MPXJ library is interop based - ms-project

I am using MPXJ library to access Microsoft Project file in .net. before proceeding with it i wanted to make sure either it is based on Microsoft Interop services or not.
i hope not :)

just to confirm, MPXJ is not based on any Microsoft APIs. It implements it own readers for the various file formats which it supports.
Hope that helps!
p.s. Disclaimer: I maintain MPXJ


invoke C api with tidesdk

Could you please help me how to call/invoke plain C API from DLL file with JavaScript or Python or PHP language with TideSDK?
Thanks and best regards,
Phuong Tang Khai,
Can you elaborate how exactly that you wanna call the APIs. and what kind of APIs you are talking about. There are already various modules available which provides decent functionality available already.
However if you don't find required functionality, you can create your own custom module and plug it in with TideSDK.
The call to APIs needs to be wrapped up as custom modules of Tide and has to be built along with TideSDK.

Where is System.Json.DLL?

I'm trying to follow some examples using JSON with the Http Client, but they refer to a System.Json.DLL that I cannot find. See this reference to see the reference to System.Json.DLL, but I cannot find that DLL installed on my machine. Is it an add-on? I googled but found no other result...
That's a class library for Silverlight, but not [ASP] .NET.
If you really wanted to use it, there is an equivalent version in .net 4.5,
I would suggest you to take a look at Json.Net, it's one of the most popular .NET JSON libraries.

Fast and simple and light reports system for .NET (asp mvc)?

Does there exist a fast and light reporting system for projects in Visual Studio for projects in asp .net mvc? Crystal reports is too big and "heavy" and not a good choice for 200+ users who create a PDF report at once.
Thanks for your tips.
I like FastReport. But I just know the Delphi-Version and can't say how mature the .Net-Version is.
The Delphi-version is lightweight, easy to use but with it's scripting-possibilities very powerful.
So I think even the .Net-version should be worth a look.
Take a look into List Label (from combit), too! It has a different approach, a very good designer and direct vendor support. Distribution files are "lightweight" compared to other solutions.
Reporting services is free if you have an sql server license and if you run the reporting services server on the same db server. I consider it pretty lightweight and easy to use.
Try the ItextSharp or the nuget package
We used it's and it was fine!
DevXpress XtraReports allows you to design reports with a good designer then you use them as normal C# classes. I like it very much, you can create reports and export them to pdf file or stream on the server even with no UI at all then you can download the pdf from mvc or store it somewhere. I use it as much as I can.
There is a blog which details about using Active Reports to create reports in a MVC application. You can go through the blog here.
Active Reports is a very flexible and easy to use reporting tool,it is supported on Win Forms,, SilverLight and supports data sources like Sql Server, My Sql, XML, Oledb etc.

Is it possible to automate Visio with ASP.NET?

My clients are trying to revive an ASP.NET 1.0 application (yes, you read that right) that generated data-driven Visio Gantt diagrams. I have access to the code (VB.NET), but there are no notes, comments, or documentation, and no employees from 2003 still around. Compounding the issue, I'm pretty new on the scene (ASP.NET 3.5+ only), so the project structure looks very foreign to me (.resx files?).
I've tried including Visio Interop libs with little success. I tried following this article , but when adding the MS Visio 12.0 type library reference to the project solution in VWD Express 2010, I get an error that reads, "A reference to "Microsoft Visio Viewer 12.0 Type Library" could not be added. Converting the type library to a .NET assembly failed. No process is associated with this object." I don't know what that means but I sense it'll be a huge headache to resolve.
At this point I'm stuck and considering porting this feature to more a current platform. Can anybody suggest anything?
Visio has an xml format (.vdx)
If you don't need Visio to help you with layout or connections, you might be able generate the xml files, then have your ASP app serve them up as consumable Visio files.
If you need Visio's Gantt-chart add-in features, or Visio's export to web or image features, then this might not be the way to go. But if you only need to place shapes on a page, set text and other data fields, and have a fairly simple layout and simple connecting lines, you should be able to go this route.
The last download link in this article is for a presentation on Visio and XML that I gave a while back:
You should not access the automation API of any Office program from ASP.NET or any other server environment. It is unsupported, will fail at random, and may cause you to violate the terms of your license with Microsoft.
Tell them "no". You'll be much happier.
Well, you may download and use Aspose.Diagram library. It works with Microsoft Visio files without the installation of Microsoft Office Visio. Developers can create, open and manipulate the elements of diagrams and export to many other supported file formats. Based on your scenario, you may get details from a database backend and then create Visio diagrams. It is achievable using Aspose.Diagram API. Please refer to the technical resources of Aspose.Diagram for .NET API.
I work as a Developer Evangelist at Aspose.

Where can I find a clean API for Visual Basic development?

I am completely new to ASP.NET programming, and was asked to work on a small project involving ASP.NET, VB (which I am new to as well) and Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
Being used to php/java I was hoping to find some kind of similar API to and the javadoc. It would be very useful to have as I would prefer to work with a text editor, instead of using DreamWeaver or Visual Web Developer.
In the project I basically only need to use ASP.NET to read from a SQL 2005 database and write to JSON files. Could anyone please give me some pointers on where to find a clean and decent API to work with? I would also appreciate any input and tips I could get to get started working on this.
I would prefer to work with a text editor, instead of using DreamWeaver or Visual Web Developer.
Imo this is a mistake in .Net. The platform was built with the IDE in mind. You really will be able to get a lot more done, and do it better, if you let yourself learn to use Visual Studio.
That said, the place to look for .Net documentation is, of course, the MSDN Library. Maybe start on this page:
only need to use ASP.NET to read from a SQL 2005 database and write to JSON files
You might want to take a look at ASP.NET MVC.
You controllers can return a JsonReasult which will automatically result in JSON being sent. No need to define any markup.
"Could anyone please give me some
pointers on where to find a clean and
decent API to work with?"
If you want to develop a VB.NET application, you have to use the VB.NET programming language; there are no other APIs available.
Where does javadoc fit into this? That's just markup you apply to your source code to create documentation. .NET has its own system which works in the same way but is built on XML.
As Joel says, Visual Studio has everything you need. It features a visual editor but also gives you access to all the source code.
you will need to have the IDE to develop ASP.Net application. It will be much easier using it. You can find docs and articles on developing on ASP.Net in this site. its a nice one.
work on a small project involving ASP.NET, VB (which I am new to as well) and Microsoft SQL Server 2005
It might not be VB, it might be VB.Net?
