Reporting Services URL parameter problems -

I have an URL to a location on the server where it can find teh report.
The report works just fine if i manually refresh it.
I tried using rc:ClearSession=TRUE and i also tried sending a random parameter, but the report is still not being refreshed.
Any ideas?
The main scenario:
User eneters the page(with a grid view)
User clicks on Export
User sees the Report
User deletes an entry from the page - grid view
User clicks on Export again
User sees the exact same report
P.S. : The report query returns the data that should be displayed but the report returns the previous data.

Could be how the report is setup. Go to your report server (http://reportserver/reports). Find the report and click Properties. Then go to Execution. Are any of the report caching or snapshot options turned on?

I found the problem: it was that the name of the report was too long
I don't really understand why the report would work but won't refresh.
I shortened the name and it worked.
Thank you for your answer


ReportViewer disappears after clicking link inside ReportViewer

I have a ReportViewer (for SSRS) in an ASP.NET application.
The user enters in parameter information through the web form and then submits it.
The ReportViewer then returns a small report that shows counts of the information requested.
Next to these counts are links (assigned in BIDS) to link to the corresponding report using the parameters already entered.
It all renders fine until I click one of the links in the ReportViewer. It will then give the brief "Loading" dialog and then the ReportViewer disappears.
Not sure how to handle this and I can't find much information on it. I would ideally like the selected report to open in a new window (no URL bar, etc).
Please help!
This ended up being an issue with how ReportViewer was installed on our development and production servers. So when it seems like nothing else can explain what is going on with the ReportViewer... make sure the DLLs are properly installed on your server.

Session variables not clearing

I have a search page where a user can enter search parameters and click a search button. The ASP application will then send the data to a stored procedure in a SQL 2005 database. The results of the database search are then sent back to the ASP application and displayed in a gridresults page. The user then has an option to go back to the search page and do another search. The issue is that no matter what they enter, they do not get any results. I think the session variables are not clearing out. I tried to do this:
Session["Name"] = null;
I did both of these when the search page loads and when the button to go back to the search page is clicked. Neither seems to work. Any ideas?
More than likely, you are clearing the session variables, but inadvertently setting it again somewhere else. Recheck every place you set the session values.

SSRS Report Hyperlink Loses Functionality in .net Application

I have an SSRS report that employs RowGroups to group data. One of the fields used in the group is a field that stores a URL as text. I've set a Go To URL action on a textbox which enables it to act as a hyperlink that opens up the URL stored as text in a field (i.e. =Fields!URL.value).
The textbox works fine in BIDS and in Report Manager, but when the report is accessed through our custom .asp Reporting Application, the textbox loses this link functionality. It just becomes text. When the mouse is hovered over the textbox, the cursor does not change. I've created another textbox on the report outside the RowGrouping and configured it the same way, and it works fine in the Report Manager and on the Report Application.
Is there any particular configuration that could be restricting a Go to Action property when in a RowGroup on a Reporting Application? Could this be an issue with the report, or an issue on the Reporting App end?
If you are using the ReportExecutionService check to make sure Javascript is true in the device info parameter?
But you said it worked if it was in another part of the report?
link to <DeviceInfo> Details
Never really found an answer to this problem, but a work around I used was placing a textbox to the right of the grouped textbox, where the link seems to work fine.

How to supress re-post when refreshing a page - ASP.NET MVC

I am building a wizard using mvc. currently when the user hits next (or previous) the form values are posted to an action which does any processing required and then renders the next view.
the problem i am having is that if the users hit refresh in that new view they get prompted to re-post the form values which causes a ton of problems.
In firefox i am getting the message: "To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier."
Is there any way to prevent users from being able to re-post back to the action?
Thanks in advance.
Using the PRG pattern.

ASP.NET How can I disable re-sending of request to server on refresh?

I am developing a page whereby users can login and demo some pieces of functionality. I only want to allow the user to demo this once per day.
A small example:
I have a web page with 3 buttons (relating to 3 different scenarios). On page load, I look up the database and check if the current logged in user has run any one of the 3 scenarios available (via an audit table). Each button is enabled/disabled based on the results. If any buttons are enabled, then they have not run that demo yet. By clicking the relative button, the demo runs a record is written into the Audit Table, and the button is disabled.
This was working ok, however, I realised that when I refresh the page (and confirm I want to re-submit the information) the demo runs again.
How can I stop this from happening? I need to only allow the user to run the demo once!
I would suggest that you change your form submission to use the Post/Redirect/Get pattern to avoid a resubmission if they hit refresh on the demo page.
Also, it seems like you should just be able to change the code at the point where it writes the record into the audit table to check to see if the record already exists, and if so, return a different result. I'd be pretty wary about this approach though. The "refresh" functionality of the browser isn't generally something you should be trying to prevent. What happens if a user hits "refresh" in the middle of their demo?
you can check not only on the page load to enable/disable the buttons, but on the button events, you can verify if that task has already been performed
