CouchDB: accessing nested structutes in map function - dictionary

I have a document based on a xml structure that I have stored in a CouchDB database.
Some of the keys contains namespaces and are on the form "namespace:key":
{"mykey": {"nested:key": "nested value"}}
In the map function, I want to emit the nested value as a key, but the colon inside the name makes it hard...
emit(doc.mykey.nested:key, doc) <-- will not work.
Does anyone know how this can be solved?

A hint that its all just JSON and JavaScript got me some new ideas for searching.
It may be that colon in json keys ain't valid, but I found a way. By looking at the doc object as an hash, I can access my value in the following manner:
It works - for now...

That's because Couch is a JSON based document DB, and doc.mykey.nested:key is not a valid JSON identifier. JSON identifiers must match JavaScripts identifiers, and : is not a valid identifier character.
So, the simple answer is: "No, this won't and can't work". You need to change your identifiers.
Actually, I should qualify that.
Couch can use pretty much ANYTHING for it's views et al, and, in theory, works with any payload. But out of the box, it's just JavaScript and JSON.


Parse JSON inside JSON attribute using JSONPath

I have a JSON list where one of the attributes of each element happens to be a JSON itself. It comes from a poor design upfront, but here it is.
I want to query the distinct attributes inside the JSON string contained in the elements.
Here is an example, just one item. I hand-wrote the code, but believe me that is valid JSON in production by the way it's generated
"extraData": "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"
I would like to query for something like $.*, but obviously such syntax does not work.
I am using IntelliJ IDEA Jsonpath evaluator.
The syntax should be something like parse($.*.extraData).*.foo
This article suggests me that no such operator is available to parse a JSON inside a JSON
It has to be JSONPath only for data analysis purposes. In Java, I use Jackson to parse the extraData object as a JsonNode, but my goal is to explore the large data set, and perhaps obtain some distinct values I want to use for enumeration purposes.
To JSON Path, the embedded JSON is just a string. The best you could do with a single operation is use a RegEx in the expression selector, but getting RegEx to identify JSON is really tricky, and that's if your implementation even supports RegEx.
I think the best option would be to use two paths:
The first path gets the embedded JSON. $.*.extraData
Parse that value
The second part gets the data you need. $.foo
This requires some extra code, but I think it's your only realistic option.

Kusto's `parse_json` doesn't work on custom dimensions

I'm hoping to be able to analyze structured data stored in a custom dimension of a custom telemetry event emitted to application insights, and getting some weird behavior. It seems like the JSON can't be parsed normally, but if I pass it through strcat it is able to parse the json just fine.
| where name == "PbConfigFilterComponentSaved"
| take 1
| project
strcatType=gettype(strcat('', customDimensions.Json)),
strcatParsedType=gettype(parse_json(strcat('', customDimensions.Json)))
jsonType: string
parsedType: string
strcatType: string
strcatParsedType: dictionary
Is there a better approach to getting parse_json to work on this kind of value?
In case it's in any way relevant, here's the value of customDimensions.Json:
Could you please demonstrate a sample record that isn't parsed correctly?
Speculating (before seeing the data): Have you verified the final paragraph here doesn't apply to your case?
It is somewhat common to have a JSON string describing a property bag in which one of the "slots" is another JSON string. […] In such cases, it is not only necessary to invoke parse_json twice, but also to make sure that in the second call, tostring will be used. Otherwise, the second call to parse_json will simply pass-on the input to the output as-is, because its declared type is dynamic.
The type of customDimensions is dynamic and so accessing a property like customDimensions.json from it will return a string typed as dynamic.
You have to explicitly cast it as string and then parse it:
I think the "Notes" section in the documentation is exactly the issue, as mentioned by Yoni L. in the previous answer.

Get the results of a CosmosDb query as a Raw string (payload of the http response)

I'm using the .NET API of CosmosDB and I'm getting a hard time trying to figure out how to get the raw result of a CosmosDB query prior to it getting deserialized into a class. Browsing the documentation, all examples I find cast the results to an specific class or to a dynamic. That is:
//This returns a Document, wich actually is a dynamic...
//This returns an object of type MyClass, wich I supose is casted internally by the API
What I want to do is to get the original raw JSON payload of the result to inspect it without the overhead of deserializing it to anything else.
Does anybody know if it's possible to get the raw result with the .NET api? If so, how?
In other cases, I need to use the result as an ExpandoObject to treat it dynamically, but I find that the "dynamic" results given by the api are not "expandables" so I'm forced to serialize them and then deserialize again in a recursive form into an ExpandoObject. Furthermore, the result is polluted with _rid, Etag, etc. properties that I don't need on my object. It's quite anoying.
I think it's an unnecesary overhead to serialize and then deserialize again, so maybe the optimus way would be to get the raw JSON result and write a method to deserialize directly to Expando.
Or maybe I'm loosing any point and there's an API to get the results as Expandos. Does anybody know it?
Check out this question that I had earlier:
Converting arbitrary json response to list of "things"
Altough I didn't named it, the API in question was actually DocumentDb, so I think you'll be able to use that code.
Seen some bad advice here, but it is built into the SDK natively.
Document doc = cosmosClient.ReadDocumentAsync(yourDocLink);
string json = doc.ToString();

Request versus Request.QueryString

What is the difference between these two in VBScript:
And where is Request("startDate") documented? I don't see this usage here:
The official documentation for the Request object in ASP classic is here:
Quoting the relevant part for this question:
All variables can be accessed directly by calling Request(variable)
without the collection name. In this case, the Web server searches the
collections in the following order:
If a variable with the same name exists in more than one collection,
the Request object returns the first instance that the object
EDIT: AnthonyWJones made a great comment on the question: Avoid using the Request("name") syntax. In fact, this is mentioned in the documentation link above:
It is strongly recommended that when referring to members of a
collection the full name be used. For example, rather than
Request.("AUTH_USER") use Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER"). This
allows the server to locate the item more quickly.
See Request() vs Request.QueryString()
From what I understand when you use Request on it's own it will return the first matched item in the request collection. well explained in the attached solution.
Sorry to dredge up this question, but given the warnings against using Request("param"), I had to add my two cents. In this particular case there's a good reason to use Request("param") instead of Request.QueryString("param"): It allows you to write code that will accept parameters as part of a query string or when submitted through a form. I regularly run into situations where that is not only handy, but desirable.

Does a "tag search" method exist working with RDF/XML documents in Flex?

I'm working on a RDF file in my application. I loaded it with the URLLoader and I've imported flash.xml.* class in order to manipulate the content of my RDF file. I need to count certain tags ("Description") in an efficient way. The number of the tags I'm searching for is variable and now I'm using a combination of methods firstChild, lastChild, nextSibling in while cicles in order to take the informations I need from the document. My question is if there's a more direct and general "search method" that helps me avoid that complex and not elegant search that I made.
The syntax #Property is used to directly access a Tag's property, right? Do you think that it could be useful for me to solve my problem?
Thank you all for the help
Sure. Try this:
// assuming xml is the XML object containing your document
var numberOfDescriptionElements:int = xml..Description.length();
In general, you should check out the details of E4X (ECMAScript for XML), a very handy and consise sub-language of ActionScript to access XML structures.
