Flex Spark TitleWindow bad redraw on dragging - apache-flex

I have a problem with redrawing in flex 4. I have a spark titleWindow, and if i drag it faster, it looks like it's mask is one frame late after the component.
it's easily visible with 1pixel thin border, because it becomes invisible even with slower movement.
You can try it here (what is not my page, but it's easier to show you here than uploading example):
If you move in direction up, you see disappearing top border. in another directions it's not that sensitive as it has wide shadow, and it's not very visible on shadow.
On my computer i see it on every spark TitleWindow i have found on google, although it's much less visible with less contrast skins, without borders or with shadows.
Do you see it there? i had never this problem with halo components. It's doing the same thing with different skins. I tried to delete masks from skin, cache component, skin even an application as bitmap with no success.
I also turned on redraw regions in flash player, and it looks like it's one frame late after titlewindow too.
Does anyone know why is it doing this or how can i prevent it?
Thank you
no answers? really?

I have been facing the same problem and I was really pissed that I couldn't find any answer.
The problem with me was, that I tried to center the component "component.x = (parent.width - component.width) / 2" and then draw that component programatically. The problem was, that component.x is a Number which can lead to floating values like 10.5 or similar. And it looks like that bitmapFill function rounds floats DIFFERENTLY than drawRect function, which makes exactly the 1px line around the objects (but ONLY when parent.width is an odd number). Strange thing for me was, that I only called the Draw function once, but still this line keep recurring ...
Doing Math.floor(component.x) solved the issue.
P.S.: I think that you can also help your issue by setting cacheAsbitmap=true on the dragged object ...
Jan Prazma


visIgraphLayout causing display issues for shiny app

I can share the code if needed but it felt like a lot to share to start, so I'll try to explain narratively. I am creating an interface to display network data (as you might have guessed from the title). My first issue has been going on for a few days where visIgraphLayout is not laying out my visual correctly. Regardless of using "full" or "square" as the "type", the network map extends beyond the edge of the display space. When I resize the interface window, then the map will snap to full. Why won't it simply resize automatically? If it matters, I do have the output space in a box element. Also, I have the layout styles working off radiobuttons, and when I switch between styles the map goes beyond the edges again.
Part 2 begins. While the above problem is annoying, it was livable. However, a new wrinkle popped up. I added some font size control to my visNodes code - i.e., radiobuttons set to switch between off (0), small (5), standard (14), and large (40) font size options. Once I implemented this code, when I resize the interface window, now the network map disappears completely after initial load. If I select a new label option, it will redraw but beyond the edges of the space.
All the issues resolve themselves if I ditch the visIgraphLayout, but then I lose the layout functionality which I really like.
I hope this is clear enough. I really appreciate any insights the community might provide. Be well.
I think I have figured out an answer. Long story short, certain pieces didn't work and play well with others. Went through and build it again, and all it good.

QML Canvas: How to use CanvasWindow and CanvasSize properly

I have a qml canvas with many elements, and when I zoom in, the elements needs to redrawn, if the canvas size grows too much, the rendering is delayed and quite visible.
I couldnt use the canvassize, canvaswindow properly to render only part of the scene, didnt find any proper examples to use this.
Could some expert please guide me with very minimalistic code.
Also, I see that these properties are marked as not to be used in future, does anyone know what is it that replaces ?

ListView - zoomed out and transparent elements

I have a scrollable and flickable ListView with 5+ elements and I'd like to have the elements which are shown at both ends zoomed out, transparent and slightly moved so the whole list becomes rounded up, sort of getting the shape of a wheel.
I think the two images describe it best:
That's what I have:
And that's what I want:
Since I'm also targeting devices without GL - although deprecated - I'd prefer a QtQuick 1.x version, however I'm happy with all I can get :)
Thanks a lot in advance!
The ListView is not exactly meant to do that.
Have a look at the PathView.
There are a lot of examples from the documentation, maybe you'll find there something very similar to what you want to do.
Otherwise you should put a MouseArea in your delegate and react to the entered and exited signals. Do not forget to update the size of the delegate accordingly to the size of its content if needed, otherwise the items will overlap each other.
That said, I'd maybe use the PathView to do that.

Fix UITableViewController offset due to UIRefreshControl in iOS 7

I'm setting up a UIRefreshControl in my uitableviewcontroller, but there is a big gap between the navbar and the top of the uitableview. Playing with 'adjust scroll view insets' doesn't help, as the controller will underlay the navbar at startup. I could disable 'under top bars', but I want that ability when scrolling. When poking around in the debugger, I noticed at various times the tableView.contentInset is offset by 82 points, which is different from the ususal 20/64 pt offset people talk about regarding the new ios7 bar behavior. What's going on here?
Found a solution while poking around more; hope it saves someone a few hours!
I needed to instantiate my UIRefreshControl after viewDidLoad:, or avoid setting its attributedTitle in code at least until after that (e.g. if I enabled refreshing of the table in IB). Setting the string inside viewDidLoad: messes up iOS's layout of the control+tableview, but it's ok within viewWillAppear: or later once the geometry is set. And I think 82 points is the height of the UIRefreshControl. Setting the refresh title in IB would've also avoided this problem, except that I was doing so in code because I didn't want to have to enable refreshing in IB all the time with each of my tables.

Moving a Flex GUI window confused by underlying Papervision3D viewport

I'm developing a Flex 2 application, and I noticed that part of the library which is responsible for moving GUI windows (TitleWindows) around when you drag them with the mouse gets confused if there is a clickable (buttonMode = true) sprite beneath them. When I say confused, I mean that the window is moved around normally for a while, but then at some point "jumps" into the upper left corner of the flash app, and makes very minor movement there. Then at some other point it jumps back. It is more difficult to explain than to experience, so please go and see for yourself. Here's how to reproduce the problem:
Go to http://www.panocast.com
In the left sidebar, choose "Real Estate"
Just below the bottom right corner of the flash window, choose "high res" by clicking on the rightmost icon.
When (part of) the video loads, click on the staircase. A TitleWindow will pop up.
Try dragging it around the screen. When the mouse cursor is moved above one of the clickable areas (like the staircase), the window is misplaced.
(Sorry, but can't give you a direct link, part of the page is generated dynamically.)
(What's makes the problem even more interesting is that for me, in "low res" mode, the problem does not occur! There is very little difference between the various modes.) I would really appreciate if someone told me what was going on here and how it can be fixed.
I'm not sure if it matters, but the underlying sprite is actually not just plain sprite, rather it is a Papervision3D renderer object with some 3D elements in it. I'm telling this because it is possible that the incorrect mouse coordinates somehow come from the texture UV mapped on the clickable objects.
I've managed to replicate this on the low res mode as well, so I don't think it's related to the resolution.
This looks to be because the MouseEvent is being handled by the TitleWindow AND the Papervision3D window. Perhaps you need to force stopImmediatePropagation() on one or the other? Or maybe switch off the MouseEvent handling for the Pv3D window when the TitleWindow pops up?
That's a tough one to debug without some source; something's apparently calling either move() or setting x and y properties on that TitleWindow and scheduling it be moved.
When I first read the post, it "smelled" like maybe a rotation miscalculation somewhere (using Math.atan vs. Math.atan2 can sometimes have that kind of effect), so you're right, it could have something to do with PaperVision, assuming you're not using Math.atan or setting rotation properties yourself anywhere. Just thought I'd mention it, though it's probably not happening in your case. You never know, though. ;)
More likely the LayoutManager is moving the component in response to a property change on the component. The Flex docs explain that in addition to setting its x and y properties, and explicit calls to move(), a UIComponent's move event can also be triggered when any of the following other properties change:
PaperVision or no, maybe that info might help you isolate the source of the move. Good luck.
I got this figured out. Apparently, this is a Papervision3D problem. There is a class deep inside Papervision3D called VirtualMouse, which is supposed to generate MouseEvents programmatically. This happens, for example, when the user interacts with any of the interactive objects on stage, e.g., a Plane with an interactive material on it (as in my case).
The problem is that the x and y coordinates of the generated event represent texture UV coordinates (just as I suspected) and not real world screen coordinates. When a TitleWindow (or any Panel object) is dragged, a "mouseMove" handler (among others) is added to the SystemManager, which then uses the stageX and stageY properties of the event object to determine the new position of the window. Unfortunately for VirtualMouse's mouse events, these are invalid, since the original x,y coordinates, which are probably used to determine the global stage coordinates are, as I said, not screen coordinates.
Honestly, I'm still unsure whether the events dispatched by VirtualMouse are used anywhere within Papervision3D itself, or they are just offered for convenience, but they sure make it difficult to integrate a viewport into a Flex program. Assuming that such events aren't necessary for PV3D itself, there is a one-liner fix for my problem, which must be added right after the creation of the viewport:
BTW., there was a very similar (or rather, as it turns out, the same) bug with dragging sliders, also fixed by this line.
