application + single sign on -

I want to implement single sign on in my web application. Scenario is something like below:
user will get registered / sign up at ""
there will a link to ""
when user goes to this link (step 2), they must remain logged in over here.
What is the best solution for this?

You want to set the Domain property on the cookie object to "" and it will work for any sub-domain of "".
If you're using ASP.NET's forms authentication, this article is a good place to start to find out all the options for configuring it.

If you are using Forms Authentication you need to set your forms and machinekey sections in web.config to be identical.
Here is a good link -> Forms Authentication Across Applications


IIS 7.5 and ; How secure the login page

I would like to apply a basic 2nd level of security by adding some form of web folder password protection, so that we only allow users with the global username and password to be able to access the logon page, where we are using forms based authentication.
I am not sure whether this is done from the IIS Manager (Windows 7) or by editing a web.config file ?
If you google for "Forms Authentication IIS", first item returned is this:
This does a good cover of the issue.
If you need to apply that to a particular folder, use location and authorization in web.config as below:
I have been in the same situation. Given that you can't enable forms authentication and basic/windows authentication at the same time in IIS we ended up using Helicon Ape and .htaccess files for the digest based authentication and configured the web app itself to use forms authentication. It works well so far. We needed this because of client requirements. I wouldn't really recommend this in practice. It's fairly annoying for users having to log in twice.

Sharing authentication between two web applications

I have a base web site ( WebForms application) running under ie.
Then I created a new (this time MVC) application and added it under
but not just as a simple virtual folder, but as an application folder by defining a different application pool to run it, compared to the parent application.
Since browsers can't know that there are two different application basically on the same domain it would work like:
user accesses http://localhost:90/
parent app redirects the user to forms authentication screen
user successfully logs in
parent web adds an authentication cookie
user accesses http://localhost:90/mvc
browser attaches the same cookie from parent app
Is it possible that I authenticate the user based on this same cookie? I would configure my MVC application to login redirect to parent app to have a shared authentication screen. But I'd like to know who authenticated and work from that point on.
I've read something about sharing the same system.web/machineKey values to provide this kind of functionality, but I would like some real world examples.
I'm aware that these two applications will not be able to share Session state and that's not a problem, because I don't want them to. All I want is a kind of single login (SSO/SSS)
Is this possible? How?
I've read other questions/answers about this, but they are either asking about cross-domain/cross-server etc. This one is on the same IIS web site.
I found it myself.
This is the article on MSDN that talks exactly about this scenario. I decided to keep this question anyway for anyone that would be chasing the same information some time later.
MSDN: Forms Authentication Across Applications
In brief
You have to configure machine keys in web.config of both applications so they match hence they'll be able to decode data that the other party generated. And that's the whole trick. MSDN article explains this in great detail including how to generate those keys.
If in case anyone is still not able to share the keys use
<machineKey validationKey="same key all over"
decryptionKey="same key all over"
validation="SHA1" decryption="AES"

Using Basic Authentication and Forms authentication on same site

Can anyone tell me, if it is possible to use both basic and forms authentication on my site without the 2 interfering with each other?
I have a new site that I want only certain people to see for approval purposes.
The site has a members area that uses Forms authentication and now when anyone enters the site after passing basic authentication they are being directed to the forms authentication page, even though they should be viewing a page that isn't protected by forms authentication.
I need a situation whereby anyone who clears basic authentication can then view the whole site excluding the members area of the site where they will need to log in via forms authentication.
It sounds like you just haven't configured forms authentication for just the particular members area, but have it configured for everything.
Look at the authorization element and the location element (if you want to control the settings in the main Web.config, instead of creating a Web.config for the member's area).
See also ASP.NET Forms Authentication and a "No Authentication" subfolder (except you want the reverse).
One option is to write your own basic authentication filter attribute and protect the action that just require basic authentication with the custom attribute . The controller action which requires forms authentication should be protected with the normal [Authorize] attribute. Please refer the following example :-
I had a similar issue in the past but was more along the lines of providing basic authentication for REST calls and form authentication when someone access the mvc site. We ended up creating our own authentication filter

ASP.NET Login roles?

I need to secure my website without using the ASP.NET built in login controls or the Forms Authentication.
Its need to support "normal" users and admin users.
Any suggestion? Thanks
Well, it's impossible to build anything in ASP.NET without a tag = )
I can't tell exactly what you are asking, so I will try to go over the whole groundwork.
ASP.NET Provides Different Authentication Models
You can use ASP.NET's built in authentication with Membership and Roles
You can write your own ASP.NET membership model
You can use another ASP.NET authentication model, such as Shibboleth, Windows/IIS, and others, see JD's post.
You can skip all of these and use your own "authentication", perhaps it is stored as a simple Session variable
ASP.NET Provides Different Controls
There is a handly Login control that integrated with ASP.NET's built in membership making things very easy.
If you don't want to use that, you can simply use ASP TextBoxes, Buttons, etc, and basically create your own login form.
In adition to JD's and rlb.usa's posts you can also use opemid or windowslive id authentication perhaps. both of these have membership providers for Checkout Codeplex for those; however if you want a truly customazieable solution perhaps its best for you as rlb.usa pointed out a simple session variable solution.
Perhaps you want to use Windows Authentication (rather than Forms Authentication) with ASP.NET? You should choose Windows authentication if your user accounts are maintained by a domain controller or within Active Directory and there are no firewall issues. I think this is what you are after. Here's a decent write up.
Umm, a quick response is for you to checkout Authentication features provided by IIS. These include Kerbros, NTLM, Basic Auth, just to name a few.

ASP.NET Windows Authentication Impersonation

I am trying to figure out how to implement an ASP.NET page with Windows Authentication without getting that annoying IIS login box.
I currently have 3 domains in my network so all the people logging in would have to prefix their user names with the domain. This is not user friendly. I would like to have a custom login page that would have a domain combo box.
Most examples I found implement this using Form security, however I need Windows Authentication since I want to connect to the SQL server using Integrated Authentication rather than a hard coded user name and password.
Does anyone know of a good article or sample code that shows how to implement this?
The following links to an article that explains how to authenticate a windows user using forms authentication, it uses a call to the native win32 api function LogonUser to acheive this. This way you can design your own custom login page with a drop down list to select a domain. Take a look, perhaps it will help.
Windows Authentication using Form Authentication
To get this setup so you don't have the authentication prompt, you are going to need to have the domains trust the accounts from one another. This article should get you pointed in the right direction:
