How do you change library location in R? [duplicate] - r

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Painless way to install a new version of R?
(12 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Due to the new R 2.11 release, I want to implement Dirk's suggestion here.
So for that I am asking - How can I (permanently) change R's library path? (The best solution would be one that can be run from within R)

You can edit Rprofile in the base library (in 'C:/Program Files/R.Files/library/base/R' by default) to include code to be run on startup. Append
######## User code ########
to Rprofile using any text editor (like Notepad) to cause R to add 'C:/my/dir' to the list of libraries it knows about.
(Notepad can't save to Program Files, so save your edited Rprofile somewhere else and then copy it in using Windows Explorer.)

I've used this successfully inside R script:
useful if for whatever reason libraries are in more than one place.

This post is just to mention an additional option. In case you need to set custom R libs in your Linux shell script you may easily do so by
export R_LIBS="~/R/lib"
See R admin guide on complete list of options.

I'm late to the party but I encountered the same thing when I tried to get fancy and move my library and then had files being saved to a folder that was outdated:
.libloc <<- "C:/Program Files/rest_of_your_Library_FileName"
One other point to mention is that for Windows Computers, if you copy the address from Windows Explorer, you have to manually change the '\' to a '/' for the directory to be recognized.


R Studio Fatal error: 'R_TempDir'contains space

I tried to download the latest version (4.2.0) of R on my windows computer and received this error message upon trying to open the program. "Fatal error: 'R_TempDir' contains space". Has anyone ever had this issue or have any ideas on how to resolve it? I have tried reinstalling the program and moving where the program is stored but no luck.
I also experienced this issue with 4.2.0 of R on Windows 10 but not prior versions of R.
In my case, the reason was the default temporary file folder was within my user directory and my user ID has a space in it. Apparently this causes an issue.
I was able to work around it by setting the global environment variable TMPDIR in windows:
Go to the search box next to the start button and type "environment"
Click on the choice which says "Edit the system environment variables"
Click the button that says "Environment Variables" near the bottom of the window
Click "New" and enter TMPDIR for variable name and some suitable directory without spaces under variable value (I chose C:\Temp)
As an aside, I do not believe this is an RStudio specific issue (and 4.2.0 isn't a version for RStudio anyway).
Thank you Venk for your post. It didn't work for me, but it pointed me in the direction of a solution that did.
I changed the values of my TEMP and TMP variables to a folder that had no spaces in it or in any folder name in the path (as you note).
I'm working on a Windows 10 machine.
P.S. My first solution was to revert to an earlier version of R, which initially worked. Recently though, I got the same error, even using a previous version. I'm no expert, but the whole thing is very weird IMO.
Had the same issue, and the other proposed solutions didn't resolve it for me. (R 4.2.2 and Windows 10.)
Solution found here worked for me:
create a file named that contains the following text, and save it to the Desktop, using a text-editing program.
TMP=C:/Temp TEMP=C:/Temp TMPDIR=C:/Temp
if a copy already exists, may need to handle that case-by-case
move the file to C:\Program Files\R\R-4.2.x\etc
I wasn't able to save directly to this folder, despite being in the admin account.
I tried the other solutions and none worked. I came across this post that suggested to not install R in the /Program Files/ folder, to instead modify the installation to the folder C:\R\ which worked.
I didn't go back and undo the work done based on previous suggestions, so I'm not sure if they too are needed.

Saving an R-Script results in empty file

I have recently started using R for uni. I want to save my code using either save as or ctrl+s. However, the saved file is empty more often than not. For some reason, the files save normally on a few occasions. However, they also became empty after saving changes to the script.
I couldn't find any solution for the problem, neither here nor anywhere else.
I am using RStudio installed via Anaconda on an Windows 10 x64 Notebook, if that helps.
Thanks a lot for the responses! I'd be glad to provide more details if needed!
This is what the saved files look like from File Explorer:
I just meet the exactly same problem. I solved it by checking and changing RStudio -> File -> "Save as Encoding" from "ISO-8859-1 (System default)" to "UTF-8", then the file was saved. I'm trying to recover my previous 0kb files...
i couldn't reproduce the error but i also don't like to use the anaconda environment.
if the problem is saving the text file than may i suggest to do just that and save the code in a regular .txt file?
if this is not an option you can try to find out what happens if you save the r studio code on a different drive (or usb/flash drive)
EDIT 14.07.2022
Interestingly enough, just today (14.07.2022) I had the same problem. After installing R 4.2.1 everything worked fine until I changed the encoding (from utf-8 to windows 1252), at which point all the files in my project were overwritten and are now empty. Changing back to an older version of R (4.1.3) allowed me to display/save/use all scripts again (from backups).
Using the answer provided by #Shidan it is possible to open the data in R-4.2.1 as well.
This problem does not seem to be connected to Anaconda but an encoding issue between Rstudio and any R distribution above (and including) 4.2.

Link Project and R Version

I have two different versions of R installed, one which is up to date and which I use for all my regular R coding (needs to be up to date so that I can use various updated and new packages) and one which I use to access OLAP cubes (needs to be the R Client from Microsoft, because this is the only one which supports the olapR package, and which currently uses R version 3.4.3).
Since, in theory, I only have to access the OLAP cube once a month, I "outsourced" this task to a different RStudio project, in which I download and save the required data for all other projects. Hence, all other projects never require the olapR package to be installed and can and will be run in the up to date R version.
Now, ideally I would like to link my R version to my projects, so that I do not have to change my global R version and restart RStudio every time I access the OLAP cube or work on this data retrieval project (and then switch it back). However, I could not find any options in RStudio to achieve this result.
There are a few threads out there describing the same problem, but with no satisfactory answer in my opinion:
Rstudio project using different version of R
I also tried looking for a different package than olapR but with similar functionality, but could not find anything except X4R, which seems outdated and does not work for me ( Sadly, I am also unable to directly access the databases which the OLAP cube uses for its results, so I cannot go "around" it.
I am happy for any help or suggestions you can offer, whether it is a general workaround to link a project to a specific R version or the (less helpful for the community) solution of accessing the OLAP cube in a different way.
Thanks in advance!
Using the answer from MrGumble I created a .bat file that will execute my .R file using the desired R installation. Even though it is not the answer I thought I would get, I think it is an even better solution to the problem.
For all facing a similar issue, here is the .bat file (never created one before, so also had to google how to do it and I guess some might be in the same position):
#echo off
title Getting data for further processing in R
echo Retrieving OLAP data
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Client\R_SERVER\bin\Rscript.exe" "C:\Users\me\Documents\Projects\!Data\script.R"
echo Saved data
Thanks again to MrGumble for his help.
Skip RStudio.
RStudio is really just an editor (albeit powerful and useful) editor, which starts an R console for you (and the surrounding PATH variables, library locations, etc.).
If your monthly task only requires you to run the R-script (or a bit of interactive work), you can simply execute your preferred version of R from the command line and have it run your R script. E.g.
C:\Users\me>"C:\Program Files (x64)\Microsoft R\bin\Rscript" myscript.R
You might have to define some PATH variables so that the older R doesn't look for packages in the newer R's libraries, but that depends entirely on your current setup.

Accessing target of a windows shorcut

In linux machines, it is possible to access where a symbolic link is pointing to by using Sys.readlink function in R or readlink from the command line. Reading its documentation, we see that this is not intended for Windows shortcuts.
In Windows I have not been able to find a one liner to give me where the file points to. The closest I got was from this SO question that demonstrates the use of dir. While the output was not perfect I figured with some regex magic I could isolate the file path.
However when I tried system2('dir'), I received the error "dir" not found.
Is there (a better) way for me to access the file path of a Windows shortcut from R and why can't I use dir through a system call in R?
For anyone in the future finding this thread, the answer is fs::link_path() as pointed out by Edward Visel

Locating and opening/ updating the file in MAC

Running RStudio in MAC (not server) and would like to know where to locate the file in my working directory. Yes I have read ?Startup and I know exactly what I want to do with it (provided I find the file first) and yes I know where my getwd() is.
I have also gone through a bunch of posts in SO already which vaguely touch on/ answer this. Surely this will keep coming up so I will ask the question: Is there a literal file we can open and update with all the great start up code that has been shared and if so, where is it located in a MAC directory OR is there something more to it as I cannot locate this file.
1 answer I found mentions to create a text file then use terminal to copy visible contents of text file to invisible Rprofile? INVISIBLE?? and .Rprofile are different files. Only files with a lead "." are treated as invisible by the Mac Finder. You didn't specify which OSX version you're using. If it's pre-Mountain Lion, you can IIRC use System Preferences to choose to display invisible files in Finder windows. Apparently it's more difficult in MountainLion. There are third-party tools like Onyx which allow you do set invisibility as well.
Given all that, I recommend you check the FAQ and forums at RStudio for specific info on where RStudio's installation expects to see these files.
