QTreeWidget set height of each row depending on content - qt

I want to make editable cells with multi-lines content in QTreeWidget and I use for this purpose QPlainTextEdit as a delegate. I need to set proper size to all rows that switching between editing and displaying went smooth, without any visible changes.
rect = textEdit.blockBoundingRect(textEdit.firstVisibleBlock())
With this I can find out the height I need to set for the row, but I missing the place where I can do it.
How can I set proper height to QTreeWidget's rows on initialization stage and how to handle it's changes?

You need to reimplement delegate's sizeHint(). It will automatically handle row's height and width.
And note, that QTreeWidget::uniformRowHeight property must be false in this case, though it will slow tree element rendering if it contains many rows.


Dojo DataGrid - preventing column resize

Is there a way to set a fixed column size in Dojo DataGrid, and not allow it to be resized by the user? Thanks.
The cells defined within the grid's structure support a boolean noresize property. Setting this to true will disable resizing on that particular cell.
You might want to do something about overriding the default CSS though - it appears to use a rather noticeable cursor when hovering over non-resizable cell boundaries.
You can also set a specific width of a column in the structure using the width property on a particular cell.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/kfranqueiro/qNfC9/

How to set default height on QTableWidget

I have a widget which I'm putting in a QVBoxLayout. This widget's layout is a QVBoxLayout which includes a QTableWidget. When I display this everything is fine but the QTableWidget only shows a few rows. How can I set the height of the table to a decent value (like 20 rows) while still allowing the table to resize?
I've tried calling table.setMinimumHeight(200) but then the table can NEVER be smaller than 200. I've also tried setting the container widget height using setMinimumHeight but this has the same problem.
Check the sizePolicy for the QTableWidget. This will have horizontal and vertical size policies which, if I understand you correctly, should be set to "expanding" or "minimum expanding". There are a number of options and combinations for these and sometimes it can be tricky getting the right combination for all the widgets in your layout to get what you are looking for.
The size policies will work in combination with your min/max height/width settings and those of the other widgets in the layout.

Adapting the width of a Flexs 3 DataGridColumn to the content of its ItemRenderer?

I have the following scenario :
A Flex 3 DataGrid is sitting here
At runtime, a column is added to this grid
The column has a custom ItemRenderer
The ItemRenderer inherits from HBox, and adds a few items to the HBOx dynamically
My problem is that the width of the column doesn't change. As a consequence, my column stays small, and an ugly horizontal scrollbar is displayed in the line, instead of my content (which is completely unreadable).
I would like the column to adapt its width to the content of the HBox in the ItemRenderer. I tried the following :
Setting the 'percentWidth' of the ItemRenderer to '100'
Invalidating the properties of the ItemRenderer after adding the items
The only thing that has a "visible" effect it to force the width of the DataGridColumn. Obviously this is not acceptable since I'm dynamically adding components to the ItemRenderer, and I don't know how many or how big they are.
Besides, when I am in the ItemRenderer, I have no access to the column itself (or do I ?) so I cannot force the size of the column from here.
So is there a way around this ? Would AdvancedDataGrid help here (notwhistanding the fact that I cannot really use it for other reasons ...)
Alternatively, I would be happy enough if someone has a solution where the column cell is displayed without the ugly horizontal scrollbar (don't mention setting horizontalScrollPolicy to "off", been there, tried that, lost shirt ;) ).
I did not found a solution for the size, however I found the way to remove the scrollbar ; you must put the "horizontalScrollPolicy : 'off'" in the list of properties of the itemRenderer Factory (rather then on the itemRenderer itself).

Auto-sizing and positioning in Flex

I am working on a flex app that uses XML templates to dynamically create DisplayObjects. These templates define different layouts that can be used for each page of content in the app (ie , 2 columns, 3 columns etc etc). The administrator can select from one of these and populate each area with their content.
The templates add one of 3 types of DisplayObject - HBox, VBox or a third component - LibraryContentContainer (an mxml component that is defined as part of the app) - which is effectively a canvas element with a TextArea inside.
The problem that I am getting is that I need each of these areas to automatically resize to fit the length of the content but don't seem to be able to find an effective way to do so.
In the LibraryContentContainer, when the value of the TextArea is set, I am calling .validateNow() on the LibraryContentContainer. I then set the height property on both the TextArea and LibraryContentContainer to match the textHeight property of the TextArea.
In the following example, this is the LibraryContentContainer, viewer is the TextArea and the value property of the TextArea is bound to this.__Value. v is the variable containing the content for the textarea
this.__Value = v;
this.viewer.height = this.viewer.textHeight;
this.height = this.viewer.height;
This works to a degree in that the TextArea grows or shrinks depending on the length of content, but it's still not great - sometimes there are still vertical scrollbars even tho the size of the TextArea has grown.
Anyone got any ideas?
I think the problem lies not with your dynamically added components, but with the component they're being added to. How is the height of this component being determined? If you set verticalScrollPolicy and horizontalScrollPolicy on this container to off, do your scrollbars disappear? If that's the case, then you'll need to look at how this component is sized rather than your hbox, vbox, or whatever it is you're adding.

Change the height of a list item when it's in edit mode

I have custom list item renderers and editors for a List control. I need for the editor to have a greater height then the renderer, i.e., the row should expand(in height) when it goes into edit mode. However, even when the list's variableRowHeight is set to true, it doesn't do what I want: the height seems to be based on the height of the renderer only, not the editor. Is there any way to do what I want?
Have you tried setting the height of each of the renderers on the row that the editItemRenderer is on.
If my memory serves me correctly the varible row height takes its height from the first column cells (this may be wrong?)
If you have varibleRowHeight then when you go to edit a cell make sure all cells in the row are the same height and you may also have to invalidate the size and display.
If you have already solved this post your answer as it would be interesting to see what different approaches you may have taken.
