CSS: Explicitly declaring position, padding, margin, and overflow for every item? - css

I've been working for a guy whose been teaching me css. I made a website based on his designs which I'm pretty proud of, but he got back to me saying that I need to explicitly declare the padding, margin, position, and overflow (specifically every item should have "overflow:hidden") on every item. Is there any basis to this at all? Is there anything I can use to refute this? I thought that declaring something like div,span,h1,[...] {padding:0;margin:0;postion:static;overflow:hidden} would take care of everything due to the cascade.

Another resource, that I think is better for resetting CSS is YUI Reset (from Yahoo!). It has a great reset CSS file with additional files you can add on the end to make everything look consistent cross-browser (including fonts which can get very annoying very fast in CSS)
Here are the links
I use the Reset, Base and Font stylesheets (in that order) in ALL my web projects.
Using a reset stylesheet that consists of "* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }" will create even worse cross-browser issues. You need to reset everything and THEN declare a base that all the browsers can start from (the purpose of reset.css and base.css).s

Except for increasing the CSS file size, there is no reason to explicitly declare common properties down a cascade if already declared on a generic item. The browser should take care of properly rendering the items, taking the cascade structure into account.

Blindly applying styles to every element will surely give you unwanted results, but you could nail everything with
* { margin: 0; padding:0; etc }
I would recommend using a reset stylesheet instead to reduce browser inconcistencies, this one is pretty popular: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
Note that reset stylesheets have their own (usually minor) issues with IE7. I usually create a separate IE7 only stylesheet.

I think you should use a CSS reset instead.

He is overly paranoid about cross browser differences. You do not need to do this.


How to reset all styles of a div and decedents back to Chrome defaults

I'm not sure this is possible, but id like to set all user styles back to chrome defaults for div and descendants.
I'm building a Chrome plugin that creates a popup on any web page, however due to the fact every page has a plethora of custom styles, trying to track down every inconsistency and overwrite it with my divs (and descendants) custom style, it is becoming a nightmare.
Every time I think I've covered all bases another site implements something else that needs to be overridden.
What would be the easiest approach to standardize my popup in this situation?
One approach I can think of is to (bite the bullet) and get a hold of the the default Chrome CSS styles and implement them into a series of catch all descendant selectors, however surely there is a better way.
If you want to be absolutely sure that the styling of your elements is not affected by the web-page's CSS, there are 2 possible solutions:
Use an iframe to implement your popup. (This solution is "safe" and simple enough, but based on the kind of interaction between the popup and the web-page it might become cumbersome.)
Utilize the Shadow DOM. (This is probably the "proper" solution, but the implementation might be a little more complicated.)
Some resources regarding the 2nd solution:
An introductory tutorial.
An actual example of incorporating the "Shadow DOM" concept into a Chrome extension:
RobW's Display Anchors extension
There is a third option worth discussing and rejecting, which is to reset all the style properties of the div and its descendents to its default value. Pseudo-code:
#my-div, #my-div * {
#for-every-css-property {
%propertyName: initial !important;
This answer shows an attempt at such a solution. It uses specific values instead of initial which will work in older browsers without the initial keyword, but will not correctly reset elements which have a different default from the base (e.g. user566245 mentions that textarea elements should have a border).
Unfortunately initial is not actually the browser's default value.
If we don't use !important above then there is a risk that the page might have provided a rule with a more specific elector which overrides our own. For example if the page specified properties for table > tr > td then this would be applied over our rule because that selector is more specific than #my-div *.
Since we do use !important, any custom styling we want to do after the reset must also use !important on every property.
If the page happens to inject any additional CSS styles after ours that uses !important then these can override our reset.
It is rather inefficient. We are asking the browser to apply a huge bunch of CSS rules to every element under our div.
Vendor-specific properties should also be reset. (E.g. -webkit-animation-name.)
If new CSS properties come into existence in future, you will need to update your list.
Whilst this solution can be applied to current browsers, it is rather horrible, so roll on Shadow DOM! I would recommend the <iframe> solution in the meantime.
I don't know if anyone has tried this, but a more efficient solution might be to use Javascript to detect what site-defined CSS properties could be problematic, and reset only those.

CSS reset that sets everything to default values

I'm working on a browser extension that adds it's UI to the pages DOM. On some pages I have the problem certain styles affect my UI. To counter this I keep my UI underneath a common root which resets most of the styles to the default value.
Sometimes I missed things which causes visual glitches in my UI. (i.e. the pages CSS file sets form { width: 80%; } so I need to add form { width: auto; } to my reset styles.
Is there a collection of styles that reset every CSS attribute to the value that is declared as default by the standard for every element?
I have come across the same problem. The usual CSS normalizers listed by the other answers does not answer the question because it is made to cancel the differences across the browser's default styles.
In the context of an extension, I needed to cancel every specific style that may exist on a random website.
I have come across this solution (I am not sure if it was possible at the time of the question, 7 years ago).
.your-container-class *,
.your-container-class *::before,
.your-container-class *::after {
all: initial;
So far it seems to achieve the goal by removing the differences across websites. The downside is that it resets even some default styles (ol, ul, li not behaving like lists for example).
Eric Meyer’s “Reset CSS” 2.0
(the original one)
HTML5 Doctor CSS Reset
(extends the Eric Meyer's one to improve HTML5 tags reset)
Yahoo! (YUI 3) Reset CSS
(based on Normalize.css)
Universal Selector ‘*’ Reset
Normalize.css 1.0 2.1.3
("…as used by Twitter Bootstrap, HTML5 Boilerplate, YUI 3, Pure, TweetDeck, Soundcloud, Medium, NASA, GOV.UK, Guardian, Rdio, Favstar, iA, and many others.")
There are others, but this were (and still are) the 2012’s most popular CSS Reset scripts.
I recommend using a quick Google search to find something like so: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
You can implement the reset in as-is and then if any problems arise down the road, simply add to it as needed.
Be aware that some pre-made CSS resets require a shout-out to using them.
Yes, absolutely.
There are two schools of thought to this. One is the zeroing style reset sheets, which basically remove all margin, padding and other such settings from the css. A good example of this is Eric Meyer's Reset CSS
The other approach is to set everything to roughly what you'd sensibly expect it to be, setting a reasonably looking margin to paragraphs and headings, indenting lists etc. A good example of this is Normalize.css
Some browsers also support the initial value, which sets the value of a property back to what it intially was. It's not widely supported enough to use in production, IMO.
Html5 boilerplate has an normalize.css which sets al lot of css styles to a default.
As you are applying your styles to different pages with different unique styles, its hard to say if you will get success on removing all styles from all pages with some CSS reset.
But maybe these can help:
Normalize.css (used by many CSS frameworks)
CSS Reset by Meyer

How can I prevent a CSS reset from affecting specific content?

I'm using meyerweb css reset. It works fine, but it resets all default styles, which is in the body and template structure (<body>, sidebars, etc...) or in the main content (articles)
It's a big problem! because I've styled my text in the editor (TinyMCE), but on the main page, it loses all of the styles, such as strong, italic or (un)ordered lists.
How can I solve it? Can I tell the browser to reset all except elements which are in a table or div with a specific class or ID (such as #content)?
You ran across one of the downsides of using reset sheets, in that they reset everything.
You may want to consider using an alternative to full resets, such as normalize.css. The idea behind this is that instead of having all browsers start off at a clean slate, get all of them to the same baseline. From the website:
What does it do?
Preserves useful defaults, unlike many CSS resets.
Normalizes styles for a wide range of HTML elements.
Corrects bugs and common browser inconsistencies.
Improves usability with subtle improvements.
Explains what code does using detailed comments.
This may (or may not) work better for you than the Meyer reset.
The best way to go about this, in my opinion, would be to re-define the styles after the reset as opposed to removing them from the reset. While you shouldn't see any issues with the elements defined above, removing things like ul and li definitions can result in very inconsistent behavior across browsers. Redefining these elements post-reset will ensure uniformity across browsers.
Use http://CSSesta.tk
[It's influenced by YUI, Eric Meyer & Boilerplate but it doesn't interfear with any typical styling aspects]
It has 6 options commented out. (You only need to amend at least opt 3) you can leave change the others if necessary, the rest should be as expected (in general) unless you're making a website that turns into a car.(Things like forcing vertical scroll, line height, font-size are to your discretion)
The HTML5 elements in CSSesta are more up-to date "currently" than Eric Meyers & will probably become the most frequently maintained reset sheet, I know this because I will be updating it.
(Try it, & if you get any problems let me know I'll look at your default one and meet it in between)

Would it be good idea to add body {line-height:0} to get more control over all elements?

Would it be good idea to add body {line-height:0} to get more control over elements?
For better cross browser consistency. I can add specific line-height to any element, as needed.
body {line-height:0}
p {line-height:1}
h1 {line-height:2}
or body {line-height:1} is a better idea?
My purpose is to reset the line-height of all elements to 0 or none than add line-height later to elements as needed.
Currently computed line heights create problems.
no, it's not a good idea. First it's not the way people usually do it and so will be confusing, and second it's brittle -- you're liable to forget, either now or in the future. But messing with line height will then mess with the way blocks are laid out, and have all sorts of propogated problems.
It is a good idea to "clean up" the CSS to a known state using a CSS reset file.
I would suggest using line-height: 1 because then you may not need to set a line height for every other element. If you use 0 instead, you've just forced yourself to specify the line-height of any element that contains text, and you end up having to repeat yourself in your CSS.
Rather than manually resetting elements, you might want to try using a pre-made CSS reset file. Eric Meyer's reset (http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/) is very popular.
Yes, or even:
*{ line-height:0px; }
..to ensure you hit everything. I use Eric Meyer's CSS reset. There's plenty of variations, and I'm sure other SO users have their preferences. http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/

Is it wrong to use * when reseting Margins/Padding in CSS?

Should the following be shunned, or praised for its simplicity?
For the record, I use it in every site I build, but I've noticed it's not present in many main-stream CSS-reset frameworks — is there a reason they don't use it too?
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
Its best NOT to use it as it causes issues with form elements, especially input buttons and select boxes.
See christianmontoya.com
The universal selector can slow things down quite a bit, especially on some WAP browsers. Just think about it for a second: it matches every single element in the document tree.
Besides, for most elements, you'll go on and specify a margin/padding that is different from 0 anyway. As in, there's no point in resetting them for all elements to begin with.
Something you definitely don't want to do is use relative sizes with the universal selector. Things get weird really quick if you do. ;-)
For a good baseline to work from, I'd recommend a tried and tested reset stylesheet.
I once did some performance testing between the * {margin:0;padding:0}, Eric Meyer's reset, the YUI reset and no CSS at all. The performance difference was negligible.
That said, I now use Eric Meyer's reset so I don't lose the formatting on input buttons which actually makes buttons easier to style cross-browser.
If your intent is to set the padding and margin of every single element, then there should be no problem with that selector.
There's nothing particularly wrong with it. * is referred to as the "universal selector", and browser support for it is generally considered to be good, though IE does have some obscure bugs, as usual:http://reference.sitepoint.com/css/universalselector#compatibilitysection
I consider it an important first step in building my CSS layouts. It removes a lot of the troublesome default styling of different browsers and allows me to get more browser-independent results.
Of course I couple it with IE's conditional comments to write IE-version-specific divs around my whole page, and use those to work with IE's bugs (as FF et. al. tend to be more accurate to CSS spec).
EDIT - and I've never noticed any performance problems with it.
