Good wordpress sitewide message system plugin - wordpress

I need a plugin for wordpress that will allow people to put a message at the top of the site that may state things like upcomming events or notifications of outages of our server..etc...etc..
Anyone know of a plugin that can do this?
All the one's I've found like WP Announcement and Announcer don't seem to handle this very well. I cannot have the modal popup either.

I would suggest a roll your own version. Using a plugin framework, like PodsCMS can help with this and even make it manageable with custom admin menus. This combined with the Adminimize plugin can even help with restricting access to this feature on a user role basis.


Remove element from Wordpress plugin

I am currently using a social media login plugin for my website that allows users to login via their social media account.
Currently the flow of the plugin works in a way such that after ANY user authenticate themselves through Facebook, they will be brought back to my site with 2 options, link their Facebook account with their site's account, or to register an account.
How can I edit my code such that I am able to remove the "registration account" part without editing the plugin code directly as this might affect future updates of the plugin itself. One way that I know will definitely work is to comment that section away in the plugins itself but I do not wish to touch the plugin code.
After researching, a possible way that I think might work is to apply a filter that removes the element but I am not sure if that is the correct workaround for this situation.
Can anyone shed some light on this matter?
Thank you!
I don't see a way to filter executed php code on your Wordpress website.
I got two ways of dealing with this:
1: Disallow people to register an account on your site. The registration link will probably not be displayed anymore.
2: Or comment out the code within the plugin. Remember where you edited the lines. Whenever the plugin gets an update, comment out those lines again. Or contact the owner of the plugin to issue a feature request.

Wordpress widget - backend button online/offline

Hi all developers — hope there is a clever brain in here who can help.
I have a simple feature I want to implement to a site without much WP backend experience.
It is a "live chat on / off" widget/button which must be visible to operators in the dashboard. It’s purpose is to change a line in header.php / or change stylesheet for changing a picture in the frontend of the website from “offline" to "online”. I don’t have any experience in backend WP, but mostly doing website templates changes with css.
I’ve made a very simple “widget” in the backend - it’s just a wysiwyg editor button.
Thanks in advance.
Therefore you could implement a plugin, which brings along a widget for showing offline or online status on the website's frontend.
As plugins can have a settings page, where options for that offline/online functionality could be saved, it shouldn't be a problem to access the option field in the widget.
Have a look at Wp-Live-Chat-Support and it's screenshots, especially the one with caption Settings page of WP Live Chat Support.

how to create plan subscription in wordpress plugin so no one can play with the code?

I am confuse about plan subscription development in plugin, because if user download the whole plugin coding file then he/she can change the any of the code in plugin.
so how can develop this type of plugin. And also backupbuddy, gravityforms also make this type of annual subscription plan and if user make to code change in backupbuddy then deactivate the plugin but i can't understand the code which type of security in those plugin.
So, please suggest me how to develop.
I think Backup-buddy and gravity forms are used "filemtime" function for security purpose,because there are no any way to prevent user to modify code. because wordpress plugin are fully under control in user (open source).

How to integrate phpBB with Wordpress

Is there any way to integrate phpBB with Wordpress. I already have a wordpress blog and I need to integrate phpBB to it. I want to synchronize the user table of both phpBB and wordpress. User can access both sites by logging into anyone of the sites. Can anyone help me on this...
You can integrate/synchronize the user tables. There's even a plugin for that, see WP phpBB Bridge.
As an aside: I agree that as a standalone forum, phpBB is by far the best opensource/free solution. For WP, there's also the excellent simple:press forum. Using that instead of phpBB is definitely more future-proof, less maintenance requiring once setup and easier to optically integrate into the site. It might look pretty ugly at first, but its css is very flexible and with a bit of tinkering, you can integrate it very well.
It having just received an upvote, I revisited this answer. And it being 2 years old, I want to add that given recent decisions of the dev team, I feel less inclined to recommend simple:press over going the extra mile and integrating phpBB...
I think BBPress Forum is best idea to integrate with wordpress. I recently integrate the BBPress Forum with one my wordpress blog. You can get guide for adding BBPress Forum from here
WP-United provides modules for both single sign-on and template integration. It does both of these automatically.
Ok, follow these steps exactly, this took me days to work out.
Install wordpress and phpbb as normal.
Make sure you are logged out of wordpress (otherwise you will get a gap at the top of your phpbb header, where the wordpress admin bar would go).
Now go to your wordpress blog page, (when you are logged out of wordpress admin) and right click, go to view source.
Copy the source from the top of the page until you see a div like page content etc (will vary on your theme), remember we just want the header.
Now paste that right at the top of your your overall_header.php in your phpbb template.
Now go to your phpbb admin, and go to styles, then templates, click refresh on your current template, so that the overall_header.php will be re-cached with the changes we have made.
You can do the footer in the same way, copy the footer html from the wordpress page that you want to use, and add it to overall_footer.php.
You can ever get the same styles by linking your css file from your blog to phpbb.
You should now be able to link to your phpbb and it will have a wordpress header.
i have used wp-phpbb-bridge with these steps:
1) after installation of the plugin, activate it;
2) set the correct paths of phpbb directory in the plugin's settings.
3) go to Widgets and put the Phpbb Bridge Users (or which one) you need into the sidebar.
then the users(login or other data) will be automatically synchronized.
this method worked for me.

Which CMS plugins for Wordpress should I use?

I'm looking into setting up a very simple site (static pages and an image gallery) with Wordpress for a non-web-savvy client, so I'd like to simplify the Editor role's admin interface as much as possible.
Looking through Wordpress's plugin directory, I found several plugins that "CMS-ify" the admin side of things, hiding menu options and the like. Are there any "admin-cleaning" plugins you'd recommend? Are there any other plugins I should look into?
I keep preaching this plugin all over Stackoverflow, but seriously go with PodsCMS. It rocks the house with it's features, scalability, and developer support. There is good documentation and accessible Q&A from the developers via the Pods Forum, IRC Chat, and even Twitter.
To simplify the Editor role (or any role) check out Adminimize.
As far as plugins to limit user controls, I always use Capability Manager ( It allows you to grant or revoke any/all capabilities for any/all roles. You can also create your own role types with their own capabilities. As far as CMS-ifying your WP, you can set static pages as the front page and create galleries by default. There are also plenty of plugins to insert lightbox or thickbox, or what have you to add very nice looking UI for your galleries:
That's just a few.
I would go with Adminimize or Capability Manager as recommended by others.
PodsCMS is impressive, bit is going to be rendered more or less obsolete with WordPress 3.0, which is coming out very soon. So I would not be starting with that system right now.
