I want to receive notifications whenever links are clicked or text fields are changed in a Webkit instance in Qt. How can I hook up event listeners to a QWebElement?
I know I can put some Javascript on each element’s onchange / onclick handler, but I’m looking for a cleaner solution.
Looks like the only way (as of Qt 4.6) is JavaScript.
According to this TODO list for WebKit, there are plans to add a QWebElement::connectEvent() method.
I would like to add an event listener to a Text Editor but I cannot seem to get it to work.
In the past I have been able to add event listeners to Text Box and Text Area widgets by adding some script to the onAttach event of the widget:
widget.getElement().addEventListener('keypress', function(e){
// event listener code goes here...
However, this approach does not seem to work with the Text Editor widget and the only events that I am able to use are the onValueChange or onValueEdit App Maker events, which only trigger when the Text Editor loses focus
Is there any way that I get such an event listener to work with a Text Editor widget?
Can anyone suggest how I can overcome this problem?
I extremely discourage you to use this approach, since App Maker can change TextEditor's implementation/DOM structure anytime, unless you have no other options...
// text editor's onAttach event
widget.getElement().children[1].children[1].children[0].contentDocument.children[0].children[1].addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
It also would be a good idea to file feature request, to encourage App Maker to provide this functionality out of the box.
I am using an HTML5 video tag with videoJS (last stable release, 4.12). I have no trouble to get the loadedmetadata event but for some reason I probably missed, I can't hook using the "meteor way" on the video object play event.
My template events code:
'loadedmetadata #video_player':function (e,t) {
console.log(e.target); //working fine
'play #video_player':function(e,t){
console.log("play!");//now it works
I am debugging on Chrome but i guess it is not browser related.
It appears that it works when I don't use id or class selectors. Since I have only one video tag on my template, I can catch the play event by doing this:
'play video':function(e,t){
console.log("play!");//not working
I still don't buy the fact that meteor can't handle that. If so, why? What is the difference between loadedmetadata and play events that allows the first to use an id selector when the latter can't?
play triggers only when playback is resumed, playing triggers every
time playback starts.
#Oskar, you are right when I look at the documentation. However, in my case, play triggers both when starting a video and when resuming it after a pause.
First off, make sure you're using the correct event - play triggers only when playback is resumed, playing triggers every time playback starts.
Looking at the Meteor docs, these are the events that are "officially" supported:
Event types and their uses include:
Mouse click on any element, including a link, button, form control, or div. Use preventDefault() to prevent a clicked link from being followed. Some ways of activating an element from the keyboard also fire click.
focus, blur
A text input field or other form control gains or loses focus. You can make any element focusable by giving it a tabindex property. Browsers differ on whether links, checkboxes, and radio buttons are natively focusable. These events do not bubble.
A checkbox or radio button changes state. For text fields, use blur or key events to respond to changes.
mouseenter, mouseleave
The pointer enters or leaves the bounds of an element. These events do not bubble.
mousedown, mouseup
The mouse button is newly down or up.
keydown, keypress, keyup
The user presses a keyboard key. keypress is most useful for catching typing in text fields, while keydown and keyup can be used for arrow keys or modifier keys.
Other DOM events are available as well, but for the events above, Meteor has taken some care to ensure that they work uniformly in all browsers.
I am looking for an event which is fired (if any) after a chart is rendered (visible in UI) in Flash, we are using Flex SDK 3.0. We have to capture the screenshot after the chart is rendered, current implementation adds a huge delay in update_complete event callback, this is slowing down the whole job of generating images.
I tried to use EXIT_FRAME event, but this doesn't seem to serve the purpose. Any help to resolve this issue is highly appreciated.
Adobe use this event : mx.events.FlexEvent.TRANSFORM_CHANGE
But if you want to use it, you are obligate to inherit from Chart Component classes. Take a look at DataTransform Class.
I suggest you to look at the DisplayObject liveDoc, where there are several types of events. Some are fired before the rendering (Event.RENDER), some are fired after specific operation (ResizeEvent, for instance). But if you really want to know when you chart has been rendered, why don't you watch for the validation methods (updateDisplayList(), commitProperties()) by overriding them in a child class and fire a custom event in there ?
Greetings! I have a Flex 4.5 Mobile project rolling, and I've hit a pretty crazy snag. I'm using a StageWebView object to render web pages, embedded within the rest of my spark layouts. I'm trying to add a gesture event to the component that contains the StageWebView, but since the StageWebView object doesn't belong to the Flex stack (it inherits from EventDispatcher, not UIComponent) all of my events seem to be getting eaten. Any mouse based event (click, gesture, etc) doesn't seem to register, and I'm not sure how to get around it. The gesture events work if I use the area where the browser is not rendered. How can I get the gesture event from the outer SkinnableContainer?
StageWebView Reference:
UIComponent Wrapped StageWebView:
I guess you might have to wire up the gesture events yourself, just doing a quick digging in UIComponent.as, it has these:
[Event(name="touchInteractionStarting", type="mx.events.TouchInteractionEvent")]
[Event(name="touchInteractionStart", type="mx.events.TouchInteractionEvent")]
[Event(name="touchInteractionEnd", type="mx.events.TouchInteractionEvent")]
it's not a bug, from what i understand any mouse interaction over a stagewebview means an interaction with the html currently loaded in itself. you should capture events there and trigger it back to the swf.
surely there are some jquery plugins or something that have gestures to help achieving that.
it's a bit of a bummer that you cant overlay stuff over them though.
I'm developing simple HTML editor and I like to be able to drag and drop from a button that for example represent HTML text line and in the Qwebkit the HTML text line will be created does Qt support such action?
How should I approach such thing?
I believe it does, yes.
What you need to do is set the mime type of your drag event. See here for details. Then on the webkit side, you can read the drops mime type to see what it was.
You can then try one of the following approaches:
Subclassing QWebView to implement dragEnterEvent and dropEvent. You can use event->pos() in the dropEvent to get the position where the drop occured.
Implementing the drop in javascript within your page, eg setting up an event listener for drops or however its done (I've never tried this).