Flex Datagrid.tooltip with different text styles - apache-flex

I have a tooltip for each datagrid row. Which is fine. I also can style it with with mx:Style which is great.
However, I desire to have multiple styles ie a header and the rest of the text in the tooltip. Is this possible? Or to have htmlText for input?

If you need that you should create your own component implementing mx.core.IToolTip and use it to display the tooltip. Write you own handler for toolTipCreate and in this handler set your own component as the tooltip renderer.
private function createTooltip(e:ToolTipEvent):void {
//CustomToolTip should extend the Canvas and implement IToolTip
var tooltip:CustomToolTip = new CustomToolTip();
//you need to set the tooltip property in order to make your component used for tooltip renderer
e.toolTip = tooltip;
<mx:DataGrid id="myDataGrid" toolTip=" " toolTipCreate="createToolTip(event)">


In Flex 4.5, how to add a toolTip to an InlineGraphicElement inside a TextFlow (TLF) using ActionScript (not MXML)?

var newParagraph : ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
var icon : InlineGraphicElement = MY_ICON;
// icon.toolTip = "boo" ????
newParagraph.addChild( icon );
I want a specific toolTip for "icon". I have read about using HTML and rollOver and rollOut (e.g. Thanks, Mister), but I'm building this as part of a larger text block; it's difficult to switch from incremental objects to HTML in the middle.
If I cannot set an event on the icon, can I create an HTML bit in ActionScript as part (but not all) of a paragraph ?
I just came across the same problem.
The easiest solution i found was wrapping my InlineGraphicElement in a LinkElement.
The LinkElement already dispatches mouse events.
The problem (as I'm sure you found out) is that text flow elements are not display objects, and so do not implement the normal display object behavior.
What you need to do is create a custom InlineGraphicElement that attaches the event listeners you need, then dispatch an event off of the textFlow instance so it can be read in somewhere in your display object hierarchy (or whatever your method of choice is to target that event).
You can see a good example of how to add mouse interaction by looking at the source to the LinkElement (see the createContentElement function).
Unfortunately the InlineGraphicElement is marked final, so you will need to duplicate it's functionality rather then extend it. Just make sure to use the custom graphic element in your code in lieu of the normal one.
Best of luck!
Just in case the point was lost, the idea is that you can capture the mouse event somewhere in your app by attaching a listener to the textFlow, then programmatically create and position a tool tip over the element using the standard methods to find the bounds of a text flow element.
You can do some hit-testing when the mouse is over the textflow component.
Suppose you have some textflow like this:
<s:RichEditableText width="100%" height="100%" mouseOver="toggleTooltip()">
<s:span>Some text before</s:span>
<s:img id="myImg" source="myImg.png" />
<s:span>Some text after</s:span>
And you listen for mouseOver events on the entire textcomponent.
Then to test if the mouse is over your image, implement the mouseOver handler:
private function toggleTooltip():void {
var graphic:DisplayObject = myImg.graphic;
var anchor:Point = graphic.localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0));
if (mouseX >= anchor.x && mouseX <= anchor.x + graphic.width &&
mouseY >= anchor.y && mouseY <= anchor.y + graphic.height)
trace('show tooltip');
else {
trace('hide tooltip');

calculating Spark TextArea width

I am treating a spark TextArea as text input(by setting heightInLines="1"). The TextArea is part of an mxml component and I want to resize the component when the text is changed.
I haven't been able to use textArea.measureaText(textArea.text) to get line metrics and use it. I get this error "Parameter antiAliasType must be non-null."
Is there any way to get the width of a TextArea which it is going to consume at runtime for a particular string or a particular TextFlow?
A little ugly but works for me:
var uiText:UItextField = new UITextField();
// if you have custom text style on the TextArea then set it the same of this uitextfield
uiText.setTextFormat("bla bla bla");
uiText.text = "This is the text that I want the size for";
var textW:Number = uiText.textWidth;
var textH:Number = uiText.textHeight;
// then we need to consider also the border of the text area and the paddings
// try read the padding values and border sizes using getStyle(...)
myTextArea.width = textW+2*borderW+paddingL+paddingR;
myTextArea.height = textH+2*borderH+paddingT+paddingB;
That should be all

Skinned Panel content offset in Flex 3

Here is the problem. I've created custom RectangularBorder and set it as border skin for TitleWindow. After this manipulation inner content of window is starting at 0,0 point of it. How could I set offset of it?
Just setting top padding does not work because scroll bar still begins from the top of the window after this manipulation.
There are lots of problems with trying to skin panels in Flex 3, and TitleWindow inherits from Panel.
This is the best explanation I've seen. (I'm not the same Glenn referenced in the italics :)).
For programmatic skin it went out pretty simple. One should override function get borderMetrics to do so:
public override function get borderMetrics():EdgeMetrics
var borderThickness:Number = getStyle("borderThickness");
var cornerRadius:Number = getStyle("cornerRadius");
var headerHeight:Number = getStyle("headerHeight");
return new EdgeMetrics(
borderThickness + headerHeight,
try to use padding-top , padding-left etc as a style for your TitleWindow

Flex: How do I space out items in a HorizontalList control (using a custom ItemRenderer)

I have a HorizontalList control that uses a custom ItemRenderer to represent each item as a toggle-button. The list allows drag and drop, and I used this method to rotate the drop feedback (line) into a vertical position instead of horizontal, but with the buttons mashed together, the drop feedback is pretty subtle. I'd like to space out the buttons somehow, so that the drop feedback is more obvious.
I've looked through the properties and nothing stands out. There are padding and margin properties, but their descriptions say they affect the list control itself, not the items.
Below is the code of my ItemRenderer. I've added padding to it, but that doesn't seem to change anything. If I add padding, that affects the inside of the button, not the space between them, and the button control doesn't have margin properties.
I suppose I could base my ItemRenderer on a canvas in order to get a margin, but then I wouldn't inherit all of the functionality of a button.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
private var _val:int = -1;
private function go():void {
this.label = data.title;
_val = data.index;
override protected function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
//todo: bubble an event that causes all other
//buttons in the list to un-toggle
//now do the default clickHandler
How about writing your item renderer as a container (either Canvas or HBox) and placing the Button element inside?
Make a custom skin for your buttons that includes the spacing you need. You may need to combine it with padding styles to ensure that text or icons don't go outside the skin.
It's a bit on the hacky side, but you can also lie about your columnWidth for the actual HorizontalList object. Set it to something larger than your actual itemRenderer width.

Flex: changing Flex component styles in AS3

in MXML, there is a Button class which you can instantiate like so:
<mx:Button id="something />
but what if you wanted to dynamically build this in AS3 and add it to the Flex app dynamically, without the use of components (just AS3) and then modify Flex's styles, for example, here you access the Button's properties and set them:
var btn:Button = new Button();
btn.height = 50;
btn.width = 75;
btn.x = 100;
btn.y = 40;
but how would you go about changing the Style, for example:
btn.downSkin = "something";
btn.color = "0xfffff";
I'm sort of starting to lean towards making a flex component in MXMLand than just making it visible true/false, but i like the fact that i create an object in AS3 and then destroy it when I don't need it anymore, than create it again once needed.
This page has a solution to the problem:
Setting and getting Style attributes in ActionScript:
// setting a components styleName to reference a CSS class
component.styleName = "highlight";
// set a Button's background color and font size
submitButton.setStyle( "backgroundColor", 0x000000 );
submitButton.setStyle( "fontSize", 14 );
// get a TextArea's font family and color
textArea.getStyle( "fontFamily" );
textArea.getStyle( "color" );
You could use CSS, either inline or as an external CSS file. That way you don't have to set the properties manually every time you create a button.
/* CSS file */
Button {
borderColor: red;
Check out Styling Button control, by Peter deHaan (also read the comments in that post).
