Do you use microformats in your web projects? [closed] - css

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Do you use microformats in your web projects?
If yes then why?
If no then why?
If yes then for which things do you use?
Is there any alternate of microformats in HTML 5 ?
I haven't used microformats yet. Should i start to use now or not much need?

I’ve used microformats fairly extensively. The benefits I see are
access to data for robots like Google Rich Snippets
access to data for users via µF-comsuming tools like H2VX
(some) data validation
more meaningful markup, which makes me happy
(minor) disadvantages are
time; hand-coding these things can be a pita. Either add programmatically (e.g. generate from data in CMS) or make a bunch of snippets. If doing via a CMS then it’s (for me) a no-brainer
require extra attention to UI to do well (best if exposed, but that often involves custom icon etc)
Microformats work fine as-is in HTML5. There are new HTML5 elements that map well to some µF functions, notably <time>, but be warned that current µF tools generally can’t cope with HTML5’s new elements (“Tool support” slide).
Your other alternatives are HTML5’s microdata, and RDFa. Microdata is pretty nice, but quite new so doesn’t have many tools available. You can represent microformats in microdata, and the HTML5 spec has microdata versions of vCard and vCal. There’s also HTML5’s data- attribute, but that’s for private use and doesn’t encode visible data, so is probably not what you’re after.
I perceive these three as a continuum from easy but specific (microformats) to hard but capable of anything (RDFa), with microdata (for me) occupying a sweet spot in the middle. Google Rich Snippets can read data in any of these, but user tools are still playing catchup. The main benefit of any of these is making your content more usable by exposing more of the information, and for me that’s generally worth the time.
For completeness I’ve used
hReview (once? :)
plus some rels like rel-license
EDIT: I’ve written these articles on HTML5Doctor with everything you need to know ;)
Extending HTML — Microformats
Extending HTML — Microdata

You should ask Jeff Atwood.

HTML5 defines various semantic tags to mark your data:
It also allows for custom data attributes starting with "data-" within elements.
There is support for microdata which is based on microformats to provide more semantic structure to individual and groups of elements.
And to answer your main question:
No, I don't microformats because I didn't see the advantages until I gave your question a serious thought. I am using the newer HTML5 elements such as time, and custom data attributes, but not microformats because the data was already structured on the backend, and for more structured and semantic access, I'd would've used RSS feeds with specific extensions and include a link to the feed within the document itself.
That said, here's why I still support microformats and believe they are awesome and will most likely start using it in the very near future. For me, it serves a very specific purpose and has to do with programmatic access to the elements within my web applications. RSS and Atom feeds provide the same data in a very structured manner, but it's an alternative view. Microformats, or any other homegrown standards can be used effectively to enhance applications.
As long as the elements are structured in a standard manner, I can build upon a shared library of reusable code across all applications that deals with commonly occurring data items such as names, addresses, contact details, telephone numbers, etc. to enhance all applications. For example, automatically linking addresses to Google Maps, or linkifying telephone numbers to use a native protocol such as tel: on the fly for mobile devices and various other enhancements that I can do.


Tool that would show all semantic data contained in a given web page [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking for a web service, browser extension, or anything else that directly extracts any and all semantic data contained in a given web page, as long as that semantic data is following any of the myriad of modern standards used for embedding semantic information inside web pages. Somehow I couldn't find anything that works. I could find many 'semantic crawlers' but no tool that just shows what semantic data you have at hand on a given web page.
I'd be very glad getting pointers to any such tool, if one exists out there.
I can't fathom how people debug or develop their semantic harvesters without it.......
I listed some of the relevant standards as the tags for this question (see question's tags which usually show here below) but this list is not to be taken as exhaustive.
For some good starting points, you might consider:
Google Structured Data Testing Tool
RDFa Play (More of a testbed, but nice visuals)
Sindice is perhaps the most general of these, most of the others focus on RDFa (my own bias, sorry). Your choice might depend a bit on what you consider semantic data (e.g. do you want HTML5 semantics like <title> to count? For just RDFa I have found Apache's Any23 best for my needs, with nice API, flexible formats and accurate extraction.
Good question though, I'd be curious to see what tools others most recommend. W3C has a longer list that may be slightly dated.
Yandex has tool for validating embedded semantic markup as well. There is some doc available also. It works with microdata,, opengraph, rdfa, microformats. Not just with microformats, as you may conclude from title :)
If you're looking for opensource tools there is mighty library RDFLib on Github. It does a lot and parsing in particular.
The library contains parsers and serializers for RDF/XML, N3, NTriples, N-Quads, Turtle, TriX, RDFa and Microdata.
For RDF data, there is Tim Berners-Lee’s Tabulator. A browser available as web app (resp. FLOSS JavaScript) and Firefox add-on. Howver, it seems no longer to be maintained (?).
For RDFa, there is the Firefox add-on RDFa Developer.
For RDF files linked in the page’s head, there is the Firefox-addon Semantic Radar.
Another Firefox add-on is OpenLink Data Explorer.

Should I use Orchard or umbraco or something else? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am building a web site for baby names. Users can submit a name, meaning and some tags, and moderators can edit/approve it. Very small amount of data is used for each entry/post.
Looking for some kind of framework that supports the following features or I can easily extend it,
Unicode support
I have large number of names, I should be able to import them into my website by code.
User roles and permision
Some kind of report options. For example, Display list of names that starts with some alphabet or list of names for a #tag
Full text search
Are there any frameworks like Orchard, Umbraco I can leverage or would I be better off writing a new ASP.NET MVC application?
If I were you I'd surely stick to some available CMS platforms (Orchard or Umbraco) instead of writing from scratch and reinventing the wheel.
From my experience with Orchard I can say that setting up a website as you described would be pretty easy and painless with this platform.
Features like those you mention are already available in Orchard, but I guess (as with just about every CMS) this will surely need a little customization to suit your particular need. All the custom functionality could be easily wrapped in a single, custom content part. How to do that is very well described in the Orchard documentation.
Of course.
Without a problem. You have three options: import directly into Orchard DB (into the corresponding tables), import using Orchard Import/Export functionality (which would involve exporting the data to XML recipe format first) or just use the current data source without the need of importing. There was a question on SO a while ago of getting data from a custom WebService. The solution provided perfectly fits here, so please take a look.
Out of the box - described here and here.
I don't know if you meant the backend (admin) view or in the frontend? Tagging and displaying tagged items is available oob. More complex, custom reporting would involve some custom coding (writing a custom content part).
Available and described here.
Sure! It's available via very nice OAuth Module, written by Nick Mayne. It allows you to bind Orchard accounts with OAuth providers.
I don't have much experience with Umbraco though, so I can't give you any direct help, but I guess it'd be nearly as easy to built your website using it.
Personally, I prefer Orchard for its flexibility, extensibility and code freshness. But the choice is a matter of your personal feeling and preferences. From what I've seen they have very similar functionality, although differ much under-the-hood.

Semantic web support for

I'm doing a project and is one of my possible choices (the other one being php). I need to implement some semantic functionality to improve searches.
I know some php frameworks support semantics but i want to know if has any[The most used] tool (3rd party or built in) that will also support this.
I've been reading more about this subject and i think what i'm really looking for is tools in order to deliver more accurate results to user searches by not only matching word but its meanings.
I'm sorry if the semantic web term caused confusion but my guide teacher called it like that
You should look into dotNetRDF and ARC PHP.
Other good resources
Executive’s Quick Start Guide to Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web
RDF Primer
Wikipedia: Semantic Web
RDFa Primer
That last one is about the recommended way to markup HTML with semantic meaning. Improving your search results to include meaning can be done a number of ways and may or may not include using the semantic web technology stack per se. Perhaps you only mean adding tags to blogs, or faceted searching such as that provided by SOLR. You may need to clarify what kind of searching you want to do.
As others have said you need to clarify what you want to do, while you have clarified your question a little it is still not clear whether you actually need a full Semantic Web technology stack.
Your project may be completely doable without any Semantic Web tech just using standard text indexing systems like Lucene and SOLR. I'm fairly sure both of these are available in .Net, I'm not a PHP developer myself so not sure if there are usable PHP equivalents.
If you need a full Semantic Web technology stack then either of the options harschware has suggested are good (disclaimer - I develop dotNetRDF). Whether they actually do what you need them to do depends on what parts of the Semantic Web technology stack you need. Both have good RDF and SPARQL support but minimal OWL support.
"Semantic Web" just means using the appropriate html tags for their defined (semantic) purpose. This is accomplished by not ignoring less-used tags (label, legend, fieldset, cite, etc), using table only for tabular data, and especially not using div or span when more-specific tags are really a better fit... things like that.
With this in mind, of course supports a semantic web. You can put any html you want into pages. MVC makes this easier, but you can do it with webforms, too.
With that constraint out of the way, my standard advice when beginning a new project is to start with what you know. If you already know php or, stick with that. It will allow you to be a lot more productive, more responsive to issues, and make fewer mistakes than you will if you're learning a new platform from scratch.

Top 10 CSS and HTML questions to ask interviewee? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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What should be the top 10 CSS and HTML questions to ask an interviewee? To test his level of knowledge if interviewee mentioned 2 yrs. experience in XHTML and CSS.
how we can know interviewee's cross browser layout making capability? My question is only related to xhtml css coding not about design ability
What is the CSS box model?
What is the difference between quirks mode, standards mode and almost standards mode?
Tell me about hasLayout.
What would be the most appropriate markup for: a navigation menu; a picture gallery; a blog post. (Why? Can you think of some alternatives? Might be good to draw these up on a whiteboard or something)
What's the difference between <p class="main_header">Foo</p> and <h1 class="main_header">Foo</h1>?
Why is this a bad idea?: <span class="red">Bar</span>
Describe how to set opacity and how will it appear in Gecko, WebKit and IE.
How can you set few properties on to textboxes as default?
A design calls for png files with alpha transparency, what issues might you encounter?
Some of these are the same as zoul's questions except from a slightly different angle - I was aiming for questions that would lead to a bit of a discussion.
Why is it a good idea to split HTML and CSS?
What is the difference between inline and block elements?
What is a doctype good for?
What is the difference between classes and ids?
What is the difference between margin and padding?
These should be more than plenty to see how much candidate knows about browsers, standards and the reasoning behind HTML and CSS. Maybe you could throw in some floats, positioning and similar stuff if you want to test detailed CSS knowledge.
Update: The point is the kind of answer you are going to get, of course. If you ask about margin and padding and you get a clean drawing of box content, added padding, border line and margin, possibly collapsing against another box, you know the guy knows what he is talking about. Same goes for all the other questions.
No amount of questions in a short interview would establish a person's skill level. And there is the question of innovative qualities of a person which may not reveal itself in an interview. Some people may be introverted and shy or suffer from interview jitters others may be smooth talkers with little substance. There is also the challenge of asking objective questions not opinions.
If I show up for an audition to join a symphonic orchestra and tell them I have been playing the violin for 20 years they will not ask me about the construction of the bridge or the best material for bow strings. They give me a music score and ask me to play.
I suggest creating a simple web page that requires the techniques mentioned in the answers above, showing it to the candidate and asking the candidate to re-produce it in 30 minutes using the notepad. This will sort out the experienced from the novice.
Apart from HTML/CSS/JS specific or problem-solving questions, I would also ask what sort of tools she/he is using to get a task done. It often gives good insights about 'how' someone works and gives good/relaxed room for discussion. Good developers always have good and sharp tools.
I've taken a number of tests over the past couple of years and in all honesty there are really no questions one can ask to judge how great someone is at coding in HTML and/or CSS.
First, if the interviewee claims to have written web pages over the past couple of years ask for a couple of examples. If possible get him/her to email you them, print them out and get the user to explain and critique everything about them. Completely tear through everything regarding their previous work and get them to explain everything they can about it.
Once this is done, the user should be given a small task involving the development of a web page. Give them a networked computer and clear the history, then give them a couple of web pages to be built over the space of n minutes. Tell them to document what they decide to do and what resources they'll be using and just let them get on with it. After a while check their references and look at the outcome. The user will never be able to perform their best work in such a short time but you'll be able to see how efficient they are by the quality of their work.
Once this is done, give them a broken web page and give them a small amount of time to fix it to the point of it being standards-compliant. This should be an easy task to perform for most given good use of their tools.
It's obviously not an exact science, but a range of these methods have always found suitable candidates for many companies and it seems that a lot of Web Design places rarely ask questions nowadays and will move onto simple practical exercises to ensure that the interviewee can do what is asked of them.
What do you see as the main differences between html and xhtml?
Are there benefits to using one over the other?
Ask the person to make a simple page with a header, a two column layout, and a footer with each column having a different background color extending to the footer. Get them to flip the columns around on completion.
A couple of questions that are tricky.
How do absolutes affect the flow?
How do floats affect the flow?
(they don't)
What are two practical difference between a relative and static?
Determine their interest in CSS and HTML with 'What is the semantic web and why is it important?' People should be able to speak with enthusiasm about bring information to the blind for example. People who really work in HTML and CSS and know their stuff tend to be quite passionate about how information is there for all.
IMO, Cross browser issues are becoming less important now as more people are using modern browsers that obey standards.
Ask about their interest in design. A good sense of design concepts tends to be important when working in a team - a programmer with a sense of design can communicate why such a design may not work well within a website and can explain better some of the limitations.
Ask: what do you think of flash :-)
Below are 40 questions you can ask a person specifically from HTML 5 perspective.
What is the relationship between SGML,HTML , XML and HTML ?
In HTML 5 we do not need DTD why?
If I do not put will HTML 5 work?
Which browsers support HTML 5?
How is the page structure of HTML 5 different from HTML 4 or previous HTML?
What is datalist in HTML 5 ?
What are the different new form element types in HTML 5?
What is output element in HTML 5?
What is SVG?
Can we see a simple example of SVG using HTML 5?
What is canvas in HTML 5?
So how can we draw a simple line on Canvas?
What is the difference between Canvas and SVG graphics?
How to draw rectangle using Canvas and SVG using HTML 5 ?
What are selectors in CSS?
How can you apply CSS style using ID value?
What is the use of column layout in CSS?
Can you explain CSS box model?
Can you explain some text effects in CSS 3?
What are web workers and why do we need them ?
What are the restrictions of Web Worker thread ?
So how do we create a worker thread in JavaScript?
How to terminate a web worker
Why do we need HTML 5 server-sent events?
What is local storage concept in HTML 5?
How can we add and remove data from local storage?
What is the lifetime of local storage?
What is the difference between local storage and cookies?
What is session storage and how can you create one?
What is difference between session storage and local storage?
What is WebSQL?
Is WebSQL a part of HTML 5 specification?
So how can we use WebSQL ?
What is application cache in HTML5?
So how do we implement application cache in HTML 5 ?
So how do we refresh the application cache of the browser?
What is fallback in Application cache?
What is network in application cache ?
What are different ways to apply styles to a Web page?
What is grouping in CSS?
What is the Contextual Selector?
What are the limitations in the use of CSS?
like the above there are 50+ awesome questions that are available here through
which any CSS related interview can get cracked. Top CSS interview
questions and answers
This also help to clear the concept of CSS.
Some good questions to ask are:
Describe how to set opacity.
What is the box model in CSS?
How do you add a CSS to a HTML?
Describe the difference between a class and an element.
What is the Doctype for?
Odd no one mentioned this yet...
Since the person claims to have two years of experience, they should have something to show for it - so ask to see recent works. Even if some of their work was internal or protected by NDA or such, if they are any good, they ought to have something they've done just to try out new things or such.
I believe real examples would be the best gauge for actual skill in this case. People can easily learn various details about HTML and CSS, but being able to apply them is a totally different matter. It should also demonstrate their ability to write cross-browser compatible code (Just open their examples in IE, FF, Opera, Safari/Chrome)
Do you know how to clear floats?
Write a simple nested list.
Ask them to make a simple layout (header, 2 col, footer) and include table data. See if they go div crazy, table crazy, or stick to what's correct.
What's the difference between a class and an element?
When they make a layout, look closely at what they name their classes. If they are layout-specific ("left-column", "bottom-section", "red-box") and not structure-specific ("column", "header", "footer", "navigation"), they're doing it wrong.
If the answer to 1. is "by using clearing divs", hit them across the face with a bat before you send them out the door.
The fancy button question seen here is the best question I've seen. It covers a range of topics without making it a written test. It's much more valuable to have them implement something like this on a whiteboard or paper to avoid getting bogged down in MDN-searchable details. Even if they don't come up with a perfect solution, you will find out how intelligently they can speak on a range of topics.
Remember, you want someone who can think and come up with creative and effective solutions. Not someone who has memorized the MDN.
About HTML5 and its features .
method of adding CSS to HTML.
New Features of CSS3.
Browser Compatibility of CSS3.
Different type of selector in CSS.
Different between class and id selector .
Different type of measuring unit in CSS
HTML5 form and different type of input type option.
HTML check box,select,radio ,button tags and its use.
Styling the simple page

ASP.NET sites, hiring external design firms and standards [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Hey. We're building a large ASP.NET website, and have hired an external firm to do the design (CSS + protoype pages). In fitting the design to the page, we've found a number of problems that indicate ASP.NET's workings were never considered. My question is - Is there a common standard (that should be) used by design firms creating what will become an ASP.NET site?
We've found things like:
Using IDs on HTML elements for
CSS/JS to find, which doesn't work
with server tags generating IDs.
IDs with hyphens in them
ValidatorSummary example built in a completely different style to ASP.NET's.
Assumptions that all buttons will be <input> tags
Margin styles on <div>s, interfering with our use of panels
The first instance is a problem. The rest are inconvient misunderstandings. As usual, there are intense time constraints, so in this sea of 'we'll fix it / get our designer to look at it / work around it', I'm largely hoping there's some fundamental building block that would have stopped most of these problems from happening.
The design firm is large, with a substantial body of large-site work behind them, so sadly the 'don't hire a one man shop' wisdom isn't the ticket in this case...
If you're in the position of hiring an external web design firm, and have the luxury of early collaboration and wish to help bridge the gap of meeting ASP.NET's requirements, here's our current list of guidelines. Please comment below if you feel there's something that should be added:
Please encapsulate each the page in a <form> tag (ie.
place it directly after the
<body> tag), and use no other <form> tags on the page
display a summary of page validation
errors, please cater to rendering
the following format example:
<div class="error_class">
<h3>Please review the following fields</h3>
<li>Home phone number</li>
Please avoid driving styles off the ID or name property.
If there are HTML components that need to be turned on and off, these components should be encapsulated in a <div> element, so that the div's visibility can be set to 'false'.
If styling buttons, please cater to both <input> tags and <a ... class="example_class"> <span>Button text</span>` formats.
Avoid setting attributes on class-less <div> and <span> tags.
Thank you for bearing with us.
Most design firms I have worked with required some hand holding on what they can and cannot do with regards to designing for an ASP.Net app. You hit all the big ones, the ID thing being the biggest issue.
In terms of building blocks, collaboration early and often did the trick for us. Once we established how we needed the design to be implemented to work easily within an ASP.Net context, things went smooth. Of course, the better the designer on the other end, the easier its going to be.
I am not one for having developers chop up PSD files. With the right designer or firm, you should be able to save time and money and get it done right from the outset. Most developers I know can tweak and extend css and markup, but are much less efficient when starting from a PSD, or from scratch.
Any time I've worked with design firms building pages I've always just had them design what it should look like. Nothing to do with the markup or css. This leaves a lot of work to be done by the developers, but avoids all the mistakes you just mentioned. I've always had designers deliver a PSD file and chopped it up myself.
If this doesn't suit your needs you can always try ASP.NET MVC. It gives you a lot more control over the markup you put on the page.
In general, people who make their living as designers do not know ASP.Net well enough to avoid it's, ahem, quirks. It's not reasonable to expect them to produce HTML and CSS which take ASP.Net's rules into consideration. The standards are actually on the designers side in this one.
For future integration, you may want to go with a firm that has their own .Net devs who work with their designers or, if you have the option of .Net 3.5, you could work with a design shop that has MS Expressions Web at their disposal.
