FLEX: Actionscript: Can I create new objects from inside an ArrayColletion? - apache-flex

I have a syntax problem using Actionscript. Can I create new objects from inside an ArrayColletion ?
var tagsList:TagsListModel = new TagsListModel(new ArrayCollection([
{new TagModel("News", 36, yearPopularity, false, true)},
{new TagModel("Information", 18, yearPopularity, false, true)}
This is the error I get:
1084: Syntax error: expecting colon before rightbrace.

You don't need curly braces when creating objects with new keyword.
var tagsList:TagsListModel = new TagsListModel(new ArrayCollection([
new TagModel("News", 36, yearPopularity, false, true),
new TagModel("Information", 18, yearPopularity, false, true)
Curly braces are for creating objects of type Object
var tagsList:TagsListModel = new TagsListModel(new ArrayCollection([
{tag:"News", x:36, yp:yearPopularity},
{tag:"Information", x:18, yp:yearPopularity}
The following are one and the same:
var a:Object = {value:10};
var b:Object = new Object();
b.value = 10;


ElasticSearch 7 nest 7 return attribute from result all result

I'm using ElarsticSearch 7.7 & NEST 7.7 and on my web page, I'm getting 9 search result documents per page. Even I'm showing the first 9 results on the page, I need to return some property values from all the results for side filtration on the web page.
Eg: if I'm searching "LapTop", my page will show 9 results on the first page. Also, I need to show all the "Manufactures" from all the search results. Not only manufacturers in the first-page result. Then customers can filter by manufacture not only display on the first page.
I have tried GlobalAggregation but it returns categories and manufactures only items in selected page.
public SearchResult Search(SearchType searchType, string searchQuery, int storeId, int pageNumber = 1, int pageSize = 12, IList<SearchFilter> requestFilter = null, decimal? priceFrom = 0, decimal? priceTo = 100000000, string sortBy = null, int totalCount = 0)
var queryContainer = new QueryContainer();
var sorts = new List<ISort>();
sorts.Add(new FieldSort { Field = "_score", Order = SortOrder.Descending });
switch (sortBy)
case "z-a":
sorts.Add(new FieldSort { Field = Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(p => p.SortValue), Order = SortOrder.Descending });
case "a-z":
sorts.Add(new FieldSort { Field = Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(p => p.SortValue), Order = SortOrder.Ascending });
var aggrigations = new AggregationDictionary
{"average_per_child", new
AverageAggregation("average_per_child",Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(d => d.Price))},
{"max_per_child", new MaxAggregation("max_per_child",Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(d => d.Price))},
{"min_per_child", new MinAggregation("min_per_child", Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(d => d.Price))},
"globle_filter_aggrigation", new GlobalAggregation("globle_filter_aggrigation")
Aggregations =new AggregationDictionary
{"category_flow", new TermsAggregation("category_flow"){Field = Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(p => p.CategoryFlow)} },
{"manufacturers", new TermsAggregation("manufacturers"){Field = Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(p => p.Manufacturer)} }
var searchRequest = new SearchRequest<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>()
Profile = true,
From = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize,
Size = pageSize,
Version = true,
Sort = sorts,
//Scroll = Time.MinusOne,
Aggregations = aggrigations
var multiMatch = new QueryStringQuery
Query = searchQuery,
Fields = GetSearchFields(searchType),
Boost = 1.1,
Name = "named_query",
DefaultOperator = Operator.Or,
Analyzer = "standard",
QuoteAnalyzer = "keyword",
AllowLeadingWildcard = true,
MaximumDeterminizedStates = 2,
Escape = true,
FuzzyPrefixLength = 2,
FuzzyMaxExpansions = 3,
FuzzyRewrite = MultiTermQueryRewrite.ConstantScore,
Rewrite = MultiTermQueryRewrite.ConstantScore,
Fuzziness = Fuzziness.Auto,
TieBreaker = 1,
AnalyzeWildcard = true,
MinimumShouldMatch = 2,
QuoteFieldSuffix = "'",
Lenient = true,
AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery = false
searchRequest.Query = new BoolQuery
Must = new QueryContainer[] { multiMatch },
Filter = new QueryContainer[] { queryContainer }
var searchResponse = _client.Search<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(searchRequest);
var categoryFlowsGlobe = new List<string>();
var allAggregations = searchResponse.Aggregations.Global("globle_filter_aggrigation");
var categories = allAggregations.Terms("category_flow");
foreach (var aggItem in categories.Buckets)
if (!categoryFlowsGlobe.Any(x => x == aggItem.Key))
This is the exact use case for Post filter - to run a search request that returns hits and aggregations, then to apply filtering to the hits after aggregations have been calculated.
For Manufacturers, these can be retrieved with a terms aggregation in the search request - you can adjust the size on the aggregation if you need to return all manufacturers, otherwise you might decide to return only the top x.

How to iterate over an array of class objects in Handlebar?

I have an animal array:
var animals = [new animal("giraffe", false, 4), new animal("zebra", false, 8), new animal("lion", false, 10), new animal("dog", true, 4), new animal("cat", true, 2)];
How do I pass it to the handlebar and iterate it ? Basically, I want to display all animals, with each of animal, display all of its properties.
I have figured it out myself, in order to do what I want. I need to do:
var animals = [new animal("giraffe", false, 4), new animal("zebra", false, 8), new animal("lion", false, 10), new animal("dog", true, 4), new animal("cat", true, 2)];
// Routes:
res.render("allpets", {pets: animals});
var type = req.params.id;
var index = -1
for(var i = 0; i < animals.length; i++){
if(animals[i].type === type){
index = i;
res.render("animal", animals[index]);
Then, we will need to create 2 handlebar views. One is called allpets.hbs, the other one is called animal.hbs
{{#each pets}}
<p>Type: {{type}}</p>
<p>Pet: {{pet}}</p>
<p>Fierceness: {{fierceness}}</p>
<p>Type: {{type}}</p>
<p>Pet: {{pet}}</p>
<p>Fierceness: {{fierceness}}</p>

Fail with Fusion table when using google.visualization.Query (test1 successed but similar test2 failed)

The code below is used to make google-fusion-table work with markercluster together.
(referrence: http://www.cs.gsu.edu/~ashrestha2/vis/prjmap2.html
Give honor to the author very much)
However, when I was trying to follow the example in the above link, I succeed in test 1 but failed in test 2. The test 1 used a fusion table with two columns and the test 2 used a fusion table with three columns. I don't know why I failed as I only added one more column for test 2.
google.load('visualization', '1.0', {"callback":initialize});
//var tableid = '1_6G1c1l7glLHRuOU7uvH8oONbObDf_cOtZS21Rc', atlcenter = new google.maps.LatLng(33.755711,-84.388372); //test1_success
var tableid = '1IagEEylcnbuPygCES70ipnvb9q0C5OgmGPNyx9o1', atlcenter = new google.maps.LatLng(33.755711,-84.388372); //test2_fail
var mapMain, markers, dataTable = null, mc = null;
function initialize() {
mapMain = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), {
center: atlcenter,
zoom: 5,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
mc = new MarkerClusterer(mapMain);
queryMap("select * from "+tableid);
function queryMap(queryText){
mc.clearMarkers(); markers=[];
var tmp = 'http://www.google.com/fusiontables/gvizdata?tq='+encodeURIComponent(queryText);
var query = new google.visualization.Query(tmp);
function handleQueryResponse(response){
dataTable = response.getDataTable();
for(var i=0; i< dataTable.getNumberOfRows();i++){
var hrefval = dataTable.getValue(i,0).toString();
var arr = dataTable.getValue(i,1).toString().split(" ");
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(arr[0], arr[1]);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latlng,
This encrypted id is not valid:

sort ArrayCollection by date then time - Flex

I have an ArrayCollection that I'd like to sort by date and then time (in case there's two items with the same date). I've got it sorting by date fine (YYYY/MM/DD) but I can't figure out the time bit, time is in 24 hour format so the code would be basically the same as for the date.
This is the code I used for the date sorting, it works fine.
import mx.collections.SortField;
import mx.collections.Sort;
private function sort():void
var dataSortField:SortField = new SortField();
dataSortField.name = "date";
var arrayDataSort:Sort = new Sort();
arrayDataSort.fields = [dataSortField];
reminderXMLArray.sort = arrayDataSort;
You can use this code to sort by date and time:
private function sort():void
var dataSortField:SortField = new SortField();
dataSortField.name = "date";
dataSortField.compareFunction = function (a:Object, b:Object) : int {
var na:Number = a.date.getTime();
var nb:Number = b.date.getTime();
if (na < nb)
return -1;
if (na > nb)
return 1;
return 0;
var arrayDataSort:Sort = new Sort();
arrayDataSort.fields = [dataSortField];
reminderXMLArray.sort = arrayDataSort;
As there are two separate fields that you want to sort on you can just use the Sort object's fields Array to add two sort fields:
var sort:Sort = new Sort();
var fields:Array = [ new SortField("date"), new SortField("time") ];
sort.fields = sort;

Object to arraycollection

linedataColl is an AC that contains 100+ of rows extract from CSV, I wish to add item into SuperDataCollection object by object but the only problem was I'm unable to see any data display in "S" which is a datagrid. What wrong with my code?
var superDataCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var dc:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var di:Object = new Object();
for(var aa:int=0; aa<5;aa++){
di.username = linedataColl[aa].username;
di.email = linedataColl[aa].email;
s.dataProvider = dc;
For my datagrid:
var columns:Array = [];
var myDataGridColumn:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn("id");
myDataGridColumn.headerText = "ID";
myDataGridColumn.width = 40;
... // so on for other column
dg1.columns = columns;
I Found Two thing wrong in your code
1) Declare di in For loop, new instance for each iteration
for(var aa:int=0; aa<5;aa++){
var di:Object = new Object();
2) You are not defining proper dataField for DataGridColumn, although you are passing id in constructor, but i didn't find it in upper code you share,it could be
di.id = aa
myDataGridColumn.headerText = "ID";
myDataGridColumn.width = 40;
myDataGridColumn.dataField = "username";
Hopes that helps
