 100 a
prive(values, 3) 1932.58682 1980.0515 2096.7516 2043.7133 2211.6294 2671.9357 100 b
db(values, 3) 96.86879 104.5141 194.0085 117.6270 306.7143 500.6455 100 a
N = 3
temp = floor(sum(df$values)/N)
inds = c(0, which(c(0, diff(cumsum(df$values) %% temp)) < 0)[1:(N-1)], NROW(df))
split(df$values, rep(1:N, ifelse(N == 1, NROW(df), diff(inds))))
#[1] 1 1 2 2 3 4
#[1] 5 6
#[1] 6 7

Matrix version of rasterToPoints?

Anyone know of a non-raster method to achieve the following?
d = data.frame(rasterToPoints(raster(volcano)))
x y layer
1 0.008196721 0.9942529 100
2 0.024590164 0.9942529 100
3 0.040983607 0.9942529 101
4 0.057377049 0.9942529 101
5 0.073770492 0.9942529 101
6 0.090163934 0.9942529 101
One way would be to use the row and col command:
df <- data.frame(
x = as.vector(col(volcano)),
y = (yy <- as.vector(row(volcano)))[length(yy):1],
val = as.vector(volcano)
raster rescales the range to 0 - 1, if not specified differently, so we would to have to do this too:
## rescale
df$x <- with(df, (x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)))
df$y <- with(df, (y - min(x)) / (max(y) - min(y)))
Finally lets check, that the results are the same:
## Using raster df1 <- data.frame(rasterToPoints(raster(volcano)))
cols <- colorRampPalette(c('white', "blue",'red')) df$col <-
cols(20)[as.numeric(cut(df$val, breaks = 20))] df1$col <-
cols(20)[as.numeric(cut(df1$layer, breaks = 20))]
par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(df[, 1:2], col = df$col, pch = 20, main =
plot(df1[, 1:2], col = df1$col, pch = 20, main = "raster")
While the results appear the same visually, they are not. The resolution of the raster command is most likely different, and hence there are different nrows for df and df1.
Faster for large matrices:
x = rep(1:ncol(m), each=nrow(m)),
y = rep(nrow(m):1, ncol(m)),
val = as.vector(m)

Parallelize a rolling window regression in R

I'm running a rolling regression very similar to the following code:
FL <- as.formula(Next(HAM1)~HAM1+HAM2+HAM3+HAM4)
MyRegression <- function(df,FL) {
df <-
model <- lm(FL,data=df[1:30,])
system.time(Result <- rollapply(managers, 31, FUN="MyRegression",FL,
by.column = FALSE, align = "right", na.pad = TRUE))
I've got some extra processors, so I'm trying to find a way to parallelize the rolling window. If this was a non-rolling regression I could easily parallelize it using the apply family of functions...
The obvious one is to use instead of lm() so you don't incur all the overhead in processing the formula etc.
Update: So when I said obvious what I meant to say was blindingly obvious but deceptively difficult to implement!
After a bit of fiddling around, I came up with this
The first stage is to realise that the model matrix can be prebuilt, so we do that and convert it back to a Zoo object for use with rollapply():
mmat2 <- model.frame(Next(HAM1) ~ HAM1 + HAM2 + HAM3 + HAM4, data = managers,
na.action = na.pass)
mmat2 <-[,1], Intercept = 1, mmat2[,-1])
mmatZ <- as.zoo(mmat2)
Now we need a function that will employ to do the heavy lifting without having to create design matrices at each iteration:
MyRegression2 <- function(Z) {
## store value we want to predict for
pred <- Z[31, -1, drop = FALSE]
## get rid of any rows with NA in training data
Z <- Z[1:30, ][!rowSums([1:30,])) > 0, ]
## Next() would lag and leave NA in row 30 for response
## but we precomputed model matrix, so drop last row still in Z
Z <- Z[-nrow(Z),]
## fit the model
fit <-[, -1, drop = FALSE], Z[,1])
## get things we need to predict, in case pivoting turned on in
p <- fit$rank
p1 <- seq_len(p)
piv <- fit$qr$pivot[p1]
## model coefficients
beta <- fit$coefficients
## this gives the predicted value for row 31 of data passed in
drop(pred[, piv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[piv])
A comparison of timings:
> system.time(Result <- rollapply(managers, 31, FUN="MyRegression",FL,
+ by.column = FALSE, align = "right",
+ na.pad = TRUE))
user system elapsed
0.925 0.002 1.020
> system.time(Result2 <- rollapply(mmatZ, 31, FUN = MyRegression2,
+ by.column = FALSE, align = "right",
+ na.pad = TRUE))
user system elapsed
0.048 0.000 0.05
Which affords a pretty reasonable improvement over the original. And now check that the resulting objects are the same:
> all.equal(Result, Result2)
[1] TRUE
New answer
I wrote a package, rollRegres, that does this much faster. It is ~ 58 times faster than Gavin Simpson's answer. Here is an example
# simulate data
n <- 10000
wdth <- 50
X <- matrix(rnorm(10 * n), n, 10)
y <- drop(X %*% runif(10)) + rnorm(n)
Z <- cbind(y, X)
# assign other function
lm_version <- function(Z, width = wdth) {
pred <- Z[width + 1, -1, drop = FALSE]
## fit the model
Z <- Z[-nrow(Z), ]
fit <-[, -1, drop = FALSE], Z[,1])
## get things we need to predict, in case pivoting turned on in
p <- fit$rank
p1 <- seq_len(p)
piv <- fit$qr$pivot[p1]
## model coefficients
beta <- fit$coefficients
## this gives the predicted value for next obs
drop(pred[, piv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[piv])
# show that they yield the same
library(rollRegres) # the new package
rollapply(Z, wdth + 1, FUN = lm_version,
by.column = FALSE, align = "right", fill = NA_real_),
x = X, y = y, width = wdth, do_compute = "1_step_forecasts"
#R [1] TRUE
# benchmark
lm_version <- cmpfun(lm_version)
newnew =
x = X, y = y, width = wdth, do_compute = "1_step_forecasts"),
prev = rollapply(Z, wdth + 1, FUN = lm_version,
by.column = FALSE, align = "right", fill = NA_real_),
times = 10)
#R Unit: milliseconds
#R expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#R newnew 10.27279 10.48929 10.91631 11.04139 11.13877 11.87121 10
#R prev 555.45898 565.02067 582.60309 582.22285 602.73091 605.39481 10
Old answer
You can reduce the run time by updating a decomposition. This yields an cost at each iteration instead of where n is you window width. Below is a code to compare the two. It would likely be much faster doing it in C++ but the LINPACK dchud and dchdd are not included with R so you would have to write a package to do so. Further, I recall reading that you may do faster with other implementations than the LINPACK dchud and dchdd for the R update
library(SamplerCompare) # for LINPACK `chdd` and `chud`
roll_forcast <- function(X, y, width){
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
out <- rep(NA_real_, n)
is_first <- TRUE
i <- width
while(i < n){
is_first <- FALSE
qr. <- qr(X[1:width, ])
R <- qr.R(qr.)
# Use X^T for the rest
X <- t(X)
XtY <- drop(tcrossprod(y[1:width], X[, 1:width]))
} else {
x_new <- X[, i]
x_old <- X[, i - width]
# update R
R <- .Fortran(
"dchud", R, p, p, x_new, 0., 0L, 0L,
0., 0., numeric(p), numeric(p),
PACKAGE = "SamplerCompare")[[1]]
# downdate R
R <- .Fortran(
"dchdd", R, p, p, x_old, 0., 0L, 0L,
0., 0., numeric(p), numeric(p), integer(1),
PACKAGE = "SamplerCompare")[[1]]
# update XtY
XtY <- XtY + y[i] * x_new - y[i - width] * x_old
coef. <- .Internal(backsolve(R, XtY, p, TRUE, TRUE))
coef. <- .Internal(backsolve(R, coef., p, TRUE, FALSE))
i <- i + 1
out[i] <- X[, i] %*% coef.
# simulate data
n <- 10000
wdth = 50
X <- matrix(rnorm(10 * n), n, 10)
y <- drop(X %*% runif(10)) + rnorm(n)
Z <- cbind(y, X)
# assign other function
lm_version <- function(Z, width = wdth) {
pred <- Z[width + 1, -1, drop = FALSE]
## fit the model
Z <- Z[-nrow(Z), ]
fit <-[, -1, drop = FALSE], Z[,1])
## get things we need to predict, in case pivoting turned on in
p <- fit$rank
p1 <- seq_len(p)
piv <- fit$qr$pivot[p1]
## model coefficients
beta <- fit$coefficients
## this gives the predicted value for row 31 of data passed in
drop(pred[, piv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[piv])
# show that they yield the same
rollapply(Z, wdth + 1, FUN = lm_version,
by.column = FALSE, align = "right", fill = NA_real_),
roll_forcast(X, y, wdth))
#R> [1] TRUE
# benchmark
roll_forcast <- cmpfun(roll_forcast)
lm_version <- cmpfun(lm_version)
new = roll_forcast(X, y, wdth),
prev = rollapply(Z, wdth + 1, FUN = lm_version,
by.column = FALSE, align = "right", fill = NA_real_),
times = 10)
#R> Unit: milliseconds
#R> expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
#R> new 113.7637 115.4498 129.6562 118.6540 122.4930 230.3414 10 a
#R> prev 639.6499 674.1677 682.1996 678.6195 686.8816 763.8034 10 b
