Diagram for SDLC Straitegy [closed] - asp.net

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Hi i am making asp.net website
and i am following SDLC Straitegy
so which diagrams are required to draw.

Depends on what diagrams you need!
Diagrams should not be drawn for thr sake of drawing a diagram. It should add value to your development process.
Having said that, You might want to make a Class diagram and a Sequence Diagram for starters. Drawing the overall system architecture wont hurt either.


What is an mbinator? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I see plenty of mentions of their categorical dual, i.e. co-mbinators like y-combinator, etc. But no one seems to give an example of an mbinator? Even wiki.haskell.org/Combinator doesn't mention it.
The etymology doesn't involve "co-". I guess you could ask about "binator", which might make pairs without putting them together. But that's not a very useful concept.

How to add a statistictical technique in caret model list in R [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to machine learn a statistical technique which isn't available currently in caret package. Is there any way that i can add this technique in library or tweak anything to machine learn an algorithm?
I basically want to machine learn instrumental variable regression. Is there any way to do it?
There are 2 ways:
You contribute to the package repo in github or
Follow this tutorial
Hope it helps

Workflow vs DFD vs Flowchart [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Why we use Workflow Diagram instead of Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and Flowchart. Whats are the basic difference among
Workflow vs DFD vs Flowchart
Thanks in advance!!!
Regarding DFD vs Flowchart see this answer
A workflow combines actions and object flows in a single diagram. The Business Process Model and Notation is the most recent branch for noting a workflow.

what are the notations used for Software highlevel design? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i have been given to design software.i have designed the overall process using box and arrow notation .i want to know for high level design of software is there any specific notation to follow.
One of the most commonly used notations is UML or Unified Modelling Language.

How can I extract points from image file using R? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to extract points from scanned image file from printed book. The image is quite clear.
Does anyone can help me?
In R you can use the digitize package.
The full explanations are here and there and.. well google has lots more.
