Is this code thread safe? -

''' <summary>
''' Returns true if a submission by the same IP address has not been submitted in the past n minutes.
'' </summary>
Protected Function EnforceMinTimeBetweenSubmissions(ByVal minTimeBetweenRequestsMinutes as Integer) As Boolean
If minTimeBetweenRequestsMinutes = 0 Then
Return True
End If
If Cache("submitted-requests") Is Nothing Then
Cache("submitted-requests") = New Dictionary(Of String, Date)
End If
' Remove old requests. '
Dim submittedRequests As Dictionary(Of String, Date) = CType(Cache("submitted-requests"), Dictionary(Of String, Date))
Dim itemsToRemove = submittedRequests.Where(Function(s) s.Value < Now).Select(Function(s) s.Key).ToList
For Each key As String In itemsToRemove
If submittedRequests.ContainsKey(Request.UserHostAddress) Then
' User has submitted a request in the past n minutes. '
Return False
submittedRequests.Add(Request.UserHostAddress, Now.AddMinutes(minTimeBetweenRequestsMinutes))
End If
Return True
End Function

No. The ASP.NET Cache is not inherently thread-safe and it looks like you are creating objects in the Cache depending on whether they exist or not.
You need to lock the Cache when writing to it.
Let me word things a little differently. The code is, in fact, thread safe. The way you currently have it coded though could cause performance issues in multi-threaded situations.
In this case, multiple users would be running the same code simultaneously, theoretically accessing and modifying the same cache objects at the same time. As that scenario scales up, performance suffers.
Creating a lock will improve performance under heavy load (while imposing a slight overhead under light load) because you won't be fetching data neadlessly due to Caching issues.

The System.Web.Caching.Cache class is thread-safe according to the MSDN documenation. However, the documenation also shows an example where a read and a write are performed on the cache without locking. That cannot possibily be thread-safe since the write is dependent on the read. The code you posted basically looks like the example. I definitely recommend putting a lock around the entire method.


Parallel For Each get in a DeadLock

i'm trying to loop over a datatable with more then 100 000 row using the Parrallel For each. Everything work fine up to around 25 000 iterations. I dont get any error, and I see the apps still working, but it kind of block and nothing happen. I tried to encapsulate the loop in a factory.startnew and I get a random abort expection at around 5000 iterations for no reason.
Dim lstExceptions As New ConcurrentQueue(Of Exception)
Dim options As New ParallelOptions
options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3
Parallel.ForEach(ReservationReportDS.Tables(0).AsEnumerable(), options,
Dim tmpRow As DataRow = CType(row, DataRow)
Dim ReservationID As Integer = tmpRow.Field(Of Integer?)("autNoReservation")
Dim customerID As Integer = tmpRow.Field(Of Integer?)("CustomerID")
Dim VehiculeID As Integer = tmpRow.Field(Of Integer?)("autNoVehicule")
Dim bill As New BillingPath()
bill.Calculate_Billing(ReservationID, customerID, VehiculeID)
Catch err As Exception
End Try
End Sub
If (lstExceptions.Count > 0) Then
Throw New AggregateException(lstExceptions)
End If
Catch errAgg As AggregateException
For Each ex As Exception In errAgg.InnerExceptions
Log(Log_Billing_UI, "", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name & GetExceptionInfo(ex))
Catch ex As Exception
Log(Log_Billing_UI, "", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name & GetExceptionInfo(ex))
End Try
Since you have such amount of records, I would like to recommend you to think about following concept:
Read all records into ConcurrentQueue(Of SomeBillingInfoClass) collection first - it will allow you to not keep connection to DB opened, make thread-safe rest operations with data readed from DB.
Create list of Tasks with Billing calc code inside. This will allow you to run tasks in parallel and pass ConcurrentQueue variable from #1 easily.
Keep tasks running in loop while at least one element in ConcurrentQueue remains.
In case you can aggregate billing calculation result to some other class - you may do it using additional thread safe ConcurrentQueue(Of BillingCalcResultInfoClass) collection.
After all billings are calculated - write to DB in single thread and single long transaction - this may be faster then granular writing to db.
Some notes about your code - I think you may not need to throw AggregateException manually - .Net environment will do it for you automatically. You only will need to catch it in .ContinueWith() method of task (sorry, mostly I'm c# developer and use c# notation).
I used similar approach to process millions of records and it works fine. Typically I use 3-5 tasks. But you can always study how much tasks you may have.
Using ConcurrentQueue or similar thread safe collection will allow you to keep your code thread safe more easily.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you all for your answers and especially Anton Norko. I finally found the problem and it was on my side. Under certain condition, Calculate_Billing was stuck in an infinite loop. Since I used 3 threads at the same time, they were getting stuck one by one.

Can you trust ViewState to handle program control?

I've read a lot about ViewState on MSDN and looked at these questions (among others):
Can malicious users modify viewstate?
How to modify viewstate of a label in
I see that if you have EnableViewStateMac turned on, ViewState is signed with a calculated value called a MAC to detect if it's been tampered with during round-trips, and ASP.NET will throw an exception if it detects that the MAC does not match the client's ViewState data.
To me, this means that it is safe unless the private key used to sign the ViewState is somehow reverse-engineered, similar to how SSL cryptography works. Hopefully this is true, but correct me if it's not. I might be missing another piece to how ASP.NET works internally, but it seems to me that you should be able to rely on a control's state to control program execution and flow, since the only way to modify the control's state is in server code based on a postback containing valid changes to the client's form.
The question is: Practically, is it okay to use a control's state (if it is not supposed to be changeable by the user) for programmatic decisions, and what are the possible dangers and how could those cause a practical problem?
Here are two specific examples of what I'm wondering is safe from bypassing via ViewState tampering (this is a mock-up of what I'm doing):
Example 1
Public Sub SetPageState()
If User.IsLoggedIn() Then
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0 'user is logged in
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1 'user is not logged in
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PersonalizePage()
If MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0 Then
'Do logged-in stuff
ElseIf MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
'Do not-logged-in stuff
End If
End Sub
Example 2
Public Sub SetUserLoginControl()
Label1.Visible = User.IsLoggedIn()
End Sub
Private Sub DoLoginThings()
If Label1.Visible Then
'Do logged-in stuff
'Do not-logged-in stuff
End If
End Sub
I realize the "correct" way would be to check for User.IsLoggedIn() (or whatever needs checked) in every place where that's what is supposed to be controlling it, but in some cases the function is computationally expensive, and it's much cheaper to check the state of a control that was modified based on the return value of the expensive function. I realize there are ways around this, such as storing a temporary copy of the function return value, etc., but this is more of a conceptual question than a "here's my problem, now solve it for me" question.
Your code when using controls is unreadable which is bad. You might want to cache state of User.IsLoggedIn() in HttpContect.Current.Items dictionary. It's somewhat a cache that lives for a single request only.

use of timer causes HttpContext.Current to be null

I have a function that parses an input file.
Private Function getSvSpelOdds(ByVal BombNo As Integer) As Boolean
Dim InputFileBase As String = HttpContext.Current.Application("InputFileBase")
strInputFile = InputFileBase & "PC_P7_D.TXT"
OddsReader = New StreamReader(strInputFile)
'some other code
End Function
If the file is not there (getSvSpelOdds returns False), I would like to retry after 30 seconds.
To achieve this I use a timer.
If Not getSvSpelOdds(y) Then
Timer1.Interval = 30000
End If
Private Sub Timer1_Elapsed(sender As Object, e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles Timer1.Elapsed
End Sub
Problem is that when timer fires the HttpContext.Current (used to get the value of gloal variable) is null.
Should I use some other approach to get this to work?
As already described HttpContext should be null as Timer_Elapsed is called in different thread. But you may use System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache to pass filename, cache should be accessible from all threads.
HttpContext.Current only gives you the context you want when you call it on the thread that handles the incoming thread.
When calling it outside of such threads, you get null. That matches your case, as Timer1_Elapsed is executed on a new thread.
Should I use some other approach to get this to work?
Almost certainly, yes. 30 seconds is a long time to wait without giving any feedback to users.
It would probably be better to return a "no results are available yet, but we're still looking" page to the user. That page can be set to refresh automatically after 30 seconds, by adding a suitable meta-tag:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="30">
And you then get a fresh request/response cycle on the server. And haven't tied up server resources in the meantime.
Other answers seems to address the other part of your question (about why it doesn't work in the timer callback)
The Elapsed event on the Timer will run on a separate thread therefore its expected behaviour for the current context to be null.
You can only access it from the same thread.
Should I use some other approach to get this to work?
Yes, it's not generally a good idea to mix ASP.NET and threads given the complexity of how ASP.NET works. Like already mentioned its not a great UX to have no feedback for 30 seconds, its better to let the user know what's actually going on.
Also, you need to determine whether the timeout length is appropriate or whether a timeout is needed at all. I don't know the nature of your application but I assume there is some external means for the file to be generated and picked up by your site.

Dictionary Behaves Strangely During Databinding

I was trying to do a little data access optimization, and I ran into a situation where a dictionary appeared to get out of sync in a way that should be impossible, unless I'm somehow getting into a multithreaded situation without knowing it.
One column of GridLabels binds to a property that does data access -- which is a tad expensive. However, multiple rows end up making the same call, so I should be able to head any problems off at the pass by doing a little caching.
However, elsewhere in the app, this same code is called in ways where caching would not be appropriate, I needed a way to enable caching on demand. So my databinding code looks like this:
OrderLabelAPI.MultiSyringeCacheEnabled = True
OrderLabelAPI.MultiSyringeCacheEnabled = False
And the expensive call where the caching happens looks like this:
Private Shared MultiSyringeCache As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Boolean)
Private Shared m_MultiSyringeCacheEnabled As Boolean = False
Public Shared Function IsMultiSyringe(orderLabelID As Integer) As Boolean
If m_MultiSyringeCacheEnabled Then
'Since this can get hit a lot, we cache the values into a dictionary. Obviously,
'it goes away after each request. And the cache is disabled by default.
If Not MultiSyringeCache.ContainsKey(orderLabelID) Then
MultiSyringeCache.Add(orderLabelID, DoIsMultiSyringe(orderLabelID))
End If
Return MultiSyringeCache(orderLabelID)
Return DoIsMultiSyringe(orderLabelID)
End If
End Function
And here is the MultiSyringeCacheEnabled property:
Public Shared Property MultiSyringeCacheEnabled As Boolean
Return m_MultiSyringeCacheEnabled
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
m_MultiSyringeCacheEnabled = value
End Set
End Property
Very, very rarely (unreproducably rare...) I will get the following exception: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
If you look closely at the caching code, that's impossible since the first thing it does is ensure that the key exists. If DoIsMultiSyringe tampered with the dictionary (either explicitly or by setting MultiSyringeCacheEnabled), that could also cause problems, and for awhile I assumed this had to be the culprit. But it isn't. I've been over the code very carefully several times. I would post it here but it gets into a deeper object graph than would be appropriate.
So. My question is, does datagridview databinding actually get into some kind of zany multithreaded situation that is causing the dictionary to seize? Am I missing some aspect of shared members?
I've actually gone ahead and yanked this code from the project, but I want to understand what I'm missing. Thanks!
Since this is ASP.NET, you have an implicit multithreaded scenario. You are using a shared variable (see What is the use of a shared variable in VB.NET?), which is (as the keyword implies) "shared" across multiple threads (from different people visiting the site).
You can very easily have a scenario where one visitor's thread gets to here:
'Since this can get hit a lot, we cache the values into a dictionary. Obviously,
'it goes away after each request. And the cache is disabled by default.
If Not MultiSyringeCache.ContainsKey(orderLabelID) Then
MultiSyringeCache.Add(orderLabelID, DoIsMultiSyringe(orderLabelID))
End If
' My thread is right here, when you visit the site
Return MultiSyringeCache(orderLabelID)
and then your thread comes in here and supercedes my thread:
Set(value As Boolean)
m_MultiSyringeCacheEnabled = value
End Set
Then my thread is going to try to read a value from the dictionary after you've cleared it.
That said, I am not sure what performance benefit you expect from a "cache" that you clear with every request. It looks like you should simply not make this variable shared- make it an instance variable- and any user request accessing it will have their own copy. global synclock object

is there a way in to make sure that a certain threaded sub is not run twice concurrently, no matter what?
the code i have now is
Public Class CheckClass
ReadOnly Property CheckSessionsLock As Object
If HttpRuntime.Cache("CheckSessionsLock") Is Nothing Then HttpRuntime.Cache("CheckSessionsLock") = New Object
Return HttpRuntime.Cache("CheckSessionsLock")
End Get
End Property
Sub TryThreads()
Dim thread = New Thread(AddressOf TryLock)
thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest
End Sub
Sub TryLock()
SyncLock CheckSessionsLock
DoTrace("entered locker")
For x = 0 To 10000
DoTrace("exiting locker")
End SyncLock
DoTrace("exited locker")
End Sub
End Class
if i run this code on every page then several times the code overlaps. the DoTrace function in the code simply writes the message to a table.
the messages in the table should appear in order (entered,exiting,exited) again and again, but in reality, they don't. i get like entered, exiting,entered,exited,exiting...
this means that the synclock is not complete. is that true?
if so, how can we implement a complete synclock on a block of code, across requests and across sessions?
EDIT: i need this lock, as the real code will be sending emails, according to a list of mailing types in a db. after each mailing type is sent, its marked, then it continues with the next mailing. i cant have in middle of processing, another thread should see this mailing as unprocessed.
please advise
Rather than using the HttpRuntime Cache have you considered using a static variable?
Just as a note (it might be helpful to explain why you want this functionality) your website is not going to be very scalable if this can only be run once at a time.
In C# (sorry, don't know VB syntax) I use this:
private static readonly object Padlock = new object();
It's a field, not a property,
It's static (in VB, that's "shared" if I'm not mistaken) so it's the same throughout the entire application
It's initialised once as soon as you use this class, not when you explicitly use the field.
With your property/cache version, you could have two threads trying to get the lock-object and each creating a different one:
Thread 1 checks the cache and doesn't find the object
Thread 1 is parked
Thread 2 checks the cache, doesn't find the object
Thread 2 creates the object and caches it, retrieves it again and returns from the property
Thread 1 resumes
Thread 1 creates a new object and caches it, retrieves it again and returns a different lock object than thread 2 uses
Any further threads will use the lock object of thread 1
