Hide items from legend in flex chart - apache-flex

I have a LineChart continaing 6 lineseries. I should be able to pass parametrers to server using HTTPservice. But then the returned XML may contain information for a single line series or for all the lineseries. The problem, if we have a value for a single lineseries , the legend should contain also only one item and similarly for multiple items.
The legend also contains equal options. But if the xml returns value only for bugs , we should have
the legend should have only one item.
Help me out!

I don't understand your question well, but this answer will help you understand how to better control your LineChart's legend:
How to exclude series in legend (Flex)
Let me know if this helps, or please clarify your question.


Show Two Groups in Tableau Heat Maps

I’m relatively new to Tableau and have a question.
I want to create a heatmap show the location of two different groups of people. I’ve learned how to overlay maps using dual axis but the problem I keep running into is that each group requires different filters to aggregate the data the way I want.
Basically, I want to show:
Group1.id IF charge_id IS NOT NULL
Group2.id IF status = ‘ACTIVE’
Whenever I create a calculated field with one of the above calculated fields and place it in the filters box it automatically removes the other group from the map because the filters contradict one and other.
Help is much appreciated 😊
The filter shelf applies to the entire worksheet, so if you want to “filter” each field selectively, use an IF expression in a calculated field that evaluates to null when you don’t want that field in the view.
Give sample data if you want more detail

Kibana Merge Multiple Fields to Single Bucket

My documents have both "src_ip" and "dest_ip" fields. I'd like a Vertical Bar visualization of IP counts regardless of which field they are in. However...
The X-Axis on Vertical Bar only allows selecting a single field, and it's unclear that Painless script supports merging arrays.
The "Composite Aggregation" seems to support what I want, but can't be selected for the X-Axis.
I'd also though I could just handle src_ip and dest_ip separately, perhaps aligning their colors so multiple stacks would look like one bar, but it seems I can only define a single X-Axis per chart.
Can someone suggest a workaround?

Need some hint on design a dynamic chart showing wavelength(s) for element

I have a very interesting challenge here for my Flex project development.
I now have an experiment wizard which consists of three states.In the first state,the user selects the elements they are interested from the periodic table.
When it comes to the second stage,now we have the elements that the user selected in the first state,and these elements are shown on a list A',the user can select an element from there. Also,I have an xml file that has the intensities and wavelengths for all the elements in the periodic table
Now my challenge is ,I need to build a dynamic image there to show the intensity of the element that the user selects from list A',and also show the neighboring(in terms of the wavelength) 10 elements' intensities on this image too.The X-axis is the wavelength while the Y-axis is the intensity.So the neighboring here basically means the elements has neighboring wavelength values.
All the intensity and wavelength data can be read from the xml file,but I am really stuck here from what kind of component to use and how to make it shown dynamically,so please offer some suggestions please,thanks in advance.
Clarify your flex version 3 or 4.
Read this to use core components
In other cases you could try to use raw Graphics component to draw lines/points/plots etc. as you want or look for some 3rd party components like http://flare.prefuse.org/

Create editable shapes in Flex/Flash AS3?

I need to build a room designer, ultimately in Flex (Flash Builder 4). The part I am having trouble with is creating the room outline AND allowing the user to add/remove/move points to edit the room's shape. See this application for what I mean:
I know how to create a normal Rect, but not one with editable points, much less how to add a point where the user clicks. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
I think the key thing here is to try using POINTS instead RECTANGLES, then draw lines to connect these points to display any arbitrary shape that the user is editing.
Maybe use an array to record the initial positions of all four points, then based on the user input, update these points, and update your line drawing and how you connect them.
Start off by looking at Object Handles, which is a pretty good project for adding the edit points.

Horizontal Label on DateTimeAxis dissappears sometimes after changing data, why?

I'm working with an Adobe Flex project and I have data I'm plotting against a DateTimeAxis (X-axis) but because there are a lot of points, I have to do some manipulation and remove some objects in the array (I do this by copying data to another array, removing items, then copying the new array into the original array). However, sometimes after I do this, the date labels disappear off of the x-axis! Why does this happen? I look through my array and I cannot find a reason its occurring (no objects with nothing in them, everything appears in chronological order). Any ideas?
I have the same problem. It appears the DateTimeAxis is a buggy component. Try to set the disabledDays property to [].
Also, the DateTimeAxis is sometimes not able to compute proper values for its labels, so it simply displays nothing. I guess...
BTW, have you tied to use the slice method to give a piece of your original data to your chart, instead of performing add and remove manipulations ? It could be faster...
