Is it possible to export FLA composition to Flex? So it will work exactly as in Flash Pro but instead in FLEX? FLA contains a bunch of movieClips, buttons, images, all driven by an .as file.
Publish to a SWF then you can either embedd the SWF in your Flex app or load it using the SWFLoader.
Embedding info:
You can check off "export SWC" in your Flash publish settings, then add that SWC to your Flex project's library path. You can then use any of the classes compiled in that SWC in your project.
I want a few Flex (SDK 4.6) applications to share the same stylesheet (stored in CSS file). However I do not want to distribute standalone file along those applications' SWFs, but rather want to embed the CSS file into Flex application file (just as you embed images etc.). CSS declarations include font-embeddings so it is (I think) impossible to load CSS at runtime.
What I already found out:
I cannot simply use <fx:Script source="#Embed(stylesheet.css)" />. Wrong syntax.
I cannot use inline stylesheet in some MXML component that is shared among applications because CSS contains type declarations which are not allowed in components.
I can choose to compile CSS to SWF but this creates standalone SWF file (so I can embed Flex framework into SWF but not a standalone CSS ;]).
I hope I am missing something obvious and this is fairly easy to achieve.
Create a library project (producing a swc file)
Add the stylesheet as a resource
Put this project (or the compiled swc) on your other project's build path
You can now use this resource from within your other projects:
<fx:Style source="stylesheet.css" />
As an example:
In the librabry project you have src/stylesheet.css
If src is a source folder, the file should automatically be packaged into the library
If it's not, you'll have to manually add the files: in FlashBuilder this can be done through the Assets tab of the Build path editor. On the command line, add it with the -include-file option.
An alternative to using the swc as a library dependency, is to define it as a theme dependency. In FlashBuilder there's a Theme wizard in the project properties. On the command line do:
mxmlc -theme="/path/to/my/theme.swc" MyApp.mxml
If you use it as a theme, you don't even have to include the fx:Style tag in your Application. The CSS is included by default. But I think it has to be named defaults.css.
I've built a form in Flex.
When I run the flex project, I get a html file with some js, css and swf files (NOT A SINGLE FILE), swz files.
When I run the main swf file alone, many things are working perfectly except at places where it needs to send a HTTPService request.
When I use the html file, all works fine.
Now I want to do the following.
Import this form made in flex into a flash site (actionscript 3)
This form has various ViewStacks, where the user will be travelling through these. I want to reload the form back to its initial stage when the user wants to fill the fields again.
Can there be any request sent to the Flash Site from this FORM, regarding the form submission success ?
Can I compile the Flex Project to one single swf file, so that I can use this swf file without any Browser?
Can I convert the webpage application Flex Project to an Adobe AIR application ?
I used flash builder 4... and flex 3 coding as in
mx namespace is ""
and no "s", or "fx" namespaces defined.
I'm sorry I can't answer all your questions, but I can answer:
Import this form made in flex into a flash site (actionscript 3)
I don't see why not, although I never did that myself; typically it's the other way around as Flex swf are really more applications than regular flash swf typically are.
Can I compile the Flex Project to one single swf file, so that I can
use this swf file without any Browser?
Yes you can:
With Flash Builder, go to Project->Properties->Flex Build Path, and
change Framework Linkage to Merge Into Code
When invoking the mxmlc compiler directly, use the option -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true
Can I convert the webpage application Flex Project to an Adobe AIR
application ?
Yes you can by right-clicking your project in the Package Explorer window, and under Add/Change Project Type, you get make your project an Air application.
All I want is to take my AS3 source code files and compile them into a SWC file.
Upon inspection, the SWC files I generate end up with some kind of timeline or spite in them when I use the Flash IDE or that Flex SDK utility "compc", and it's irritating.
Flash is timeline based; so everything in Flash uses a timeline. They hide it very well in Flex, though, so it's not obvious under the hood.
To create a SWC file in Flex, you need to use the command line compiler, although it sounds like you've already done that, so I'm unclear what your issue is.
In fact, you can build a "flex library project" in Flash builder. place your AS3 source code files in this project, it would automatic generate a swc file in which your AS3 Class;
I'm using Flash Builder 4 (the version after Flex Builder 3, so very similar to Flex Builder 3) and have a bunch of actionscript classes that I frequently need to reference. I have them in a separate folder/package to keep things clean.
I know that it's possible to create a SWC from these actionscript files. My question is how do I do it in Flash Builder 4 or Flex Builder 3. Do I need other tools? My objective is just to use the SWC in the project and keep things clean instead of dragging around all these files.
Create a Flex Library project and put the code in the /src folder. Click on
project properties-> Flex Library Build Path -> Classes
to make sure all your classes are included.
You can set the 'Output folder' here to point to your main project /libs folder to have it automatically build into your project or just drag the .swc manually when it's created from your 'Output folder' to the 'libs' folder of your project. Hit the [OK] button and your .swc will be created. The code is now available in your main project.
In Flex Builder 3 you can right click the projects panel and choose New -> Flex Library Project. The steps to creating a project are very similar to creating a regular project. You just link the classes you want compiled into your SWC and tell Flex Builder where to put the compiled code.
other way is:
suppose you have a class Name MyCls which you want to compile into swc file.
create a Fla, and ctrl+shift+f12, check the publish item to SWC.
go to the action panel, type :
var v:MyCls;
finally, just compile this fla. it generate a swc which contains your MyCls;
I am using the flex SDK to compile actionscript 3 classes into an swf. Some components are not included with the SDK like the fl.controls components.
What options do I have for getting access to the flash components? I've seen others mention that I can export them to a swc file within Flash Pro, but I would rather not have to purchase Flash Pro to just use some components. Is there any other manual way to perform this without purchasing or using Flash Pro?
You don't need to use Flash Pro to do that.
here's what I do:
create an Fla and dump all the components on the timeline that you need.
you can then remove them from there (or leave them), it doesn't really matter, as long as you see them in the library. You can even move them directly into the library.
Then under publish options select flash only, and in the flash tab select the export to swc option.
now when you compile, even when using Ctrl-Enter the swc gets compiled.
The next step would be different for you, because I use flash develop (which is free) I copy the swc into my project's lib folder, and in the program I right-click on it and select add to library. done.
I don't know how you select the add to library in flex, but it is possible. Flash develop uses the flex compiler and it does it, and flash does it as-well. so czech the project setting for this option.
You can get Free Flash Components here:,0
They are not from Adobe but independent developers.
Here are set of 32 Flash UI Components for $99:
I am pretty sure you have to purchase an Adobe Flash product to get the Adobe components. I used the components I got with CS4 for SDK development.