How can I convert arbitrary strings to CLS-Compliant names? -

Does anyone know of an algorithm (or external library) that I could call to convert an arbitrary string (i.e. outside my control) to be CLS compliant?
I am generating a dynamic RDLC (Client Report Definition) for an ASP.Net Report Viewer control and some of the field names need to be based on strings entered by the user.
Unfortunately I have little control over the entry of the field names by the client (through a 3rd party CMS). But I am quite flexible around substitutions required to create the compliant string.
I have a reactive hack algorithm for now along the lines of:
public static string FormatForDynamicRdlc(this string s)
//We need to change this string to be CLS compliant.
return s.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty)
.Replace("\t", string.Empty)
.Replace(",", string.Empty)
.Replace("-", "_")
.Replace(" ", "_");
But I would love something more comprehensive. Any ideas?
NOTE: If it is of any help, the algorithm I am using to create the dynamic RDLC is based on the BuildRDLC method found here:

Here's the algorithm I use to create C/C++ identifiers from arbitrary strings (translated to C#):
static void Main(string[] args)
string input = "9\ttotally no # # way!!!!";
string safe = string.Concat("_", Regex.Replace(input, "[^a-z0-9_]+", "_"));
The leading underscore is unnecessary if the first character of the regex result is not numeric.

Here is a regex which I found could be useful for splitting CLS-compliant string part and non-CLS-compliant string part. Below implementation in C#:
string strRegex = #"^(?<nonCLSCompliantPart>[^A-Za-z]*)(?<CLSCompliantPart>.*)";
Regex myRegex = new Regex(strRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
string strTargetString = #" _aaaaaa[5]RoundingHeader";
foreach (Match myMatch in myRegex.Matches(strTargetString))
if (myMatch.Success)
// Add your code here


Newtonsoft Json JsonSerializationException with simple string

My datasource creates the JSON representing an array of integers as "1,2,3,4,5". I can't do anything about this (Like changing it to [1,2,3,4,5]), it is an enterprise CMS that we have to just deal with.
I'm trying to read up on how the newtonsoft ToObject method handles the following code:
JValue theValue = new JValue("1,2,3")
List<int> x = theValue.ToObject<List<int>>();
I get a Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException. Could not cast or convert from System.String to System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]. I understand this fully, but I'd like to know if the Newtonsoft JSON libraries have a built in way to convert from a comma delimited string to a List.
I'd like to think there's a better way than trying to check if the variable is a comma delimited list or not and then converting it to a List<> manually, or maybe a JArray, but I've been wrong before !
I wanted to share my solution:
dynamic theValue = new JValue("1,2,3,4"); /// This is just passed in, i'm not doing this on purpose. Its to demo.
if (info.PropertyType == typeof (List<int>))
if (info.CanWrite)
if (theValue.GetType() == typeof (JValue) && theValue.Value is string)
theValue = JArray.Parse("[" + theValue.Value + "]");
info.SetValue(this, theValue.ToObject<List<int>>());
} else {
// do other things
You have three problems from what I can see:
You should be using JArray not JValue. You are intending this to be an array of things, so you need to use the equivalent class in Newtonsoft to represent an array. (A JValue, as best I can tell, represents a simple type--e.g. string, number, Date, etc.)
You should use the Parse method versus using the constructor. Parse will read the content of the string as an array, however... order for it to do that, you will need to surround the data that you get with the square brackets or JArray can't correctly the parse the data. There is no need to fiddle with the CMS; just do a string concat before you parse.
JArray theValue = JArray.Parse("[" + "1,2,3" + "]");

How to get string from formatted url in c#

Suppose We are on the page
then how to get string apple-store in asp C# code.
to store into another variable.
You can use string.last() to extract it.
string lastPartUrl =HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Split('/').Last();
You should use the Request.RawUrl property. See more details here.
Alternatelly you can also use the Request.Url (see here) property to get different parts of the current URL. For example you will get the same result using Request.Url.LocalPath.
You can get the url in a string variable. Further you can implement the below logic which will save the value in a variable.
string str = "";
string result = "";
int i= 0;
int len = str.Length;
//Get the index of the character
i = str.IndexOf('/');
//store the result in the variable
result = str.Substring(i+1,len-i-1);
Console.WriteLine("Resultant:- {0}", result);`
Hope this helps a bit.

Character + is converted to %2B in HTTP Post

I'm adding functionality to a GM script we use here at work, but when trying to post (cross site may I add) to another page, my posting value of CMD is different than what it is on the page.
It's supposed to be Access+My+Account+Info but the value that is posted becomes Access%2BMy%2BAccount%2BInfo.
So I guess my question is: What's escaping my value and how do I make it not escape? And if there's no way to unescape it, does anyone have any ideas of a workaround?
%2B is the code for a +. You (or whatever framework you're using) should already be decoding the POST data server-side...
Just a quick remark: If you want to decode a path segment, you can use UriUtils (spring framework):
public void decodeUriPathSegment() {
String pathSegment = "some_text%2B"; // encoded path segment
String decodedText = UriUtils.decode(pathSegment, "UTF-8");
assertEquals("some_text+", decodedText);
Uri path segments are different from HTML escape chars (see list). Here is an example:
public void decodeHTMLEscape() {
String someString = "some_text+";
String stringJsoup = org.jsoup.parser.Parser.unescapeEntities(someString, false);
String stringApacheCommons = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(someString);
String stringSpring = htmlUnescape(someString);
assertEquals("some_text+", stringJsoup);
assertEquals("some_text+", stringApacheCommons);
assertEquals("some_text+", stringSpring);
/data/v50.0/query?q=SELECT Id from Case
This worked for me. Give space instead of '+'

ASP.NET localization

When localizing an ASP.NET app (MVC or webforms, does't matter), how do you handle HTML strings in your resource file? In particular, how do you handle something like a paragraph with an embedded dynamic link? My strategy so far has been to use some sort of placeholder for the href attribute value and replace it at runtime with the actual URL, but this seems hokey at best.
As an example, suppose my copy is:
Thank you for registering. Click
to update your preferences.
To login and begin using the app, click
Using MVC (Razor), what could be a simple:
now turns into
.Replace("{prefs_url}", Url.Action("Preferences", "User"))
.Replace("{login_url}", Url.Action("Login", "User"))</p>
It's not horrible, but I guess I'm just wondering if there's a better way?
There isn't really a better way, beyond some syntax and performance tweaks. For example, you might add a cache layer so that you aren't doing these string operations for every request. Something like this:
which calls a function perhaps like this:
Localize("ThankYouMessage", Resources.Strings.ThankYouMessage)
which does a hashtable lookup by resource + culture:
//use Hashtable instead of Dictionary<> because DictionaryBase is not thread safe.
private static System.Collections.Hashtable _cache =
System.Collections.Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
public static string Localize(string resourceName, string resourceContent) {
string cultureName = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceName))
throw new ArgumentException("'resourceName' is null or empty.");
string cacheKey = resourceName + "/" + cultureName;
object o = _cache[cacheKey];
if (null == o) { //first generation; add it to the cache.
_cache[cacheKey] = o = ReplaceTokensWithValues(resourceContent);
return o as string;
Notice the call to ReplaceTokensWithValues(). That is the function that contains all the "not horrible" string-replacement fiffery:
public static string ReplaceTokensWithValues(string s) {
return s.Replace("{prefs_url}", Url.Action("Preferences", "User"))
.Replace("{login_url}", Url.Action("Login", "User")
.Replace("{any_other_stuff}", "random stuff");
By using a caching approach as above, ReplaceTokensWithValues() is only called once per culture, per resource for the lifetime of the application--instead of once per resource call. The difference may be on the order of 100 vs. 1,000,000.

How to validate email address inputs?

I have an ASP.NET web form where I can can enter an email address.
I need to validate that field with acceptable email addresses ONLY in the below pattern:
A regular expression to validate this would be:
C# sample:
string emailAddress = "";
string pattern = #"^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+((#home\.co\.uk)|(#home\.com)|(#homegroup\.com))$";
if (Regex.IsMatch(emailAddress, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
// email address is valid
VB sample:
Dim emailAddress As String = ""
Dim pattern As String = "^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+((#home\.co\.uk)|(#home\.com)|(#homegroup\.com))$";
If Regex.IsMatch(emailAddress, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) Then
' email address is valid
End If
Here's how I would do the validation using System.Net.Mail.MailAddress:
bool valid = true;
MailAddress address = new MailAddress(email);
valid = false;
if(!(email.EndsWith("") ||
email.EndsWith("") ||
valid = false;
return valid;
MailAddress first validates that it is a valid email address. Then the rest validates that it ends with the destinations you require. To me, this is simpler for everyone to understand than some clumsy-looking regex. It may not be as performant as a regex would be, but it doesn't sound like you're validating a bunch of them in a loop ... just one at a time on a web page
Depending on what version of ASP.NET your are using you can use one of the Form Validation controls in your toolbox under 'Validation.' This is probably preferable to setting up your own logic after a postback. There are several types that you can drag to your form and associate with controls, and you can customize the error messages and positioning as well.
There are several types that can make it a required field or make sure its within a certain range, but you probably want the Regular Expression validator. You can use one of the expressions already shown or I think Visual Studio might supply a sample email address one.
You could use a regular expression.
See e.g. here:
Here is the official regex from RFC 2822, which will match any proper email address:
I second the use of a regex, however Patrick's regex won't work (wrong alternation). Try:
And don't forget to escape backslashes in a string that you use in source code, depending on the language used.
Try this:
Regex matcher = new Regex(#"([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\#((home\.co\.uk)|(home\.com)|(homegroup\.com))");
//Allow it
//Don't allow it
You'll need to add the Regex namespace to your class too:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
Use a <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ../> with the regular expression in the ValidateExpression property.
An extension method to do this would be:
public static bool ValidEmail(this string email)
var emailregex = new Regex(#"[A-Za-z0-9._%-]+(#home\.co\.uk$)|(#home\.com$)|(#homegroup\.com$)");
var match = emailregex.Match(email);
return match.Success;
Patricks' answer seems pretty well worked out but has a few flaws.
You do want to group parts of the regex but don't want to capture them. Therefore you'll need to use non-capturing parenthesis.
The alternation is partly wrong.
It does not test if this was part of the string or the entire string
It uses Regex.Match instead of Regex.IsMatch.
A better solution in C# would be:
string emailAddress = "";
if (Regex.IsMatch(emailAddress, #"^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#home(?:\.co\.uk|(?:group)?\.com)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
// email address is valid
Of course to be completely sure that all email addresses pass you can use a more thorough expression:
string emailAddress = "";
if (Regex.IsMatch(emailAddress, #"^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*#home(?:\.co\.uk|(?:group)?\.com)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
// email address is valid
